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I want to cry: http://www.panix.com/
1. Because nostalgia
2. Because it's not a joke
Oh hell yeah UNIX shells
Nice. I hate that so many places won't even allow raync over SSH for updating pages and images.
@WesleyDavid Oh shit they offer dialup access! Best get me some 14.4k!
Is it that hard to type? serverfault.com/questions/371784/…
I hope that person is handicapped and can only type with one side of their tongue.
And at $100/hr Im not so sure Id want to hire their web developers unless they can do a better job of hteir own page
I'll stick Jacob onto them. He can only type with one hand and doesn't mistake "ask a question" for google
Wow, did he really just start a post with "H3llo" serverfault.com/questions/371771/…
My god it reads like a letter :p
All least he stopped at "H3llo" and didn't keep going: "1 am \/\/r1t1ng r3gard1ng th3 3xchang3 p0\/\/3rsh3ll c0mmands. \/\/h3n 1 \/\/ant t0 us3 f0ll0\/\/1ng cmdl3ts, 1 hav3 t0 1ns3rt param3t3r -ma1lb0xcr3d3nt1al T3st-0\/\/aC0nn3ct1v1ty T3st-0utl00k\/\/3bS3rv1c3s T3st-1mapC0nn3ct1v1ty T3st-P0pC0nn3ct1v1ty"
We need some kind or words-to-punctuation algorithm for all posts.
"We're sorry, it appears that your keyboard's comma and period keys are not working properly. Please wipe and reload your operating system."
@WesleyDavid And one for the enter key too please
I don't have the energy to fix this crap: serverfault.com/questions/371764/…
"Im sorry, 14 lines of unbroken text is impossible to read. Please go back to 4th grade and learn how paragraphs work"
@l0c0b0x I want to believe you didn't use sed for that
Linux doesn't have folders?
Or is that just someone being symantically correct by refusing to exchange "directories" with "folders"?
yeah, some people are annoyingly picky
folders are on Windows, Directories are on Linux.
The same guy is claiming that there's no such thing as a "hard" disk...
@Joel nope... just scite's search and replace. I'm not that l33t.
Gah I hate it when people don't rename their default AD site. I'm sick of seeing Default-First-Site - even if you only have one site it's about a whole 10 seconds to change it
@MarkHenderson Well, technically you can put a dent in it with a hammer, so... I mean... how "hard" can it really be?
@MarkHenderson He didn't say there were no hard disks. I think he is wondering what the underlying filesystem is. The question almost seems like a I am using ntfs-3g to make Linux see my Windows partition on my dual-boot setup, and things are broken.
@WesleyDavid I once saw a guy bite straight through an old IDE drive. True story.
@Joel (oO)
@Joel I need pics or video to believe that.
@Joel Wait, I think I know that dude. Was this his high school yearbook photo:
@Zoredache That's my cue to get back to work
@l0c0b0x You don't happen to know what Denny was using for backups over at Lakewood?
@Zoredache He backed ran backups? :)... No, don't know what he was using. Is he not there any longer?
I am trying to help him solve a network performance issue. I setup some simple monitoring, and several of his fiber links are 100% saturated. I was just wondering if you knew if the backups started.
Sorry, don't know. Saturating fiber links? yikes! at least is not happening during school hours.
Well, it may be happening during school hours, he was complaining about slowness, I just got the monitoring setup.
@l0c0b0x Saturated your mom's fiber links during school hours
He doesn't know what the problem is...
When you guys see a resume and it looks like alphabet soup
do you get suspicious?
@Joel Depends on work history.
And, interestingly, I'm addressing some of that in my upcoming series on resumes! =)
@WesleyDavid I'm basically one-manning a large-ish deployment of servers
so I've touched almost everything there is to touch
@Joel If someone has years of legit work history and also a lot of certs, then likely he's just the kind of person that likes to quantify knowledge. Others aren't like that and are okay without certs.
@WesleyDavid I meant more on the side of Alleged Skills
majorhayden.com YOU'RE HIRED!
Some people will discard others out-of-hand for a wide breadth of certifications. Personally, I think that's a dick move.
I'm way more interested in their work history and previous roles than a bunch of letters
@WesleyDavid I'm like 60/40 in favor of "certs are for jerks" but I wouldn't DQ someone for that
I particularly don't give two shits about the characters A and +
@Joel Depends on the certifications. Red Hat and Cisco stuff is legit.
