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there is a green ethernet cable plugged in to two switches , i don't see any free management port ?
do i 've to remove any?
@Zypher but if enough of us added a vote, aren't they auto-removed?
when you got the MDS it had a light blue cable with it
They don't ship the dongles anymore?
"I am excessively made to experience joy by the ocular display of recrementitious quantities of the female species' posterior." @voretaq7 @Holocryptic
@packs nah havn't for a while
although apparently you can use USB on the REALLY new stuff
havn't had time to play with that yet
@wildchild: see this link to locate the console port
@voretaq7 Nice call.
that's the one zypher, wildchild get that cable, plug it into the management port - feeny.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/…
I was really peeved when the PIX line got phased out. The damn things always had USB, but never got used.
@chopper3 not sure about it though , i 'm away from the DC at this point ..is there a specific port i need to plug in a serial cable?
am I really talking someone through resetting IP on a cisco box via async? I'm nearly 42 years old, father of two, worked all over the bloody globe... sigh
@wildchild Typically it's the one labeled "Console" :-)
@Chopper3 what?
since you're attaching a "Serial console" to the box :-)
see that image I linked to? it's one of the two silver ports, can't remember which one but it's not the one that mentions ethernet on it
@Chopper3 Diagnosis: Insufficient Booze. (Not sure who is deficient in that glorious substance, but someone is)
Right, the Console port is the one that's labeled Console.
@wildchild the port will be labeled CONSOLE ... it will litterally have the word CONSOLE above the port
i get it ,thanks all
@Chopper3 i think we have moved on to group effort here
We could just link him to one of Cisco's articles... google.com/search?q=site%3Acisco.com+password+recovery they are pretty good.
It's also commonly the same pretty blue Cisco color as the cable itself.
that's right, I have a sudden need to do something other than this, anything in fact, can you guys walk (crawl?) him through what 8-n-1 means, he's running SAN-OS iirc which is very similar to IOS, i.e. conf t etc.
@ChrisS that a new thing? Mine were always boring silver with a white label?
(the ports, not the cables)
one thing ,What ip / subnet should I assign to the laptop to allow communication with the switch ?
@voretaq7 I think it depends on the model.. My 3750s have a blue outline around the port...
@Chopper3 yea go forth and drink
@wildchild you'll be connecting via serial
@wildchild, no ip. it is serial, a point-to-point connection... Like a modem
you won't be assigning an ip
mildchild, it's not the ethernet port, it's async
@wildchild For the reconfiguring it's serial (No IP. Plug in cables. Open HyperTerminal (or equivalent) and start typing)
ASAs have the blue too....
screen /dev/ttyS0
okie , i m doing this for the first time ...sorry all , this was too basic and i was confused ..I get the point now
@Chopper3 dude.... I know you're thinking the same thing the rest of us are...
thanks you every one for the input
I still have a few cables that came with our 2500. They where a gray rolled cable with RJ45's on both ends, and you got an RJ45 to DB9 adapter.
yea, those where fun :)
@Zoredache I've got a boatload of those in the cabinet. I actually still use them as standard serial cables.
although i do like the cleanness of the current cables
Just put the adapter on both ends.
@packs wait... that works? you mean I've been using tip all this time for nothing? headdesk
step 1. - open MS Word, select File, then New, then select CV template, hit random keys, select File, then Send, enter an extensive list of recruitment service email addresses, presumably in the food preparation and/or janitorial trades. Step 2. - cross fingers/wait
@voretaq7 Surprise :)
The adapters where nice because you could use a pin extractor and rewire them when you had something unusual you needed connect to.
@packs well... DAMNIT! :-P
@Zoredache meh .. i would just use a knife to cut open asealed cable
it was more fun
As I recall out network guys have done that with some of the Juniper stuff
@packs Look whenever I need a serial console I dig out my old Toshiba T-1200 (ancient blue-grey LCD model with 720K floppy) and use a copy of minicom, OK? :)
@Chopper3 HAHA ... and god i forgot about him
have I just been lucky recently ?
@voretaq7 Meh, I use cygwin and screen.
step 3. - cut down, not across
@Zoredache The adapters I have are pry-apart. I even have an RS232 inspector to go in the middle of the line if I'm confused. … does it show that I used to be a Sun admin? :-x
windows == putty / linux screen or minicom
@Chopper3 ROFL good advice
@Zypher more out of his depth than a Jap fisherman last Friday
hahaha so wrong ...
but so true
works for my old company too
@Chopper3 I'm going to hell for laughing at that.
@Chopper3 oh ... so are you sending them an invoice?
@voretaq7 meh i was already going to hell for much worse things :)
no but I know a lot of the partners there
right, genuinely going to disappear now, have fun people
Night @Chopper3
alrighty ... later @Chopper3
@voretaq7 What is that logo supposed to be?
Later @Chopper3
Nevermind, figured out it's a British etherkiller.
