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@WesleyDavid @ewwhite HP Cloud runs on OpenStack/KVM.
@MichaelHampton Yep. Nothing wrong with it. But at @wesley's scale, VMware makes more sense.
@ewwhite If you can get past the licensing issues somehow.
@MichaelHampton Either buy retail or pay monthly
@MichaelHampton Not sure they're trustworthy, though. I haven't heard about them crashing the internet yet, and if you want to compete as a top-tier cloud provider, you need to do that a few times a year.
There was an old question that was like 'I am a consultant at a new network, with no docs, how to I start to untangle this mess', and there were some good upvoted answers. I am not finding it in a search though. Can anyone recall the exact wording, or do they have a link to the question?
Hi Cole.

Do you think you can work on getting some of that stuff done for us? Or are you not quite ready to do work yet? Not sure how many drugs you are on!!! Just looking to be as protected as we possibly can for this weekend in case something does go wrong.

@Cole No, fuck Mike.
That's my manager
@Cole No, don't fuck Mike.
Here's the thing
If I don't help and it blows up, I'll have to fix it.
@Cole So tell Mike to fuck off politely?
If I just take 20 minutes and do this right, and if we need a restore - then I'll have to do the restore, and I'll be much happier doing the restore than fixing a completely fucked up AD.
So...I'll do that tomorrow.
@Cole Yeah, but still, you work yourself too hard or burn yourself out, that's no good either. I'd just take the week off ("sorry, the morphine has me flying, you don't want me touching your systems right now") and worry about the suck when I returned to work. I mean, it's gonna suck either way, from the sounds of things.
@Cole Yeah, tell him the colors are awesome and he should try it sometime.
I can almost taste them.
Now that's the spirit.
@Cole "I trust you when you're trashed more than I trust myself or any of the other SAs." Quality establishment you work for there.
It is because of the dinosaurs! They are in a pact with the Martians who like the purple taste compared to their own red!
@Tanner If that's not an invitation to start coming to work drunk, I don't know what is.
@Tanner exactly
also, I've only been there for 2 months, everyone else 10+ years.
@HopelessN00b Drunk? This is morphine. That's a whole different ball game.
That's just stupid.
@Tanner Not... really, actually.
@ewwhite It really depends on the first 6 to 12 months, but that hope is that yes I would scale beyond three hosts.
@WesleyDavid very few firms need more than 3 VMware hosts.
@voretaq7 I didn't see any stipulations that allowed that.
@HopelessN00b Really? Morphine kills me... Can't take it.
Maybe I'm just "too experienced" a drinker, but I can do some impressive work with a little blood in my alcohol stream.
Eh, I used to be a heavy drinker so maybe that's why. Wouldn't be able to find my keyboard after surgery + morphine.
@ewwhite Maybe they're just not thinking big enough!! =P Or maybe their hosts are DL 900 series juggernauts.
@WesleyDavid it would take a lot to exhaust the resources of three 64GB RAM ESXi hosts.
depends on the application
but at that level, shouldn't the client bring their licensing?
@Tanner Kind of a rare thing, though. As far as addictions go, opiates are generally the easiest to conceal or be "functional" with. Fucked up dreams, but most people don't work in their sleep, so that side-effect isn't too relevant. :)
Oh nice, I love how our deciding factor on using a backup tool for DB2 is if it has a GUI or not.
@ewwhite I wouldn't think so - if someone wants a dozen 6 GB RAM vms, hells yeah!
good evening!
I got a surface today, it's installing patches since 3 hours...
@faker Even the tablets...
Q: Kickstart Centos USB Key Centos 6.3

chandankI use kickstart to turn up all my Virtual machines from ISO images and that works smooth. I have got an annoying issue when I try to use it using a USBkey install on a physical box that googleing is not helping. The installation works fine if I specify a URL as install media, but it does not wor...

So we had SOD fail today
which is just a barrel of monkeys
Well, if the SAs can't use the tool because they can't figure out a CLI, then it's not a very useful tool for you guys, is it?

