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@MichaelHampton Don't forget xkcd is oneboxed:
@HopelessN00b Retarded baboons, eh?
Yeah, a little hard on mentally challenged animals, I know.
I think you give the developers too much credit.
That too.
Though, in fairness, half the time it's the managers or someone else who insists it be done the st00pid way.
How do these people get SA jobs?
Q: Outlook 2010 printing outside margins

Jim KettnerI have a user who receives excel tables embedded inn her emails. THey look fine in the email mesage but when she attempts to print them, the right side is cut off. Any suggestions?

Come to think of it, how do *these* people get SA jobs?

"SBS is a fantastic product. Rock solid, so much bang for the buck. Three of us have supported every version since 2003 across dozens of customers and have never had it fail us outside of hardware issues. One thing that Microsoft got 100% right."

It's the freaking Ubuntu of the Windows world, only... somehow, even worse.
NSFW-ish --> i.imgur.com/uDZq1.gif <-- Ah, the good old days of BBSes (hint: "slap that a__")
It was rather hard to tell what that was until I shrunk the page >_>
I'm pretty sure I remember that one from way the heck back in the day... But yeah...
I missed BBSes and all the other fun stuff tho
/me is barely old enough to remember text only internet
I missed BBSes and all the other fun stuff tho
Oh yeah... Every sports team should spend a whole day watching this 2 minutes
I'll just leave this one right here
1 hour later…
@ChrisS aw man I feel bad for him - how many tries was that, he finally gets in and he slices his hand open. I kinda want to find his address and mail him a rescue hammer
@voretaq7 I kinda want to hand him this:
Right tool for the job, bro.
He chose... poorly.
Either that or rub the glass with fine porcelain powder.
1 hour later…
Anyone got any idea why this might be flagged as spam serverfault.com/questions/171517/… ?
No idea, it doesn't look like spam.
I didn't think so either but I'm still decaffeinated from sleeep
Now if you want one that might be spammy...
A: Is windows XP 64-bit still available to purchase?

JosephQ94Yes, I found a genuine OEM copy at Tveak.com for only $89.99 + free shipping. Here's the link: http://www.tveak.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=559_568&products_id=80852&zenid=47b8e0431ffb7e28f61a7fecf8eb7d01

@MichaelHampton it may be but it answers the question even if it's nearly 3 years old
Yeah, it's an answer, it just set off my warning bells since the guy registered just to post that.
@MichaelHampton the account is unregistered
Oh. Wait, what's the difference?
I don't remember I did it so long ago. Unregistered users only have to supply a name and email address when they post he answer
but you have to do it each time you do it
I'm going through late answers again. Hope you enjoy the flags :)
that's fine - I got my Marshal badge by searching for not an answer answers
That's pretty much what I'm doing.
You'll love the CW one that starts out with "I know I'm not supposed to post this as an answer, but..."
I don't get that someone upvoted it either
Not flagging this, but I love a good conspiracy theory in the morning...
A: Switch to IPv6 and get rid of NAT? Are you kidding?

dirtriderI realize that at some future point (that can only be speculated) regional IPv4 address's will inevitably run out. I agree IPv6 has some serious user disadvantages. The issue of NAT is extremely important as it does inherently provide security,redundancy,privacy and allows users to connect almost...

@MichaelHampton Why has that not been deleted yet
@WesleyDavid It's an answer. Completely wrongheaded and stupid, but still...
@MichaelHampton It's spam. Plus the guy didn't even remove his session ID from the link.
@Iain Gonna zot that one with the zotting zotcannon from Zotistan?
@MichaelHampton searches like this serverfault.com/… can be quite fruitful
Or this suckfest: serverfault.com/…
You can only perform 6 searches within a 60 second window, please wait a moment and try again. Well lick my matted kitteh fur and choke on the split ends.
@Iain I'm not really seeing any non-answers in that search.
@MichaelHampton that's the main one I mined to get my Marshal
Think I'm going to stick with late answers for now. I'm finding about one per page so far...
@MichaelHampton I think that most other things have been mined out and the spoil heaps have been turned over a few times too
hello of Lu
@Anarko_Bizounours hi
@Iain exactly
@Iain I think it's a little too broad and incomplete and overly whatever.
borderline so ;)
Oh, and I really dislike posts where the answer turns out to be "Google".
@MichaelHampton many do if you have good google-fu
Or, click "Documentation" on the website you just downloaded the thing from.
It's easier to ask the internet than read documentation
It wasn't always that way. :(
lol. Or start asking a question, then get hit over the head like $deity hurled a rubber duck from the heavens at your noggin with the answer.
ugh, that chap has got a VPS and no idea what to do with it
/me ran a dinky little atom box to work out what to do for years before switching to a VPS for personal stuff
@JourneymanGeek indeed. I don't know what to say to him other than SF isn't (at this time) the place for you
@Iain: Realising that is the first step ;p
@Iain I just said more or less exactly that in a comment.
there's a reason I primarily lurk here, and don't post much
/me is almost done dismantling his first workplace ><
@MichaelHampton how's this
> You are kind of correct. Serverfault is for professional system administrators and as such we expect a certain level of competence. At this time you fall below that line and we'll find it difficult to help you as you don't even have the basics. What you really need is education not an Q&A site.
I wouldn't flag that as offensive. :)
I'm not saying he won't be offended, but he seems to be taking it in good humor so far.
It's difficult when people just don't know
Where do you start - changing the sshd port - easy but then you get I can't get in now (because the firewall is blocking) or how do I edit ...
`I'm one of those guys who climbs up the ladder to the high dive and jumps off, then realizes he doesn't know how to swim`

