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Wait, are we party crashing the security room?
Like a boob flash mob?
@WesleyDavid too late :P
Too late dude
my boobs got starred, everyone moved on
@MarkM @WesleyDavid I also left them a nice pair of tits as a consolation prize.
@voretaq7 You carry giftable prosthetic boobs around with you as a habit?
(don't tell the security folks I've been flashing their tits in other rooms - they might get jealous)
loads of them in the garden all year round
Yeah, we had some tufted titmice in Ohio. Mom would let me know when she spotted them. "I saw a tufted titmouse today!" - Me: "Mom, please stop."
@Iain how delightful!
@voretaq7 sure is, along with their Great, Coal and Long Tailed cousins
Hey people
@Iain damnit. I should have been more specific in my google image search.
@coredump Yo
How are you today
@Iain I'll see your tits and raise you a pair of hooters
(also, why is it so damn hard to find a photo of a pair of barred owls?)
@Iain Must compile breast metaphor blog post for later. Boobies. Tits. Hooters. Milk Jugs. any other ideas? :P
tig ol bitties
ooh, how could I have forgotten about knockers!
that one even has a video!
sweater melons
@Holocryptic melons definitely. Not sure about "bombs" @MarkM -- don't hear that one much in NY
@voretaq7 "Look at the bombs on her"
@MarkM mmh, around here we'd be concerned about actual bombs...
@voretaq7 Tough life
:753186 bazongas... bongos sometimes....
marshmellowy mammaries
@MarkM tough women :-)
chest pillows
@Holocryptic naw that one's no good - can't find an innocent G-rated photo to illustrate it.
@voretaq7 heh. I haven't googled it yet, but maybe I should when I get home.
@Jacob yo
@Holocryptic I google it all with safe search on - that usually restricts it to stuff I can use in the "Witty Circumlocutions" category
@voretaq7 I see.
Hey @Jacob
@voretaq7 Point of interest: There are snort rules for detecting google images searches with Safe Search disabled.
@voretaq7 Zeppelins
@ScottPack mmh, but they probably don't work well if SSL is enabled? :)
@voretaq7 Depends on your infrastructure. SSL terminating proxies FTW!
@ScottPack yah, we don't snoop on traffic in general, but I'd object to SSL terminating proxies in particular :-)
@voretaq7 You would.
@ScottPack always seemed to defeat the purpose of securing communications. I generally object to it on load balancers too...
It could be argued that it depends on what you're attempting to secure from whom.
Domain auction(give away time....) I have a lot of domains I don't want but have a decent amount of time left on the registration.. anyone want one
We've pretty well fallen off into the realm of theoretic discussion, though.
@Jacob Ya, you selling m.com? :D
@ScottPack no idea why i decided to link that message to you...
@Jacob, you ever get your blog fixed?
@DanBig I'm working on that, I have some ideas that need to be finalized...
can anyone decode this perlre for me "\.ph(p3?|tml)$" - well the bit inside the parenthesis ?
:753395 omfgpancakes.com(don't ask) , pulsesoftworks.com, i7solutions.com... These are all domains that got registered for other people that don't want them now....
Sorry, Only looking for m.com
@Iain, it matches php, php3, or phtml
@Iain That will match the string "tml" or the string "p3" or the string "p"
They should allow registration of 1 letter domains and just sit back and watch the mayhem that ensues.
@Zoredache What part of "inside the parens" don't you understand. No easy answers!
@ScottPack I understood, I just choose to ignore the qualification and answer the way i wanted.
I only give completely accurate answers when I am being paid.
If you want freebies I reserver the right to be lazy, or miss-read things.
I only give completely accurate answers when I damn well feel like it.
@Zoredache Toe-chay. Toe-chay.
@WesleyDavid, that too.
it's the ? that I don't really understand - goes looking for a perlre primer
@WesleyDavid that sucked compared to @Zoredache's answer... try again...
I only give completely accurate answers when I'm certain that they will make grown men weep.
@Iain Oh that means the preceeding character is optional.
The ? charcacter means the previous character may be matched.
so it is p followed by a h followed by p possibly followed by a 3.
You should learn pcre, though. Nowadays they're the only regexes that matter.
@WesleyDavid wrong again... thats TomTom....
@Iain php3 or phtml I think
TomTom gives answers that make grown men gnash their teeth, regardless of if he's right.
the ? isn't really a pcre thing though. It is pretty standard across most RE engines. Grab the O'Reilly regex pocket reference it is short by full of all the details. - oreilly.com/catalog/9780596514273
I's not a construct I normally use
Ripped out 1.5 telephone system infrastructures today and only nicked one of my knuckles. Not too bad considering. I feel like I need a bath however; that dust permeates your clothes/skin/soul.
