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Off the top of their head, does anyone know of any changes between creating users in Powershell of Server 2008, R2 and 2012?
@voretaq7 Editing something like that without checking with OpenSSL is just so extremely bad.. jesus :p
Every time we get one of those "How do I block Facebook so my employees will be more productive" I think of this:
@Dan none I've been made aware of...
Why would anyone open facebook at work?
I know people do it, but why?
@Hennes I used to at $lastjob
twitter, facebook, whatever
Didn't matter
It wasn't frowned upon
You may give me a 10 foot pole, so I can not touch facebook with it.
FB and realplayer are things I simply do not trust
@Hennes Realplayer? Is that still about?
Legally: yes
Last year they tried to sue someone for linking to a realplayeralternative.
@tombull89 Just saw an advertisement somewhere the other day...
@voretaq7 Cheers, doing a little hobby app for bulk importing users but I want to use powershell underneath
@Hennes Because I work in a place where the logs have "Kate Middleton Topless" from the bosses PC
@ChrisS that actually happened to my department a month ago. We got a complaint from the board of directors that several VP's had told them that we were often not at our desks. Trying to tell them that we were busy working overtime every single night didn't help..
I never looked at my bosses PC.
Oh dear god. I thought RP had been taken out the back and shot decades ago. With VLC, Media Player Classic and iTunes, people don't need anything else.
Both because it is against the law, and because I had no reason to do so
@pauska Looking productive > Being productive =]
@Dan the PS abstractions should be relatively stable for that kind of stuff
@Hennes My point is that some organisations aren't pathetically touchy about their internet use
Although iTunes, Quicktime, and Realplayer all occupy the top three in my list of "bad software list"
@tombull89 Especially trying to lock down the fuckers, eh?
Agreed. Esp the 2nd and 3rd
FB not for the software (or rather, not because it is a social mediua website
But because they always leak information
@Hennes What do you mean?
@Dan We don't let them get installed in the first place. iTunes are on three staff laptops in the school, and Quicktime is on a Mac for doing screencasts.
And they did a dance a few times where they demished your rights in a big way, then did a small step back and prevented all was back to the old situation. And 2 months later they did it again. And again. And again
They games/application often could grab all your information
@tombull89 I've only had to play with iTunes once, but there's still people who want Quicktime and Realplayer on all of their terminal servers :(
Even if you disallowed it
@Hennes What? What information
Age, location, .... (think targetted adds)
@Hennes But that's got to do with work?
That's the same at home, or anywhere
@Dan Media players? On a TS? Hah.
Not with work. I do not trust FB anywhere.
Including at work.
Try this game, code untrusted, on your work PC with all work document.
@Hennes Shrug, I like Facebook, I just use it with reasonable caution like the rest of the internet
If people do that at home then it is their risk
@Hennes That's a pretty big security flaw in whatever platform, though. I wouldn't personally class it as a major attack vector, you're just as likely to get stung on a million other websites
I use facebook and think it is genuinely useful, although I won't touch any apps at all.
Lets just say I trust a lot of my users, except a few.
Not because they want to cause harm, but because they are totally clueless about security
@Hennes The answer isn't to ban them from large swathes of the internet, though
I tried educating. It failed
Now if I could just not offer internet at work then I would be happy
@Hennes Well the answer is to harden your internal network. You're never going to educate all your users and, honestly, I think the Internet is just as important as a tool as a phone, a pad and a pen
For some user: yes. They need the net.
iPad is done downloading iOS6. yayayayayayayayaya
@MDMarra Silly question, but I assume it doesn't delete anything when updating?
OTA updates dont fuck with anything
Cool, I'll do the Mrs's
Can't speak to doing the updates through iTunes
Don't have iTunes
you use the pc version?
You could install itunes ina vm, and use that vm just for the phone
@Chopper3 Yeah, I don't have a Mac. I'm aware that it's fine on a Mac, but it really is tragic on Windows
@Hennes Only have 1 Apple device which si the Mrs's iPad and it's not really come up (yet)
@Dan good, it's supposed to be
@Chopper3 shrug not my problem, shan't use it and I shan't buy their music either
So panoramas in iOS6 look awesome
Katie just texted me this (her update beat me)
Thats from a 4S
@MDMarra didn't the youtube, and maps app go away?
Google is still providing apps for those two services
They're just not apple-bundled
And Apple has their own maps app
I have yet to use it, though
@MDMarra Cat.
@WesleyDavid That would be Cat King Cole.
(Sometimes I wish he was black so that name would fit better)
@MDMarra Cat King Coal?
Nathaniel Adams Coles (March 17, 1919 â€“ February 15, 1965), known professionally as Nat King Cole, was an American musician who first came to prominence as a leading jazz pianist. He owes most of his popular musical fame to his soft baritone voice, which he used to perform in big band and jazz genres. He was one of the first black Americans to host a television variety show, and has maintained worldwide popularity since his death. Childhood and Chicago Nathaniel Adams Coles was born in Montgomery, Alabama, on March 17, 1919. When he was 4, he and his family moved to Chicago, I...
^ His namesake.
Ah. I think it would be cooler if he played Jazz Piano.
He sings to us when he's hungry at 6am.
A lot.
Not the same. -_-
@MDMarra And by 'sing' you mean: "Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow"?
then he jumps into the bed and sticks his nose in katie's ear
he's found that makes her wake up pretty quickly
Yeah, the GF's cat likes to stand on someone's hip and meow as loudly as he can.
He's recently started "nursing" on the collar oh her shirt/hair
kinda weird
@MDMarra That's not a real Les Paul is it?
It's a Peavey EXP
I bought it when I was playing a lot of hardcore in drop C or A.
A LP doesn't really sound so hot tuned to low
@MDMarra The neighbor's cat does that to my GF. One weird cat. More like a house-lion than a house-cat.
I owned a gibson SG at one point
Sold it almost right away though
@MDMarra No, it's not really it's natural habitat :D I can't remember the last time I picked up mine. I've got a copy of Guitar Rig but I gave my ASIO card away
The best instrument in that pic is the red Fender American Jazz Bass by the sliding door
I haven't played seriously in a really long time though.
@MDMarra Yeah, saw that. Bass isnt really my thing
I've been wanting to sell it, sort of.
But I can't bring myself to.
It was the first high-quality instrument I ever owned
Dude, I've still got a Fender Squire sat in front of me (Literally, it's next to the TV) purely because, well it's not worth anything and it was the first ever guitar I had
@Dan Sentimental value?
@JoelESalas Absolutely, had it like 13+ years now
This conversation has prompted me to look for a nice USB input
Ok, the new Maps app looks really slick at first glance
Mines still installing, about 3/4 through
hey comms room!
we're having a mod party, come say hi:
@Aarthi mornin'
but keep it clean!
Word up