Yeah sysadmin's climb tall building and jump off too but we have years of working in the field to help us understand what to do next
@Iain Right. Ask Ubuntu is very accustomed to those sorts. Hell, you can't even get your answer upvoted there unless it's written for total noobs.
I submit for your consideration:
A: How do I make network configuration changes permanent?

Michael Hampton/etc/network/interfaces is a regular file, not a directory. That's why you can't cd to it. Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file with your favorite text editor. For example: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces The configuration lines given to be added to /etc/network/interfaces are not simply ...

This will probably end up getting a downvote for not being "clear" enough.
@Iain but sometime you jump and forget how to fly, and end being a mess on the road
still that's how you learn
More crap migrated from SO
@Anarko_Bizounours yes, but you need to have some basics so you can analyse where it went wrong
morning all :)
I wouldn't mind having some Canonical Questions about "How do I get started as a $OS sysadmin?".
Oh, I've got me a gold mine of "not an answer"s now.
And as a bonus, I'm learning all the stop words in SE's search.
Morning y'all
@Iain So true, that's remember me off when I was jumping around everytime, and everytime was flooring the road xD, well now got some backbone so not making the same mistake, still learn by jumping through
Here's a possible starting point: serverfault.com/q/152707/126632
FFS I BLOODY HATE WHEN MY COWORKER PUT CRAP IN MY WORK! -__- juste spent 2h trying to find out why my test server wasn't working anymore... found out, one of my coworker try a shit on it, and let it bug like crazy because I quote "Well, it's not my serv', and I don't give a crap because now I now my script won't work"...
bloody bastard... I dream of being like the bofh sometime!
@Anarko_Bizounours why does he even have access to your test server :|
@Anarko_Bizounours If it's not his server, he shouldn't expect any of his stuff to have a lifetime of more than 30 minutes on it. 17,47 * * * * rm -rf /home/coworker/*
@Ladadadada agreed
@ColdT well, It's my test server, but the it manager want to all it department to have access to any server -__-
hello security, well, we fuck you!
-__- kind of
@Anarko_Bizounours To be fair, that's reasonably standard depending on company size
750 users, 4 sysadmin and 1 network admin (counselor)
Yeah, that doesn't really surprise me. Rightly or wrongly, I'd be surprised to see delegated rights in that environment
@Anarko_Bizounours fine for access but as it is a 'test' server...... rm -rf
So. Um. You people wanted to flag the fucking or the test server? I can't quite tell.
@ЯegDwight What's that sorry?
This message of Anarko's got flagged. For no reason that I can see.
@ЯegDwight Oh right, dunno who by but no, nothing out of the norm for this place
ahh someone starred it too lol
Hrm. "Mal/Generic S".. This I think is the Sophos equivalent of "Ooh, his eyes are a bit close together and he might be foreign. I don't trust foreigns."
happy 17th anniversary of windows 95! Who's still using it?
@lsiunsuex I run all my stuff on it
17. Christ that makes me feel old.
yeah no shit
first year of high school
pre-ordered it 1 month in advance from tiger direct
for the longest time my atm pin # was 08-24 - f'ing nerds
@ЯegDwight who flagged it ?
@Iain no idea.
I remember quite disliking Win95 when we updgraded from DOS
I remember thinking it was bloated, insultingly twee and having hidden everything useful.
Funny, I've been feeling that way again recently for some reason.
windows 8? hiding shit? nooooo
There's an open-source start button project doing a roaring trade already :)
stardock has something that brings it back. we tried it here - works well - but you shouldn't have to. its not the right answer
i just don't get it. windows 7 had what, 5-7 different version? make this one with metro (or what ever the f' its being called) for tablets and bring back the traditional desktop for desktops. apple does it just fine. it works. copy that
2 os's, based on the same core, but different UI's for different purposes
Having finally tried it, I can't see a single thing that would be useful in TIFKAM for any corporate or professional environment.
wtf does TIFKAM mean ? hah
That said, I suppose the tiling system might make a handy front-end to {favoured monitoring software}.
Oh, The Interface Formerly Known As Metro (Pinched that from the register)
@SmallClanger nice
so heres a nice little boost for my small startup...
a dental product manufacture wanted to host an event; show local dentists a new product their coming out with
we have quick a ton of dentists in the area. they wanted 5 to come
could only get 2 (which they came)
