Of course, now I'm faced with heading back to a fucking overgrown-Midwestern cowtown that calls itself a "metropolitan area." Home is never gonna suck more. :(
@MichaelHampton I think you can. I mean, you can't walk everywhere or take the metro everywhere in Chicago. You gotta drive. New York, not so much with the need to own a car.
@HopelessN00b Where did you go? Which advice are you referring to?
@HopelessN00b Chicago is frustrating at times. Our transit system was dismantled in the 1950's. I live 13 miles from downtown and am given the choice of a 40 minute drive, 35 minute bike, 25 minute train +15 minute walk or 60 minute subway trip to cover that distance.
This is a simple issue that we all face. As servers change, are re-provisioned, or IP addresses reused, we get the SSH host verification message below. I'm curious in streamlining the workflow related to these ssh identification errors.
Given the following message, I typically vi /root/.ssh/kno...
I've been looking at annoying things in my day-to-day which probably have smoother solutions.
when I re-provision systems in Cobbler, I actually keep the host keys consistent across builds... only because I've seen users do so many odd things when they get the SSH key messages
The meta.SF FAQ states, in part:
You must have at least 5 reputation on the main website to participate on Server Fault.
Should it not say that you must have 5 reputation on Server Fault to participate on Meta?
@MichaelHampton True, but there's no update manager... okay, fine. The hosts have SSH-enabled alerts and such... okay, fine. There are management network redundancy errors....
not so fine...
I have to get over the "not configured the way I'd do it" syndrome.
So as the trusted resource, do I say, "This is a non-standard setup that will limit your expansion and possibly impact performance?"
My laundry list includes configuring ILO, clearing all of the host alarms, modding the BIOS, getting update manager in place somehow... getting HP's agents in place for health alerts.
With my own clients, I know them well enough that I can just tell them straight. It's up to you to translate phrases such as "piece of shit" and "dumbass" into executive speak.
"Ripped off" probably needs no translation, though.
Wooo my first user with unicode characters in his name. He almost got offended when I asked him if he had a nickname he prefers to use (he doesn't, so I'm just going to have to use non-accented characters. And think up an email alias so that people don't have to spell 15 random letters as an email address)
In order to build a system to maintain thausands of cronjobs on a linux system, i'm facing the problem of being able to handle them in a scalable way, i need to use a database (i was thinking of using MySQL) for storing the jobs instead of default plaintext files.
Does anyone know if there is a ...