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@MarkM If it were a cover letter/ important doc, I would care more and/or have my English teacher look at it but for SF chat not really
Just saying
@Holocryptic didn't you become a zombie? the noodles?
eh? No, wrong person.
That was Iszi, someone else who still has their default gravatar.
@MarkM Snapshots, rollbacks, clones, etc; new/improved ACLs, self-healing file system (no fsck); built-in compression and deduplication; integration of storage pool and file system
See I get a lot of stuff wrong in english, but not the your you're use :P
Plus I'd have to kill myself. I have this aversion to zombies that requires me to shoot them in the head.
@coredump So ein Peck?
@ChrisS Last I checked, the ZFS support wasn't for boot volumes though. That really limits the usefulness in a 2 disk system
That was quite a while ago though
@Jacob Gregory Peck.
@coredump WTF?
@MarkM I don't know if OSX can do it; but FreeBSD can, so it'll get copied to OSX soon enough.
@coredump Good call. Great voice on that guy. I love the tonal quality.
@packs No, He'd know what I just said, which was in German
@ChrisS I wouldn't count on it. They don't even use a version of samba that can follow dfs links
@packs I love The Guns of Navarone
@Jacob Wait until you get to that part of world history and you'll see why my joke was funny :)
@coredump You have movies down there?
I think I'll change my gravatar
@MarkM Samba isn't included in FreeBSD's base... Apple copies all of FreeBSD's good ideas pretty religiously, I'd expect to see it in the next version of OSX....
@packs oh not, I though you said was....
@packs with 3 or 4 decades of delay from the US but yes.
@packs WH only goes to 1500, but I get the reference
@hobodave to?
myself of course
@ChrisS I don't know a lot about FreeBSD, but from what I understand, there is a port of samba for it that can follow DFS links. Apple's using some implementation of samba, whether or not it's in the base or not shouldn't matter.
@coredump Sweet! You should be getting Get Smart and Laugh In!
@packs we are starting to see a promising new actor called Leslie Nielsen.
@coredump Oo yes! Give it some time and he'll start to do comedy. You will LOVE IT
@coredump There is this new thing called Bittorrent its P2P, you need it...
@Jacob You really need to work on your humor :)
@MarkM Well whatever is included with OSX has to be licensed so that it can be bundled with a commercial product. Currently Samba is GPLv3, and I doubt they want to release their "improvements"
@coredump And you need to industrialize... whats your point
wonder how long it gets cached
@ChrisS Well, why don't they use whatever port FreeBSD already uses that works with DFS? That has to be compatible with the BSD license, right? Or am I missing something?
Heeeer's Kitty.
@hobodave I think 12 or 24H
@MarkM FreeBSD's port is the official version, it's not bundled with the software, you have to install it separately. FreeBSD's ports system just makes it very easy to install 3rd party software, it's (usually) not actually part of the system.
any of you guys workout?
@ChrisS Got ya, it just makes no sense to me that Linux can do it, BSD can do it, Microsoft invented it and MS's only real competitor in an enterprise market (if you can call them a competitor) doesn't support it.
@hobodave 12oz curls every weekend.
@Jacob nvm...
@hobo raises hand
ever do CrossFit @Wes?
I tried it for the first time last night; owned me.
@hobodave food lifting and beer pressing.
@hobodave, i'm going to start Insanity soon, i'm not really looking forwrd to it
@hobo No sir. I roll my own weight lifting routines, but I was thinking about trying the ubiquitous p90x
@hobodave I work up a healthy brain sweat thinking about lifting weights.
And by "work out" I think @WesleyDavid means "lifts beer to mouth"
I tried P90X, it's hard and fun, but it gets tedious after a couple of weeks
I didn't do it for 90 days, more like 18
@hobodave My old roommate did p90x for the full 90 days. He started dropkicking babies and uppercutting grandmothers after, he felt so good.
I havne't worked out for two weeks. Been dealing with some vertigo issues. I can feel myself getting softer. Sucks.
@MarkM /me embarrassed does the original p90 program.
@Jacob Better than my workout program, which consists of drinking heavily and walking all over Philadelphia not knowing where the hell I'm supposed to be going
@MarkM that sounds perfectly valid to me
@Zypher you're from Philly, right?
@Jacob I tried P90 too, that was even worse. Only two different workouts :-\
@Zypher I have 1500 rep :)
A couple of weekends ago this girl had a party at the raven lounge at 18th and samson. I had to be carried to my buddy's car at 17th and vine.
