I'd like to consolidate down to a blade center, but we've got a couple generations of servers at this point, so they've all go different warranty/depreciation dates/rates.... Plus these sales are a good deal, and the blade servers never seem to go on sale...
@ITHedgeHog We used it back in the day when it was good for the time, and free when almost nobody else was.
It's been listed on their site for at least 6 months though
Just changed that link to the specific server I was talking about, in case anyone clicked through and got the list of servers that weren't what I just said. haha
There are times I wish I could stay in my own little world. I just saw a story about Newt Gingrich's speech at a megachurch and I don't know if it's funny or scary.
@ITHedgeHog Have you tried grabbing it by the neck and lifting it off the floor quickly? Sometimes that realigns them. If not, try it on the sales rep: Doesn't solve any problems, but quite therapeutic!
@ITHedgeHog "We're running FreeBSD. Your diagnostic software doesn't work on FreeBSD. I cannot take a production server down for you." -- things might be different now that you can get a DRAC card in everything though :)
@voretaq7 Now that I'm thinking of it, I'm probably closer to that. I'm thinking my kneejerk 1:1 ratio comes from when I was a student doing 10-15 minute talks.
My technical sessions are probably divided up with about 80% of the content being strictly verbal, and the rest just summarized on a slide, I'm probably closer to 10-15 at the max. Even for an hour long event.
@voretaq7 Almost all of my talks, since becoming a "productive adult" have been technical sessions at the odd regional conferences. I've also found that outside of the talk my slides are fairly useless the attendees. I've been trying to get in the habit of making gratuitous use of the notes field so that I can hand them out and not feel like a heel.
One of the devs here just posted "Interviewing at Vanguard tomorrow" on his facebook. Apparently he forgot that I'm the only work person that's allowed to see his wall posts
He has everyone else so that they cant really see anything
@ScottPack same - I try to have my entire presentation in the notes field (everything I'm going to talk about), and I post my slides with notes after the talk.
@voretaq7 I'm definitely getting better, but still not there yet. I've actually toyed with the idea of formulating my talk into a paper so that I could hand out both. That requires a lot more work, though.
I don't like him a whole lot, so I don't know why I'm the only one from here that can see his wall. I wonder if it would be considered unethical to extort a free lunch from him.
most reliable rumour I've heard was when I spoke to a friend who's a product manager at Apple HQ who said "aiming to be announced and available third or fourth Tuesday in May"
the #1 spammer is that windowspasswordrecovery one (or whatever they change their name to each month) - I always though it was a stupid idea to knowingly annoy the world's best sysadmins - if we ever chose to we could mess with them so badly they'd never want to go near a keyboard again right?
same here, I'm never far from the time one way or another, hate jewellery to be honest, had a wedding ring but it's in my wife's jewellery box these days, I hate extraneous stuff, even have RFID car and house keys
ha, wish apple would let you change the 'unlocked front page' (I'm sure there's a term for it) to show more than they do on iphones, and yes I know you can hack them to do it...
In one of the William Gibson books someone had an implant so that if they pushed one tooth with their tongue they could see the time in their vision, always thought that would be cool
Wow, this is...impressive. Just received a 20"x16"x11" shipping box. Enclosed was a bunch of paper packing material and a 16"x16"x4.5" box. Contained within that was a bunch of foam and a single hard drive.
I'm currently investigating options to script automated deployment of an ASP.NET web app. Using MSBuild I can create a package and import it manually or by script into a server running IIS 7.
However, after reading instructions, such as Vishal Joshi's blog about WebDeploy, I'm finding I don't h...
yeah, looked at your pastebin and spotted that just now - did the same but my traffic's not enough to show the split (or lack of) - I think you're right though, it's totalling all IF's rather than ignoring VIFs
@BenPilbrow I occasionally hang out in the Minecraft room, and a couple others. I think the have about as much on-topic conversations there as we have here.