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@MarkHenderson Then when do you gorge yourself on turkey and pie?
Don't be silly. Australia doesn't have turkeys.
@MichaelHampton Buh? WFM
michael@challenger:~$ host domain name pointer discourse.org.
michael@challenger:~$ host tiefighter11.discourse.org
tiefighter11.discourse.org has address
I'm reading up on the Discourse... interesting.
@MikeyB But the PTR record says discourse.org, not tiefighter11.discourse.org. That's why it's not working.
I offered to Jeff...
but yeah yeah... @MikeyB I see how it is.
@MichaelHampton you and your overly restrictive mtas
@MikeyB And you got the job over me? :P
@MichaelHampton If it did they would probably be poisonous.
@MichaelHampton Uh, yeah I have turkey almost every sunday. Admittedly it's not roast turkey, but it comes from somewhere :P
@ScottPack or cold fizzy piss
@Iain I'm sorry I don't follow. Are you referring to the fact that Australia has really....really shitty beer?
@MichaelHampton that message sounds more like dns error rather than forward/reverse mismatch
@ScottPack I might be
My morning commute involves trying to scare the turkeys off the bike path before I get close enough for them to attack me. A big pack of those things are scary!
@MikeyB Yeah, Postfix's error message isn't clear enough, I think. Someone should rewrite it.
@ScottPack But their shitty beer comes in a bigger can than American shitty beer
@ScottPack Fosters. Australian for "Export-Grade"
@freiheit Beer comes in cans?
@voretaq7 Do not judge us by that piss
@ScottPack Keep up with the times, old man. The new cool thing is microbrews in cans.
Nobody here drinks fosters. You will never find it on tap, or even bottled
@MDMarra Sounds like something hipsters would drink. Keep your Pabst to yourself.
@ScottPack I drank a lot of PBR in my day, but it was purely about cost
$12 for a 30 pack? OK!
.@wilw told me to "put my beer in a goddamn glass." So I did. http://t.co/hAur2c1r
@MichaelHampton Odd, I flushed the queue and got the same message. If you do a reverse lookup on the IP, what do you get?
@MarkHenderson Which are the better beers to drink - I may be in Brissy for the first test this year
@MarkHenderson Because it's Australian for "Export Grade"
@MDMarra I would rather not drink than drink something shitty. My brother is a big Natty fan, which disgusts me to no end.
@MDMarra fucking hipster.
@ScottPack tell your brother I said "Goddamn fratboy"
[root@murloc ~]# host -v
Trying ""
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 52121
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0


;; ANSWER SECTION: 837 IN PTR discourse.org.

157.117.66.in-addr.arpa. 84227 IN NS ns2.lmi.net.
157.117.66.in-addr.arpa. 84227 IN NS ns3.lmi.net.

Received 115 bytes from in 0 ms
@voretaq7 This was in my $collegeYears.first
@Iain I dunno, depends on what you're after. My personal favourite Pale Ale is Coopers
@MichaelHampton You are the only site complaining :p
@voretaq7 He was, in fact, a Sigma Nu going to school on a soccer scholarship.
@MDMarra no excuse. PBR is for spraying on the band, not drinking!
@MikeyB I may be the first but you can be sure I won't be the last. :P
@MarkHenderson The beer I found most enjoyable was Little Creatures
@ScottPack mmhmm, I could tell by the natty.
This might not help the disgusting factor, but I grab PBR if I know it's going to end up warm...
Man my parents hooked me up
@MikeyB If it isn't fixed in 837 seconds I'll just have to complain to postmaster. :P
@ScottPack I have some Hell or High Watermelon in the fridge (hers, not mine) and some Sly Fox Christmas that's hanging around.
Both cans
@MDMarra The only beer I have in my fridge right now is Bass. It's the last bottle from when we made beef stew.
Even brought cookies
Cans aren't all PBRs and Bud Lights any more
/me wants cookies
I have a Sam Winter Ale, Sam October, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and Anchor Steam
@Iain Pabst Blue Ribbon
@Cole In America they put cow in EVERYTHING. I had cookies made from a cow. They called them Cow-kies.
