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@Adrian You need to stream the audio :)
@HopelessN00b Deleted question?
@JeffFerland New devops startup: stream.ly
@Adrian job interview.
@ewwhite How heavy is that 370 G5?
Looks like a beast.
@ewwhite Yeah, I pretty much shut it down though. Pretty much a 'Be our only IT guy and live at the office' kind of job. When I figured out that auto-scaling AWS instances was going to be 75% of my job, I pretty much started giving him the answers that would kill the interview.
@Adrian That's aggressive. What do you want to end up doing?
@JoelESalas I've started to realize that I want to be doing system and network engineering kind of stuff. 75% AWS auto-scaling with Cobbler and 15% Desktop support doesn't leave much room for what I want to do.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who cares about getting a task done with craftsmanship and finesse.
@WesleyDavid I used to do that. Then I started getting you know, real work for real clients who don't give two shits how neat a solution is, just how long it takes and how much it costs
@WesleyDavid Yeah, that doesn't seem to be a big part of DevOps.
@HopelessN00b I wouldn't do that too often. that starts to seem like spamming to me...
what would you use for antivirus for a linux server that accepts web form/uploads?
@WesleyDavid very heavy...
@ewwhite Like, less than 100 pounds at least?
@ewwhite ClamAV
@WesleyDavid 105lb
@MarkHenderson I know, that's the trouble. People be all "JUST PUT .HTACCESS PASSWORDS ON IT AND IT'S SECURE!!"
@ewwhite Shit!
@ewwhite Make sure you tell FedEx 3-DAY-GROUND. Whatever is cheapest. =)
If you overnight that I could just save the money and buy a stocked C7000
is this a place for Live Support?
@mmmshuddup Meow
I was told this was a place for live support. can I have some of that? lol
@MarkHenderson hello!
@HopelessN00b You can only "At" people who are the OP, Edited, or Commented.
Sorry but we only do live support if you do it in cat
@MarkHenderson maow
@JoelESalas Prrrr
what about whale cat?
@mmmshuddup Yes, but I'm afraid that was your one question for the day, please come back tomorrow.
crap haha
@mmmshuddup Everyone sometime @'s you it looks like they're telling us to all shut up
I'll share with you what I've been spamming to my friends today because it's awesome
This is... troubling
@mmmshuddup Pft thats just my cousin Sven. And that's cat-dolphin, not cat-whale
Seen in before... in this chat even.
@MarkHenderson lol that's awesome
ahh bummer
No wait that could be Steve, he's a cat-whale
Sven and Steve kinda look the same
@MarkHenderson that doesn't look like a dolphin to me, that is looks like a killer whale.
(but don't tell them that, they get pretty pissed off)
@Zoredache Yeah my bad, it wasn't sven at at all, it's steve
it's weird the shape seems dolphin like but the size doesn't. it's hard to tell by the photo though
In case you guys wonder what we do in our Moderator Chat:
in The DMZ, yesterday, by sysadmin1138
user image
in The DMZ, yesterday, by voretaq7
[[Image:3D-printed-ban-hammer.jpg|thumb|The banhammer was actualized into a physical object in 2009.]] The term banhammer began as a satirical term for the power wielded by an administrator to ban or block users of internet forums, wikis, online games, or other internet media. The term is often used as a nickname for the actual anti-cheating software in video games that performs the banning action. Overview Punishment is usually a form of ban from the service, either by deleting the guilty party's account or suspending it for a period of time. In extreme cases, the person's IP address ma...
@mmmshuddup I live on an island. During the summer we have lots of tourists coming to watch the wales.
everyone is telling me to shuddup haha
@Zoredache nice is it like the island on Lost?
whoa is this a pure mod chat?? :O wait no I just scrolled up and saw a bunch of non mods
No. is a boring island on the west coast. 48.5075, -122.635
guys. I know many of the *nix gurus like yourselves despise OS X, but I was hoping one of you guys could take a glance at my question anyway since it's getting little to no attention over at "Ask Different"
Q: Recover overwritten partition table (external drive)

mmmshuddupI stupidly ran a command to make my external hdd bootable knowing that it was risky considering the command itself did not allow me to specify a partition to which to write. This command: $ sudo dd if=/Users/MyUser/Downloads/Fedora-17-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso \ > of=/dev/disk1 bs=1m For whi...

