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Make it happen!
The thing is, I'm saving for a wedding and a house so I've been frugal lately
If I spend $20 on something I can get for free, I'm going to catch shit for it
I've done too many "listen, babe, lets wait until next month for that" to just throw a $20 away. Especially because she knows we qualify for a free copy of ML and she knows I claimed it already, since I had her give me the serial from her MBP to get it.
@MDMarra Aahh welcome to married life
so... last week at work, a task was opened to add someone to the address book of a xerox printer
the task was assigned to a co-worker and I and for whatever reason, the coworker basically jumped out of his seat and went to go do it (not asking me or the other admin)
no - not for the printers
to many rules
he comes back and i instantly get a call from my boss with the manager of that department conferenced in
what did you do? you didnt do what the task said, blah blah blah
a: i didnt do it so stop yelling at me
b: co-worker did it
person conferenced in, as i do most of this type of stuff, thought it was me doing it so automatically assumed it was me and not the coworker
coworker overhears the conversation and questions what happened, at which time i explained, the user didnt need a printer installed, they needed to be added to the address book
It's a bit slack of your boss to conference in someone else when he's there to reprimand you. I'd be annoyed if I got reprimanded for something I didn't do, but I'd be furious if someone else was there too.
i DO NOT like to be yelled at, especially if someone else fucks up on my behalf
@MarkHenderson i was
so i yelled at the coworker - i have no problem if you dont know how to do something and need help, but if you dont know, ask before you fuck something up and dont know what you did
he tried to talk to me later in the day and i ignored him
he nor i haven't talked to each other since - and i feel he thinks I'm in the wrong
My boss used to do a similar thing. When it's just us, things are great, but if he gets a client or someone in the office or at a meeting, he starts showing off and demanding this and that. He used to do it all the time during meetings until I took him aside one day and called him on it
all i want is an apology - am i wrong or ?
@lsiunsuex You're both wrong
It's unprofessional to "stop talking to someone"; that's basically akin to the silent treatment your girlfriend/wife/sister/mother gives you
It resolves nothing
And it aggravates the situation
Last boss stopped talking to me and looking at me.
Immature... weird.
But it's unprofessional for him to let you take the fall for something that's not your fualt
i have senority over him, i have skill over him and i'm the admin, not him (hes a bitch programmer trying to play admin, and not a very good one at that)
@lsiunsuex Then you need to tell him that, tactfully of course. Unless a job is specifically assigned to him to do, don't do it
i want an apology for him fucking up and making me take the fall
@lsiunsuex And what's going to happen when you don't get it
continue to ignore him
Honestly, although I can sympathise, it sounds like you're acting like a little bitch
i know i am
and i'm ok with it
If you're in a senior position, I would expect you to act like it. Take the moral high ground.
whatd u want me to do, buy him coffee tomorrow like nothing happened?
It sounds like there are a lot of shitty things going on in your workplace
Gotta be a team, man. Sometimes that means taking shit for someone else's fuckup
The good thing with having a team dynamic like that is when you fuck up and they get yelled at, they'll take one for you
1. Your boss should know better to reprimand you infront of someone else without getting the full story
2. Your co-worker should not have done something he wasn't meant to
3. You shouldn't make things personal when they're just work
I'm not saying never speak up if you're taking shit, but if it's over, it's over
i agree with those points
@lsiunsuex You say you agree, but then you say you're OK with acting like a bitch about it, which means that your issue is not going to get resolved. Basically you're after validation that acting like my 2 year old when I tell him he can't have dessert because he didn't eat any of his dinner is OK
unfortunately, we don't have titles. yes, i'm a sys admin, yes, i'm also the web developer, but if the fucking garbage needs to be taken out cause everyone in house keeping called in sick, your ass better get a pair of gloves and go do it - for those of us who have been there from the start and are partners