Juniper too.
@WesleyDavid How do you feel about LPIC
@WesleyDavid maybe the tests beyond the ccna, but the ccna seems pretty basic and pointless.
Also if someone claims a "mastery" of something, is it reasonable to expect master-level competence
@Joel As soon as I saw that I translated it into "Limp dick"
@Joel If someone is a "master" I expect them to be able to tell me what's going on by looking at a raw TCP dump
@Joel For a multiple-choice style certification, I think it's about as good as one of those can get. From what I've looked into, it's nice and vendor neutral and has in-depth knowledge that's required. Sure you can memorize stuff, but that would be more difficulty than your average person wants to bother with.
@MarkHenderson Agreed. I can debug mail issues from said
I don't want to put 45 acronyms on my resume and look like I'm just trying to hit keywords
@Joel I'm certainly not a master at anything IT related. I'm way more of a generalist. I've got too many day to day roles to have the time to specialise
@Zoredache I'd agree with that for ICND1, but ICND2 requires some solid understanding of subnetting and switching that is very hard to learn by rote. Even then, rote learning does have some value.
As a resuly my resume is covered in TLA's
@MarkHenderson Most of mine are ETLAs.
@WesleyDavid Mine are MD5sums of TLAs
If mdadm is doing a rebuild, can I do a graceful restart of the server and expect the rebuild to kick off where it was?
I'm going to guess no, because mdadm won't restart its rebuild until after the file system has been modified
filesystem is irrelevant
Oh nice
Well if I have to restart this rebuild Im coming for your balls :p
Did you use whole devices for your RAID devices?
or partitions on devices
We need massive capacity, but dont give two shits about speed, so we're replacing our 2TB disks with 3Tb 5400RPM disks. Whole devices yes. And with each disk we change the rebuild is getting slower and slower
Yeah those slow disks will make a rebuild take days
That's generally why you don't want to use them in production
Putting them in a RAID5 (for example) is irrelevant at that point because you could EASILY lose another disk in 40+ hours
I'm assuming you upped the minimum rebuild speed in the kernel?
and the max?
@Joel 4 days per disk at the moment :P
devil-linux.org/documentation/1.0.x/ch01s05.html This (incredibly old) resource claims the rebuild will start over
I havent touched any of the other stuff cos I know almost nothing about mdadm
(this is someone elses server :P)
1. Array isn't destroyed
2. rebuild starts over
Hey Joel, you can delete your own answers :)
Oh, probably too much time has gone by
@MarkHenderson Yep, too much time had elapsed
@MarkHenderson ducea.com/2006/06/25/… This is extremely helpful in getting a rebuild to finish quicker
The downside (if any) is that more system resources are dedicated to the rebuild
@Joel Thats OK, this server just holds a whole bunch of SQL Server backups. It's not exactly under high load
@MarkHenderson I'd let the tiger out of the cage then
@Joel Hey thats a good one, thanks
Hey its down to 80 hours for this rebuild :p
Down from 85
@MarkHenderson With your ill-gained time you can play video games!
Im still working my way through Mass Effect 3
Irritated by the fact that I have to play multi-player to get enough points to get the best ending of the game
@MarkHenderson The meta-gaming of Mass Effect ruined it for me
Any one in particular? I hated resource gathering and the ME3 version of it is just as crap
@MarkHenderson You do? I thought you could do enough side missions to get it all the way up
@ShaneMadden The opinion is mixed over on gaming.se. My green 'readiness' bar is totally full, but my galaxy rating is only at 56%
(cos I played an hour of multi-player yesterday)
I think the green bar is what counts - the percentage seems to only go up from multiplayer, at least as far as I've seen
It drifts back to 50% - mine was at 100% from a bunch of multi, now it's down to 80%
War asset strength (gray bar) times readiness percentage = green bar
Mmkay, well my green bar is full and I only have one mission left (assault cerberus base)
And everyone on my squad has Level V weapons, and multiplayer annoys me cos I'm back to being really lowly levelled with rubbish weapons
So I might start the assault tonight :p And get me some blue alien booty on the way
Yeah, characters in multiplayer are weak as hell compared to Shepard.
@MarkHenderson Won't someone please think of the children!
@Joel The Asari are an all-female race and most of them are lesbians. I think the kids will be OK.
Well, it's not a turian.