I bought him dinner the next day, most people would have thrown me in a cab with a note on my shirt
@DanBig Insanity reminds me of crossfit, it doesn't look fun
@hobodave Well its better than doing nothing....
that it is
had to take a cab home on new years ... my friend called me the next day apparently the cabby was really concerned about me staying awake
looks like my gravatar is out in force
The worst is when you're drunk and have 4 people and get stuck sitting in the front seat with the cabbie. that's always awkward
It's never like that commercial where they have a big sing along and everyone's happy
ohh yea ... luckily we where at tir na nog where there are a bunch of cabs
@zypher At your size, what does it take to get you that drunk? A .38 to the head? =)
@WesleyDavid lol
@hobodave So, something is better than nothing and currently its enough for me to do something
@Zypher Dropped out of a third story window? On your face?
APPARENLY i was chatting up some chicks and switched to something like vodka tonics
@Jacob stop being so defensive, I was just sharing my opinion of the product, not you
I think I could probably live on vodka tonics
after 5 bottles of champange at my friends hous and 1/2 a bottle of scotch
Well, gin and tonic, vodka is an acceptable substitute
between 4 of us
@packs you tried bluecoat?
@hobodave I wasn't trying to be defensive...
@Zypher I haven't
very good stuff ... must drink in my book
The girl's birthday that incapacitated me had open bar for 2 hours. I told everyone I know to exclusively order as much McCallan as possible. I still don't know why I blacked out...
My apologies then; it came across that way.
personally i think it's better than bobay saffire
@Zypher I've always fallen back on beefeater. Good value. I'll see if my local place has bluecoat
@packs, have you ever had Hendricks?
@MarkM the worste is when you wake up the next day with a big CC reciept from those special places on columbus ave
When the wife lets me stock gin again. Let's see, the little one's 2 so it's been....about 32 months since I've been allowed to put gin in the cabinet.
good god man
@DanBig Yes, I have often bought Hendricks. It's honestly about as low on the scale as I'll go, but still quite drinkable
@Zypher I woke up, had puke on my shirt, a measuring cup full of water next to my bed, no sheets to be found, leg covered in blood and my amex was gone. Best. Night. Ever.
I enjoy it with a slice of cucumber with tonic
Se, the problem @Zypher, is that she also really likes G&T
@packs still not seeing the problem
oh .. get them hooked young I say (please keep in mind i'm single right now, and even then no parenting advice should EVER EVER EVER be taken from me)
@MarkM nice ... hmm i gotta have a blow out downtown before i leave for ny ...
@Zypher "please keep in mind that no advice should EVER EVER EVER be taken from me" (FTFY =P )
hmm sadly probably true
I dunno, I really enjoy watching Scooby. For a dude who so desperately needs a bra, he's funny.
@MarkM: +1 for Hendricks
@Zypher Do you have a beard? My buddy is the president of the Philadelphia Beard and Mustache club, which is a front to get cheap drinks at tattooed mom's once a month
yes yes i do and i can grow one ... oh my why didn't i know about this before
It's a relatively new thing. I'll send you the link to the facebook group. 1 sec
Full beards that completely cover the face are what makes you a man.
It's shocking how many girls show up to this
I was drinking $2.50 Stellas at the last meeting
really ... hmm
(@RobertMoir @ChrisS - As per this thread: serverfault.com/questions/249103/open-port-1883-in-webserver Perhaps we should brainstorm to think of a good system for a migration purgatory that includes some form of feedback to the site that has chosen to migrate a question)
damn what's the sister bar to tatooed mom's
I just came from a show at The Church, so I was sweating my balls off. I drank like 3 Stellas just to cool down before I noticed how cheap they were
@Zypher Sugar Mom's. Never been there though
@packs What if I can only grow on the front of my face? :'(
@WesleyDavid Give it a few years and they'll drop, we understand.
@WesleyDavid I'm not so sure about migration purgatory.. But recourse for really lousy migrations would be nice..
@MarkM yes! went there once for a barlywine festival
it did not end well at all
@packs I'll keep you abreast of any news in that regard.