this kid isn't a partner and those people don't share the same work ethic the rest of us do
If there are problems, then you need to be the agent for change
@lsiunsuex Of course not. If you have skin in the game, no employee is ever going to have your work ethic. I'm the oldest employee at this company, and my boss always complains that new people we hire just don't treat the business as if it was their own.
he questions why hes not a partner and we try to explain it; how he has a shitty work ethic, how he fucks around to much. which is why i dont think i owe him an apology. he doesn't get it
Well, no shit, that's because its not their own. They're here for a pay cheque, nothing more.
right. exactly
@lsiunsuex Then do something about it
Kick him to the curb. Or have a format sit-down with him
Explain to him what he has to do if he does want to make it
Rather than saying "your work ethic sucks", give him KPIs
i have tried in the past to explain to him why the other admin and i work 11 hour days on salary. why we answer our phones off hours and the company doesn't pay for them. and then bonus day comes and partner nominations are made and hes not one of them and he wants to bitch and wine.
kpi ?
maybe i'll take him into the server room and talk to him
@lsiunsuex Key Performance Indicator. Objective targets that he must meet. For example, being in the office for at least 8 hours a day. Not missing deadlines.
"Not being a dick" is not objective
"Don't do tasks that aren't assigned to you" is objective and can be measured
Honestly, if you want to change this situation, I stongly recommend doing some PD (personal development) into managing staff 101
Something like a 2-day course
That basically teaches you how to measure productivity, what to do when people aren't meeting their goals, how to hire effective people, etc
i'm not a manager although sometimes i'm treated like one - i report to the owners and no one else (which is why i'll never be manager here, but thats a different problem)
Although honestly when you get into managing other people, you never stop learning and there's no one size fits all boot. But you have to start somewhere
@lsiunsuex Then do it anyway. Even if you're not officially a manager, this will give you better skills to deal with stuff when you find yourself managing anyway
E.G. It could give you the skills and the confidence to speak to your boss and tell him that reprimanding you with soemone else on the phone is not appreciated
would help me if / when i move on with the dentists and i take on another programmer / admin
maybe its not a bad idea
Exactly. Plus, spending a long time in the one job without any PD under your belty can look bad when you move on. "Hmm, he's been with this company for 6 years, but he hasn't done any further development. So are all his skills 6 years old?"
You'll just either have to ask for permission to do it on a few work days, or do it in your own time
Dealing with conflict in the workplace is a large part of managing staff
For example, my Dad manages hundreds of staff in his job. He made one change - he changed his office door from being a solid wood door to one with a large glass panel in it. Now all of a sudden, people are coming to talk to him about their issues with staffing because they felt safe in his office. Turns out that a lot of people didn't want to go talk to him about his issues because they don't like being in a closed office with a man.
Now, instead of staff bitching between themselves, he actually knows whats going on and gets shit sorted
did u guess 6 years or did i say it somewhere ? :)
6 and a half to be exact
@lsiunsuex Nah, just a guess. I've been with my employer for about 7 years
And its been weighing on my mind too. I've done little official PD since I started
and thats why we don't have offices. 1 big room, 8-10 of us with desks aimed towards the middle - with the idea that ideas and problems flow easily without picking up a phone
someone can over hear a problem and offer insight type thing
so dude sits right next to me - pass him on my way out for a smoke, etc...
+1 gotta keep working with the padawans
Sounds kind of like your group maybe needs more structure in your IT dept though
we need more communication which the root of most of our problems
when the air conditioner died for the server room on the 4th of july and the room got to 90 degrees, no one, had any conversation about wtf happened on the 5th. no one told the other admin or i, no one filled out an incident report to our knowledge. lack of communication? definition of
Q: Why couldn't MAC addresses be used instead of IPv4|6 for networking?