They're technically all gender neutral
@Vetsin Oh not this fight again :p
My character's been loyal to Liara in all three games - makes it pretty hilarious getting hit on by every other character on the ship.
I actually didn't find ME3's storyline anywhere near as engaging as the first two
I didn't root anyone in ME1 cos I didnt know you could, and then I banged Miranda in ME2 cos she was Aussie
@MarkHenderson that's because it isn't
I loved ME1 and ME2 cos you're constantly meeting new characters and getting to know them, but in ME3 it's a bit of "Oh, hi, you again, whats up, nothing ok cya"
"Oh what, your sister's been kidnapped again? Ok best of luck with that"
I like that they stopped the pattern from ME2 where so few of the missions were related to the plot at all
"Still having trouble with your daughter, didn't we kill her? Oh, different daughter? nvm"
Hahaha, Samara.
@ShaneMadden Indeed. Everything in ME3 seems to be related to the end goal
I do like the fact that Joker is bangin an AI though
Well, trying to anyway
That conversation with Mordin was priceless.
which one?
The one where he tells you to get your own feces analyser?
The one between him and Joker regarding.. proper.. ahem... padding?
@ShaneMadden Oh i dont think I had that conversation. I find talking to him irritating so i didnt chat much before he died
Him and the Volus. God I hate talking to them. They make my teeth cringe
Ill watch it when I get home :P
Severely tempted to post a answer to this guy that his solution is to use a release of Fedora that isn't past EOL: serverfault.com/questions/371659/…
I decommissioned a couple Fedora 8 servers the other day.
@ShaneMadden Nice. I still have 2 more to go. Our old FC7 is a lawnmower though. Runs and runs and runs all 7 services hosted on it. =80
Hah, yeah. Though, those weren't "old" by our standards around here. Turned off a Solaris 8 server today.
@Adrian Thats a totally legit answer
Of course there could be a good reason for it
Like a guy the other day who was struggeling to script actions on Windows 2000...
Awesome. I miss my old Solaris box. Was an old Sparc 10, I think.
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I hate to post answers that don't address the question though. Feels like a dick move, imho.
And we won't talk about the IPA I had on the way home. ;)
Feels like I've been supporting LTSP installs most of my life. I think we were the third case study they put on the website about 10 years ago. I'd have a metric crap-ton of stuff to learn, but I think I'm wanting to start picking up some Microsoft stuff.
But don't get me started on ME3
I <3 George Takei.
I feel like Bioware raped me, took my money, then wiped themselves off on my teddy bear
Not. Cool.
@Holocryptic How come?
I hate Origin with a passion. I had to go through the purchasing thing 3 times before the game showed up in my account, and then I got billed for the game 3 times (even though the first two times I got an "error") and a fourth time the charge was reversed by EA
@MarkHenderson I'll let you finish the game first.
So after submitting a support ticket, they refunded all three charges instead of the 2 they were meant to, so effectively I got it for free
@Holocryptic Oh right. Crappy ending? Well endings usually are.
@MarkHenderson This one takes the cake. I'm usually pretty mellow about things like this, but DAMN.
Which was worse? Stones, or the ME3 ending?
It's a pretty damn close tie
The ME3 ending was a little more soul crushing, while the stones just robbed me of my dignity
Haha ok
Im hoping that everyone dies and the universe is expunged
But I'm sick of happy endings
Not too worried about it, personally. The first two-thirds of the game have been great. Even if the ending is just a Elcor saying "Impatiently, go to hell".. 5 minutes of sucky writing can't ruin the entire trilogy.
Let me know when you finish the game. There's a post that I like that lays out pretty much everything I think about it
@Holocryptic Ok. I'm about to assautl the Cerberus base so I assume I will have it finished tonight
@MarkHenderson ehhhhh not so much
There's still a good bit to go
Oh right. In the previous games you only got alien booty right before the final mission
play time wise, not necessarily mission wise
So I just kinda assumed
Oohhhh ok
Well that's OK, I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far
Everything leading up to it is amazing
Don't get me wrong
but, yeah. The ending.
Bioware really limp dicked it on that one
Oh well, shit happens
I bet that nomatter what ending Valve give to the Half-Life franchise people will hate it too
I suppose. Now to go collect the broken pieces of my heart
I think I'll go scurry back into my hole and play some more Lego Star Wars.
