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yeah, and you used a instead of an.
@SpacemanSpiff Yeah what's your question?
Ahhhh I was close!
So. I'm inheriting one shortly, to build out a VM infrastructure on it. It has both 1Gb and 10Gb connectivity in the back. Are those layer 3 devices?
It entirely depends on the modules
Trying to figure out how I want to connect it to the rest of the network, big ass LACP trunks, etc.
If they're pass through modules no, if they're switches then I think yes
Hrmm... I don't think they're pass through. Always fun inheriting someone else's design :)
Guess I got some reading to do
Sorry I can't be more help, but there are many configuration options
the 10Gb was meant for iSCSI
only a handful of connections, just wondering how thats going to map across 5 ESX boxes
or is it 7? should be a fun environment to build
What is it with you VMWare heads? Certainly Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 is more than enough virtualisation for anyone?
binary sweater melons.
I prefer my shirt fruit to be irl, not binary
Gotta take what you can get i guess
Even the MS cohorts don't use that crap anymore...
Especially with Hyper-V R2 SP1, new and improved, now with 3/4 the features of ESXi.
I prefer KVM
I only wish I could get a decent server to run it on at work
atm, i'm making do with a stolen desktop
sulk sulk sulk
We're getting two more VH servers in the next month. CDW has DL385s on sale, with dual PS, 2.4Ghz 8-Core, 32GB -> $3500 each.
@ChrisS I was being stupid, we're runing Hyper-V R2 SP1
But my old boss used to love the Virt Server 2005
I'd like to consolidate down to a blade center, but we've got a couple generations of servers at this point, so they've all go different warranty/depreciation dates/rates.... Plus these sales are a good deal, and the blade servers never seem to go on sale...
@ITHedgeHog We used it back in the day when it was good for the time, and free when almost nobody else was.
well, you also have to consider that you used to HAVE to pack servers that densely
now, three or four R710s / DL380's are just a freakish amount of power
use 10GbE and the number of cabling coming out the back is so much less...
Mmmm R710's
@SpacemanSpiff Have you seen the C series from dell?
@MarkM not familiar
It's three separate chassis in a 2U enclosure that share power and cooling
but are otherwise independant
they also share a SAS backplane if you're using local storage and you can divide the disks up however you want
@MarkM I'm not sure anyone's actually seen them. Last time I enquired, they said that they were unavailable.
Ah, I haven't tried to buy one
It's been listed on their site for at least 6 months though
Just changed that link to the specific server I was talking about, in case anyone clicked through and got the list of servers that weren't what I just said. haha
that's pretty relevant to me though
we're looking at doing cloud services
building out our first vmware cloud cluster
two of those, would allow for two cloud management clusters
We were planning on startingwith four R710s and two R510s
I haven't done any comparison to these vs blades. I don't even know what one of those costs. It just struck me as unique.
which makes me giggle a bit that we're using the word "cloud", but thats another discussion
vmware is funny when they talk about it to, when they say things like "vcloud doesn't work across multiple sites" and i'm like then how is it a cloud
it is kinda cool how the software carves up your resources into little pockets for the customer
They're more like a stormfront.
They have to have their cloud contained in one big spot to have any thunder.
Otherwise we'd have a computing mist.
wow each server inside that 2U has one pci slot?
There are times I wish I could stay in my own little world. I just saw a story about Newt Gingrich's speech at a megachurch and I don't know if it's funny or scary.
@SpacemanSpiff I think it has a 16x and 8x. i might be wrong
I'm grumpy, I think my Operations Manager box just died.
Why didn't it tell me it was sick? :(
The Pope is Fine. The Pope is Fine. The Pope is Fine.
The Pope is Dead.
@voretaq7 it's slipped a disk
@ITHedgeHog Have you tried grabbing it by the neck and lifting it off the floor quickly? Sometimes that realigns them. If not, try it on the sales rep: Doesn't solve any problems, but quite therapeutic!