I used to have one with a US (NEMA 5-15) plug on my desktop, IDK what happened to it
Still not sure what the etherkiller has to do with the Latin, but perhaps I don't want to.
@ChrisS Pretend, for a moment, that you're an emo kid, and you want to "just feel something"
@packs WoW Warlocks cut themselves to gain mana. Most. Emo. Class. EVER.
@Zypher @WesleyDavid said this works lets see... @Zypher (3.14) still needs an intern.....
@Jacob Infinity is like NaN: Can't do anything with it.
@voretaq7 What happens if your hair isn't black and covering up one eye?
@voretaq7 Pie on the other hand is not :P
@WesleyDavid nooooo filler
@packs Then you're not a WoW Warlock, you're just Charlie Sheen
@packs Yeah, I figured out what it means, I took Latin in college, but it looks like someone used a latin-english dictionary and looked up the words... It most accurately (to my limited knowledge and poor memory) translates to "not by pierced but under". Still, what's that have to do with frying a NIC?
Ugh they were talking about that on the radio today!
She looks coked up
@ChrisS it was definitey a dictionary job
You say "she looks coked up" like that's a bad thing.
And THAT goes on the wall.
@ChrisS I can believe that. My Latin is far too rusty to fix the translation.
and we're good
@WesleyDavid It IS when they're under age pedo-bear!
I have a feeling @Zypher just went "FUCK NO!"
@voretaq7 I've got my warlock creds. How about you? us.battle.net/wow/en/character/daggerspine/korbalbroach/simple
@Holocryptic Inactive too long, my armory link is dead (zuluhed/tsev)
@voretaq7 heh. I haven't played in about a month. Been giving Rift a try. It's pretty cool.
@Holocryptic Xbox FTW!
I haven't played in almost a year
I haven't played ever
lots of changes
got a little burned out though. Like I said though, Rift is a pretty sweet game.
@Jacob I've got one of those too, but I have to split my time wisely, as it were.
@Holocryptic How much is Rift per month? :)
British people, I just noticed in the starred comments that @Chopper3 used "Jap." Is that not considered a slur outside of the USA? He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to drop one of those in casual convo
@MarkM i never considered it a slur .. shrugs (also no british)
@voretaq7, I think I'm paying ~$12/mo for it.
About what you'd pay for WoW
@Holocryptic mmh, windows only tho huh?
is it?
@Holocryptic I have to much time....
didn't see Mac system requirements in the FAQ
@Zypher Ask a Japanese-American if they think it is :)
i wouldn't say "Jap" is a slur over here @markm. Informal and possibly a little rude but not a slur
@MarkM ah ... probably comes outta WWII here then
@RobertMoir Yeah, we were kinda bad to them during WWII, that's why I was wondering if it was considered the same all over, or moreso just here.
@MarkM Not really a slur here either, unless you're referring to all Asian people, or something other than Japanese people.
@voretaq7 you're right Operating system: Windows XP, Vista or 7
@MarkM Jap isn't (I don't think) derogatory over here
@voretaq7 in their defense, it's completely new from the ground up. They'll probably get there soonish, as they've done pretty well with the launch by all accounts.
@Holocryptic i'll consider it once they have a Mac version :-)
@RobertMoir hello... /me hides for yesterday
<- refuses to dual-boot Windows anymore
to a degree it depends how its used I suppose. If I use "Jap" as a shorthand for "Japanese" in general conversation then its not really a problem. If I make a point of calling my chinese next door neighbours "Japs" then its a problem for sure
hey Jacob
@RobertMoir Yeah, it's gotta be a US thing then from WWII
figures. this language thing is tricky
@Chopper3 My apologies for the flag dump.... Also to @Zypher, I thought the MSO post was a prodding to flag more.
@MarkM They also tended to tack an 'o' onto the end as well.
so very tired...
but if i go to sleep now then i'll be awake and bored at 4am
I now feel justified in the last 16 man hours of work time. I have made Kerberos my bitch.
@Zypher You should make this a challenge, If I can knock out SE for >5 seconds I should get the internship :)
i love the etherkiller coat of arms @voretaq7 posted btw. I made one as a leaving gift for a former PFY.
spray painted it silver for that classy look
and i think he still has it
@RobertMoir I've been thinking about getting the US version as a hat...
of the coat of arms? Or an etherkiller crown of thorns?
@RobertMoir Coat of Arms. I don't have enough 10b2 T connectors to make a crown of thorns.
good thing too, if you had that much 10 base t in one place someone might be tempted to actually use it for something and then where would you be?
tho the ones i make are usually CAT 5 these days anyway
wrap half the wires around live and the other half around neutral.... now that's power over ethernet!
just make sure you take the fuse out first in case some genius who isn't in on the joke finds one!
@RobertMoir yah. THe few seconds before those wires melt can do substantial damage

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