:753395 omfgpancakes.com(don't ask) , pulsesoftworks.com, i7solutions.com... These are all domains that got registered for other people that don't want them now....
the ? isn't really a pcre thing though. It is pretty standard across most RE engines. Grab the O'Reilly regex pocket reference it is short by full of all the details. - oreilly.com/catalog/9780596514273
Ripped out 1.5 telephone system infrastructures today and only nicked one of my knuckles. Not too bad considering. I feel like I need a bath however; that dust permeates your clothes/skin/soul.
Two people are using different PCs behind the same NAT box. They are regularly accessing the same website, hosted elsewhere. Intermittently, one of them sees the website take several minutes to load. The other can still access the website at normal speed. This lasts until the PC is rebooted, then...
@DanBig I don't think that's the exact wording from the song, but the point holds. And if you recognized that without Google, you apparently need to leave too.
@DanBig I thought Metora was still pretty good... The first one was definitely more grainy, less polished that the rest.
The most recent one was best described as 'the band that lost their way'... A few great songs, much like the original feel. Most are just blah, and the rest are more train wrecks ala the previous CD.
In the end and Somewhere I belong have been the only ones I've really liked from Linkin Park. Meteora was alright but that's as much praise as I can give it
I know from talking with friends/others that most people don't like their non-pop music at all... And the fact that it sorta sits in between a couple genres don't really help since most people tend to stick to one or another.
Yeah I've heard them be labelled that too. Don't know why, but I never really accepted nu-metal as a genre. In my eyes it's just a mix of the various genres, not a new genre in itself
@voretaq7 It went from ripping out old phone system shit, to a joke about the dust permeating my soul, to not being able to clean your soul, to Linkin Park...
Okay, get this. I had to clean a user's laptop of a virus. In the downtime, they used OWA to send some email. One email had a syllabus in the form of a word doc as an attachment. They sent it and then decided to delete the syllabus from their PC because "Hey, it's in my sent items folder." Wait for part two...
They call be asking if I can search for a message they sent. He can't find the email with the attachment in his sent items folder in Outlook (his computer was reimaged and he's now on a fresh laptop). I checked and saw emails from each day during the reimage. I asked him for some info about the message and used Exchange message tracker. There is no record on the server of any mail being sent to this particular recipient in the time frame he mentioned. Not even close.
Somehow or another that mail never hit the Exchange server. Perhaps user error in using the web form? Not sure. Nonetheless, he now does not have the syllabus that he created.
@WesleyDavid It's a good thing he's a highly intelligent University professor. Otherwise people less wise than him might be teaching the future leaders of our country. Or something.
Short version:
I'm building a NAS box to act as storage for backups. How big does it need to be compared to the amount of data it's backing up to adequately cover deleted files and previous versions of files (assuming that I save incremental changes rather than full backups)?
Long version:
@BenPilbrow I watched that, in HD ffs!, just the other night - there's a vaguely submarine-like set that's used several times but each time with different lighting as it's supposed to be different subs - genius, though debbie gibson looked hot as hell in it I have to say