No, I have replaced the disk
@ITHedgeHog pfft.
oh Juniper fun today
the routing services just stopped responding on the new EX8208 I put on
finally started writing the presentation that needs to be done by friday - so far I've got "Hello, my name is...", just have the next bit to do
@Chopper3, seems like you started a bit early, best time to do it is on Thursday night ;)
How many minutes are you talking?
I figured MS did that so I wouldn't realize how much time I spend messing about with their software when there was a problem.
@voretaq7 Literally, I've replaced the disk with itself - its working now.
@ITHedgeHog That's OK, it'll fail again in a few days. :-)
@BartSilverstrim He's a programmer, so any settings he doesn't like were probably put in place by a vengeful Sysadmin like you anyway.
@voretaq7 I know, but Dell are finicity about me trying this
@ITHedgeHog I used to just lie to them and say we already tried it.
Our job descriptions generally carry a clause specifying that we piss off at least three users a day.
I lied to Dell tech support a lot.
@BartSilverstrim 3? Slacker.
@Voretaq7 I think it's a requirement in order to talk to a tech that actually knows what he's talking about.
I said at least
Most policy is dictated by what pisses off the most people at once.
I can't lie, they take the controller logs now and check for the events
But I do all of the trouble shooting, and fire off my request for level 3 attention
Users were howling for a month when we required passwords that somehow related to pasta and the number "blue."
@jscott Just saw that one myself, it had me in fits of tears and laughter
@ITHedgeHog "We're running FreeBSD. Your diagnostic software doesn't work on FreeBSD. I cannot take a production server down for you." -- things might be different now that you can get a DRAC card in everything though :)
It still relies on openmanage - so you're safe
I don't mind really, doing this stuff does mean I talk to someone who is knowledgable
I really like it when my NX3000 breaks - I get the high complexity team and they do know what they're talking about.
@ScottPack sorry, phone rang, 15 mins
"I bet your cubicle neighbor took your mouse. Just take his."
@ITHedgeHog exxxxxxxxxxxcelent :)
I used to have a few direct numbers for "Remotely Competent Dell Support" (exactly how I entered it into the contact system)
@Chopper3 np, I just got back to my desk. 15 minutes? That's not bad. I usually assume an average of 1-2 slides per minute.
never do more than 6 slides, my rule
In general it's a good rule, however I see a scaling problem.
nah, you're up there selling something or another, if you can't cover it in 6 slides it's not going to sell
I tend to not put much content in my slides, and use them more to either highlight the critical information, or just help me keep focused.
Ah, that's a big difference. I've not done any sales style presentations. Mine have all been more educational.
@Chopper3 My rule is 10 slides (including cover slide) -- If you can't summarize it in 10 slides it's too complex for a powerpoint talk.
but I'm geared more toward technical talks & management presentations
@voretaq7 Now that I'm thinking of it, I'm probably closer to that. I'm thinking my kneejerk 1:1 ratio comes from when I was a student doing 10-15 minute talks.
My technical sessions are probably divided up with about 80% of the content being strictly verbal, and the rest just summarized on a slide, I'm probably closer to 10-15 at the max. Even for an hour long event.
@ScottPack Yeah - A really complex analysis talk may need more than that, but a presentation of facts/methods/etc. rarely will.
mine are mostly just dick and fart jokes with the odd acronym thrown it
@voretaq7 Almost all of my talks, since becoming a "productive adult" have been technical sessions at the odd regional conferences. I've also found that outside of the talk my slides are fairly useless the attendees. I've been trying to get in the habit of making gratuitous use of the notes field so that I can hand them out and not feel like a heel.
One of the devs here just posted "Interviewing at Vanguard tomorrow" on his facebook. Apparently he forgot that I'm the only work person that's allowed to see his wall posts
He has everyone else so that they cant really see anything
How can I fuck with him?
@ScottPack same - I try to have my entire presentation in the notes field (everything I'm going to talk about), and I post my slides with notes after the talk.