Félix SaparelliI am reading up on TCP/IP and other related protocols and technologies. MAC addresses are described as being (reasonably :) unique, and as having a large possibility space (several hundred trillions), while also being assigned to all network interfaces. What are the historical and technical reaso...

Geez, it's still going
@lsiunsuex: how did it get fixed?
pop the breaker, take the batteries out and put them back in on the thermostat. do that a few times and it'll kick back on
no no
how did you know you had to fix it?
owner called me while i was on my way to the beach
Q: Please share new features which you have discovered in OS X Mountain Lion

gentmattPlease share new features which you have discovered in OS X Mountain Lion. Apple mentions that Mountain Lion introduces more than 200+ new features. This question serves to share and collect the enhancements which may or may not be specifically documented by Apple. Your answer should put the f...

The solution is less important in this case, technical stuff is what most geeky sorts are good at
^^ And this is why i have no respect for the Apple SE site
@lsiunsuex: ahh, and do you actually have a incident logging system in place?
yes, we do
(admittedly, at my last workplace, the incident logging system is my head)
Have that prob at my office. Not for lack of trying though, the padawans aren't used to formalized process for tickets and hate it.
I wish I had enough rep on Apple.SE to downvote. As it is, you'll have to make do with an angry glare: ಠ_ಠ — GnomeSlicE 6 hours ago
@MarkHenderson I don't have enough rep to downvote that either :-/
@mgorven I do have enough rep to downvote. And I did :p
whoever is first to hear of a problem is responsible to fill it out. not gonna make the owner do it so my boss should have (owners nephew)
I laugh when I see things like this:

You can now drag/drop sections in the Finder side bar again.
Key phrase being again
lol... working for family businesses is a pain in the rear end.
As in they took it out, then gave it back, and rather than being pissed off that it was gone, they act pleased that it's back
either its just me, or you can no longer drag a program off of the dock
try it
@MarkHenderson Those Apple fanboys will lap up anything.
@MarkHenderson: RDF at work? ;p
shit, its just me - you have to move significantly farther away from the doc for it to remove it
@JourneymanGeek ?
reality distortion field
@JourneymanGeek Still not getting it?
Nvm move on :P
May be a good idea ;p
If one needs to explain a joke, its no longer funny ;p
@MDMarra Along those lines...
Good answer! However, only a small part of the 24 class A subnet belongs to Comcast so your example is not ideal. You could replace 24.x.x.x with 17.x.x.x and Comcast with Apple, to keep it simple but more correct. — Mike Pelley 4 hours ago
^^ What the fuck is that guy talking about?
that is not how classed subnets work...
@MarkHenderson Couldn't help myself
@MikePelley Classful network addresses went out of style at about the same time as parachute pants. — Joel E Salas 32 secs ago
Damnit, EC2 still haven't released my new account. C'mon... how fucking long is this meant to take?
Maybe everyone at Amazon is busy getting their OSX update
rackspace FTW!
speaking of annoying shit in OS X - anyone use text wrangler ?
@lsiunsuex I need a throwaway Wowza Media Server for 3 weeks during the Olympics, would cost too much to do it any other way besides EC2
i can help you with FMS! i have a lot of experience with FMS :)
@lsiunsuex Haha yeah I've done a bit of FMS as well, but I need to take a RTMP stream over a low bandwidth VPN and broadcast it
... at some point, text wrangler did an update and now it groups all open documents into this left hand file navigation box - how the f' do i turn that off and open all files in their own window. ?
olympics - so you have like 2 more days to accomplish this?
@lsiunsuex Technically they have already started, but yeah basically
It should be easy peasy, Wowza have a pre-configured EC2 instance for 15c/hour (including the base instance)
yeah, i saw that
thought they had a FMS instance also
Just waiting for Amazon to activate my account. I made the mistake of signing up for a new account instead of using my pre-existing one
we're hearing people are kind of on edge over there about security
something about a plane flying to low today or some shit and they sent a fighter jet after it ?
@lsiunsuex Well they've had a few terrorist attacks in London in the last few years
heard of those in the past
@lsiunsuex They were pretty major. They blew up a bunch of busses, killed a lot of people
They also had huge riots not long ago
Mind you terrorist attacks in London are not new. They had bombings from the IRA during the 80s as well
So I'd say that they have a good reason to be on-edge
Q: How do I clear the "s" permission on a directory in Linux?