we had 25 students show up...
25 people, who are still in school, and even when they graduate probably can't afford the machine until 5+ years from graduation and we filled the room
(the machine is $130,000)
... was a successful night
although lesson learned: no matter how tech advanced the place your going to may be - bring your own wifi hotspot... :(
@ewwhite Does this sort of thing happen in any other sport besides long distance cycling? Not doping, or crack-downs but this persistent, dogged chasing of one particular guy years after he has retired.
@Ladadadada The doping happens in ALL sports. Lance and his contemporaries had sophisticated programs; doctors, research, etc. to make it happen. As a high-level cyclist, I care... but it's like airing dirty laundry. I don't think spectators or fans care...
I think Lance doped... but it sold bikes, got people excited about cycling, raised the profile of the sport... The benefits outweigh...
Indeed. I was reading one yesterday about how some quadriplegic paralympians break their toes just before a match because it raises their blood pressure and gives them a competitive advantage.
i think its sad. a lot of kids / people looked up to this guy. they never found him guilty of doing it and they just kept beating him until he submitted. people need someone / something to look up to. destroying something like that is just as bad if not worse than letting him get away with it
All of the guys Lance raced with have basically come out and admitted on their own.
@ewwhite I'm french, and honestly, the tour de france is really our pride, but lately, with all the doping shit, it's like a witch hunt, and no one really care about who is doped, we care about seeing good effort on a beautifull competition
@Anarko_Bizounours Right... it's the spirit of the sport and the fact that it still takes a tremendous effort.
yep, we don't care in the less who win, we care about the beauty of the guys going past their own limit to finish the étape:
As a cyclist, the "doping" referred to in these scandals doesn't make you stronger. It helps your ability to recover.
@Anarko_Bizounours Just curious... is Grégory Baugé well-known there?
@ewwhite this year tour de france was beautifull, because of that
@ewwhite not really, I heard of him before, but on national channel no one speak about sport really (exept some show, but they last for 15 minutes a day, so not really long to speak about a lot)
@Anarko_Bizounours aww... Well, I look up to him. That's the type of racing I do.
who, nice ^^
I'm more a moutain bike guy ^^
@Anarko_Bizounours My magazine spread - I've never ridden a mountain bike.
@ewwhite thats really cool
ouarf, that's a bike O_O! Well never ride this kind of bike, but mountain bike are really sturdy, and heavy, but fun to ride (especially in forest ^^)
I'm thinking about treating myself to a road bike
Though I'm also thinking about spending money on a variety of other things, too, so we'll see
@Dan Always a good buy.
Go longer, faster...
@ewwhite This is basically what I'm thinking - I need to keep up my running, but the problem is I can't rreally run more than an hour or 6 - 8 miles without dying so that means I can't really run TO anywhere. With a bike at least I could ride out to places, which is always more fun
@Dan And the tech has trickled-down, so almost any road bike will do the job. And yes, decent work, better scenery, less impact.
@Dan: eh, thats one excuse I've been giving myself once I get to the point where I can run again, I can take a bus home ;p
@JourneymanGeek Haha that is true, but even including that - 6 - 8 miles doesn't really get me to anywhere I'd want to be enough to run there!
@ewwhite @Dan you too could be like me a 10 bob bike and 2 bob legs
@Iain Whats that sorry?
@Dan sorry old money - as Ed says the tech in bikes trickles down you see lots of people who have spent an amazing amount of money on a bike but who don't have the legs to back it up
@Iain Aha, understand
And another long weekend beckons with crappy weather forecast :(
sunny and 90 here all weekend
@Iain Yep
Not that I have anything planned - snuck up on me this year. Got to a clutch cable and that's it, really
@Dan I was hoping to get out on the bike for a few hours on Sunday and go see the Red Arrows @ Hoylake on Monday but it's not looking good for either
@Iain Nope, welcome to England
i have news for everyone!!!!!!
@lsiunsuex Excellent, can you speed my link up please?
Screw you then
@Iain Did we just cross beams?
@ChrisS the merge request ?
Yeah. I think I merged it opposite of what you did, but I think it still worked out.... The first time I went to the "Destination" question it was blank however....But I see the answers are there now.
@voretaq7 are you here good sir?
Woohoo! Hardware fault on SAN, no morning meeting for me!!!