Granted, pandering to the drooling morons sucks, but it is a necessary evil.
@HopelessN00b oh no I get that, but if the CLI version is like two commands, really.........REALLY
@Cole Well, from what you've said about your co-workers, that might still be a problem... no?
Script it, have people run the script then. I just hate people who refuse to learn new things. That's the problem, not that I'm like "well CLI is better than GUI" it's the fact that they refuse to learn anything that doesn't have training wheels.
I'll STILL have to probably teach them the GUI.
@faker I want a surface!
@Cole I'm gonna suggest (again) that the way to fix your environment is to figure out how to "accidentally" set your co-workers on fire.
@HopelessN00b sounds like a plan.
@WesleyDavid I can report my experience with it, so far... ugh...
@faker You no like?
@WesleyDavid so far it has only installed updates
and was not usable while doing that
@faker Did I tell you about the time I updated the update infrastructure and killed the update infrastructure?
Patched WSUS with Windows Update, destroyed everything.
Meanwhile, client PCs reported unheard of uptime.
@WesleyDavid How'd that happen?
@Tanner Some service pack for WSUS that was notorious for causing problems.
Unfortunately, your question isn't about programming or programming tools, so we can't help you here. However, our friends over at Server Fault probably can - be sure to search before asking and read their FAQ for help on constructing a good question. — j0k 2 hours ago
pretty sure ya'll are jumpin' at Server Fault no longer being part of the migration list
@Sathya and we luvs it :P
@Sathya We've been much calmer since then.
@Sathya I see that SO still doesn't migrate crap.
Let's take a peak inside of a developers head, shall we? "Question about GNOME on Ubuntu? Oh yeah, that's a server issue." migrates to ServerFault
@MichaelHampton Yup, but at least they're not migrating crap in... not our direction now. Poor SU.
ah. yep
@Sathya So what's the rejection stats now?
14%.. was at 11% few weeks ago.. I have a trello board recording most crap migrations
@Sathya We had to get up to 50% before we finally got off SO's migration list. You've got a long way to go, I suspect.
@MichaelHampton yeah - but the thing is we have precedence, ie, from your & Programmers mentioning how migration isn't helping
@Sathya Good point. It might be easier for you guys.
so hoping that might ease
the fact that people are discussing in the Mod room is an indicator that lot of mods aren't very happy with the migration inflow
@mdmarra I wish I could script.
<-- manually moving terminal server files.
Well, on a fundamental level, I have to conclude that if someone can't even pick the right site to ask their question on, odds of it being a worthwhile question anywhere are low. Hence, the very idea of VTC-migrations is a poor one.
@HopelessN00b There are 98 sites in the Stack Exchange network. And not everyone is as smart as you.
@MichaelHampton we were way over 50% in the end - it's 69% atm and I expect that to rise before the community migrations fall off the list at the end of Feb
@Iain this from admin/posts/migrated/stats right?
× 252
69% rejected
@Sathya Tools/migrated, actually.
@Sathya yeah
@HopelessN00b ah they bring up the same page ( cc @MichaelHampton)
@Sathya What's the migration volume like? (I'm not cool enough to see) Would it be at all feasible for SU mods to approve the migrations?
yours is 69% of 252
ours is 14% 1484(!!!)
Holy fork.
@ewwhite I'm writing one now
I'm sick of how we manually create accounts
It's not 1990
Yeah, SE really needs to improve their single sign on across the network.
if Server Fault got rid of it at those stats then Super User path should be obliterated right away