Okie cya
@Adrian I'm still on Fedora 14 for my laptop with no plans on changing anytime soon. =)
@WesleyDavid Just don't ask me to support it. =)
@Adrian My next move will likely be to whatever Fedora is out in November of this year, with XFCE instead of Gnome.
How is there a non-closed question with on it?
From last night, that is. There's still plenty overall.
Q: Kill it with meteor strike: [home-network]

WesleyDavidA Senryu There is little to dispute. home-network must burninate. BURN! BURN! BURN! BURN! BURN!

My effort at tag killing has died as projects have revived. =(
I still think about my homewreckers project in meta. Almost every day.
I shall return.
Meanwhile, up in Canada… this bus is getting its design reworked:
I definitely didn't get it until I clicked to the article link - their image's cropping made it clearer.
Nice... tires?
I have to say, the Xbox360 gamepads I bought for my Windows/Linux games have been the best gaming accessory I've got in years.
And playing Beat Hazard on my TV is like crack for someone with ADD :)
@MikeyB thats taking fake tits too far
Can't do it in front of my wife though. It makes her ill just watching.
Glad to see everyone is so interested in our bus. ;) Guess we'll have to make a couple of changes huh? #wrp #ableg #abvote
@MikeyB I cant stand gaming with a game pad. Maybe that's just the oldschool gamer in me
@WesleyDavid Yeah, I'm looking at Xubuntu at the office. The Unity is awful and that's the direction Gnome is moving too.
Totally depends on the game:
* WoW, LotRO, Psychonauts (rear camera): Trackpoint (nipple mouse)
* TF2, etc. (FPS): Mouse/Trackpoint
* Hoard, Beat Hazard, (Double-analog): Gamepad
Believe it or not, sometimes I prefer the trackpoint for gaming over a mouse. And I would never use a gamepad for an FPS if I can help it. I take this shit seriously :)
Wait, wait, wait.
How on earth can you play an FPS on one of those terrible things?
@ShaneMadden I dare to say that I'm far better at using it than most.
@Adrian Another thousand words in the book...
@WesleyDavid No end in sight yet?
@MikeyB TWSS
@Adrian March 26th is a lofty goal, but I'm going to try for it.
Here's another little entertaining tidbit: I'm playing through ME2 on my laptop right now and need to use cold packs (the first aid gel ones) from the freezer to keep it cool enough so it doesn't shut down. Boy does this thing churn out the heat.
Yeah, I need a new desktop.
@MikeyB If it doesn't move around, I'd pull the case off it. But it's pretty much a desktop at that point. =)
@Adrian Nono, I need a new desktop, hence all my gaming happens on my work laptop. To be honest, the particular model we chose was picked because it has an NVidia GPU in it and 1GB of VRAM and would be awesome for gaming :)
@MikeyB Thats impressive ;)
Why is the Windows Server 8 logo a fish?
Please tell me that will be gone by the final edition
@MarkHenderson Beta, betta.
Har har, Microsoft makes puns.
I don't get it?
Is a betta a fish?
Betta () is a large genus of small, often colorful, freshwater ray-finned fishes in the gourami family (Osphronemidae). The type species is B. picta, the spotted betta. By far the best known Betta species, however, is B. splendens, the Siamese fighting fish. Characteristics All the Betta species are small fishes, but they vary considerably in size, ranging from under 2.5 cm (1 inch) total length in B. chanoides to 12.5 cm (5 inches) in the Akar betta (B. akarensis). Bettas are anabantoids, which means they can breathe atmospheric air thanks to a unique organ call...
Well thare you go
Yeah, they did that in the Win 7 beta, too. It'll go away.
sigh I hate being on-call. One thing to get called in for silly stuff. Another to get called in to the office because someone didn't forward a phone properly.
@Adrian Sounds like you need a better phone system then
One that you can administer remotely
Why the fuck would you ship that as the standard start menu on a SERVER OS?
Do they realise that we're almost always using RDP which makes the start button virtually impossible to hit?
Im trying to figure out how the fuck you shut this OS down from the GUI
I've been at it for 5 minutes but I refuse to google it
It must be here somewhere
10 minutes in, still can't find a way to shut it down
13 minutes to find the shutdown option. You can NOT shut down the server through a normal RDP session, you need to use the fucking console (I cheated and googled for it), go to the "start" menu (virtually impossible) and type the word "shutdown". What a fucking joke.