See, ifi you had your MTA configured correctly, you should just have received the email and had a header saying:
from tiefighter11.discourse.org (discourse.org [] (may be forged)) by
@MDMarra yep, some of the best IPAs are now in cans
@MichaelHampton SO NYYYAHHHH :P
@MikeyB If I'd configured my MTA incorrectly, I'd have about 6,000 more spam messages a day. Not going there. Fix your reverse DNS.
@MDMarra The Pabst Mansion here in Chicago just went on the market.
@MichaelHampton Yeah, email already sent to the owners of the IP block. Don't have direct control over RDNS
@MikeyB Oh that sucks. I hate not having control of anything.
@MikeyB IPv6 ?
@ewwhite You should buy it
@Cole @MDMarra cans are great - no light to skunk the beer.
@voretaq7 I like the cans, easier to put in the fridge/put in a cooler
and you can drink them on the beach
@Iain Heh heh, it's on our to-do but got re-prioritized for other launch-critical tasks
How long do you keep beer that it can get skunked in a bottle?
@ScottPack ITYM "how long can beer sit in bright light in green or clear bottles at the store before it gets skunked?"
@MDMarra that too. This summer, I can actually ENJOY the beach!
remember I live in the land of bud and corona. Someone might drink Assenbrau occasionally
Well not if I keep eating these cookies...
@Cole stop trying to give yourself moobs!
@voretaq7 right lol
@Cole Keebler elves FTW
I guess my tits weighed in the 6-8lb range
@voretaq7 To be fair, the majority of beer I drank was no tap and was brewed within a few blocks of where I was drinking it.
Q: Speed up CIFS remote file shares

parker.sikandIn my office I have a Debian server, a Ubuntu workstation, and a Windows laptop. I have a samba share directory on the server where I keep my source code. I access the files in this directory on both my workstation and laptop. What I like about this setup is that I can seamlessly move between the...

"but...I want it faster over wireless!"
@ScottPack I'm proud to say we brew some delightful swill right here on Long Island
@voretaq7 This is my go to: jackieos.com
A: Speed up CIFS remote file shares

StephanAnother approach is to use VNC. You then control the server as if you were sitting in front of it without any file copy operations between the server and your workstations. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC

@mdmarra Now you don't have to give your salary history when asked!
@ewwhite oh ffs
next time someone asks you for a network cable...
@Cole - VNC is the answer to everything...of course.
@tombull89 that's just mean
@ScottPack We have good beer too: blackforestbrewhaus.com
@TheCleaner I was like, wut.
@tombull89 would.. that even work?
There'd be about 2 twists and that'd be it
@MarkHenderson sure, why wouldn't it?
Why doesn't he just use github for his source code
He basically said "hey, here's another way of doing the exact same thing you already know to do"
at that distance you wouldn't pick up much crosstalk
@ewwhite yeah, I saw that
@voretaq7 I love me a good imperial stout.
@MarkHenderson why not? You'd have to put the computers back-to-back and hope they were gigabit, and hey presto.
@ScottPack making me drool
I left my answer as a comment...I don't know of any way of getting around what he's asking for.
I think after work, I'm gonna go get some of the best imperial IPA in the world... Maybe some of the second best, too... :)
@Cole The best beer I've ever put in my mouth was a Russian Imperial Stout from, I think, Maumee Bay.
@ScottPack I'll have to try it out
(hmm... looks like BeerAdvocate rates them 3rd and 2nd instead of 1st and 2nd...)
I love beer.
@Cole Drunkard
@voretaq7 I'm a SysAdmin, gotta be drunk to deal with this job.
@Cole Good luck finding them. I don't know how much distribution they do.
@ScottPack Have you ever tried North Coast's Old Rasputin? I think best Russian Imperial Stout I've had was one of the special barrel aged variants, but the standard variant is pretty awesome
@freiheit That's a negative. I don't recognize their name.
@ewwhite I'm not sure if I'm more disturbed by the content of your link, or the location.