@Zypher Well, if you're around, just stop by. It's literally a bunch of guys with beards that have the upstairs reserved. Since it's on a Sunday, there's plenty of parking down by like 4th and South where the bar is. there's no official club business or anything. Just a bunch of assholes with beards and chicks that dig beards. Oh, and a bartender that will probably hate every single one of us.
nice .. .yea i'll have to check it out
There was an old guy there last time who told us about how he protographs himself naked all over the city, but the remote for him camera is broken, so he can't do it any more. Kinda ceepy
yes crazy beard people
@Zypher Zypher, I swear you agreed to 1500 rep.... ?
nope you suggested it ... never got accepted :) the lines after you suggesting it where us telling you to go for the full 3k :)
and even if you don't drop mine in, drop @WesleyDavid's in
I thought the rep requirement went up by 10 each time you mentioned it @Jacob :-)
@Jacob, I still see nothing in your blog
So the rep requirement is only 3k? If I started a blog, I'd be in the feed? :D
@Zypher You said " Ok, but 3K would make you feel more accomplished?
@BenPilbrow on alternating tuesdays...
@WesleyDavid I showed my boss the magnifier.exe as system thing that you wrote the other day. He chuckled.
@Jacob My blog is already in the chat room list.
I'm none too happy about AT&T's new DSL caps
@BenPilbrow Brilliant idea, Jacob needs 11K now. =)
@hobodave DSL caps?
Oh, and +200 for every mention of intern. @Jacob you're screwed :P
@WesleyDavid I read that as 1.1K...
@Jacob It's like spinners for your chrome wheels...
@MarkM Cool. I admit it's kind of a lackluster "hack" since you already need physical access, but it saves me some work when family members give me their PCs to work on and don't tell me their passwords. Plus, EFS sucks so if they EFS'd some files, you can simply reset your password back to what it was and regain access.
but the cheap plastic ones you get at wal-mart
@Holocryptic I'm going to safari then...
@WesleyDavid It was more of a "I can't believe that works so easily" rather than being something super useful.
And I don't know why my last blog post about self loathing and failure was so popular, damn I'm still getting decent traffic off of it.
@WesleyDavid probably because not many people have the balls to say "Yeah. I screwed up and incredible luck saved my ass"
@hobodave That's some bullshit. I can't even tell you how much data I stream at home. But it's a shit load.
I wish wireless broadband weren't just a pipe dream right now
@hobodave Clear
@hobodave This is why I love VZ FTTP
If you live in a metro area, that is
@MarkM I rest my case
they are being sued for the equivalent of a ponzi scheme
forget the legal term
For what? I know people that use it
yes, they grossly oversold their service, its often unusable past 700Kbps
Oh, shitty for them
"Clearwire had begun to throttle their home Internet connections, sometimes as slow as 256Kbps"
"Clearwire revealed in November of last year that it will likely run out of cash by mid-2011."
Maybe if they didn't waste so much postage sending me a different goddamn postcard with ads all over it every week, they'd be in better shape.
lol yea I get letters regularly
Same here
what annoys me with this bandwidth cap crap is its clearly targeted against online video
they say it "helps congestion"
no, it doesn't. throttling helps congestion, not bandwidth caps
AT&T's DSL network is ridiculously robust and relatively inexpensive to maintain
the cost of a customer consuming an additional GB of data through most wired networks is approaching $0.01
yet you see $10/GB overage charges, meh
but can i build my own wired network? no
@hobodave They charge for text messages, which piggyback on a back-end cell messaging system that existed already for towers to communicate with each other. There's zero additional cost to texts, but those are like .25 a pop if you don't have it on your plan. Anything to make a buck.
Telcos = scumbags 99% of the time. Rule of thumb.
if I were a multi-billionaire philanthropist I would build cheap high-speed internet everywhere
@hobodave I told my dad if we won the lottery, we're going to start an ISP
@hobodave And Hinkle chef's knives all around?
lol what?
why chef's knives?
Mostly because the one I have is subpar and if I could get someone else to buy me a nice one, all the better.
I use Shun
@Jacob I'm registered and licensed to start a WISP; then the economy tanked and banks stopped answering their phones...
@ChrisS That really sucks.
Meh, $hit happens. You either cry about it or find something else to do.
@ChrisS not that it matters but when was the last time you talked to a bank about it?
Somewhere around 3 or 3.5 years ago.... It's been a while.
@ChrisS If it's stil something you want to do, I'd recall them now...
I've entertained the idea of starting it small scale and building as cash becomes available, but I'm not convinced that would work out well.
@ChrisS there's always the risk of being ran over by others on the small start thing
@Jacob I work at an accounting firm now, know several small business bankers and none of them seem to really like the idea much with both Sprint, Clearwire, and another WISP in the area all pushing WiMax as it is.
