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@MartinSleziak If by recently you mean the last decade then yeah it's been a bit quiet (c.f the star wall). Fortunately @JourneymanGeek and others drop by now and again and keep the place warm
@user9517 @MartinSleziak generally tries to ensure rooms stay unfrozen :D
I help where I can
A wild jmg appears - how goes ?
My kitchen cabinet bases are done
2-3 weeks to go for that :D
so moving
What tops are you having on the kitchen ?
composite quartz I think
they haven't banned it here yet
went fairly basic, not fancy, some wandering contractor :D
Is composite quartz banned elsewhere or is that a comment on .sg in general ?
the australians banned it IIRC
risk of silicosis
We had granite the last time we remodelled.
parents have some plastic stuff that basically lasts forever :D
I doubt we'll change it (like the kitchen)
lol, I just want to get something that I can work off of
It seems that this room was frozen and unfrozen a few times in the past.
but I generally park my ass here and try to assist unfreezing it
I used to be a SF regular
@user9517 Well, in this case "getting close to 14 days" was relevant - since that is the period after which a room gets frozen.
So perhaps this time Journeyman Geek did not have to unfreeze the room - but since he had to post several explanatory messages here, unfreezing would probably be less work....
In any case, all of this is tangential.
Well explainatory messages and talking about the reno gets the job done :D
I guess that the other room will get deleted by the script soon - it has basically no messages.
a mod can unfreeze/undelete it on request
deletions are not 'hard' deletions
BTW Server Fault is one of those sites which have "a secret room": What kind of unusual chatroom is this? It does not freeze
The main downside to granite is it's not very forgiving if you drop a plate or similar on it - just like tiled floors
Also, putting a large hot pan of stew directly on it isn't recommended - a friend crached theirs doing that
@user9517 That's the advantage with composite :D
also I'm probably picking up a pile of those ikea cork coasters :D
and honestly most of my flooring is 'cheap'/standard issue so I might end up replacing it in a decade or so
We use silicone ones
By "picking up" I mean a bunch will mysteriously turn up next time mom goes to ikea
@MartinSleziak SF's early enough that I can imagine the one chat domain/server per site plan seemed viable

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