@MarkM "So, work been sucking more than usual?"
@voretaq7 I'm definitely getting better, but still not there yet. I've actually toyed with the idea of formulating my talk into a paper so that I could hand out both. That requires a lot more work, though.
I don't like him a whole lot, so I don't know why I'm the only one from here that can see his wall. I wonder if it would be considered unethical to extort a free lunch from him.
@MarkM Just give him a "Good luck tomorrow" next time you're in a group setting.
Oo...or stop by in the morning and say, "Is that what you're wearing? I hope you have your suit in the car!"
This is going to be great
You should totally act like everyone knows.
I screen shotted it already in case he realized his mistake
I just want to click "like" and see how long it takes to disappear
I'll guess it's within 20 seconds
Claim ignorance of his viewing restrictions.
@ScottPack YES
my job is finally buying me a computer
I've worked on my personal laptop for 3 years
@hobodave Your spec or theirs?
27" iMac
@hobodave so.... full tax writeoff then? :)
yea I claimed that 2 years ago
@hobodave I love hunting for writeoffs!
@hobodave good news, shame there's an update in May but it's not that big an update
does the substantially-cheaper-laptop dance
@Chopper3 I told her. She's going to wait a couple weeks and see if there's an announcement
May 17th or 24th sorry
I haven't seen those dates
didn't say you did ;)
most reliable rumor I've heard is "New iMacs en route by ocean to U.S. available end of April or 1st week of May."
most reliable rumour I've heard was when I spoke to a friend who's a product manager at Apple HQ who said "aiming to be announced and available third or fourth Tuesday in May"
@Chopper3 ah , so the announcement will be soon?
that's why we're waiting a couple weeks, hoping for an annoucement
no, they'll announce and they'll be immediate available the 3rd/4th Tues in May
@hobodave If they announce in early/mid april nobody will buy the existing stock. Business.
they typically do that @voretaq7
e.g. 2011 macbook pro update
they gave 2 weeks lead
I'm still wondering about iPhone5 specs.
@hobodave lately minor updates have been 2 weeks if anything - there were a few updates recently that "just appeared" on the store :)
plus they always give post-discounts for purchasers in the past 30 days
@hobodave yes, but the important part from a supply-chain standpoint is "we got rid of that old stock" :-)
Too Pragmatic Nihilist...
Sadly, that isn't an option.
that sort of 'what's the best' question is just a spam-magnet, we had two in only a few minutes, closed it as it can't really be answered
Wow, what a dick.
me or him? ;)
Look at the time!
the #1 spammer is that windowspasswordrecovery one (or whatever they change their name to each month) - I always though it was a stupid idea to knowingly annoy the world's best sysadmins - if we ever chose to we could mess with them so badly they'd never want to go near a keyboard again right?
Oh no, those BGP advertisements totally look kosher.
I just read his comment to John, what a knob.
lol that is ancient
banned him
you realize that is dated May 2010 ?
yep, only just saw it, nobody gets to act like that on my watch. This is a site for professionals first and foremost
lol he's gonna be like wtf happened? if he ever comes around
last visit was Feb 20
Is it a Breitling?
Your watch?
haha, never wear a watch actually, hate them in fact, really bother me, pet peeve
@hobodave "wtf happened?" => "You were a tool. We sent you back to the shed."
Yeah, I don't wear a watch any more
i used to, when i was at school
i had a 9 quid casio
@Chopper3 I used to wear a watch, but I have a cell phone now. it has a clock synchronized by the cell network. Far more precise.
I still wear a pocket watch when I get overly dressed up, but typically I don't have my cell with me on those occasions :-)
@voretaq7 same here.
Ohh. I'd love a pocket watch.
especially one that had time signal sync.