@ChrisS Ahh, rule 2 location,location,location
Sprint charges a boatload and is much more concerned with mobile devices; Clearwire has reasonable rates, but will probably file Chapter 11 this year; the other place, cant' remember their name now has fairly limited coverage, but is basically exactly the same as what I'd do... They've had very slow growth, most likely because they've concentrated on city areas where they get to compete with Comcast and AT&T's wireline services.
Well folks, I won't be on until Wednesday. I'll be at a sharepoint training session monday and tuesday (gross). Catch you mutants later!
@MarkM have fun with that! :P
@MarkM thats only @iszi ...
Make sure you party on the weekend
@MarkM Don't get confused like Eddie Murphy and potty all the time. It's "Party all the time".
@MarkM, my hatred for Sharepoint burns deep, I don't envy you.
@Wesleydavid: Think rebecca black could do a cover of Party All The Time?
I wonder how many unicorn farts Jacob has huffed to keep requiring pixie dust to function...
I find the lack of boobs in the starred coments unsettling
@ITHedgeHog Save the Karma whoring for Reddit.
Ah, unicorn farts and boobs. That's what sysadmin life is all about.
No seriously I do, I was showing my fiancee the starred comments
And there were none
@BartSilverstrim I copied that phrase from @vortaq7 ...... Ask him
If she's right there, what are you complaining for?
@ITHedgeHog you lost me at fiancee.
At work with the boss of my shoulders many starred boobs, at home - none
@Jacob that might explain some things.
Those are pasties, not stars.
@ITHedgeHog just go to the show all $starredComments. Her eyes will burn.
@Holocryptic: Roughly half of fiancee's have boobs. They usually come as a set. For some reason he wants the text version, though.
Ok quick question. All my times and hours in browsers are wrong. They are like in GMT time
@coredump Status-bydesign ....
How do Brazilians tell time then?
How did your skype interview go or is it still in limbo?
Okay Steve-O, we'll try harder for you:
@BartSilverstrim Really? I hope I get a fiancee that's in the right half...
@BartSilverstrim GMT-3
Here you go, @ITHedgeHog, a nice pair of tits.
@BartSilverstrim It happened, and it was great. Lets see how great in some weeks
When you get old enough, with enough spirits in your diet, you might get a set of your own but those are usually considered icky.
lol image not found
Well, congratulations on having it seem to go well so far.
@Holocryptic: It's Susan Storm's bedroom pictures.
@Holocryptic Those are the emperor's new boobs. Only smart people can see them.
@BartSilverstrim Animated, or live action? Really I'm low enough I'll go for either, but entertain me.
Live action works for me.
Jessica Alba used to be pretty hot. I fondly remember her in Dark Angel.
mmmm and Sin City
@WesleyDavid meh
Never saw Sin City.
@BartSilverstrim what do you mean "used to be". Even after she popped out the kid she's still smokin.
good movie ... i'd suggest finding the original version not the "remastered" version
the remastered basically takes all the interwoven stories and tells them in order not nearly as effective
I haven't seen pictures of her lately. Machete had a body double.
@BartSilverstrim Been watching the horror films lately?
Not really.
Harder to do that with a 5 year old :-(
Scarlett Johannsen in Iron Man a lot, though.
Machete was action. Wife and I saw it when he was at Grandma's.
Machete doesn't text.
Oh, it's a movie...
@BartSilverstrim His assistant was hotter
What assistant, Pepper?
Gwyneth Paltrow?
Jacob, Jacob, jacob...when you find a girl that can beat the snot out of six security guards and look good doing it, you STAY WITH HER.
@Jacob Scarlet Johannsen beats Gwyneth Paltrow just by sheer boob power alone, nevermind hip and ass power....
Gwyneth is meh
Have to agree with Holo here, man.
Scarlet any day.
Time to go. Oooh, shinies!
@BartSilverstrim EWWWWW I just looked the assistant NVM I concede
@WesleyDavid #2 FTW
Honestly, you can't really go wrong with either.
@WesleyDavid no number 1 is a bad choice
@Jacob Gwyneth is probably the same age as your mom.
@wesleydavid - some kind of migration purgatory or feedback would be good. It would be nice to try and find a balance between discouraging people from migrating questions and discouraging them from migrating anything but its probably easier said than done
@RobertMoir I think the best solution involves some kind of learning exchange between sites. Not just "Hey, migrate this and it'll get blackholed if it's bad" - More like "Migrate this, and if it sucks, there will be feedback as to why this was not a good question to migrate"
Unless the PTB think that might cause even more flamage.
indeedy. I do wonder if the only people who will learn from that are the people who are already making an effort
Oh TomTom, how do I love thee? Let me enumerate the ways...
