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@RobMoir Feels bad man
Brits - like/dislike the budget?
You guys get to discuss budgets... we get to entertain the idea of Rick Santorum...
@Chopper3 In the year 2020, liking something on Google Facebook will be a legally binding agreement.
@ewwhite had two splunk guys over from sanfran yesterday and over dinner got talking about santorum - says a lot when I'd take that plastic thought-vacuum over the alternative, a mormon
really? you'd prefer him?
I hate it when the Republican campaigns turn into a clown college. Prefer some real competition to keep the Dems honest.
@ewwhite I'm not a big fan of any religious person being able to vote let alone be elected but followers of the newer, utterly bullshit religions worry me far far more
@Adrian I've accepted the state of politics in our fine nation. Just trying to enjoy the ride down.
@Joel True. Not sure I could deal with YOUR particular state's politics though. Seems a little more whackjob than ours up here in the NorthWet.
@Adrian Collyfownia isn't so bad
also I don't care lolol
@Joel I dunno. My parents moved down to Long Beach recently from Buffalo. I get to hear quite a bit of complaining about how bizarre it is.
@Adrian What in particular? LA's a crazy place but politics are the least of your concerns
Q: Malware on my server

Brandon ShutterUpon going to a couple of our websites this morning that we host for clients and have designed ourselves, I was prompted by Chrome that there is malware. About two weeks ago I ran rkhunter and ckhunter on the server, but it only came up with false postives. Server is running CentOS. The follow...

Malware? On my server?
@Joel I think they read the newspapers too much. Even the most-Liberal Dems in Buffalo are pretty conservative because of the huge Catholic community. They're still getting used to the difference in culture.
also, anyone want to check over my answer on this SU question?
@tombull89 more likely than you think.
What do you guys recommend as a good lockout grace period for a machine to lock itself when idle?
I am getting loads of flack for having a 30minute period
@qroberts PCI-DSS recommends 5 minutes
@Chopper3 They're both pretty rough... I'm in Illinois, so there were a flood os robocalls and surveys leading up to yesterday's primary
I wanted 10 minutes but people would ragequit if I did that
I don't know why it's so hard for people to just log in
It's not. You're working with nozzles.
@qroberts what sort of machine?
If you have a 1/2 hour timeout that's plenty of time.
We have a mixture of desktops and laptops. Laptops are taken out into the field regularly which is my concern
I'd say 15.
I segregated laptops/desktops into separate groups in AD and gave desktops 1hour and I am keeping laptops at 30minutes
@qroberts Do that, then add another GPO that changes their desktop to Justin Bieber after 5 minutes of inactivity
@Joel Though they only require 15 minutes or less.
@ScottPack I could be wrong, different PCI-DSSes. If it was up to me, the timeout would be 60 seconds.
We use 30 minutes lock time here, which I think is more than enough
@Joel I'm actually looking it up now.
Me too
@TylerShads They were going to do maintenance on 1 virtual machine so decided to take down the whole host, makes sense doesn't it :p?
@LucasKauffman If they shut down the host, how would they work on the VM?
@LucasKauffman Are we in Bizarro world again?
"Set the lockout duration to a
minimum of 30 minutes or until
administrator enables the user ID."
@qroberts That sounds like account lockouts.
Whoops wrong section
Yeah I screwed up
I thought the screen locking was in section 2.1, but I'm not finding it.
@ScottPack Beep me when you find it por favor
@BartSilverstrim I don't have a clue what they are doing, but I'm happy that I'm not responsible for that machine anymore :p
@Joel They also have an intent document, which apparently I didn't have downloaded. It's really handy for when you have trouble determining exactly what they want, or if what you do actually addresses it.
@BartSilverstrim fun fact: we were attached to the uni's nagios that sends sms when something borks, there is one server I wasn't responsible for, the new guys were taking care of it, it sent out 504 text messages before they responded
@Joel @qroberts Looking through the v2.0 doc, I'm not seeing anything that directly addresses screen locking timeouts. The closest thing I see is 2.2 which requires that you develop a configuration standard consistent with industry. They specifically call out CIS, ISO, NIST, and SANS. It's probably rolled up in that.
@Joel @qroberts That being said, 12.3.8 requires auto-disconnect of remote access. It does not, however, specify inactivity periods. Just that you must do it.
Ah, thanks
Oh, @ScottPack is cross-posting...
@qroberts 8.5.15 If a session has been idle for more than 15 minutes, require the user to re-authenticate to re-activate the terminal or session.
@ScottPack Awesome, thanks
@JeffFerland I only deal with the 2fa parts. So I called in a ringer. :)
@qroberts @Joel Although, check out the Note that's at the beginning of Requirement 8, since it talks about 8.5.15 specifically.
The files will also be deleted when your single SATA disk dies.
@LucasKauffman makes perfect sense!
Where are these users coming from!??
I don't know but it makes me feel very secure in my employment.
@ewwhite If you have to ask, then you don't understand
@ewwhite They're "consultants".
@jscott Go to ODesk, realize that's not a joke, cry.
@JeffFerland Ha, Ha, only serious.
There are a lot of users with 1 reputation... and I'm really unsure as to where they're coming from. Did Experts Exchange get a lot of these questions before ServerFault?
@ewwhite I think now that google has indexed bejeezus out of SE, any quasi-related search will return a SE result.
it's true...
Isn't that a good thing?
I mean, it won't be a Super-Secret Clubhouse any more but it'll get more of an audience.
@Joel NO. That's where these twits are coming from!
Although, maybe comms room shouldn't be indexed ;)
@voretaq7 I agree that there's an implicit minimum level of competence required
@Joel It is the point, though, at the same time, we have to weed through the dumb.
@MikeyB, Your answer to serverfault.com/questions/372052/centos-expanding-directory is going to confuse the crap out of that poor guy.
But +1 because I never thought of doing it that way.
@KyleSmith @MikeyB +1 to that... nice move.
@KyleSmith I love making people think about how things actually work. :)
Q: Load balancing outgoing connections among multiple IPs configured on the same NIC