MattI have a directory that is showing up with the permission mask drwsrwsr-x. When I try to reset the permissions to 755 the S still remains. What is the "s" and why cant I change the permissions back to 775 (drwxrwxr-x)?

wow, I did a number on that one...
@MarkHenderson I'd say the more paranoid and on edge people are the more the terrorists have gotten exactly what they wanted. But I'm bitter because my government is basically shredding our entire body of law and 200+ years of judicial precedent because of the "T" word...
wtf is the t word
@voretaq7 It isn't just "your" government.
Oh, and I use full disk encryption on all my home computers. Doesn't everyone?
@MichaelHampton Well I can state categorically that I did not vote for ANY of those cockbiters...
@voretaq7 Neither did I.
There was a bit of good news today, though. "Audit the Fed" passed the House.
@MichaelHampton mixed bag
I know, one bright spot in a sea of darkness. I get the feeling we're going downhill too fast for anything to stop it.
not guaranteed to be a bright spot
When Congress starts putting their fingers into things they often make it worse
Haha, usually true.
@MichaelHampton Is that news, though? Legislation from one chunk of congress bound to die in the other doesn't seem newsworthy.
Yeah, it's going to be almost impossible to get it through the Senate.
Of course everybody thought it was impossible to get it through the House...
Anyway, forget about all that. I came here to complain about having a Friday night maintenance. :)
all my maintenance cycles are on Fridays :P
FFS, EC2 haven't set up my instances because there's a hold on my credit card for online transactions
Apparently someone got breached and MasterCard found my CC in their compromised records
@MarkHenderson yay?
@voretaq7 Well it's a real pain, because I'm not liable for any fraudulent transactions anyway. So it takes a week to get a new card, I can't use this card on the internet (they did unlock physical terminal transactions), and it's not even my damn fault
She did offer to unblock it for me, but then I am liable, so siiigh
And while I was on the phone to them I got a missed call from an American number, which has piqued my curiosity
@MarkHenderson Well, that's how credit card companies work
Damn your convenience, we don't want to have to pay out for a fraudulent charge :)
@voretaq7 It also means I can't even pay for Mountain Lion if I wanted to
@MarkHenderson Now you know why most Americans have like 6 credit cards.
@voretaq7 I only have two thank you very much
I only have 1, and I've only ever needed 1
And it has a tiny limit as well
@MarkHenderson well now you need another, DON'T YOU? :-P
@MarkHenderson I have...
::counts:: 6
Well, I do have another mastercard, but it's not a credit card
And I don't like to use my savings account unless I have to
2 Visas, a mastercard (debit), Home Depot (because they give you 6 months interest free on huge purchases), Macy's, and one that I closed in January
I treat them all as charge cards
Yeah, I haven't paid a single cent in interest for about 10 years
Pay the entire amount each time it comes due
And in the meantime, the cash in my savings account is offset against my mortgage
Lowering my interest
@MarkHenderson Banks don't do that here
But then again every time you read the word "bank" in the US you can substitute "Money hungry sociopathic whores"
It's a pretty common mortgage feature here. Some banks charge for it, but some don't. We don't pay for it. But, our mortgages are also variable interest rates
zero change in meaning :-D
From what I've been told, most interest rates in the US are locked in for the life of the loan
yeah I don't cotton much to variable rate mortgages
you can get variable rate mortgages
Here you don't have a choice
You either take a variable rate, or you go fuck your mother
but our interest rates swing pretty wildly
There are fixed rates, but they have so many restrictions on them that nobody uses them. They're always locked in at a high rate, and you can't make additional repayments
my parents had a variable rate mortgage in the late 80s/early 90s. Varied from 7% up to over 12 and back into the 8s