... hmm, I wonder how long I can get away with creating hardware failures to avoid meetings... and how I'd go about doing that? Maybe scripted, corrupt firware updates...
@ChrisS I merged SF's into SO's as that had an accept on it and it seemed to go ok
Meh, all's well that ends well.
Maybe I am a bit spoiled form hanging out at SO, but I have asked a question 15mins ago, and I still haven't got even a comment saying "WTF?" — might I have done something horribly wrong according to SF's local customs, or is that to be an expected waiting period?
@HopelessN00b Just a do a mitm attack on the status page
@sbi we'll get round to it I'm sure
@sbi SF is no where near as quick as SO - think more like "hours", not "minutes"
@Iain IOW: That is to be an expected waiting time on SF?
@Dan Damn, I am stuck. Oh well, maybe I should go and buy myself an ice cream then.
@sbi It's a FREE site and your expectation is to have an answer in minutes? People pay for vendor support and don't get that kind of turnaround.
@sbi we're a much smaller community than SO and even fewer of us actually answer questions. Your question about svn and powershell isn't going to have a particularly large set of people to draw answers from
@AaronCopley As I said, I am spoiled by SO. In the tag I usually hang out in (), at this time of the day, it would have to be a very rare question that doesn't have a couple of answers within 5mins.
@Iain Ah, I was afraid that the intersection of those two tags isn't really big. However, it's largely a PS question, even though svn experience might help.
@sbi I get it. I just think some folks take it for granted.
@ewwhite Except for Jan Ulrich, who would earn, I think, about three of Armstrong's Tour de France titles — and still denies having been pumped full of dope.
@sbi TBH I'd have thought that as it's more PS than SVN then SO would be a better place to ask
@AaronCopley I don't take it for granted. Basically, that's why I came here asking: I was unsure whether I did something blatantly wrong and thus nobody knew how to deal with my question.
@Iain Oh. ISTR the last time I had a PS question I asked here in the chat and I was told SF is a good place to ask them.
@sbi it may be, it may get some close/migrate votes it kind of depends on how people see it really
@sbi Half and half really, I don't think Iain was implying this is a bad place - it certainly falls into the Windows Sysadmin toolkit
@sbi We SA's occassionally have to work for a living, ya know. ;)