The Assembly

You know those boring town council meetings you never attend? ...
anyone here had to dick with upgrading NIC drivers on a hyperV host?
@SpacemanSpiff I prefer to 'upgrade' them with a box of matches and a gasoline can.
heh... well... that approach is always acceptable to me
@Aarthi Party Time!
@SpacemanSpiff What do you mean exactly?
Hyper-V is undoubtedly sensitive to less than 100% functional NICs
Buddy of mine trying to do so... gives him some grief about the parent partition.
dell server, broadcoms with some older drivers
I told him his google-fu needs some work, most likely
but i could see that being dicey... my own aversion for Hyper-V is pretty much centered around its reliance on Windows NIC drivers
the silly ass shit over the years i've dealt with because of this driver and that driver I just don't trust it to be aggregating multiple guests traffic
woops, pretty sure i just killed a juniper pulse gateway :)
@SpacemanSpiff it's (finally) better in Hyper-V.. you still need a driver for the NIC (like every OS does), but all the vlan stuff etc is inside Hyper-V
well, what prompted this is he built a server, setup NIC1 normally, installed the HV role, then setup a second NIC as trunking
with tags set down at each guest
uplink is to a Juniper switch
I literally built the same exact thing and mine works, his dies at the switchport
he's on an R710 with BC5709Cs
I'm on a 2900 with BC5708Cs
but my drivers are newer
@SpacemanSpiff The 5709s have a plethora of known issues if you're running 1+ year old Firmware, Drivers, and Management software.
Scrambling vLAN tags is one of them I know for certain.
:) good to know, does that affect ESXi too?
we've been seeing some seriously weird shit like that
@SpacemanSpiff I'm really not sure... I would think so because it's partly a firmware issue, but I don't run ESXi.
@ChrisS That statement actually holds true for any point in time.
@MikeyB Meh; for the last year or two they've been good... Before that I don't blame people for curing Broadcom's name.
Broadcom pretty well defined Half-BakedWare' for hardware at least.
@ChrisS We've been having oodles of fun with Broadcom 10Gb cards (on Windows - half the problem!) and Cisco 7K/2K combos. Several bugs, some of them on brcm end, some on Cisco end.
In the end, the Cisco hardware got forklifted out of the project.
We just put a N7K + 2x2Ks in place
No 10GbE cards, but plenty of 1GbE Broadcom cards.
@MDMarra Yeah, we're talking at least tens of N7Ks here. Absolut Lunacy.
For the 1GbE Broadcom cards, it depends on the chip. The 5709 was the flagship with a zillion features... also a zillion bugs when first released.
checks home server
04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 20)
04:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 20)
I've also got CBM5715 1GbE Broadcom chips, never a problem, also just a "normal" NIC chip.
We're getting an awful lot of "architect my huge fucking thing for me" questions lately.
Q: How do you host images using Windows Server so that they are accessible over the internet?