"RAM IS FATER THAN DISC." --TomTom, 2011
Can't we just tell him that everyone on stackoverflow.meta uses Linux and kill two birds with one stone?
@RobertMoir, @WesleyDavid education is the way forward for migrations
how to educate is the hard part
@WesleyDavid his answer confused me
hey hey hey
Maybe it was the 5TomToms of language making my eyes bleed.
Any BladeCenter ninjas in here?
@Iain Yeah, that's the trick. I am not excited about the idea of making migration's cost rep. People get weird over rep and then questions will just not get migrated, unless the cost is only 1 and the only people migrating are high rep. Then again, on burgeoning sites where rep is low, they might not migrate at all.
@gravyface nope. But I'm pretty sure I could do a great job of destroying it for you, with or without a sword.
hmm.. no ninjas. Any relatively competent BladeCenter folks in here?
Holocryptic: please do.
Hmmm, I was recently talking to someone about bladecenters in here. Can't remember whom.
He was a regular
talking about a bad firmware update.
@gravyface first you get a bucket of water...
did their eyes well up in tears?
Or was that you, @gravyface?
@WesleyDavid @Chopper3
I bet
@WesleyDavid having the people who migrated a question get told what happened to it may work
I'm deathly afraid of going into production with this rickety crate o' fail.
@Iain That's exactly what I was thinking. But that would seem to need a major new site feature.
tech support's either, "I don't know... here's a giant obscure RedBook to read" or "just downgrade the firmware" or my favorite: "power cycle the I/O modules".
not heard much about the bladecenter stuff, i've always used the dell blades. their last version was a bit rough but the newer one is sweet
IBM's blades have been out forever. Shouldn't be this brittle.
@RobertMoir What type of Dell blades do you use? AMD / Intel && Half / Full Hieght?
Dammit, this SQL thing is killing me...
@Holocryptic Mysql?
@Jacob no, mssql 2005. It's being a pain in my ass. I've been banging my head on the wall all day. Made a little progress with my earlier question, but it didn't end up resolving the problem I'm having.
What question was that @Holocryptic?
Think I found it, and think its not something I can help with - I've already re-deployed SQL servers to rename them
Q: Renamed computer with MSSQL 2005 installed - might have broken something

HolocrypticI have SQL 2005 SP4 installed on Win2k8. After I had it setup, we decided to change the name of the computer. In doing so, I think I might have broken something (possibly named pipes?) but I'm not sure as a) I'm not a DBA and b) I'm still in the process of setting this server up, so I can't say i...

The problem I'm having now is connecting to the reporting db. I'm getting an error, but when I search for it, it seems like a generic access issue. But looking at it more, it might be permissions. I just don't know
Hmmm reporting server permissions
Yeah, I'm setting up WSUS and Forefront Client Security.
I'm trying to test connectivity to the reporting server, but can't get it to work.
Workgroup or domain environ?
The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable)


provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server
From what I can find on the interwebs, it's pretty general stuff, and most of the solutions involve making sure a service is running (it is), or poking holes in the firewall (I turned it off)
This is mainly for reporting server?
yeah. It's going to be a single server deployment for WSUS and FF
probably MOM too
You know oyu need a separate reporting service for MOM right?
hmmmm.... Frankly I'm doing this a little off the cuff. The boss wanted it like this, and I'm doing my best to accomodate.
Now, by separate reporting service, do you mean a separate instance of SQL?
We fell foul of this with our MOM deploy
Hosed an entire reporting instance ;)
Just hold on a second, I'm remoting to my SQL2K5 SP4 box
Well, I can probably accommodate that
Have you tried running RSConfigTool.exe to reconfigure the reporting service? It should fix permission issues if they exist.
No, I haven't. I tried the reporting services config manager gui. It says the only thing I have to do is initialize, but I get the same error when I click on it. Let me try the rsconfigtool and see if something different happens.
I reckon thats the same tool
I though I read somewhere of another tool that I could use, but I'm not sure where I saw that....
Reporting services is a pain, was there anythign in the service you need?
I think you need it for FF. It's explicitly listed in the software pre-reqs.
I meant is there any FF data in there? If not, remove that bit of SQL - nuke the databases - and re-install it
It sounds like you'll waste more time trying to fix it than you will re-doing work.
I could go that route. But this is a fresh install already.
I think I'd end up in the same place.

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