am I really talking someone through resetting IP on a cisco box via async? I'm nearly 42 years old, father of two, worked all over the bloody globe... sigh
that's right, I have a sudden need to do something other than this, anything in fact, can you guys walk (crawl?) him through what 8-n-1 means, he's running SAN-OS iirc which is very similar to IOS, i.e. conf t etc.
step 1. - open MS Word, select File, then New, then select CV template, hit random keys, select File, then Send, enter an extensive list of recruitment service email addresses, presumably in the food preparation and/or janitorial trades. Step 2. - cross fingers/wait
@packs Look whenever I need a serial console I dig out my old Toshiba T-1200 (ancient blue-grey LCD model with 720K floppy) and use a copy of minicom, OK? :)
@Zoredache The adapters I have are pry-apart. I even have an RS232 inspector to go in the middle of the line if I'm confused. … does it show that I used to be a Sun admin? :-x
@packs Yeah, I figured out what it means, I took Latin in college, but it looks like someone used a latin-english dictionary and looked up the words... It most accurately (to my limited knowledge and poor memory) translates to "not by pierced but under". Still, what's that have to do with frying a NIC?
British people, I just noticed in the starred comments that @Chopper3 used "Jap." Is that not considered a slur outside of the USA? He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to drop one of those in casual convo
@voretaq7 in their defense, it's completely new from the ground up. They'll probably get there soonish, as they've done pretty well with the launch by all accounts.
to a degree it depends how its used I suppose. If I use "Jap" as a shorthand for "Japanese" in general conversation then its not really a problem. If I make a point of calling my chinese next door neighbours "Japs" then its a problem for sure