@TomOConnor ebay - you can get really nice old ones dirt cheap
same here, I'm never far from the time one way or another, hate jewellery to be honest, had a wedding ring but it's in my wife's jewellery box these days, I hate extraneous stuff, even have RFID car and house keys
I have to get mine in - it's not keeping accurate time anymore and it's a cylinder escapement so I'm not brave enough to try to fix it myself :-P
@voretaq7: i knew someone who's samsung phone would only change the time via the cell network, so time would stop when he didn't have service
@Chopper3 I used to wear a ring, when I had a partner who liked that kind of nonsense. I have really small fingers though
I used to wear my fancy watches, when I had to wear a suit everyday. Now that i'm in khakis and a polo, i tend to not bother
ha, wish apple would let you change the 'unlocked front page' (I'm sure there's a term for it) to show more than they do on iphones, and yes I know you can hack them to do it...
I should just draw a watch on my wrist with a Sharpie
it'd be right twice a day.
@TomOConnor I have a friend that lost his wedding ring on his wedding night
@Chopper3 Eeeee.
I haven't worn khakis in years
I don't think I own a pair that I can fit
I have a few pairs of black combats
In one of the William Gibson books someone had an implant so that if they pushed one tooth with their tongue they could see the time in their vision, always thought that would be cool
Dickies, mostly.
I just wear jeans
I wear surfer shorts 9 months of the year
@TomOConnor Get a small metal bead implanted just under the skin & draw a sundial face around it. Instant watch.
@Chopper3 chewing gum would be distracting, like that.
@Chopper3 I wear glasses. Can I just have my augmented reality display on those? :)
don't do chewing gum
INFO: Server startup in 61298 ms
Eh. That's appalling performance.
me too, but there are focal plain issues with glasses though that take at least some depth to fix
@Chopper3 mmh, true. It would have to be uber-high resolution. Or laser-retina projection. or both.
Interocular lens. That will fix it.
Wow, this is...impressive. Just received a 20"x16"x11" shipping box. Enclosed was a bunch of paper packing material and a 16"x16"x4.5" box. Contained within that was a bunch of foam and a single hard drive.
Whatever 3rd party RSA uses.
The hardware is just a rebranded Dell, but it looks like support replacements are farmed out.
can anyone confirm that netapp's sysstat tool is having problems to account for network traffic on vif interfaces correctly?
im seeing roughly two times the wire capacity in sysstat
but the wire has the iface and an vif sitting on top due tue vlan trunk on it.
that has to be a sysstat screw up ...
@pfo Sounds like you broke the universe
Better hide before the black hole opens up
2x wire speed is almost as bad as dividing by zero
I blame it on the LHC.
yeah but still 1,96GBps per interface kind rocks :)
fuck I hate netapp kit - I can check this in a moment if you like on my own, just need to help the wife with something dull
@TomOConnor HP would have palletized it.
@Chopper3 would be really appreciated as i can't find anything on the whole internet regarding sysstat not properly accounting network traffic
on google's version of the internet that is
ok, give me a short while
Hello all
Was wondering if anyone had any clues on:
Q: Why don't I have Deploy actions available in IIS 7 Manager?

spoulsonI'm currently investigating options to script automated deployment of an ASP.NET web app. Using MSBuild I can create a package and import it manually or by script into a server running IIS 7. However, after reading instructions, such as Vishal Joshi's blog about WebDeploy, I'm finding I don't h...

@pfo what exact command are you using so I can compare things
ಠ_ರೃ Monocle
@spoulson you only asked the question 23 minutes ago????
Too soon?
Never too soon
Oh I thought someone made a questionable joke. Nevermind
well you can ask a question on the main board where 40k users look, or come on here and catch maybe a dozen generally talking about lunch
It seems like this problem is a quick fix, but can't google the answer for the life of me
@Chopper3 Oh my fault... I thought this was the main room
@Chopper3 We've more been talking about 00 and ಠ_ಠ rather than lunch lately
it is the main room, I'm just not sure it's the best place to escalate your question
this is true mark
I don't know how other sites use their chat rooms, but we talk almost exclusively about anything off-topic for the main site
Does anyone actually frequent any other sites chat rooms? I'm curious how they use them!