@MarkHenderson Inter-Tel 5000. Newly installed 18 months ago. No hardware cost, just labor.
Since I'm down here at the office, I might as well get some work done.
... so I just cranked out this "sysadmin test" that I was given a week to do in a few hours
... and i'm feeling like I should have setup a dummy network to test the puppet files on even though they passed puppet --parse-only
I hate nagging feelings
2 hours later…
@KennyRasschaert is that some new device from Apple ?
No, I just made the best of a typo.
When life gives you iLemons, you make iLemonade.
@tombull89 a bit "special"
Q: Windows 7 screen messed up

AnAmuserMy screen is suddenly divided in three equally large parts with a large black area in between. This is itself pretty annoying. But they also come in the wrong order: part 3, part 2 part 1. Did I do something myself or is the graphic card ruined.

TomTom: "[I] spell check when I want. Want me to spell check - that is 150 USD per started hour." Can we start a fund? @PeterGrace is there some money avalible? :P
3 hours later…
Q: Join ActiveDirectory (Win 2k8R2) to OpenDirectory(Snow Leopard)

Tom O'ConnorThe vast majority of questions and so on regarding the interoperability of Active and Open directories involves getting Mac clients to see an AD and auth against it. What we'd like to do is get a Windows 7 workstation to auth completely against Open Directory. We tried setting it up as an NT4 t...

Think it's possible?
@MarkHenderson Welcome to the future
@TylerShads he's already in the future
@MarkHenderson waitwaitwoah Metro comes on Server 8? o.O
@TomOConnor Interesting one - I don't envy you :P
@Iain Like I said. He'll have to deal with installing that crap 18 hours before me, so I can see what kind of suffering I'll never deal with because I refuse to use anything Win8 based
@tombull89 Yup, it's to make interfacing with the server "easier"
I get the joke though. M$ doesn't want to make server software anymore, so if they piss off their server customers enough, they lose the market and can focus all their money on utter shit.
@tombull89 Yes, oh god, it sucks monkey balls
^ This guy makes you suffer
I can see this is gonna be an EPIC Bounty question.
What's the bounty limit? 500?
"How can I disable metro completely?"
@TomOConnor Jep
@BartDeVos Sacrifice your first born.
@TomOConnor Yeah, 48 hours before you can add a bounty though.
@tombull89 :(
Hey, @PeterGrace - where did you say that recent DDoS came from, abouts? Our schools ISP was attacked majorly recently.
@tombull89 the other night's DDoS was from multiple ranges, including Barclay's, so we assume they were spoofed.
So am I being really dumb or can ESXi not see Raid1's as a single logical drive?
Being dumb.
hardware raid controllers expose a raid array as a logical device
ESXi has no choice but to believe it's a single logical drive.
@PeterGrace What he said
Depends if ESXi supports the RAID controller though, in which case it might not see anything.
also true
if your hardware isn't supported, GOTO FAIL
@PeterGrace ...Tell my raid controller that hmm. Though what @tombull89 said might be the case, its one from god knows when on a peiced together server that is now my testing bitch.
It might be one of those silly "software raid" controllers that default to a jbod scsi controller without the proper software
I think the adaptec AAA-1394UW or something would do that.
@PeterGrace It is just that a hardware software raid controller
sucks to be you, mes ami
It's LSI I believe, which surprises me because I always thought they were damn good controllers, I guess the one the older guy got wasn't.
I've never even explored ESXi's software raid ability
shrug note the Testing-Bitch part of the use of this server
you might be able to make a poor man's raid1 with some kind of extents magic on the vmfs
ah, true.
LSI MegaRAID Software RAID Controller
Though, this thing was the main production server of the whole damned company when I came in...
windows server I assume?
My dad bought one of those adaptec software raid controllers and sadpanda'd HARDCORE when he found it wouldn't work at all in Linux.
@PeterGrace yummy. My question is, why would anyone in their right mind have their main server that the company depends on be something home built from shitty parts? The only thing I like is the case which is solid steel.
user image
I chuckled.
@tombull89 hmm...I'll have to try that tonight...need to find me some sprinkles.
@tombull89 So true
G'day chaps
@pauska Hi
@TylerShads In his defense, I would do the same thing if I was worth $14,000,000,000
I'd like to get some ethernet connectivity out of that top router, a cisco 2514. any thoughts?

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