@MichaelHampton I meant AD accounts at $job heh
@Sathya That's only 14% though. Hopefully some large portion of the rest was good enough to migrate.
@Sathya Given SO's migration track record, they really should just obliterate all the outbound SO migration paths. Save time and effort for everyone.
We create way too little of accounts to do automated account creation really.
@HopelessN00b agree
@MDMarra So, come up with an automated solution and put it on the resume.
Morning everyone.
Not worth it when the company only hires people once every ten years.
@MichaelHampton Our rate was a lot lower until we started paying close attention.
@MichaelHampton Nah, I disagree. If nothing else, experience/personal development.
I suspect that Super User has a much higher bad migration rate if they'd scrutinize every SO->SU migration
@ChrisS That's true. @Sathya If you had some group of 10K+ users who watched incoming migrations you'd probably find much more crap to reject.
Oh, damn. Meeting time. Me and my surviving neurons will be back later.
yeah, should post on meta/chat about it.
anyway, I'm off to sleep
Then again, SU's topicality is much wider than ours.
oh btw, if you have a wtf-what-that-post from Server Fault
in Root Access, 2 days ago, by Sathya
so yes I started this. http://gemsfromstackexchange.tumblr.com/ submit your Stack Exchange WTFs to me using this link
@HopelessN00b I already have one, just tailoring it to us
@Sathya yeah...I submitted a lot earlier...sorry
@tombull89 I saw that :D it's all queued
The old solution was for a single large domain, I need to make it work with a 9 domain forest now
@Sathya You might like this then. xn--41a2e.com/shitsesays
@Sathya You really need a form that lets me submit a link to a photo. Like this one. i.sstatic.net/rqEBq.png
Do you guys note what jobs are contract on your resume?
@tombull89 Nope it only lets me upload a photo from my computer and complains if I don't.
@MichaelHampton oh, I see.
there should be a URL link, no?
@Sathya Yes there is, but it still gives an error if I don't attach a photo from my computer.
even with the second one?
Oh, you can click that?
You can click on the words, but not on the down arrow.
Threw me for a loop too
OK, so I've sent you a URL. Now what?
@MichaelHampton goes to my tumblr dashboard, where I can approve/reject & then queue/publish it
Damn. I was just thinking about that question about importing 61 million addresses into Outlook.
oh hehe
will add that
I'm sure there are some gems in there.
there's also the 40-ethernet-port thing
Can someone tell me the link to the badge list? I'm wondering if there's a badge for "your answer was accepted without a single upvote"
@TheCleaner It's at the top of every page...
que? where?
Do I have to take a picture and draw a red freehand circle around it? :)
@TheCleaner Ther is but only if like 25% of your accepted answers are zero upvoted ones.
I think Zordy has it.
@TheCleaner Tenacious, I think
yes. Take a picture with your phone, send it to facebook, download that pic from FB, open it in ms paint, draw the red circle, save as png, upload it to tinypic, then link it here in chat.
Okay, no, @Zoredache doesn't have it. Tomtom does though!
Woohoo, my blog just broke 10k hits! I'm bigtime now
TomTom an unsung hero? I think not!
@MDMarra High five! o/
@Zoredache thewhowiththewhere?!
@Zoredache I thought you had the unsung hero badge. You don't.
@Zoredache What badges don't you have?
SONOFA....stupid ass big red squares...I was looking at the top top with name/about/faq/chat
@WesleyDavid That man right there, @Zoredache? He's sung all right. He's so sung you wouldn't believe.
@ScottPack You said hung.
posted on February 05, 2013 by Mark Marra