@ChrisS how do you intend to clean your soul?
@Iain We would have also accepted scotch.
My preference there would be a nice speyside single malt
@Iain I've had a couple of those. I usually end up just going for Cutty Sark original. It's not great, but drinkable, and provides a good value.
or something from the Ledaig distilliery on Mull
they are nice and not smokey/peaty like the Islays and Talisker (ugh)
I wonder if I could find that locally.
Would Server Fault like this question? It's on-topic on U&L, but the networking part is more advanced than we're used to
Q: Why does my linux box fail to send SYN/ACK until after eight SYNs have arrived?

SteveRawlinsonTwo people are using different PCs behind the same NAT box. They are regularly accessing the same website, hosted elsewhere. Intermittently, one of them sees the website take several minutes to load. The other can still access the website at normal speed. This lasts until the PC is rebooted, then...

@Iain Based on the prices google just showed me, I'm sure it's great. I'll let you know after I come back from an open bar event :)
@ScottPack which one ?
Ledaig's works.
it's very nice
@ScottPack £19 ~ $30 here
@Jacob Once the paper's been crumpled up, it can't be perfect again.
@Iain For the blend? I did just see that.
The 10 year is about in my splurge range (~45USD). When I'm feeling that fancy I usually go for a nice bourbon -- Blanton's.
& it's going to take me ages to unlearn @pa<tab>
@Iain Sorry, mate. At least this way you don't accidentally get that asshole @pauska.
@ScottPack yes the 10 yo/ single is £20
@pauska is @pa<tab><tab>
For my every day drinking I try to stick to the $20-$25 (12-15) range.
everyday is red wine or beer (real ales)
@ChrisS, if you are quoting Linkin Park, I'm going to have to ask that you leave.
anyone who wants to share some backup performance data on enterprise grade storage arrays (VMs) ?
@DanBig I don't think that's the exact wording from the song, but the point holds. And if you recognized that without Google, you apparently need to leave too.
@pfo How do you define "performance"?
I'm just messing with you anyhow, I used to be a fan some years back, now they just aren't heavy enough for my tastes.
dunno some simple thing - like small w2k8 VM (20G) - how much time of to backup something like that using vmwares backup API ...
@DanBig Minutes to Midnight was pretty rough; a few good ones, several "pop" flavored songs, and a handful of audio train wrecks.
@ChrisS, i really lost interest after the self titled
@DanBig I thought Metora was still pretty good... The first one was definitely more grainy, less polished that the rest.
The most recent one was best described as 'the band that lost their way'... A few great songs, much like the original feel. Most are just blah, and the rest are more train wrecks ala the previous CD.
I've heard a few songs off their latest that occasionally come on XM, and they are simply awful
In the end and Somewhere I belong have been the only ones I've really liked from Linkin Park. Meteora was alright but that's as much praise as I can give it
Their "pop" type songs are the only ones you'll find on the radio these days. Radios don't play much else IMHO.
I heard Slipknot on BBC Radio 1 not so long ago. Surprised me somewhat!
Anyone here a fan of Unearth?
I know from talking with friends/others that most people don't like their non-pop music at all... And the fact that it sorta sits in between a couple genres don't really help since most people tend to stick to one or another.
They certainly have an..... eclectic (the best word I can come up with really)... mix of songs
nu-metal is the genre I most often hear people (who should know) mention...
@ChrisS, sounds about right
Yeah I've heard them be labelled that too. Don't know why, but I never really accepted nu-metal as a genre. In my eyes it's just a mix of the various genres, not a new genre in itself
If I mixed flour and vege oil, then deep fried it you'd call it a tortilla...
we're discussing Linkin Park now? how deliciously random!
@Iain To be fair, wine is my primary evening drink, though a good ale will do if we have that in stock.
@voretaq7 It went from ripping out old phone system shit, to a joke about the dust permeating my soul, to not being able to clean your soul, to Linkin Park...
ooh a bomb on the beach about 4 miles away liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/local-news/2011/03/29/…
Okay, get this. I had to clean a user's laptop of a virus. In the downtime, they used OWA to send some email. One email had a syllabus in the form of a word doc as an attachment. They sent it and then decided to delete the syllabus from their PC because "Hey, it's in my sent items folder." Wait for part two...
@WesleyDavid Have fun...