cedivadI have a NIC with 2 aliases on it. The network interface has 3 IPs configured on it. Think about it like this: i can ping the same server by hitting .100 .101 and .102. I want the outgoing connections to be load-balanced among these ip. So if i have 3 opened connections, one connection will have...

^ My comment too mean?
@MikeyB That just became an interview question in my "So you think you know Unix?" category
@voretaq7 You mean kind of like this?
@MikeyB I still don't understand how it would work ;_;
@Joel 4reals?
@voretaq7 you understand that he doesn't really want to load-balance, he wants to distribute his outgoinig connections, probably to bypass some quota for an web API.
@voretaq7 I THINK I understand, but I wouldn't present it to my boss
@voretaq7 Yes. He's basically explained his upstream router is limited to 200 connections per source IP and he wants to get around that by paying for more IPs... Doesn't make me want to help him anymore, and someone already posted the normal answer...
@Zoredache Probably, I just want him to admit he's being a douche and trying to steal services from someone. Whenever someone answers "Nothing for you to worry about" I want to cockpunch them so hard their great-grandfathers feel it.
When you cd into the original directory your shell grabs on to that location as its working directory.
When you mount the replacement your shell's working directory doesn't change, but if you reference the full path the OS says "That's mounted on this (new) device".
So if you copy/move from ./ to /path/to/here you move the files from the old device to the new one.
@voretaq7 Dammit, I was just typing that out.
Yeah, essentially your shell is sitting "underneath" the mounted filesystem. Think of it that way.
@voretaq7 I figured it was similar to working in the directory you're trying to remove. When it tells you to lsof you're like "wtf I already killed apache."
Thank you for the explanation
caveat #1: If your OS is brain-damaged and doesn't let you over-mount on a mountpoint it dunt work - You get yelled at that you can't mount something there because it's already occupied (I don't know any unix that has this brain-damage)

Caveat #2: Remember to unmount the old filesystem (by device ID) and update fstab, or you'll cry later.
More technically: your shell's cwd is a file descriptor open to the inode of the underlying directory. Mounting something at the location doesn't change that inode, it just changes path traversal to that directory.
@MikeyB For any new filesystem calls?
@MikeyB right, that's the nuts and bolts of it. It's a variant on my "Why do df and du disagree? question
@Joel for any new path lookups
@Joel For anything that requires you to traverse to the directory. If you cd ../html in this example, you'll get to the newly-mounted filesystem.
@voretaq7 Awesome, thanks guys :D
@JeffFerland see also also fsdb(8) - Fear And Loathing In Your Filesystem
@JeffFerland Holy shit I've done that before. Hahaha
Q: Downgrade Ubuntu 10.10 to 10.04