@ScottPack they're out of Ohio right?
@Cole Yeah
@HopelessN00b Just glad I didn't take the job there.
@Cole This is a pretty good 10 days of beer: ohiobrewweek.com
always makes me sad when someone is like "oh I love beer!" I get super pumped because I too, love beer. I started asking like what kinds do you like ,etc and they're like "oh I love Heineken" Then a part of me dies inside, and I smash my bottle of beer and slit my wrists.
@ScottPack Looks like I'm coming to Ohio in June
@Cole I'm always surprised at how many breweries we have.
@ewwhite Yeah, I bet. That does crack me up, though, that ./ these days is lower than, well, Brazzers, for example. ;D
Only light beer I'll drink, is Narragansett - maybe PBR - but anything else, I won't touch.
@Cole Nonono... Smash their bottle of beer and slit their wrists
@freiheit stab it into their HEART
Had Yuengling in Florida. Tasted great with two Vicodin. Just kidding, I don't remember what it tasted like.
@Cole Now, if you come to Australia be careful - lite beer means low alcohol content, not low carbs/fat versions
@freiheit Ok, I finally actually looked at the picture. I've seen it before, but I can't remember where. Back in Kentucky we had a party supply store with redonkulous amounts in insane varieties. That always throws me off, because I feel like I've seen the labels of just about every beer that was distributed in the early aughts even if I can't get it.
@Cole There's some reasonably tasty light beers out there. I like 21st Amendment's "Bitter American" and Russian River's "Gaffer's", but if you don't mind Nitro, Guinness is a pretty decent light beer...
@MarkHenderson I prefer stouts, ales, but I'm a HUGE IPA fan. I love heavy, bitter beer, just like my women.
@Cole Yuengling is boring, but not bad. At most of the places we go when visiting my folks in Florida it is the best I can expect to find.
@ScottPack my "go to" beer is Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I love it.
@Cole I know almost nothing about beer. I like it from a bottle or from the tap, and I like it cold. That's about as far as my expertise extends.
Yuengling is like the Budweiser of PA
@MarkHenderson Alcohol is effectively carbs. US lite beers are low in alcohol.
@Cole For me it's probbaly a Saranac samlper
Or Harpoon IPA.
@freiheit I was under the impression that lite bear was low-carb beer in the US. So how come so many people drink lite beer as if it's somehow acceptable?
If you drink lite beer here it's because you're the designated driver
I love IPAs, which most people don't so no one ever drinks my beer :)
@MarkHenderson It's lower carb/calorie/alcohol content
@MarkHenderson oh here, you just drink one less beer than everyone else.
@MarkHenderson Lite beers have lower alcohol, carbs and Calories. The US marketing concentrates on the calories/carbs.
@ewwhite ever have a problem with a thunderbolt to DVI adapter?
@Cole Here we take cabs
Just kidding, one time I drank 9 PBRs in like 1.5 hrs then a half a bottle of Patron Silver. I don't know how I got home.
@MDMarra no...
I don't mind a good IPA, but I'm not generally a fan of the hops bitterness.
Mine just freaked out and made my screen look like an old TV on channel 1
All static
@ScottPack I love it, must be my taste buds as I get older. Can't really do sweet anything all that much anymore.
A nice hoppy IPA with a pipe mmmm
@ScottPack Yeah, my brother is big into IPAs, I like a good wheat or pale ale
As you get older. ಠ_ಠ
@ScottPack listen, I'm 26 going on 46.
I'm 30% gray
@Cole we can dilute you for photographic reference.
Only thing that sucks not having boobs, built in shelf is gone.
Instead of getting chinese for lunch, I make a sandwich, had some fruit, and did some pushups and situps. That means I've earned Chinese for dinner, right?
@MDMarra I usually prefer the darker beers. A brown ale is typically as light (in color not carbs) as I want.
@MDMarra that's usually my thought process.
@MDMarra What kind of sandwich?
@ScottPack You ever tried a Black IPA?