The script in this post will get you started in using PowerShell scripts to automate your user account creation. It has very basic functionality so far. It takes the username as input from the user. It also asks if you'd like to copy the group membership of an existing user. It then creates a new user in the default container with the appropriate group membership. Read more »

@WesleyDavid ....actually I didn't....
@ScottPack In your thoughts, dear.
@WesleyDavid quite a few.
social media ones
copy editor/marshal/proofreader/research ass/steward
epic/legendary, stellar question, great answer/question
tenacious, tumbleweed, unsung
I was really close to a reversal once, but the question got deleted. Every time I get close, the question goes away.
Hey, I have the Tenacious badge...nice! I'm impressed with the folks that got the epic and reversal badges.
@Zoredache I hear that happens as you get older.
@TheCleaner I am only 2-3 days of 200 rep away from the epic badge. But I haven't really been answering much the last couple months.
@Zoredache Well go get to it!
Who's the closest to Legendary? We should have a special redirect home page for a week for the person that gets it.
Only like 5 of us have Epic
I'm sure EA is closest
I have 48 days so far
womble isn't active
EA isn't very active but he was a beast for a while
Chopper is on the shelf
I'd say Shane, me or Chopper will be the first to get it
But I'm probably way behind either
EA's answers were always impressive walls of text when I read them. That's for sure
yeah he's good
how do people have the time to write those essay answers anyway
So when you look up a user in SF, are the tags that pop up, tags to that users most answered questions?
@RobM We write those up in about five minutes.
@Cole It's their most highly ranked tags, by total answer score for the tag.
uh huh
Ok cool thanks @MichaelHampton
love how mines sql-server, snmp and windows-server
@RobM OK, a few of them took ten minutes.
I think one of my highest rated tags is DHCP. I'm thinking "The hell..."
Iain ♦, Wirral, United Kingdom
46.4k 5 36 83
How do you see that view of your own account?
@RobM Paste the link in chat.
windows server 2003? When did I answer lots of windows server 2003 questions?
A: MAMP Host Virtual Host Name Resolution

StephanIf you're adding these for local web development work, I highly recommend going with pow: http://pow.cx/ If you need something more sophisticated (i.e. dozens or hundreds of hosts) I use an automated config generation and dnsmasq (I get the dnsmasq from homebrew.) A short script scrapes my ngi...