Kevin BrownIt seems that U 10.04 has better ruby support than 10.10. Should I downgrade? Would it be a lot of trouble? If I do want to, what is the best way to do it? I basically know nothing about server admin...

lol wut?
(I've never had to recover a file from a running program using fstat/lsof and fsdb. No. Never. Well, maybe that one time...)
@LucasKauffman Oy.
@voretaq7 sup?
@LucasKauffman why you post link to question that makes my head hurt? WHYS?!?
@voretaq7 Because I'm a mean headache generating machine!
@LucasKauffman . . . you're one of our clients?!?
@LucasKauffman Sure, just click the "Downgrade to 10.04 Wizard!"
@voretaq7 you know that guy that you always send that email to:"is your computer turned on" and then it isn't <<<----- ME
Q: Hibernating Ubuntu on EC2 instance?

DanI've got an application I'd like to move to EC2. It will likely spend more than half the day completely dormant, so I'm trying to come up with a good solution for starting and stopping it as needed. It takes a few minutes to start up from nothing, so it would be nice if i could hibernate the OS f...

"Is your computer plugged in? That is very much common mistake!"
@LucasKauffman I am going to stab you in the eye with a really hot french fry :)
@voretaq7 There's a bit of magic in Linux at least where you can access deleted inodes via /proc/pid/fd
is there a reason why you would hibernate a server... in the cloud?
@LucasKauffman So you can have sleeper agents without knowing where they are for maximum protection?
@MikeyB like al-quaeda ?
@MikeyB you can get the inode number from fstat or lsof too, and then just re-link it with fsdb.
@LucasKauffman because clouds make you think of nap time?
@voretaq7 AIX?
I gave him the first-hit-in-google answer.
Is fsdb, some kind of magical FreeBSD command?
@MikeyB FreeBSD. I don't know if JFS has something equivalent to fsdb
@voretaq7 I think the competence of system administrators is almost directly connected to their competence of looking things up!
@Zoredache magical ufs command (Solaris has/had it too), but yeah.
@voretaq7 Have you tried turning it off and on again?
You have to do it three times.
I love when people say "I've rebooted it like 17 times, nothing."
@JeffFerland While walking backwards around the machine counterclockwise.
Really, you didn't think to stop and call after, say, 2?
@KyleSmith Yeah, that's why I'm not allowed to talk to clients.
We share on-call across a large group, so I sometimes get calls on weekends that would normally be handled by our internal helpdesk.
@KyleSmith I would be a very bad support guy
Got a few of those problem users...
My answer to that is "Well thank you for destroying all the state information we would have needed to actually help you fix the problem. It's working now, so we consider this problem closed."
"I haven't been able to connect to the VPN in 2 hours."
"What have you been doing for 1 hour and 59 minutes?"
OK, why is there no reasonable direct way to install glassfish as a service on Ubuntu server? Where the hell is asadmin hiding?
@voretaq7, We admin 60+ linux desktops for our development team. Get that all the time.
@KyleSmith If they're smart? Checking their router and cable modem before bothering you!
GUI was hung, so I power cycled it.
we sell Linux-based systems to medical professionals.
We get that EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.
@KyleSmith Hoping it was a temporary glitch and would self-correct.
@voretaq7, Well, yes, but when I ask they tell me that they've rebooted everything a dozen times in every possible order.
@KyleSmith The best are the ones that say "It said Installing Updates - DO NOT TURN OFF, but I was in a hurry so I just pulled the battery out"
@Zoredache, That's just it -- it does self-correct. But then they walk over or submit a ticket asking what happened.
"NFC, it's gone now."
"You know that squeeling noise it made when you did that? Yeah, your hard drive was crying."
(which leads to the inevitable "Well congratulations. Your machine is bricked. Ship it back to us and we'll wipe it and reinstall. Next time follow the fucking instructions on the screen, idjit!"
ID10T error.
@voretaq7 It's amazing what people think (or don't think) when they see a message on their computer screen
As if Microsoft put that into Windows for their health or something
So the solution to this stupid server is an IDE containing esxi, I justhope NOW it'll use this raid controller...
@BartSilverstrim there there, it's going to be ok
Wow I'm on the starred list on the right 3 times. Either A) I'm funny. or B) I should be working. I guess both is also a possibility.
@BartSilverstrim Oh god… "So, where do I drop this certificate/key?" "Well, you run this program to create a keystore and then convert the certificate to pkcs12 then import it into the keystore…"
Java Keystores....
Anyone using Geppetto?
@BartSilverstrim Is that where they get the saying "Security through obscurity."?
@Joel powering off Windows is slightly less traumatic than it is to our box. radmind getting interrupted in the middle of writing out a new kernel can pretty much fuck up your whole week.
... convoluted?
Create file containing cert, key and trust chain. Point Apache at it.
Seems legit to me.
@voretaq7 I think he's talking about Tomcat or something else that uses a keystore.
@KyleSmith why would you subject yourself to that? I'd rather use IIS!
I effing HATE SSL.
@BartSilverstrim Don't hate the game, hate the protocol.
copy this to a file, then this, then this...then import...then the private key...or was that the other way around?
A: Vote: Do we want code highlighting?

