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for flooring if you like to change it's not a bad plan. after 10 year even with best quality's one my gf always want to change them anyhow
but I have a strong preference for vynil one that got a underlayer under it (for water evaporation), it's soft to walk on
I configured this week a app on my kid phone for his diabetes, hell of a job to do
but it's worth it, but a hell of a projec,t lol
need an apple dev account, need to config special service at home, with the certificate thrusted on the damn iphone too
learned a lot the openssl command let, and the iphone'S way to thrust a self signed certificate
if curious it'S that one I took; loopkit.github.io/loopdocs
@yagmoth555 as I see it - its there, and my goal for the apartment is the 'minimal viable product' so to speak
and needed nightscout for the reporting, so I did the work on my own win2019 server
@yagmoth555 erf
@JourneymanGeek yea, it's no worry, as long you love what you did in the end :)
as someone with both parents needing to deal with it, ugh about the underlying cause, neat project tho
in the kitchen I have composite, like 8mm 's one, one of thecheapest one, but it still do a great job
@yagmoth555 Its getting there lol
@yagmoth555 I think mine's essentially that
@JourneymanGeek oh ok, with nightscout you can even help in distance to do bolus and some thing like that, if they are older and know less how to control it
@yagmoth555 oh they know what to do
but the main thing nice, is the logic, it play with the bolusing to keep you in the correct range
all automatic
and they have periodic checkups/tele consults with a really good doc in india
ah, shiny
just cant wait to get the real omnipod 5 approved, it's already in the usa, but in other country it's not exported yet, with the automatic's mode
as, it's strange by default, it's anonymous
I'd half jokingly wonder if you can integrate into prometheus :D
didnt put any name in it, but when the loop will work, I will see the bolus and all the thing around
yea, it could be a neat idea
will look into that :)
brb, need to put the kid to sleep

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