They call be asking if I can search for a message they sent. He can't find the email with the attachment in his sent items folder in Outlook (his computer was reimaged and he's now on a fresh laptop). I checked and saw emails from each day during the reimage. I asked him for some info about the message and used Exchange message tracker. There is no record on the server of any mail being sent to this particular recipient in the time frame he mentioned. Not even close.
Somehow or another that mail never hit the Exchange server. Perhaps user error in using the web form? Not sure. Nonetheless, he now does not have the syllabus that he created.
@WesleyDavid Of course email is not a document store. It's a file transfer service provided by IT. Duh!
@WesleyDavid It's a good thing he's a highly intelligent University professor. Otherwise people less wise than him might be teaching the future leaders of our country. Or something.
I work with idiots
@hobodave this is my shocked face.
an internal email exchange with an idiot
the top part is mine
if she's smart she'll just stfu and not respond
@hobodave You have a lot resting on that if.... :)
Can someone make something so that i can have my facebook chat and SF chat in the same windows? I need to unify my communication tabs
@hobodave I love it.
FB chat sucks. It should die by fire.
@Holocryptic I recently started "popping out" the fb chat. It's much more tolerable now
it's almost a foregone conclusion that all traffic is being sniffed in some manner by the NSA
+1 because you said Bob's your Uncle, but -1 because you didn't add "and Fanny's your Aunt"
the government can secretly get SSL certs for whatever domain it wants without a warrant
Bob is my uncle but Iola is my aunt
@hobodave This was fictional, right?
@BartSilverstrim what was fictional?
The github exchange.
no that's real
I changed domains names and removed her last name and contact info, that's it
Ah...so she was being...sarcastic?
And she doesn't like you much.
she doesn't like "no"
every couple of months we have a meeting and it comes up that they have an issue with me "saying no and not offering options"
so I do that, when there are technical/development solutions available that can address the problem
in this case, there are none, so I withheld my opinion that she fails at her job
You can email her a peace offering...
why would I do that?
I am openly hostile towards idiocy
Because it's passive aggressive.
hrm, last time I was openly hostile towards idiocy, I was fired...
I don't do passive aggressive
I do blatant aggressive
but I also just stick to facts, and don't attack people
@BartSilverstrim Is that you?!!!
Nope. :-) I found it on knowyourmeme.com for the video in question.
I also would have kept my opinions to myself had I not been asked to give them :)
64 million views...sheesh...
I hate animated gifs
@BartSilverstrim Is that Chopper?
I can't wait till it scrolls off my screen
one more line
I don't think it's chopper...
Notice my intentional lack of an @ in my question? haha
Wasn't he the one that introduced this video to us?
I dont know. By the time I saw it @WesleyDavid had already posted 20 starred animated gifs about it
We would have to ask. I'm pretty sure it was @Chopper3.
We just have to do something to draw him here for a minute to find out.
Anyone want to go through and randomly flag for moderator attention like thirty random things?
Hang on, I'll flag a load of shit. That usually brings him into chat seeting :-)
Heh @BartSilverstrim you read my mind!
I got my first reduction in flag weight the other day. I was sad and am scared to flag things now :(
Hey, April 1 - let's flag the shit out of everything in chat.
@WesleyDavid: HA! :-)
ok, you first.
Reduction in flag weight?
@MarkM You actually care about numbers? Bah! Peasant. =P
I will drop the ban hammer
You get...penalized...for flagging?
as well as rewarded, yes
@BartSilverstrim If you flag something that a mod deems not flag worthy you get -10
to your flag score, not your rep
flag weight
@MarkM does that carry over to chat?
@Jacob I don't believe so
abusing flags in chat will just get you booted
Jeez, lighten up there @hobodave it was just a joke...
Somebody's not in a good mood... :-p
Booted from chat? So I'll have to talk about boobs and violence against users elsewhere?
@BartSilverstrim I'm not...
I was actually poking the hobo, but I'm game. What's up with you, @Jacob?
@Wesley just made me laugh though.
Do not poke hobos. Unless you're getting paid to do that from hobofights.com. In which case, live the American dream!!
Does someone want to edit this to say: Someone do math for me, please?
Q: Backup space to Primary space ratio

Joel CoelShort version: I'm building a NAS box to act as storage for backups. How big does it need to be compared to the amount of data it's backing up to adequately cover deleted files and previous versions of files (assuming that I save incremental changes rather than full backups)? Long version: I'...