Bart De VosYes, I want code highlighting. This has been enabled, and at this time these tags inherited syntax highlighting and have it enabled. powershell sharepoint http python sql database java asp.net .net plsql mono jboss vb coldfusion android regex vb6 wcf vbscript c# hibernate django ruby javascri...

are there any tags in this list we can turn code highlighting off for
Any recommendations for free programs similar to windirstat?
I also have FolderSizes
like bytecount?
@qroberts windirstat is the one all my Windows Admin friends recommend
@BartSilverstrim noidea
I just want to see a visual layout of space on my file server
Management likes graphs/pretty stuff
@qroberts ... take a post-it note, write "FULL" on it, and stick it to the front of the case? :-D
(it'll be true soon enough)
Q: How can I visualize hard disk space with millions of files?

Nathan PalmerWe have a hard disk that is 600 Gigs and nearly full. It's been filled up with 18,501,765 million files (mostly small 19k images) and 7,142,132 folders. It's very difficult to find out where exactly all the space has gone too. Our regular cleanup procedures are not clearing up enough space which ...

@qroberts xdiskusage rocks
we should split that question up to Windows and Unix at some point and make it canonical for each
yeah I use windirstat usually
@MikeyB That looks pretty cool
Is this correct, though?
18,501,765 million files
i.e., 18 trillion files
I honestly can't estimate at how many files we have
@Aaron Can't be, I don't know of any file system that can handle that many files.
Also, 600GB / 19KB = ~31M files. If he managed to put 18 tillion 19KB files on a 600GB disk I want to buy stock in whatever he's doing.
@ChrisS I suspect he means 18M files, yeah.
@ChrisS Or a dedupe solution.
We also have a insane amount of user files, it doesn't work to use properties in windows to see the file count
I suppose there's that too, though I assume that each file is somewhat different.
@ChrisS Hmmm... at 19K there's only 2^(8×19×1024) possible files.
@pauska Let me know how well cygwin's 'du' works for that. Bonus: save the output and pipe into xdiskusage.
it'll work fine.
You have 3TB of RAM, 128 cores, and all the time in the world -- right? :)
@pauska I read something about the actual data structure in NTFS that stores file descriptors. It stops scaling well at about 100 million.
It's some kind of modified B-tree. Hard limit is 4 billion? technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc780559%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
@voretaq7 Well I assume they're not all in the same directory. And I would assume du is fairly smart about how it does things.
the first assumption is probably valid.
not sure about the second.
@voretaq7 Hence the experiment!
@voretaq7 agreed, old mv/kernel combinations will not operate on 20k+ files
I'm heading into GNOME3. Wish me luck gents.
@Joel So we should expect you to be installing xfce this weekend?
@Joel 's not that bad
@ScottPack I'm in xfce right now
not that good either
@voretaq7 I actually like GNOME3 but compositing + VMware Workstation = rage
I had lots of trouble with gnome3 and multiple monitors. With any luck, that's been figured out.
WOOHOO!!!! One of our old Win98 workstations finally died. We get to finally replace it!
@Adrian VM it!
@Chopper3 And have fun finding a version of VMware Converter that actually works on it!
@Chopper3 We're going to force that user to RDP to the TS rig. ALL the software is already there and their co-workers use it just fine. They fight us tooth and nail until their local hardware dies as some kind of weird status symbol.
could just do a cold convert and deal with the vmtools issues after rather than struggle with a live convert
@Chopper3 We're kinda virtualized anyway as all new workstation rollouts are LTSP.
@Adrian I wanted to do LTSP + Wine
Big mistake? or bad idea?
@Joel It sucked. We dropped it.
@Adrian The use case is a terrible, terrible VB6 application that actually runs ok in Wine
@Joel Ah, that might work. Our people are usually clamoring for Office 2K10 under Wine so that they can open the new Office docs without using OpenOffice.
@Joel Works OK in VirtualBox :-x
@Adrian well using OpenOffice is banned by the Geneva Conventions
@voretaq7 This IS Seattle. If this town wasn't so rabidly anti-capitalistic, I'd probably get strung up on accusations of being anti-Microsoft.
Granted, I AM Anti-Microsoft. But not necessarily Anti-Microsoft-Products.
@Adrian I actually got the reputation of being the rms of my company
Ah, found the suckage. I got commissioned to find a way to run IE9 in a Wine session to allow staff to do direct data-entry for a hideous state-run website.
My boss was surprised to learn that I don't actively hate Microsoft, and that I'd spend the $100K a year in licensing if I could
@Joel Yeah. Our Devs hate MS so much that they refuse to QA the web app against IE.
@Adrian That's religion, not business
@Joel Well, this is the group that thinks "good security" means eliminating any non-essential Debian packages while relying on PHP escape_chars functions to sanitze their input and leaving the IPTables wide open.
@Adrian brb haxing u
I know full well that the day my current boss leaves I'll be getting my pink slip when the Dev Mgr. takes the Director slot next.
@Adrian I'll have that resume series up soon for ya'
@WesleyDavid sweet.
@Joel Did I mention that the app is exposed to the internet? Thankfully the publicly-accessible one is through another server that I control the network connectivity for. So it's firewalled at least.
So I'm really hating vmware right now, the amount of fucking hoops you have to jump through to get any kind of information...