I'm kinda desperate on this one..
What is the likelihood of recovering the files I had stored in my Backup partition? My guess is ~0-5%.
at this point I think the only mistake I made was putting of=/dev/disk1 instead of of=/dev/disk1s2.. can anyone verify that?
You might be able to get some files out of it using something like test disk. But the first ~700MB of the disk is gone.
@mmmshuddup If you had printed the partition tables with their size in bytes it would be "fun" but possible... You're way down next to 0% as is.
what if I sent my drive to like one of those companies that charges like a 1000 dolalrs?
Oh, it's GPT, it should have a recovery table.
And the Backup partition is in the middle of the disk.
The linux partition is hosed, you'd be lucky to get anything off that.
I stupidly thought it would automagically write to the first partition simply by suppluing /dev/disk1. it was a noob mistake I'm aware
Do you have gpart on that box?
@mmmshuddup fwiw I'd say about 50% of the people here use OSX as their personal machines on a daily basis
Get gpart and just run gpart recover /dev/disk1 No problemo.
yeah it's a little too late for that. I just brought it to a certified apple technician who swore to me he would only attempt to read from the drive..
I guess if that in itself was a bad idea then I'm screwed lol :S
BTW, I don't see how copying the fedora iso onto /dev/disk1s2 would have given you a bootable setup.
@MarkHenderson oh nice :)
@Zoredache ugh
As long as you don't care about the linux partition you'll be fine... Just get that gpart command going before toying with anything else. Of course I disclaim all responsibility if something goes wonky. =]
well I wasn't done
What were you going to do after copying the iso?
@ChrisS lol nice
@Zoredache I was going to follow more instructions ;) I was only half way through the article I found.. Google let me down today. big time
@mmmshuddup Well, to be fair I don't know exactly what you've tried already, or anyone else, and I've given very good directions to people before and they managed to screw it up, so... I have to start with "it's not my fault" else people get the impression that anything can be fixed.
I thought with my intermediate [at best] bash skills I could handle this seemingly simple task
@ChrisS Yeah I totally respect that. and get it
But GPT does have a provision for this exact situation, so you could be saved by that if the secondary partition table hasn't been hosed by "recovery efforts", same with the Backup partition.
as soon as I finished entering my password for sudo I kinda had this nervous "OH CRAP" moment as I waited for the iso to finish copying. oh how the sweat was pouring
@ChrisS uh oh. and just trying to read will do damage? because it's literally/physically out of my hands right now
I've been there before, realizing "oh crap" after hitting enter. It's usually when I see "Remote connection terminated" too.
@mmmshuddup Eh, most systems don't "just read" is the problem you'll run into.
if this guy effs it up I'm gonna kill myself
Mounting any modern file system definitely changes things, unless you explicitly specify "read only" when mounted.
@ChrisS Yeah I actually _un_mounted just before doing this using $ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1
I'm gonna call that guy and see if he's still there
@mmmshuddup You're fine, as long as you can figure out where the partitions start. I feel your pain - I did something similar a while ago. Don't dd at 2am.
I don't recognize half the mac commands... I live in FreeBSD world, the one Apple stole half their system from. So half the commands are the same, and the other half are different (usually in nuanced ways)
@ChrisS true that. I usually live on centOS myself, it's personally my favorite distro
Check your inbox, @ewwhite
The other half of their system came from Mach (CMU's kernel project). =]
@MikeyB ha. it's a pretty crappy feeling huh?
Something I'd like to study, but definitely don't have the time right now...
@ChrisS Yeah I never totally understood what Mach was about.. then again I didn't do much readin gon it either
I just know OSX was born from NeXtSTEP or whatever it was called
Isn't mach the kernel for darwin
which was loosely based on freeBSD
@ChrisS The core unix stuff is still BSD (5-6ish). The funky shit is all Apple/Darwin
(and the kernel fucking SUCKS)
yeah I keep hearing hte kernel sucks but why?
is it buggy or slow or what?
@mmmshuddup Because the I/O subsystem was implemented by a cracked out ferret
@mmmshuddup Terrible I/O scheduler
@voretaq7 LOL cracked out ferret
Put any kind of heavy swap or disk activity on an OS X box and it literally STOPS
yikes. how do you define heavy then because this has never happened to me!
the I/O scheduling algorithm is basically "OH OH MY GOD SOMEONE NEEDS THE DISK! EVERYONE STOP -- just STOP OK? THIS GUY NEEDS THE DISK!"
@voretaq7 LMAO that was classic
@mmmshuddup Hmmm… anyone know if you zero out the first part of a GPT disk if it'll automatically use the backup copy at the end of the disk? I wonder…
@mmmshuddup I define heavy as any VM subsystem pressure (where swapping actually has to move data to/from disk), or doing something as egregious as dd if=/dev/zero of=/somefile bs=1M count=10000
oh wow I just noticed some people answering on the actual question. If any of those people are here bear with me I will read your answers shortly here after I smoke
@MikeyB dunno, never tried :)
@voretaq7 gotcha. yeah I guess I've never needed something that intense so yeah. but in a server environment I suppose I can see how people would end up disliking and complaining about the kernel
@mmmshuddup if you create fixed-size disks in VMWare or VirtualBox that's basically what it does :-D
@voretaq7 ha. I always used the dynamic option but I am curently done with VirtualBox :) we're not friends anymore
@mmmshuddup oracle-hater
I don't remember what they called tehir dynamically-resizing disk
I also dislike OpenOffice, but they're not with Oracle anymore so that helps :) fwiw I [kinda] love Java
@voretaq7 You know what's crazy. this is first time in any SE chat that I've seen so many gurus on at the same time. hard to keep up with you guys :P. ok brb I"m gonna have that smoke now quick
Q: Yum doesn't install latest version of Git on Centos6