Yeah, but the ones I go to are like $1.99 a minute.
The format's a little different than here.
Yes, this room's activity increases proportionally with the level of inappropriateness in the topics.
@Chopper3 Lunch today: Arroz con pollo y frijoles, con un plantain y coca-cola.
@MarkM ...really? I'd imagine it would be surprisingly similar.
@pfo hi, did you have that command?
@voretaq7 A lot of it is similar. No one in either place wants to deal with SharePoint, for instance.
@MarkM Outside of the Microsoft compound, where they have the kool-aid infused by IV, who DOES want to deal with sharepoint?
@voretaq7 The same type of dudes that will end up dying like the guy that played Bill in Kill Bill.
@MarkM a movie that resonates with double-meanings at the MS compound?
Did you see how the actor that played Bill actually died?
Auto-erotic asphyxiation in thailand with a prostitute gone wrong
those are the kind of guys that like sharepoint
freaks and heroes
I honestly haven't found SharePoint to be that terrible yet. Then again, I'm only using it on a surface level.
imagine trying to explain metadata and its importance to a nursing teaching department that doesn't know the difference betweel outlook and owa.
@MarkM, I, for one, would be OK with SharePoint discussions to be a bannable offence.
@BenPilbrow In the security room it's much the same dicking around as here.
We split our focus between food and booze, though.
@Chopper3 just sysstat -x 1
that's the extended stats with 1 second interval
No boobs? :-0
Not as much, sorry.
yeah, looked at your pastebin and spotted that just now - did the same but my traffic's not enough to show the split (or lack of) - I think you're right though, it's totalling all IF's rather than ignoring VIFs
So does someone have a userscript that auto stars whenever a regex match for boobs shows up?
it has to be that way, theres no way on earth an ethernet loop working properly :P
like I say I hate netapp kit, it's just held together with string and spit - plus all the tools are useless, old versions, inconsistent usage etc.
@MarkM mostly freaks.
i really hate that they don't have auto completion.
@voretaq7 You think those guys know what they are?
@pfo they have nothing, do you use multistore/vfilers? you get almost no tools to use inside them at all
no ms/vfiler here.
@MarkM Most of the regulars have kids, so let's hope so :)
Do you think we'd get kicked from the room if we just went in and typed boobs boobs boobs boobs?
@MarkM That's why we have to bring them a sample!
@Chopper3 do you use the multistore stuff for multiple customers or for proper multihoming?
Does someone have a link to the security room? I'll risk it
@BenPilbrow I occasionally hang out in the Minecraft room, and a couple others. I think the have about as much on-topic conversations there as we have here.
@pfo I don't use it for multi-tenancy myself although I have colleagues who use theirs for exactly that use, I use mine for different security zones
@BenPilbrow Probably not. I'm the room owner, apparently, and no mods are around right now.
This one?

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
got it
Heh, I starred :-)
i've got a fas32 system a month ago
still playing with it
Yeah it got starred in about 1 second
can't make up my mind about the performance
boobs work there too
and i had a spontaneous reboot a few days ago
but as a filer for cifs they do work.
We should boob a few non-tech rooms and see if it's a universal cause and effect or if it's just tech-related
but i hate cifs and the mac cifs client can't survive the fail-over
We should just all invade other rooms, type boobs, star it and leave. That way their starred list will contain just boob references
and theres docs about how to set the mac cifs client to same defined time out
have to head home for some dinner, laterz!
@Chopper3 thanks again!
sorry, call
@Chopper3 Bananaphone?
@voretaq7 Better than a banana hammock
@MarkM Where else would you keep the afore-mentioned phone?
Oh no
sorry guys, phone rang and poor pfo was typing away - felt guilty
@BenPilbrow I'll take the heat for it. Start posting chat links

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