@TylerShads OTOH, I'm discovering that the information Libvirt/KVM provides me is often wrong unless the VM instance has been cold-stopped recently. =/
@TylerShads What do you mean?
@Zoredache Long story short, have a test server that is a PoS left from the past that used to be production. Want to use it to test out VMWare, specifically the ESXi free thingie, now that I have everything finally done, when I open up vSphere Client, its screaming at me to activate licenses that are no where comprehensively found on vmware's site.
Just frustrating to me when a site is not straightforward about anything :)
@TylerShads they were emailed to you when you downloaded the free esxi iso.
@TylerShads When you downloaded it, the license was in your download link.
It should have emailed you but the web page had it, where you enter the number of hosts you're running it on.
Then it generated the key and printed it for you.
I print out the web page with the link/md5 sums/license.
You might have to log into the site and navigate your account to try finding it again.
@TylerShads You should be in a fully-featured ESXi trial for 60 days
What bugs me about the Vmware web site is that I cannot change my email address. that is stupid.
@Zoredache just call them up - they'll sort that out right away
@Joel I do, with e-mail nowhere to be found >.>
@Chopper3 Having to call someone to change an email address seems really silly
@TylerShads go to the download link for ESXi again using the account you created the first time. The license number is there.
Oh wait, found it...now I lost where to input it xD love it -.-
Configuration tab - > License Features under the software section. Click edit.
oh its in the program, cause it was hard for them to put that on the site after directing me there
THanks for the putting up with my derpyness :)
You're having an awful lot of problems with this, aren't you? :-)
@Adrian After a thousand security holes, one only sees death
@TylerShads I bill at $100/hour
I can't begin to describe how broken fedora is right now
@BartSilverstrim A) It's been one of those weeks B) Yes C) I still wish their site was less convolution, more straightforwardness :)
@Joel I can pay you in BK
Calm down, plan to drink a lot later, and step away from the console for five minutes... :-)
vmware has some issues, but not as bad with interface derps as DPM for backup...ugh.
@BartSilverstrim I don't drink....some days I wish though
Overall though I've found VMware exsi to be fantastic...
I've never been able to fix a broken x11. I just reinstall, every time.
Well, there's your problem. Most of us only get through the day because of the anticipation of forgetting everything in a few hours of rum and vodka fueled bliss.
mmm vodka (that's all I've got to contribute)
Hell, without that stuff, we'd have dead users and suicidal admins.
I've never broken X11 that I couldn't fix it...
I don't think it's actually all that complicated to be honest.
@ChrisS I make no claim to being remotely competent with X11
I have had problems with buggy chipsets and firmware that just plain wouldn't work, but that's not me breaking it.
The structure of the X-Server is really quite well done. The X protocol is a piece of flaming crap, but the software is well written. =]
Do you write your own mode lines?
I let X to an autoconfigure to get things started then edit the whole thing by hand.
@ChrisS I'm not hXc enough for that
though I guess I should learn someday
On my current workstation I don't have any Modes lines as X11 picks up the monitors native res and I just use that.
@Joel And as much as I bitch about Mark Shuttleworth (may Allah whack him in the stones with a shovel 1000 times), Ubuntu mostly just works for our users.
@Joel The autoconfigured and default configuration are horrible messes. There's only a few required sections and most of them can be trimmed down to a few lines each... Once you start cutting out the crap it gets a lot easier.
@ChrisS Yeah, well the current Xorg is pretty good at auto-detecting all the required info. It sure could be a PITA to setup Xfree a decade ago.
My workstation's xorg.conf file is 83 lines long and now that I'm looking at it I think I'm going to trim more of that out.
@Zoredache I think hardware support for autodetecting things is a heck of a lot better now too, but yeah, getting xfree86 working could take days if you were using an oddball setup.
And heaven forbid you use multiple monitors! You'd have to pull out special extension for that.
can anybody tell why the OP rolled the post back here?
@tombull89 I don't get it
A current xorg.conf file needs the basic "Files" and "modules" section. Files is pretty much just fonts. Modules is optional if you don't need support for things like putting your monitor to sleep or OpenGL; but I consider that mandatory for a modern computer. Then you need a keyboard and mouse "InputDevice" sections. Montor, Device (video card), and Screen (resolution, colors) sections round out the computer's "hardware". One last "ServerLayout" section to tie them all together.
Oh, nvm, I see.
@tombull89 It only looks like it was a few minutes. Are you sure he roled back?
Maybe he just had the question open in edit mode.
so he posts, clicks edit, you edit, he posts his edit.
Bonus points for using the same configuration file for a multi-seat setup. You can connect 2 keybaords/mice/screen for instance and use multiple ServerLayout sections to start two separate X servers on the same computer, one for each setup.
ah, it wasnt an actual rollback, just took out the image, possibly unintentionally.
@ChrisS I guess I'll have to devote a few days to learning this properly.
No worries then.
:grumbles something about maintaing FreeBSD ports being an endless suckfest:
A: IPTABLES: Flushing & starting from scratch over SSH - VPS - CentOS 5.5 x86_64