We're paying 5.9% on our mortgage at the moment, which is almost a full 1% lower than the average rate
not great for budgeting when you're talking percentages on a 300+ thousand dollar sum
5.9 isn't bad. you can get around there fixed here, but only through small credit unions
No, but our interest rates change slowly and smally
They virtually never change by more than .75 percentage points
Usually by .25
And only once a month
yeah we can move 2-3% over a year if the fed starts mucking about
Mind you, our countries cash rate is at about 4% at the moment, so the banks are pocketing that extra 2% for themselves
So don't worry, our banks are greedy bastards too
And they pass on rate rises within about 3 micro seconds of the reserve bank raising the cash rate, but when tey cut it it takes them 2 weeks to announce their decision, and another 2 weeks to actually pass it on
And they often don't pass on the full rate cut
How many "major" banks (just the number) are there in the US though? how often do they fail?
4-5 maybe
@Andrew True. We only have 4 and they're all profitable and stable (which is what you want for a bank. Oh how we love to hate them for doing their job)
chase, citi, TD
Wells Fargo/Wachovia still counts I guess
how long is a major piece of string?
oh and BofA
our banks don't really "fail" though, they usually merge & acquire before they go insolvent.
and a couple of major regional banks for practically every region...
@HopelessN00b I'm only counting NAs
pure competition is a myth unless you're a street vendor in Singapore
Oh, glorious 10.8
just a few failed banks.
Safari 6, I'm in love
No more search bar
Other than that, it's pretty much the same
I have nothing but contempt for URL-Bar-As-Search-Bar!
@voretaq7 Completely agree.
@MDMarra Am I the only one who loaths Safari?
I want an address bar and a search bar as $DEITY intended it
what the hell is wrong with you people?
@MarkHenderson you just hate that they abuse your cousins
I have a command bar :)
@MarkHenderson I run a real OS, no reason to install Safari in the first place. =}
@MDMarra It's dumbing down the internet. Soon they won't show the URL anymore, and phishing attacks will abound.
@voretaq7 My first hate for Safari came when I tried to change my home page to Google and it cried like a little bitch telling me "no please don't leave apple.com! You can search from the nav bar! Please don't gooooooooo"
@ChrisS What's wrong with a Posix-compliant desktop OS?
People don't even know what the URL in the address bar MEANS.
Technological literacy is a GOOD thing - people should not be trying to hide the underpinnings from the user.
@MarkHenderson it never did that to me...
@ChrisS Not going to disagree on any particular point you've made. Except that my wife wanted one and I'm sure that eventually it will get me laid
then again apple.com hasn't been my start page since... ever.
(about:blank for life!)
@voretaq7 Actually, there's big, grey, block-lettered HTTPS in the address bar between the favicon and the beginning of the url in safari 6
@MDMarra I don't have anything against it really, it the company that makes it that I dislike... Mostly because they can convince people to pay them way too much money for what they produce and I'm jealous I didn't have that idea first.
I'm secretly flattered when my systems are attacked by Russians
I guess mindless brute-forcing is like automatic writing for Russians or something
I once watched a user who was given a URL. He typed in www.google.com in the address bar, and then proceeded to type the URL in Google's search box.
@ChrisS has a point there, @ChrisS -- you really can't argue against getting laid.
@ChrisS Their hardware margins are bigger than most other hardware OEMs, but its still not a lot
I got my wife an HP Laptop and I still get laid. =]
Their huge $$ comes from the 30% app store take
@ChrisS sell a computer milled out of solid hematite or something?
@MichaelHampton I had the same. They wondered why they couldn't get onto our internal website
@ChrisS If you bought a RMBP you could have DOUBLE wives
