@Chopper3 silver is cheap to begin with, and sterling silver is only 92% pure, and the other 8% can be quite a few different things, like copper, which will cause your skin to turn green after prolonged contact.
@Chopper3 16, wow, that is impressive. I could use one of those for transcoding files.
@ChrisS I did not know that - although I did find out something related the other day - my father-in-law died last february and my wife has recently done through the big pile of his belongings that we kept deciding what she wanted to keep and what she didn't - some of it was gold stuff (rings etc.) I wasn't aware of how much the cost of gold has gone up recently - 3 times what it was a year ago!
@voretaq7 At the prices they want "probably" doesn't cut it, but you're correct, tin and nickel are commonly used. Nickel not as much as it gives the silver a yellowish tint (your grandma's fine silver utensils probably have this).
@Chopper3 Over $1300 USD / troy ounce currently. That's for 24K in GoldMoney form (bricks or standardized coins that can easily be traded).
@Chopper3 No wedding ring? Mine's carbon tungsten with a epoxy inlay. Nothing very fancy but it looks nice and is one of the more indestructible metals.
@Warner My understanding is that they were originally intended to show society that the woman had been given over to somebody and was 'unavailable'. But then the realities of years in the trenches gave the men a comfort of having that physical connection.
@Warner fair enough, my wife knows I don't like that sort of thing, don't wear a watch, door key is a RFID inside my car key (which is remote too) - so I just have my wallet, phone and car key - it's all I like on me
Nice, I can appreciate that @Chopper3. I know a couple people who have a similar understanding with their wives. They lost theirs and never replaced them.
yeah, just googled and got lots of hits, no expert though
they come as credit-card things which wife/kids/housekeeper has but I got a spare one, put it in 'thinners' which desolved the plastic then folder the electronics bit up and fitted inside the remote key thing for my car - works out ok
@Warner I found a small prototyping kit on eBay a few years back, RFID via RS232; too easy to rig something up to resist. I'd like to get rid of the normal locks all together, but they tend to work even when the power is out. Not terrible professional looking... One of my many projects to work on when I have time.
@ChrisS That has always been my concern as well. Even professionally, I've been pushing towards electronic door access (keypad, card swipe, whatever) for a long time, but always push back when people talk about removing the physical key locks entirely.
That's cool, @ChrisS. I've looked at some home automation solutions and many things seem novel at best. I am always on the lookout for something both practical and cutting edge.
@packs I'm planning on building a house in a few years, I'll probably only put normal locks on a single door... The rest will be RFID. I do very much prefer them just for the simplicity of deactivating a lost/stolen key; and temporary guest access is trivial. The building I currently work in, everyone gets a copy of the outside door keys (and are supposed to turn them back in when they discontinue being employed); no incidents yet...
@ChrisS I manage physical access control for IT, so I totally get how that works out.
About 1.5 years ago our building was completely rekeyed top to bottom. So that helped level set everything. Then a few months ago due to an instance of alleged "terroristic threatening" the exterior doors were changed again, only this time the keys were not distributed, and we use electronic access. That made me happy.
@ChrisS we had the same basic setup at my last place -- physical keys on one exterior door and all datacenter/critical area doors (in addition to RFID), with emergency keys in a break-open lockbox. They also hooked the doors into the generator
@packs Only thing I didn't like about their system is they started getting cheap and using mag-locks on datacenter doors (so for about 30-60 seconds in the event of a power failure all DC doors were unlocked and anyone could get in)
That's not their worst sin: They used motion sensors to disable the mag lock for exiting (over my strong objections of "Seriously? There's a release button already!") so if you walked near the door on the inside the lock would open.
They did finally remove those about a month before I left b/c I casually mentioned it during our audit ::innocent face::
@BartSilverstrim I'm waiting for an iPhone with RFID in it -- so many things I could convince this company to do if our phones would also be our key fobs...
@Iszi as it should be. You swipe in, you swipe out. If you're trapped and have to use the panic button I'd say it's almost as big a deal as discharging the fire suppression system. But that's just me.
The ad had a guy call his wife while she was at the airport getting ready to board or something like that. She remotely unlocked and locked his car for him.
I hate the droid's interface...sorry for fans of multiple buttons, but there's something about the interface on the moto droid that just keeps tripping me up.
@Zypher 1)Works as a phone ; 2) email and browser that don't suck too much ; 3) at least 2 days of moderate use between charges. Bonus for a decent SSH app :-)
Some say the iPhone 5 will be out in summer so people should wait until then to get the verizon phone. i don't know...figured I'd wait and see what the mad rush levels are in February.