nairwareI was trying to figure out a way to host images (picture images, not disk images) such that they are accessible over the internet via URLs--in a way similar to a web service like Photobucket or ImageShack. I have a whole bunch of Windows Servers (Windows Server 2008 R2) available in the cloud. ...

@MDMarra End of summer influx of "I need a free IT consultant" and "My computer borked, HALP" and "Do my homework for me"
@ChrisS Your homework is to determine your mains line voltage using only your tongue...
And no troll to say "sure. $100 per hour"?
'…accessible over the internet via URLs' Whoah man… that's cutting edge.
I want to know how he installed IIS 6 on Server 2008 R2 :D
That is easy. You simply copy all the files DOS style :)
Thank G-d it is not the first time I visit this chat room. Else people might think I literally meant that.
@Hennes using the DELiver command?
Nah, using the read modules buffers.
@MikeyB gopher:// it is!
You can flush them, but that takes a long time unless you use the real fast command
Ala rm -rf
::waits for @Hennes to get out of time-out::
I am out
did you cheat and reload the page?
or did they shorten the easter egg time?
It was ~ 5 seconds.
eh still about 10 seconds
No idea how long it was before
@voretaq7 I can see through it after about a second.
yea takes about 5 on my machine until you can see through the black
Anyone here use BitCoin ever?
@ChrisS pretty much a rigged game, isn't it?
@Adrian Isn't all currency?
@ChrisS some moreso than others.
Does anyone understand what this adapter does? monoprice.com/products/…
Today's fantastic request was for me to illegally modify a State-owned workstation located at one of our sites so that we can put it on our network.
I just started mining; I'll never make much with my rather pathetic home server.. But I've never even run across anyone that accepts it yet. Just wondered if anyone else had.
@David Duplicates the video output to two screens? Good for security/camera systems
I get that @Adrian
but why is there 3 VGA inputs
@Adrian And if you have a PC that you want to do a presentation from.... Though that would seem clunky at best.
and then it says its wireless
thats what i dont follow
@David 1 in, 2 out
@David Two displays, one CPU.
@David Where does it say wireless??
@David Lay off the ganja man.
lol nvm
i got confused with the Mhz
guess that relates to the amplification
@David Nope, relates to the maximum bandwidth that it can process.
@David if you are asking why all the ports are female, the answer probably is that was cheaper.
@Zoredache And more durable too.
@David Fer example, the one you linked supports 400MHz for a max res of 2048 x 1536. ca.startech.com/AV/Splitters/VGA-Splitters/… supports 250Mhz for 1920x1440. Throw in refresh rate and some number magic… I don't really know how to combine them but could probably pull something out of my ass.
got it
@David no idea on the multiplier vs splitter, I guess the first one also enhances the signal whilst the latter doesn't
@MikeyB width * height * refresh_rate * overhead factor * safety factor = minimum bandwidth
@LucasKauffman You'll notice the colours are dimmer on the unpowered splitter.
so powered it is
not too bad for pricing
@ChrisS 7Tb/sec
Well crapx2
1) I just think I killed a key on my keyboard.
A nice vintantage 1991 model M
@Hennes define "killed"
Granted, 2 decades of use is not bad for a keyboard. But I still hate to see it die
My = broke after cleaning.
No 'click'
It worked if I hit the key really hard
@Hennes try re-seating the cap
I just did that before I declared it broken. It now prints infinitre equal signs until I remove the cap again
No obvious breakage.
@Hennes spring's probably busted then
replace the switch :)
OK, time for some HIB6 action. Then Unix Users' Group. Then hot wings.
I wonder if I can canibalised some unused key (e.g. capslock).
Sometimes fire is beautiful. (mind you, at 300 meters and no closer) mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/…
make me set a silly password to meet your reqs ... no no ocredit=-30 fuck you very much
@Zypher There's days that there really should be an Electric Shock over TCP/IP protocol.
@Zypher where at?