@JoelESalas Yeah, that's what I want... two wives... I'm still not sure how the first one convinced me.
@ChrisS I'd divorce you :P
@Andrew Because they're too dumb to live?
@MichaelHampton ... there are people who don't do that?
@voretaq7 I just got a Color Laserjet today too. It's sitting in the middle of the living room floor.
@ChrisS Showoff
W: "Honey, I got you an HP!"
Any judge in the world: "It's totally her fault. Fucking deathtrap machine! She tried to kill him!"
@MarkHenderson Don't do what? Encrypt their disks, or type URLs into Google's search bar?
@MichaelHampton no, somebody had put it into their head "google is the internet"
@ChrisS I have one of those on my desk
@Andrew Two wives?! I don't get laid from one wife, I dont' want to not get laid from two wives
The HTTPS nice and laid out like that is long overdue
@MarkHenderson The ego can't take it
@MichaelHampton Type URLs into Google :P Almost everyone I've ever met does that
Mozilla does something like that now, but they dropped the favicon altogether, which i dislike
@voretaq7 I picked up a CP1518ni for $95; only 2300 pages on it and it came with ~1/2 full HP cartridges.
@MarkHenderson try @JoelESalas?
@MarkHenderson I might do it to see whether Google thinks there's malware on a site, but these people are doing it because they don't know any better.
@ChrisS this is a Lexmark something-or-other. Not industrial quality, but decent
Think it cost me $90
it also speaks postscript, so yay!
@MichaelHampton Yeah but are they hurting anyone by doing it? Not really. Of all the things that annoy me on the internet, that one is pretty low on my list
Ah, this on is the size of a small dog... I need to find a place to put it as it doesn't really fit where the PhotoSmart sits now.
@MarkHenderson I'm very much of the Gus Andrews school of media literacy
@MarkHenderson The point is, these users don't understand what's going on. So no matter how you dress up the address bar, make the HTTPS lock obvious, or whatever, they're still going to get burned.
I had to educate someone that the end of the domain, not they start of it, is what identifies a site. So www.apple.com.dodgy.scam.site.cn is not actually Apple and they have not won $100000
SMS scammers, bah
@MichaelHampton Chances are, if they are typing in a phishing site into google, they will probably end up on the real banks website
@MarkHenderson Yeah.. this time.
@MarkHenderson ever ordered anything delivered through Amazon, shipped via DHL? I'm wondering who they use in Australia & if I can check my tracking number with them
@Andrew How about.. DHL?
@Andrew I've ordered through amazon a few times, but I dont recall who delivered it
But DHL do deliver locally
@MichaelHampton A lot of couriers don't operate here, they contract their deliveries out to local companies
hmm, must still be in the warehouse in the US then. For the last week now...
@Andrew Or they shipped it surface mail
I once had a dickweed in Germany ship me a bus ticket via surface mail. I got to Frankfurt 6 weeks later, shouted at them and got my ticket re-issued, got home, and the ticket arrived 2 days after I got back
@MarkHenderson I found www.dhl.com.au from a quick search. It even has a phone number listed. :)
@Andrew I've shipped a lot of stuff out of the US. Sometimes the tracking info doesn't update until after it clears customs in the destination country. I had customs in the UK hold a package for almost 3 weeks once.
@MichaelHampton Hah, I've watched those Border Security shows. They seem pretty fucking anal in the UK
And the last bit of tracking info on that package, while Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs had it, showed it leaving JFK airport.
If customs here are holding RAM there is something wrong with them
I saw a show once where they wanted to move an airport building from one side of the runway to the other, so they jacked it up, but because it had to cross a runway, they had to get a fucking drug snuffer dog onto it
It was a bloody CPU.
it's not a bomb or drugs or evading taxes
bureaucracy at its best.
Oh, so you ordered that RAM from crucial?
Q: Is Zoneedit reliable for DNS?