thanks @iain, @MichaelHampton
@RobM it's in your user profile too
I just wonder how its sorting the links
@RobM upvotes
@MDMarra yes
Doubtful. You keep telling people not to use .local in their AD.
just a bit
@MDMarra could be </hong-kong-phooey>
Nice gold @Iain
@MDMarra cheers
@Iain The English is terrible, but it's a question. I even understood it after a moment.
@MichaelHampton I don't understand it at all
@Iain He wants to know how to find the pty his terminal is running in. He thought he had a command before, but lost it.
i think there's a coherent question in there somewhere. It's badly formatted and I think English isn't their first language but its there
If I wasn't busy eating, I'd go edit it. I'm sure someone else can manage :)
@MDMarra weak.
yeah yeah
@ewwhite Just got around to looking at NexentaStor (community edition) as I was ill on the weekend - actually quite like it.
@tombull89 which version did you download?
@tombull89 Just remember, you aren't allowed to use it in production!
@ewwhite Community Edition, free for up to 18TB
@MichaelHampton It's okay for "hobbiests"
excellent... there's a version 3.5.x and a 4.x
Hmm...mine says Ver.
I never could figure out...is that 18TB of physical disks, or 18TB of usable storage?
but for enterprise, it's physical
Good thing I'm not an "enterprise".
@MichaelHampton Yeah, that always annoys me. "10TB capacity!" and it turns out to me like 3TB with RAID 10 and a hot spare.
oh yes
@WesleyDavid It's like buying Lefthand storage
14.4TB! Until you have to RAID 50 or RAID 60 it
Combined with the fact that it's across two storage nodes that most people will put in a mirror cluster and you've got about 5TB total
Still having TS performance issues @ewwhite?
@MDMarra on internet explorer, yes
Have you tried killing flash and testing?
@MDMarra no
Damn @JeffAtwood, that's exactly what I've been thinking about doing myself.
Client is asking whether to re-IP using 10.0.x.x or 10.10.x.x
@ewwhite 10.10
@MDMarra why?
@MikeyB you're their sysadmin!
@Iain ;) I've been a little quiet lately, yeah :) Been busy.
Can anyone tell my reddit handle from this comment thread?
@ewwhite Less likely to overlap with a belkin router so you can split tunnel :)
@MDMarra 192.168.1.x!
Nah, doesn't belkin do
Or was it dlink
I dont know, one of those pieces of shit does
@MikeyB Can't log in with stackexchange openid :(
@Basil EuripidesOutDPS
@Iain We'll look into that.
Got all my W2's - ugh not looking forward to doing my taxes :/
@MichaelHampton yup :)
I've got one of these IT mac fanbois pissed...
@Cole Me too :(
@Basil Nice. I prefer mages though...
Half year resident in two states ugh
student loans
Yo wait, @MikeyB. You're working for Jeff?
@MDMarra Yep, working on this project with him & the team.
Is that fulltime?
Can you finally afford a laptop stand that isn't that old cardboard box with that shitty Sun keyboard? :)
Holy shit man, apparently you need like 1.5GB of free space just to install vSphere client
My parents are trying to find my apartment lol
@Basil This is also why I spend very little time on reddit. I got tired of religious debates years ago...
Discourse runs on Postgres?
How about that. Do a dance, @voretaq7
@MDMarra Why not? It's fairly easy to not use MySQL when you're working with Rails.
You don't see it a lot. That's all
@MDMarra It's also trivially easy to switch the database from MySQL to Postgres in Rails, if you didn't do anything too bizarre in your code.
@MichaelHampton I'm not sure why I read the sysadmin subreddit
Everyone go register at meta.discourse.org and reserve your username :)
@Basil You're secretly a masochist?
@MDMarra Or at least someone you want to troll
@Basil That too
@MDMarra what is?
@pauska Jeff Atwood's new project
The anti-stack exchange
Discussion boards
oh so there is try.discourse.org and meta.discourse.org and they don't speak to each other :(
try is just a sandbox that resets every day, right?
@MDMarra looks like it
anyway I got Iain on meta...
@voretaq7 What's from Alice's Restaurant?
@MDMarra what the fuck? He made forum software?
@MarkHenderson And @MikeyB helped, how nice. :)
Looks like it'll be decentralized instead of centralized managed subsites like SE is
@Iain @MDMarra There is a master hub where usernames can be registered, but individual accounts still need to be created.
Anyone ever used Sawmill for log analysis?
That could be a clusterfuck. Think of how much SE has changed over the years. Imagine all of the different versions of discourse that could be floating out there after a year or two
@MDMarra Like like PHPBB
@MikeyB I just registered on meta and got a notification that Iain is reserved for me
@MikeyB so can someone else get MDMarra on an individual site?
Or...I'm confused now
@MDMarra the notice I got said Iain was reserved for me on all their forums
I see he got Sam Saffron back on board fo rit as well
@MDMarra That is why we are not recommending that people put this in prod quite yet. Get it a little more stable first.
He wrote the best Windows MCE plugin ever
@MikeyB Got it. Are you guys going to host all of the boards?
Or is it going to be decentralized but with default hooks back to the mothership?
Hm. I wonder why it hasn't sent me an activation email?
@MichaelHampton I got mine, but it had some broken links in it
@MDMarra More like a Wordpress model - we want to eventually host for paying customers, possibly nonprofits, but all the code is out there to host your own: discourse.org/buy
Feb  5 21:37:38 mail postfix/smtpd[13504]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, []; from=<[email protected]> to=<     @          > proto=ESMTP helo=<tiefighter11.discourse.org>
@MikeyB So, who do you work for?
@MarkHenderson inspected injected etc... line
@voretaq7 Ah right
I vaguely remember
@Jacob Officially for netdirect.ca Discourse is a side project.
Oops, your reverse DNS is wrong...
[root@murloc ~]# host domain name pointer discourse.org.
[root@murloc ~]# host discourse.org
discourse.org has address
@MarkHenderson it's not your fault, I assume your radio stations don't play it on Thanksgiving
@Jacob In other words when Jeff came in here begging for sysadmin help, MikeyB whored himself out.
Kudos to you @MikeyB
I was wondering who Jeff found to work on that.
@voretaq7 No. We don't have thanksgiving.
@MarkHenderson yes, heathens :-)
@MarkHenderson Got it in one :)

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