But I'll give it a look while I wait on a h/w replacement - you've just been spoiled by SO.
@sbi I'm not directing that solely at you. Please don't take it that way. It's more of an observation in general. It's kind of a recurring thing for people to ask a question on the site, then promptly join the chat and try to start a live discussion about the question.
@HopelessN00b Oh. You know, being a developer, the notion of working for a living had never before crossed my mind. :)
@AaronCopley Oh, I know of those users. Over in SO's C++ room, if they are that impolite, we usually give (and announce giving) them a downvote to their question/answer. We've never seen one of those again. :) Also, I read the room's tagline before joining.
@Iain Well, if you want to migrate it, go ahead, it's fine with me, really.
@sbi Hahaha ... nice. Well played. :)
fucking windows. Told me in the middle of typing a replication command for a prod change that I needed to reboot to install updates. Accepted the space bar as a go-ahead to shut down without saving anything. Fucking windows.
@Basil Hahaha, fell for that. I also installed something not so long ago that had a"Reboot Now?" dialogue with only an "OK" option.
Happens to me all the time. (Well, not the replication bit.) Nothing should steal focus from the keyboard like that. Ever.
@sbi yeah we personalise it for persistent abusers
@Basil You get about 5 seconds to hit WinKey+R, type "shutdown -a", Enter before the shutdown prevents you from running the command to abort the shutdown.
@Iain SO being more populated makes its communities being more focused. The C++ room is called a lounge for a reason, and people will discuss just about anything there, sometimes even C++, but we have users storming in asking Python questions and advertising their Java answers. We're one of the most populated and active rooms on SO, and we've got to keep a lid on that, otherwise the room would just burst.
@Basil I am surprised. The windows update reboot notification nowadays needs Alt+Letter to be confirmed by keyboard. What program/installer did that to you? #
@sbi pretty much everyone who chats on SF is here atm
@Dan Why not put a shortcut to that on the desktop? :)
@Iain Oh. SO's C++ room by itself has more users right now. :-/
@sbi Told you SF was quiet :D
Most SA's are too busy working to chat. :O
@AaronCopley No they're not :D
@sbi yeah and pageofwords.com/blog/… may help
@Dan Shhhh....
@Iain THat's cool - my answer was totally useless :D
@Iain Thanks. Mike had also given an answer to that. However, I would strongly prefer to not to have to fiddle with a file at all.
I don't really PS I just looked it up when I saw your comment on @Dan's answer
@ChrisS What does shutdown -a do?
@sbi It's the windows update compliance program from Microsoft- I forget what it's called
@sbi It's configured to be particularly insistent by our desktop team
@Basil shutdown -? says it cancels the shutdown.
@Basil Here (German Windows) it needs Alt+S to be activated. Or some magic tab/left/right+space combination that in years I have never ever managed to hit.
@Basil Aborts the shutdown....sometimes, if you're quick enough. Never rely on it as a back out plan unless your shutdown is a timed shutdown, it's purely for emergencies :D
Awesome- I'll remember that
@Iain basically, I knew I could do this employing .NET (I currently earn a living by hacking C# code), but I don't know whether this is the best/canonical way to do that from PS.
@sbi it may help if you can give an expanded example of the command line you're generating
@Iain I am not sure what you're after. The line in my question is almost exactly what I have in the script. The $newExternals variable contains a list of externals as per the proper svn syntax. (When I put this into an ASCII file and type it at the command line prompting svn to use the file as input, it does exactly what I'd expect it to.)
@Iain Should a question like this be closed? It gets bumped by Community every couple of weeks.
@ewwhite yeah - without the follow up it's TL - closed as such
@sbi the example on this buggedtech.com/2011/01/25/multiple-values-on-svnexternals just puts quotes around the whole thing
but I guess the shell whill do something there before svn sees it
why reinvent the wheel when someone did it for me and i can just copy it?
@lsiunsuex Because their wheel sucks.
Q: Change the way that /Review | Close Votes counts work done

IainThe all new /Review system is awesome. On SF we've burned through the Low Quality queue but the Close Vote queue seems stuck at 1.6k. It appears that the size of the close vote queue is only reduced when a question is actually closed. This means that people can do considerable ammounts of work ...

@Iain Brave man wandering into mSO
@ChrisS I have a chain mail reinforced wetsuit so the sharks in the mSO tank aren't as scary as they used to be
Q: How to setup Squid to allow outgoing HTTPS calls on FreeBSD jails where Squid acts as both proxy and accelerators?

Gwyneth LlewelynThis should be actually a very obvious setup, but somehow I have missed the obvious step! Default assumptions: FreeBSD 6.4-RELEASE-p11, Squid 2.7.STABLE9. These are not changeable, so "upgrade to the latest version" does not apply for me. FreeBSD is using ipfw (also not changeable). Our setup w...