@voretaq7 ham and cheese
@freiheit Clown Shoes Black IPA yum yum yum
from my fridge
@MDMarra Then no.
@MDMarra I ended up being up way earlier than necessary, so I did a few sets of squats and burpees before showering. That was one way to get things going.
@voretaq7 :(
(at least not if you make sandwiches like I do)
@ScottPack FYI: "pale" is the word you were looking for. :)
@freiheit I don't think I have.
I lost 30lbs eating whatever I wanted @MDMarra and working out
@ScottPack What's a burpee? Do you need to have a kid for that?
Just in moderation
Omfg burpees, you'll be sore.
The burpee, also known as the squat thrust, is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise. It is performed in four steps, and was originally known as a "four-count Burpee": # Begin in a standing position. # Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1) # Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position. (count 2) # Return to the squat position in one quick motion. (count 3) # Return to standing position. (count 4) Variants ; Burpee push up : The athlete performs a push-up after assuming the plank position. ; K...
ExamForce, stop calling me.
@voretaq7 Two piece of lightly toasted honey wheat bread. One piece of cheese. Three pieces of ham. a handful of spicy pickles on top
I read that as "spickles"
habenjero pickles to be exact
@ScottPack Black IPA is basically an IPA, except instead of pale malts they use dark malts (like a stout would use), so you get a bit of the roasty/chocolate/coffee/etc type flavor in with all the hoppiness, instead of just toasty/biscuity/crackery maltiness like a regular IPA has
Instead of spicy pickles, but I think you should call them spickles - but that may be derogatory.
@freiheit I was about to go for pale, but I'm more accustomed to using "light" instead. The circles I run with, don't acknowledge light (low carb) beers.
@MDMarra like pickled habanjeros or pickled cucumbers with some habanjero something?
@MDMarra that's not a sandwich
@freiheit Sounds like it's definitely worth a shot. I'll have to try one out.
go have some real food.
@ScottPack try Clown Shoes Black IPA
Oh, someone changed the CSS again.
@ScottPack There are some very tasty light beers out there, just not the megabrewery Light American Lager style beers that are almost half rice...
Sandwich = roll, enough meat so roll doesn't close, cheese of your choice, appropriate condiments.
@Cole Believe it or not, I haven't been so far. I did the two sets of 20 squats and burpees. I wanted to round it out some more this evening.
@wfaulk Pickled cucumbers and pickled habeneros in the same jar. You eat the pickles not the habenero
They're spicy as fuck
Grrr.... damn you, Server 2012.
@ScottPack they're GREAT though. I can't wait to start working out again.
It's hard to tell with all the swelling but I am happy to see that I do have quite a bit of pec muscle from working out before.
@MDMarra Need to get me some of those!
@HopelessN00b what's bugging you?
@freiheit Oh sure. I brought up the linguistic difference more as a point to say that whenever I say light I generally mean what you would call pale. I couldn't really care less about the alcohol content, I just want it to taste good.
@ScottPack I actually sometimes intentionally go for a lower alcohol beer, just so that I can drink more of them, or more easily maintain a certain buzz level.
@fuero Server 2012
@Cole A farm near me makes them. I'm sure other places do too, though
With just over a week to Valentine's I've just remembered I should think about booking a load of restaurants/shows/cinema viewings and then sticking the reservations on eBay in a week's time for all those partners that "forgot" to reserve something...
@MDMarra looks like I need to take a drive
@voretaq7 Did you see that su on OS X doesn't have -c?
@freiheit That does make sense, but I generally just go for what looks good. I'm a big self regulating. Generally those beers that have a higher abv are ones that I also find more filling.
@fuero The UI. Spending 99% of my time navigating either a CLI or a real GUI, and then having to deal with that goddamn Metro abomination.... well it took me 3 damn minutes to figure out how to reboot the freaking thing. >:/
@voretaq7 got that, was more interested in detail. I'm familiarizing myself with it, I will soon have to setup the first prod system with it.
