We need some kind or words-to-punctuation algorithm for all posts. "We're sorry, it appears that your keyboard's comma and period keys are not working properly. Please wipe and reload your operating system."
Gah I hate it when people don't rename their default AD site. I'm sick of seeing Default-First-Site - even if you only have one site it's about a whole 10 seconds to change it
@MarkHenderson He didn't say there were no hard disks. I think he is wondering what the underlying filesystem is. The question almost seems like a I am using ntfs-3g to make Linux see my Windows partition on my dual-boot setup, and things are broken.
I am trying to help him solve a network performance issue. I setup some simple monitoring, and several of his fiber links are 100% saturated. I was just wondering if you knew if the backups started.
@Joel If someone has years of legit work history and also a lot of certs, then likely he's just the kind of person that likes to quantify knowledge. Others aren't like that and are okay without certs.
@Joel For a multiple-choice style certification, I think it's about as good as one of those can get. From what I've looked into, it's nice and vendor neutral and has in-depth knowledge that's required. Sure you can memorize stuff, but that would be more difficulty than your average person wants to bother with.
@Joel I'm certainly not a master at anything IT related. I'm way more of a generalist. I've got too many day to day roles to have the time to specialise
@Zoredache I'd agree with that for ICND1, but ICND2 requires some solid understanding of subnetting and switching that is very hard to learn by rote. Even then, rote learning does have some value.
We need massive capacity, but dont give two shits about speed, so we're replacing our 2TB disks with 3Tb 5400RPM disks. Whole devices yes. And with each disk we change the rebuild is getting slower and slower
I loved ME1 and ME2 cos you're constantly meeting new characters and getting to know them, but in ME3 it's a bit of "Oh, hi, you again, whats up, nothing ok cya"
"Oh what, your sister's been kidnapped again? Ok best of luck with that"
Awesome. I miss my old Solaris box. Was an old Sparc 10, I think.
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I hate to post answers that don't address the question though. Feels like a dick move, imho.
And we won't talk about the IPA I had on the way home. ;)
Feels like I've been supporting LTSP installs most of my life. I think we were the third case study they put on the website about 10 years ago. I'd have a metric crap-ton of stuff to learn, but I think I'm wanting to start picking up some Microsoft stuff.
I hate Origin with a passion. I had to go through the purchasing thing 3 times before the game showed up in my account, and then I got billed for the game 3 times (even though the first two times I got an "error") and a fourth time the charge was reversed by EA
Not too worried about it, personally. The first two-thirds of the game have been great. Even if the ending is just a Elcor saying "Impatiently, go to hell".. 5 minutes of sucky writing can't ruin the entire trilogy.
Totally depends on the game: * WoW, LotRO, Psychonauts (rear camera): Trackpoint (nipple mouse) * TF2, etc. (FPS): Mouse/Trackpoint * Hoard, Beat Hazard, (Double-analog): Gamepad
Believe it or not, sometimes I prefer the trackpoint for gaming over a mouse. And I would never use a gamepad for an FPS if I can help it. I take this shit seriously :)
Here's another little entertaining tidbit: I'm playing through ME2 on my laptop right now and need to use cold packs (the first aid gel ones) from the freezer to keep it cool enough so it doesn't shut down. Boy does this thing churn out the heat.
@Adrian Nono, I need a new desktop, hence all my gaming happens on my work laptop. To be honest, the particular model we chose was picked because it has an NVidia GPU in it and 1GB of VRAM and would be awesome for gaming :)
Betta () is a large genus of small, often colorful, freshwater ray-finned fishes in the gourami family (Osphronemidae). The type species is B. picta, the spotted betta.
By far the best known Betta species, however, is B. splendens, the Siamese fighting fish.
All the Betta species are small fishes, but they vary considerably in size, ranging from under 2.5 cm (1 inch) total length in B. chanoides to 12.5 cm (5 inches) in the Akar betta (B. akarensis).
Bettas are anabantoids, which means they can breathe atmospheric air thanks to a unique organ call...
sigh I hate being on-call. One thing to get called in for silly stuff. Another to get called in to the office because someone didn't forward a phone properly.
Why the fuck would you ship that as the standard start menu on a SERVER OS?
Do they realise that we're almost always using RDP which makes the start button virtually impossible to hit?
Im trying to figure out how the fuck you shut this OS down from the GUI
I've been at it for 5 minutes but I refuse to google it
It must be here somewhere
10 minutes in, still can't find a way to shut it down
13 minutes to find the shutdown option. You can NOT shut down the server through a normal RDP session, you need to use the fucking console (I cheated and googled for it), go to the "start" menu (virtually impossible) and type the word "shutdown". What a fucking joke.
My screen is suddenly divided in three equally large parts with a large black area in between. This is itself pretty annoying. But they also come in the wrong order: part 3, part 2 part 1.
Did I do something myself or is the graphic card ruined.
TomTom: "[I] spell check when I want. Want me to spell check - that is 150 USD per started hour." Can we start a fund? @PeterGrace is there some money avalible? :P
The vast majority of questions and so on regarding the interoperability of Active and Open directories involves getting Mac clients to see an AD and auth against it.
What we'd like to do is get a Windows 7 workstation to auth completely against Open Directory. We tried setting it up as an NT4 t...
@Iain Like I said. He'll have to deal with installing that crap 18 hours before me, so I can see what kind of suffering I'll never deal with because I refuse to use anything Win8 based
@tombull89 Yup, it's to make interfacing with the server "easier"
I get the joke though. M$ doesn't want to make server software anymore, so if they piss off their server customers enough, they lose the market and can focus all their money on utter shit.
@PeterGrace ...Tell my raid controller that hmm. Though what @tombull89 said might be the case, its one from god knows when on a peiced together server that is now my testing bitch.
@PeterGrace yummy. My question is, why would anyone in their right mind have their main server that the company depends on be something home built from shitty parts? The only thing I like is the case which is solid steel.