holy handgrenade in a harp seal - FreeBSD 6.4?
same thing as jail right? (meta) - as soon as you get there, kick the shit out of the biggest guy (girl) in the room so they know you can hold your own
@voretaq7 You gotta get your lulz somewhere.
i think its now the 1000 time this year gizmodo has redesigned their comment system. its 2012. we have javascript and jquery. We have Disqus. if you don't want the page to scroll cause 300 people made comments, load them as the page scrolls down. WTF do i have to click "view 10 replies to this" or how ever the f' it works. because as of the redesign, the commenting system still sucks asshole
@lsiunsuex how hard is it to implement that sort of reloading with jquery tables... maybe something for us to do in our webapp later...
Disqus took me 5 min flat including signing up for the service to implement on another site. To do it on your own its not more than 2 or 3 hours - its not complex at all
i just wrote a live search result for my website - took me less than a hour and a half with a few smokes and distractions in between today
once you have a template or example to look at, modifying and applying is no big deal...
but that i had to modify - if it found nothing, it kept the old results - so i passed another value with the total records found - if nothing, clear the list
little CSS to make it blend into the site, put my fields in, done and done
@lsiunsuex You are so right about this. I think you have to hover instead of clicking something.
Can we all just go ahead and agree that Dell's website is complete junk
i'll star that
One step up from HP's...
@ewwhite thought you liked HP ?
@ewwhite You're right, all big OEMs have inexcusably bad websites
IBM, HP, Dell... all terrible sites.
sorry, missread. website, not gear
lenovo... surprisingly okay
hp's website is worse
Anyone ever use CBTNuggets training videos? I get them for free from work but I can't tell if they're good or bad
Although, I noticed that I no longer need to go to Microsoft.com
or Apple.com
notice that?
@Iain Thanks for linking me to that. That looks like Unix to me, though. Also, I now got it working using a temp file, and unless someone answers to my question with "Do it this way!" and it works right out of the box, I'm done fiddling with this.
What a horrid little thumbnail
@JoelESalas rule of thirds haha
@ewwhite not following on the apple ans MS sites.. ?
Just caught up on the Lance Armstrong thing
That's why I like this field. You can't "dope" systems knowledge, all you can do is hustle and grow a beard.
cough I can say that most of the hardcore racing community disliked Armstrong. Not for doping, but for being a dick.
@JoelESalas wait till we have the chairs from the matrix.
In a Texan sorta way...
if it happens in a movie, it will happen in real life. Movies are dreams from the writers subconscious tied into the fabric of the future.
@ewwhite I've found people from Texas to be quite polite but also rigid in their manners.
@JoelESalas Listen to the radio there... They play Don't Mess With Texas radio spots.
It just sounds bad...
@ewwhite That's why I like motorcycle racing. There you actually get respect for being a dick as long as you're not being a dick ON the track.
Nobody messed with Eddie Lawson back in the day. Of course, back then those guys made big clanging sounds when they walked around. 140hp machines with frames made out of tube steel and the only way to get around the track fast was to slide the back wheel on the exits of the turns.
speaking off, thinking of trying to score tickets if Indy Car actually makes it to New Jersey next year - think that would be a really cool street track
@lsiunsuex I love street track races. I think I still have an old video of a late 80s Macau GP500 race on the street there.
sorry, its F1, not indy
@Adrian circles / ovals are dumb. put a driver on a street track to see whos best
@lsiunsuex Nice. I wasn't even aware they did F1 here in the States.
its the first track in decades i think
F1 is kinda like soccer - not a big following in the USA unless your from Europe, which my parents are which is why i'm kinda into it
OK, the assholes who invented the web need to be castrated with a rusty, disease-ridden spoon.
We ust to goto the Molson Indy 500 in Toronto every year back in the day. great race. you'd spend the whole day there; hit the pavilions, by a tshirt, get some food. take a walk by the pits. sit and watch the race. awesome.
@HopelessN00b What's happened now?
@lsiunsuex Yeah, we have the hydroplane races here on Lake Washington. I love the smell of kerosene fumes in the morning. Some of those V-12 aircraft motors powering the vintage raceboats are fucking awesome too.
Yay - fire alarm test...
@lsiunsuex They're coming to TX this Fall. Will be the first F1 race in a States in a very long time.
I am headed to the IndyCar Grand Prix of Balitmore next weekend. Street races are amazing.
From last year's race: youtube.com/watch?v=PnNicwv-wxs
GA tickets for < $100 and you can walk along the track on the inside or out and watch from wherever you want. I stood at the braking zone and 7-8 cars backfiring at once just thundered into your chest. Amazing...
have seriously considered in the past just saying f' and dropping a ton of money on a trip to monaco to see a race / spend the weekend. its a small fortune between hotel, flight / food, etc...
I hear that Monaco isn't even really a good one to go to other than the fact that the location is beautiful. May as well see the city another weekend. (And save a ton of money.)
when we ust to goto Toronto, GA was like $60 i think? people would line up at the gates at like 5am for them to open at 6 or something. grab your shit and run for corner 6 i wanna say; cause the strait away ended there and did a 120 degree turn that fit 1 car. always a crash or run off there, always
Nice. Yea, GA is the way to go. 3-day tickets to Baltimore for $90 something. ALMS race on Saturday, IndyCar GP on Sunday.
MotoGP at Mugello. NOBODY sleeps at Mugello. 3 days of non-stop party at the track.
Or so I hear. =(

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