@ewwhite I am genuinely interested and willing to pay shipping plus whatever we agree upon if it's reasonable for my home budget. You wanna map out what you've got and I'll let you know interest? Like, proc/ram/drive trays/etc.
@PeterGrace you know what the worst part would be. If you did work in the city, your commute would still be shitty and you'd still hate your house situation
But yeah, if anyone is looking for a sysadmin position in higher ed, it's a good opportunity for someone that wants to learn fast, get their hands on a lot of shit, and maybe get a free degree. It's probably not a great choice for someone that has a ton of experience though
I've always said they should offer suicide booths like in futurama, but only in the metro stations so anyone considering jumping has a less painful alternative that won't clog up traffic
One of my dad's friends was a train driver and had a woman step out in front of him. He said he saw her look up and say "I'm sorry" before the train hit.
@JeffFerland I'm sorry if my position on this bothers you, given the history. I'm genuinely sad to hear your brother took his life, but I don't necessarily think that having the train stop is going to help anything in the investigation.
@PeterGrace I'm not so sure about the investigation, but I certainly wouldn't want to have the train (or the motorman) in service after that kind of an incident. There's a reason the MTA forces them to take 3 days off and sit with counselors.
I'll admit, if I was going to kill myself (and not that I've ever planned to) I'd want to go as painlessly, quickly, and without distress to anybody else.
@voretaq7 Suicide is horrible. It's more horrible for the survivors than it is for the person who committed it, but it's even more selfish if 10,000+ people are delayed because they have to fault a track on the northeast corridor for 4 hours to do a "due dilligence" investigation
The train I ride in the morning is absolutely full, every morning. there are two tracks on the northeast corridor to handle like 20+ trains on that route. If one of those tracks is down for an investigation, a LOT of people are having a real bad day. I'm not in ANY WAY saying the annoyance is a balancer for the horrible grief the family might be feeling, I'm just saying, it's more than 150 people affected.
@PeterGrace People die every day. All those accidents you hear about on the traffic reports? People die in them all the time. Everyone dies eventually. That said, most of these deaths don't force tens of thousands of people to be unproductive for a few extra minutes.
People are shocked by death because they're insulated from it
@Basil Exactly. And in some cases, hours. The last time someone committed suicide on the route I take, not only was my train delayed for 45 mins on the rails, but they had to take an alternate track to another station then bus 10+ cars of people to my station.
BUT ANYWAY -- Takeaway from this conversation, guys: If you're going to commit suicide, please drown yourself, preferably not in your house. Maybe stick your head in a bucket of water in a local park so as to avoid hurting anyone else in the process.
@BartSilverstrim damn it! I don't know. Just don't do it in your bathtub. Then your family has to remember you did it there every time they take a shower.
We moved into a new house - good news was that I got a server room, bad news is I ended up having to put in a 100A panel and a dedicated AC unit to keep it all intact
Before I put in the AC, I could only run one or two systems and a couple of routers before the room hit 90.. I ended Up with a 2.5 ton unit and now it is mostly cool enough
@gparent - I've run into that issue before... It's almost always a firmware problem. If it's RAM the box is primitive enough that it'll stack dump in spectacular ways
@rnxrx I'm fairly certain it's a hardware problem because it was caused while the device was shut down.
@rnxrx I upgraded the IOS, the device ran fine for a few hours, I shut it down, opened it again a few months later to do some different tests, and it wouldn't boot anymore.
I have a ton of Cisco gear - literally everything up to (and including) 6500's... A good chunk of them have shown up unbootable. It's a pain in the ass and a trip down memory lane with stupid ancient bootloaders, but the recovery rate is surprisingly high
this has gone unloved since last September can someone else chuck a downvote on it so the cleaning fairies get it at the weekend serverfault.com/questions/312798/… please
@voretaq7 Remember that bit about me looking like I was moonlighting in a used car dealership because of the traffic cone and missing carpeting? It just got worse.
I'm having troubles setting up a LAN DNS server. I have multiple devices on a network and I would like my domain name to work on the LAN via any of those devices. The DNS server resides on the same machine as my webserver, which is a mac mini with Snow Leopard server. When I remotely connected vi...
@voretaq7 The guys that were supposed to pull out the carpet and put new in figured that patching it with a "best effort" match would be good enough. They spent the entire 15 minutes of explanation of the work order talking to other people on their phones.
So we ended up with blue-grey instead of slate grey.
@vCole Ah. The people I was working with in Brazil spoke pretty good English. They all spoke German also and had decent German accents. I can do German translation far better than I can figure out the Brazilian Portuguese-accented English.