I mean I agree with the sentiment, but am curious. Don't take a 12-32 pRNG password my utility spits out, don't get my business. Not much of a problem anymore, at least for things I do.
But with an option to disable it before 9AM.
@Adrian to be fair it's for the vmware virtual appliance, which you can't do any damage with w/o our strong vmware password
(too risky to have Electric Shock over Ethernet before I had my morning coffee)
@Hennes Our Devs did suggest that we figure out an API to allow errors generated by mis-use of the in-house application to trigger a trap door below the desk of particularly egregious users.
@Hennes Nah, painful maybe, not risky. Dropped a server this A.M. before caffeinating myself. Not risky, so much as painful. And expensive. I liked those pants. :(
Did either of you ever get lessons from Edgar Dijksta or Anne Kalderwij?
Our users sometimes forget what they're doing in the middle of very short data entry forms. It's a little appalling.
(Profs at the Einhoven University. Dijkstra later moved to the US)
@Hennes Not I.
@HopelessN00b Weird. I must need more caffeine. I parsed that as "catheterizing myself"
Lucky you (he disapproved if your handwriting was not good enough).
But I was actually going to GCL
Guarded Command Language
If you do this this happens. If you do that that happens.
@Adrian Yeah, definitely get some coffee before you unintentionally give your self a catheter.
If you do somethin unspeficied then the computer explodes
In hindsight those were fun lessons. :)
@Adrian Speaking of you, you work in a falling apart environment, too... any chance you run a Windows print server and have a particular insight or two into troubleshooting spooler using 100% CPU issues?
Not really. I had that problem a few times in the past
Twice it got solved by restarting the spooler service
@HopelessN00b Our spoolers point to a CUPS server that lives on a VMWare box.
Third time was when I was on holliday. A colleage RDPed in and just reset the whole file- and print-server
The only time we've EVER had problems with the spooler service is what a staff member was trying to print via a Samba server that they didn't have an account on.
@Adrian Yeah, ours too. I was kind hoping you also had to bang your head against that suck and could prevent me from having to do so. :)
@HopelessN00b Actually, our Windows boxen are some of our best units. There's only a few of them and they're loaded to the gills with RAM, fast SAS drives, and decent CPUs.
@Hennes Yeah, we got it happening on a regular basis, out of the blue, on big jobs, which sadly we can't stop from being submitted, or submit in chunks. So now, without a solution I gotta script up a kill-the-process-when-spoolsv-is-above-95%-CPU-for-5-minutes-thingy ...
Honestly, it's a lot more intimate than I wanted to get with Windows method of transferring clean binary data to messy black smudges on tree corpses.
Could be worse I suppose. I could have to do without getting paid hourly to do so. That would be really unpleasant.
@HopelessN00b Yeah, don't do much in the way of complicated things with Windows. Our Samba/CUPS boxes uses maybe 5% of the resources on that VMWare server.
Honestly, that's what I'm pretty sure it is. Not VMWare resources, but this all started happening around the time we started not being able to get LUN utilization below 90% and SAN utilization crossed the 80% boundary, so disc resources.

Nothing but issues when you don't have room for sequential writes anywhere; just wish I could prove it, or do something about it, other than slap another bandage on the thing to keep it limping along until the replacement goes live.
@aarthi has been busily uncovering crap buried underneath our bad tag collection - Go forth and scrub further! meta.serverfault.com/questions/3042/the-bad-tag-collection/…
i'm honestly going by instinct alone.
Kill ALL The Tags With Fire???
@Adrian Only the BAD tags
@freiheit Send them to the corner and tell them to knock it off.
there are no questions.
y'all may want to manually remove though
Help! LiveJournal is out. Can I fix that be reinstalling windows?
Or vcan I access Greatest Journal from OS/X ?
if LJ is down, means Frank chewed on the servers again
halp halp!!!11evelenty one!11!! Dreamwidth is down. Is that due to my virusscanner?
Naughty goat. :)
@Aarthi Probably just on the cables. They're easier to chew
@Hennes Lies, DW doesn't go down; Denise is an awesome sysadmin
Well, I love the fact that when DW goes down (and it has) that they admit it.
Unlike LJ
OK, dammit, 27" monitors need to come with a warning that they're much smaller than 28" monitors. This is gonna bug me.
Q: iOS6 has loaded someone totally different's details

Mark HendersonI did an Over The Air update on my iPhone 4S this morning to IOS6. But it has showed me someone elses phone number after the update. When I send an iMessage to my wife, it comes from this random persons phone number. When I try to facetime, it comes from this other number. But "Phone" shows the ...

Not been a good start to IOS6 for me
Any idea why my two wireless controllers [Cisco] might have issues with VLAN 666?. I just tried setting it up, and they wouldn't take it (well, they took the config, but I wasn't able to communicated to other host interfaces on that same VLAN number).
@MarkHenderson geesh! That's a big WTF moment.
@l0c0b0x Just a tad

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