@MDMarra the examples in the man page reference "-c"
@HopelessN00b it's not shutdown /r /t 0 any more? :)
@wfaulk On 10.8?
um, ur
@HopelessN00b powercli> restart-computer
I need to get a more comfortable chair
@wfaulk wait
No -c is in the examples
@fuero the whole thing is one big bother.
@MDMarra hang on... I'm trying to feign surprise
@MDMarra and it seems to work
But it's not listed in the options section of the description
nah, forget it, can't even feign surprise
even though it's not documented
@MDMarra Sure, but you can't just type that into the run box/redesigned start menu. You have to go to the start menu, open up the CLI, and then type it in. Or lock the OS and hit the thing that doesn't really look like a power button anymore.
@HopelessN00b same here. Win+X and classicshell.sf.net helps a lot
@voretaq7 I'm seeing examples in the man page with -c on 10.8
@wfaulk doesn't work for me
@MDMarra date on man page: September 13, 2006
@voretaq7 Nevermind, I now see that it's yet another case of Apple using man pages that don't match their command set.
oh wait, actually no it does - there is however no "nobody" on my system
@ScottPack no it works they just fucked up their man page
@fuero Oh, don't put something like that into production. You'll hate yourself for it in a year or two when it breaks some plug-in, or develops a strange bug, or just.... man, really not worth it, believe me.
there are other things I never could wrap my head around with Windows which go way back
it's still in the examples section though - Go Apple!
Yeah, it's in examples but not the options section
@voretaq7 I got an illegal option warning
sh-3.2# su mark -c 'ls /'
Applications home
Library mach_kernel
System net
User Guides And Information private
Users sbin
Volumes tmp
bin usr
dev var
@ScottPack which OS X?
it works
oh, you know what? It doesn't work
@HopelessN00b learned my lesson with pGina in that regard with
also, relevant to my feelings about how Apple handles the Unix end of OS X:
it's doing something weird
wtf apple
it works
@MDMarra wtf? Apple! FTFY.
@voretaq7 10.8
@ScottPack mine works...
one lesson I learned with Windows is don't look for stuff anywhere, just hit the windows key, start typing and hope it finds it :(
urgh. or I just screwed up some quoting
@voretaq7 Well, I don't care enough to figure out why it doesn't work.
> sh-3.2# su mark -c 'ls /'
> Applications home
> Library mach_kernel
> System net
> User Guides And Information private
> Users sbin
> Volumes tmp
> bin usr
> dev var
> etc
dhcp100:~ root# whoami
dhcp100:~ root# su mgraziano -c whoami
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: Permission denied
dhcp100:~ root#
Fucking getcwd
10.7.5 though
so some cockbiter probably removed it
@fuero Yeah, I mention it because we used something like that to help our pain-in-the-ass users transition to Office 2007 a couple jobs ago. Replaced the retarded menu UI with the classic one, and worked great, until a service pack or two later, when it broke all the plugins and became a huge headache.
Well that edit was a markdown fail
So, don't work around the way MS breaks their UI every so often, just deal with it, and use a remote CLI as much as possible. <sigh>
Why does git have to be so opaque?
@voretaq7 Back in the 10.6 days I kept finding mismatched man pages. Sometimes the man page was for an older version of the software, sometimes entire sections of the man page had been removed, but the functionality was still in the program. It was all terrible.
I wanted to do that, but using Remote Management in all its glory WinRM, remote MMC etc. doesn't seem to work without an Active Directory environment. I couldn't figure out how.
@fuero Wait, you don't have AD? Well, that's the first thing I'd change.
concerning markdown: how can I refer to another user in an answer?
step 1: Copy unix userland from FreeBSD
step 2: Bastardize binaries
step 3: DocuWhatNow?
@fuero no AD? You're a godless domainless heathen?
@HopelessN00b, @voretaq7: academia, novell, clueless novell admins. 'nuff said
@fuero ya, like I said, Godless Domainless Heathen.
You probably use IPX/SPX for printing.
Alright, quitting time. For the next 15 hours, anyone who asks me for help in a profoundly stupid manner, I can actually kick in the throat. See y'all tomorrow.
::splashes @fuero with holy water scotch::

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