AlexIt's been around forever, right?

@MichaelHampton Corsair, and a different conversation I think :)
@Andrew Quite probably so. I have difficulty remembering what I did this morning.
about 30% cheaper than anywhere local, assuming it ever arrives
Man, I love how Stack Exhchange sometimes reminds you of questions on other sites that you'd totally forgotten about. Just got a notification about a badge for this question:
Q: What is ground beef?

Mark HendersonI keep hearing about Ground Beef, but I'm from Australia and I've never actually seen it before. Is it the same thing as Minced Beef? Or different? Is Minced beef an acceptible substitute if they're not the same thing?

I had totally forgotten I'd asked that
the estimated delivery date was not until tomorrow though
@MarkHenderson mince
@Andrew yeah, I knew what it was, I was just mucking around on the site when it was still in beta
I actually have had Vegemite. And liked it.
@MichaelHampton We love it. We go through a 500g jar in about a month. My son just sticks his finger in and licks it off like jam. Although even that's a bit too much for me.
"polarising spread" - linear or circular?
you don't have ground beef?
@voretaq7 We call it Minced Beef
I have several pounds of ground beef in the freezer...or is that kilograms of minced beef?
@MichaelHampton Kilograms plzkthx
Come to think of it, the only thing I've never been able to get past Customs reliably is Vegemite.
ooh, there's elliptical too
@MarkHenderson yeah we don't actually "mince" foods here
we have mechanical devices to do the paste-ifying.
@MichaelHampton I thought I might get to go to the US a few months ago, and i was planning on taking roughly one pallet of Tim Tams to share around. Didn't get to go in the end, and y'all missed out i'm afraid.
A: Data Safety in Cloud VPS Email Server?

Joel E SalasThe data is as safe as however much you trust the provider to keep it safe. Odds are that encrypting it on disk doesn't matter, because many common encryption schemes keep the encryption key in RAM. Anyone who gets a shell on your VM (such as a malicious IT person on your provider's side, or even...

@JoelESalas +1 for the last sentence
@MarkHenderson :D
X11 not included in Mountain Lion.
@ewwhite MacPorts hooooo!
@ewwhite asshats.
@voretaq7 I mince vegetables commonly. Onions and Garlic all the time. =]
7/25/12 9:48:26.089 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[190]: (org.macosforge.xquartz.startx) Throttling respawn: Will start in 7 seconds
Can't get my gnome-panel running
@ChrisS by hand with a knife into a paste/pate?
@voretaq7 By hand, with a knife, until they're minced... which is not a paste or pate.
@ChrisS Minced meat winds up at the pate/paste consistency (or close to it). I usually can't be assed to stand there mincing vegetables
(garlic gets shoved through a press. Onions I will mince if necessary.)
Garlic commonly get the press too... depends on what it's going into.
I don't mince meat. I'd get it ground if I wanted it that small.
most people I know use a food destroyer when they want things minced
(which means they get some goo, some minced, and some chunks)
I've got a food destroyer that I got as a Christmas present from work three years ago. It's an ultra cheap POS that I only use for guacamole.
I like hand slaughtering avocados to make guacamole
It's like crushing little irkens into a tasty tasty paste
then you put it into something with bacon.... because PIGGIES!
mmmm guacamole
I'm hungry now. ):
Bacon?! Bacon is the universal "I can't make something that tastes good on it's own so I have to add this" food.
@ChrisS If it still tastes like shit after that, add tomato sauce(ketchup). Problem solved.
@ChrisS Chicken wrap with dill, guacamole and bacon. Eat it.
@MarkHenderson You call ketchup tomato sauce in my presence again and I'mma wallop you with the Heinz bottle. <angry Italian is angry!>
@voretaq7 Oh that sounds good too. I was just thinking of Chicken fajitas with Spanish rice, guac, and sour cream.
oh god we had a guy in college who would put ketchup on the university's nasty pasta....
granted it can't make it any WORSE, but.... EW!
@voretaq7 Commons food has that samey flavor to everything. Chicken strips taste like pizza taste like lasagna
@ChrisS nothing wrong with guac on fajitas. Better on Chimichangas though.
@MichaelHampton ...and the guy's not bad lookin either...
@voretaq7 I'll tell him you said that, but he's straight.
@JoelESalas no no - the university pasta was.... "special"
@MichaelHampton That's never stopped me before...
@voretaq7 ROFL...well, you're on your own there.
I put ketchup on fried potatoes, burgers, and hot dogs. I can't stand watching people who put it on everything... =/

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