Near field communication or NFC, is a short-range high frequency wireless communication technology which enables the exchange of data between devices over about a distance. The technology is a simple extension of the ISO/IEC 14443 proximity-card standard (proximity card, RFID) that combines the interface of a smartcard and a reader into a single device. An NFC device can communicate with both existing ISO/IEC 14443 smartcards and readers, as well as with other NFC devices, and is thereby compatible with existing contactless infrastructure already in use for public transportation and pay...
bart it's basically secure RFID with an auto-payment backend - applie obvioulsy want you to use your idevice to pay for stuff and they do a richard prior job again
@BartSilverstrim yes, basically, they had it running in august when I was out there but I guess they need a lot of banking buy in
Today's News Microsoft IT Showcase Video: Initial Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Microsoft's SharePoint 2010 Upgrade Jeannine Dealy, MSFT http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/edge/Gg552996
@Zypher yeah, that's what you can do over here if you're with certain banks - just use your card, the london transport this is JUST for transport though
@Zypher mta.info/news/stories/?story=70 -- that's the one I'm talking about. they may be doing one with CC swipe too but I hope they get away from swipe cards. They keep having problems with the MSR readers :(
Has there been some kind of security token change with SF or at least SF chat? I have a pinned tab in Chrome for this room, and for weeks I would just launch chrome and be automagically logged into the room. Now I open Chrome and decide to amble over to chat only to find out that the chat room wants me to log in.
@Zypher Okay, I figured it had to expire at some point, but it seems that it's happenign quicker than it may have in the past. Also I thought simply showing up to a page and being auto logged in would renew.
And no on the incognito window. ServerFault is rarely mixed with content that I need an incognito window for; that is, testing cookie issues on websites.
Today, I came home to find a sock I previously used to whack off on my bed with googly eyes and a mouth drawn on it with a note that read "Because you can't find a real girl, I made your current one prettier, Love Mom." FML
Yeah it shows all three votes but tells me I've one left. Even if I select another and then reselect it. I get the popup on the vote to say I have 0 votes left but the page shows a banner telling me to cast my final vote. I'll open a meta Q for it, thanks
@Ben Yes, I got it and copied it into a OneNote page for further investigation, but I've been so swamped with stupid stuff the last few days that I haven't had a chance to do anything with it. =(
@RobertMoir have you heard about the patch to FIFA2012 for xbox? it uses Kinect to tell if a woman's picked up the controller, if so Andy Gray shouts at them to get in the kitchen :)
@Chriss - I think they're working on a filter for that, for questions at least. As for telling people that we're not a forum, I can't think of a good way to do that without them mis-understanding it. I think to most people the distinction between a "forum" and a "question and answer site" is going to be meaningless...
@RobertMoir Really the distinction isn't that strong -- comments often become a limited, informal discussion & lead to clarifying comments or edited answers
I just came across a question where changing to CW was suggested, then agreed with by the original asker. Is changing that something we should rely on the asker to do, or do you mods want a flag so you can whack it?
@voretaq7 My answer tend to be edited from "How do you remember to breathe?" to "You're dumb, go Google" to "Here's the answer, you're a *****" to "Here's the answer", post, then edit some more to explain it (if I'm in a good mood).
@packs There's no CW option for the asker anymore, a mod has to do it (or it can be done by editing the question too much...)
@packs your memory is longer than mine. By "Before Breakfast" I mean "Before Breakfast *today*" -- since I don't eat breakfast that means lunch, so anything more than about 2 hours old I've forgotten already :P
@Marin the basic idea is that there's a chance someone's had the same problem as you before, so search first, then if not write a question as not only might someone answer your question (there are 30k users on SF, about 50 have ever come on this chat thing), but someone else in the future might find that answer - kind of a pay-it-forward thing - it's all in the FAQ and other stuff you blindly clicked past
Isn't Grub a bootloader? If you're at it's prompt shouldn't you be looking to boot the computer rather than quit?? (I really don't know, I dislike Linux...)
@ChrisS Grub can charitably be described as a boot mangler. As with so many things the Linux world has done they looked at something, understood it poorly & built a brain-damaged knock-off
@WesleyDavid I have no problem with Linux, I have a problem with bad design. It's just that (IMHO) there is so much bad design in Linux that it's tainted for me.
Grub is a favorite example: It should be a straightforward clone of the Sun/OpenFirmware boot monitor, with a friendly menu added on. Instead it's this elephantine monstrosity that requires google searching to use :(
@WesleyDavid I used RHL back in the day, like 12-14 years ago.. About 10 years ago I found FreeBSD have haven't looked back, so my knowledge is somewhat lacking...
@voretaq7 I'm not intimately familiar with either to see the differences, so watching the flamewars helps me in that regard.
All I know is that I was looking at making a SpamAssassin cluster on BSD and now have more grey hairs than I wanted. I know someone who's done it for a hosting providor, but it was apparently significantly customized.
@ChrisS I tried to use Slackware back in the day (around the same time ago actually). It destroyed my partition table. When I reinstalled I found FreeBSD (2.2.something), which installed with no problems :)