AnshumanWrite a 'cron' script and add the rules for iptables to allow you access and set it to run it 5/10 min after you flush your command. That way, you will again re-gain access after 5 minutes.

@Joel yea that's my downvote actually
@LucasKauffman iptables, window auto-closed
CLOSE REASON: Get a real firewall!
@Joel The way things are going we wont need a xorg.conf file pretty soon. As it is I only edited the auto-detected configuration file for my sanity; it picked everything up correctly on the first try.
@voretaq7 Just think of all the community members that benefit from your toil though. WHY WONT YOU THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!
@ChrisS fuck them, I do it for MY benefit.
Doesn't make the ports makefile and pkg-plist shit any less of a suckfest :P
Doesn't iptables have multiple sets? Like can't you have your "current" set and a set you're "working on"; and easily switch back and forth (and set a "sleep 15; ${switch back to "normal" set}" command)?
So the NS record in the stub _msdcs folder was wrong. I have no clue how that happened! (but it's been that way for years.)
@ChrisS You can do that with different custom tables. But anybody doing that probably already knows what they're doing.
@ChrisS yes it does
but it's ugly
OIC; I guess I'm just used to it... figured others probably did something similar.
The classic example being the RHEL/Centos 'RH-Firewall-1-INPUT' table.
@Adrian which is gone from CentOS 6
@Iain Praise Be and 3 Hallelujahs.
@ChrisS generally you would use iptables-save and iptables-restore for something like that.
iptables-save, try new version, if fails, then iptables-restore old version.
@Zoredache Wouldn't that destroy the set you're working on if the restore was triggered?
If I'm messing with iptables I save the current config and then set up a cron job to restore it every few minutes. Then I use a copy to work on
I suppose, but you could just make another save I guess.
Generally I just put all my rules in a script, then just re-run the script, which updates the ruleset. I have the script in a VCS, so I can revert as needed.
new radmind port for FreeBSD happening... soonish.

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