Reza SanaieWhen I go to Gits download section it mentions that latest version is 1.8 and I can install it by yum install git on Fedora. I'm running CentOS6 so that command should also work for me, but yum tells me: Setting up Install Process Package git-1.7.1-2.el6_0.1.x86_64 already installed and latest v...

@mmmshuddup Its cos we're all here organising our next circle jerk
someone go explain to this person why they're about as dense as the shielding they use for nuclear reactors.
@voretaq7 @mmmshuddup The Mach kernel is interesting more than anything. Mach is a true MicroKernel design, essentially it's just a core traffic cop, all resources are managed by processes outside the kernel. OSX has a hybrid kernel based on Mach.
@voretaq7 Sounds like you already did
Wow, devops.jpg
Part of what makes Mach interesting is that 1. You can replace core parts of the "OS" by running a different management process. Want to manage memory different, just run a different manager. 2. Because the "traffic cop" doesn't have to deal with the actual hardware, it's doesn't especially care what hardware it's running on; specifically cases where you've got clusters of hardware with high speed interlinks, you could have one OS spanning multiple pieces of hardware (potentially dynamically too
@MarkHenderson LOL wff.. I'm back by the way. I smoke quickly, it's a habit I picked up from work
@ChrisS wow how do you know so much about that? are some of you guys programmers too?
@MarkHenderson he's still being a whiny bitch in comments
@mmmshuddup He's just a really big nerd
@ChrisS I wonder how much of the I/O subsystem's suck is really Mach's core locking
@mmmshuddup I was a programmer in a previous life.
@ChrisS that sounds quite similar to the loose-coupling idea in programming. leaving certain components being solely responsible for managing themselves basically
@voretaq7 Mach's core is incredibly fast; what's slow is that it works by message passing, and the security checking on messages is incredibly slow.
@ChrisS mach's core doesn't DO anything
@ChrisS hmm. and the message passing is what came from Apple?
Mach would take over the world if someone figured out how to do message security fast.
@voretaq7 Well, that too.
I can write a fast Hello World program too - but that's because I'm not a GNUist
@mmmshuddup No, that's inherent in Mach and any MicroKernel design.
@ChrisS ahhh gotcha
Passing messages in Mach takes less than a dozen clock cycles, fast my any measure. Security checks takes ~50 cycles minimum, and that's with certain assumptions.
@voretaq7 I started out as a C programmer but I haven't written any C code in ~7 years. I somehow ended up in web dev but I like it
crap guys I have to eat dinner. I will be back in like 20 - 30 minutes.
@mmmshuddup Is it because there's no such bullshit as malloc errors
@mmmshuddup Since the "kernel" doesn't do anything, the processes that manage the various hardware of the system has to pass messages to eachother; and anytime a user process wants something that's another message round trip. All messages pass through the MicroKernel (which is it's primary purpose).
I am enjoying this interesting conversation though so I'll be back :)
What's wrong with malloc errors?
I hate when I do something stupid with a pointer and end up off in the grass.
Or better yet if you forget to pass an argument to a function and C thinks you mean to pass NULL, so the function reads from memory offset 0 instead of throwing an error.
@ChrisS "When handed a pointer and uncertain of what to do, execute it."
@voretaq7 Words to live by
Ugh, I need a new soldering iron.... And they're expensive
those are generally adequate
Looks like a knock off of Hakko
I'll probable end up ordering this:
@ChrisS more like a Weller knock-off, I like the digital controls though
Meh, crank it to high and call it good.

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