I just found where I'll be looking for my next dates!!! t-shirtmodels.com/female.html
It's so easy. I get their names and can send emails to them and everything.
that's sad
there's a hot girl at my gym I've been talking to
ok maybe not hot, cute
great body, face could be better
@WesleyDavid Ha I won't be so lucky with just 5 of them :P
@BenPilbrow Maybe you could be the sixth?
That's obviously a very female-dominated thing
several of those models look pretty bad
3rd from right bottom row
Man, those dudes aren't exactly smooth on the eyes either.
top left, busted
middle row, 3rd from left, broken
I'll pass if you don't mind @WesleyDavid
bottom row, far left, possible man
Yeah, those aren't the greatest looking females. Stephanie is my type at first glance.
they have names?
oh I didn't put my mouse on them
I didn't want to get it dirty
I'm feeling very chauvinistic today
so apparently DA2's gayness has sparked some controversy
and he's here...
All that talk of dropping the hammer and now he feels chauvinistic...
working with all women wears on my soul
The beatings will continue until everyone agrees with me.
...all the ones I click on seem to be from Jersey.
And none are really "hot" to me.
@BartSilverstrim They're all from the northeast.
Noone in Jersey is hot
but yea, the front page says "NY/PA/NJ"
This one is my type (but then again, my "type" is "female with pulse and weighing less than me")
she's not bad
The photography isn't exaclty high caliber either.
I found the perfect girl for you @WesleyDavid
I'm surprised no one threw out the RB pictures or her friends...
Are those models...y'know...is the site like a front for porn actresses maybe?
front for hookers more likely
It's advertising russian brides at the bottom.
This is the guy doing the photography billtracyphoto.com
I got an advert for a Russian Bride on Facebook once.
Their targeted ads are obviously working there...
You can tell he's a pro. In his listing he has one photo with the caption DO NOT WORK WITH THIS NUT
@BartSilverstrim She has terrible tattoos though
I've never really liked tattoos. Expressing this opinion tends to offend a number of people though.
those are terrible photos
I like them
I don't have any though, no plans to get them
I dislike tramp stamps. They're overplayed
I like females.
(edited to remove ambiguity)
my ex had a stained glass window tatooed on her whole left side torso
armpit to hip
she liked it
People never make sense to me.
omg! :D
Valeant Offers $5.7 Billion for Cephalon - online.wsj.com/article/…
I have shares in Cephalon
too bad it's not enough to make me filthy rich
@hobodave so why is it that great if you won't make money?
how do you go from "won't make me rich" to "won't make money" ?
Making your own money is illegal.
This is why he's a hobo.
it's great because I'll make a 25% return or more on my shares
shares were up 24% in after-hours trading
I bought it at $61 in January, if I can sell it for $75 or more, that's a damn good thing
@hobodave See that helps me understand :)
Don't try to understand things, Jacob. It will just make you sad.
@BartSilverstrim This is true...
@Jacob more than you know
and no that wasn't me, I don't have a beard
I wish I had the skills to be a pro investor
I want him to be working in our IT department. i.imgur.com/Mnx47.gif
what the hell would you call that
@pfo we're seeing >20GB/min/VM using vStorage APIs off HP-EVA/3Par kit btw
Hey! Chopper, were you the one that introduced Rebecca Black to us?
@hobodave It's a Sharktopus, here's a cuddly one
@BartSilverstrim I believe I was yes
it also had porcupine spines
Sharktopus! :-)
@hobodave perhaps I confused the two, there are too many shark/octopus films about
I don't stay on top of memes
btw peanut butter & carrots is surprisingly yummy
@BenPilbrow I watched that, in HD ffs!, just the other night - there's a vaguely submarine-like set that's used several times but each time with different lighting as it's supposed to be different subs - genius, though debbie gibson looked hot as hell in it I have to say
speakin of terrible
I saw Sucker Punch this weekend
I somehow ended up watching mega pirahna the other night on the sci-fi channel. It was flippin' awful, but strangely addictive
@hobodave oh fancy, Zack Snyder making a mad looking trailer but the film is shite, is that what happened - I'd be shocked
@Chopper3 yea I don't know who he is, besides that he directed 300 and Watchmen. I went with friends who said it would be good
it's literally the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater
he makes great trailers and crappy films, look out, superman next
the premise of the entire movie can be summarized as follows
I'm looking forward to 'Source Code' this weekend
scantily clad strippers killing orcs, steam-operated undead nazis, dragons, and robots with silenced MP5's and HK's
now I'm off
later guys
@Chopper3 btw @BenPilbrow dared me that you wouldn't ban him from chat
just sayin
I wouldn't dream of it
people in glass-houses etc. :) night

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