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@sysadmin1138 don't think you can copyright a question like that anyway unless it's word-for-word ripped - there are some minor (non-technical) differences here
they... banned me
for dog balls ...
dog balls?
@RobMoir dog balls.
@RobMoir onna iphone.
that seems harsh
@voretaq7 This is definitely going to enter the realm of legend
@Joel along with me getting banned for yelling_bird?
@RobMoir I'd love to link you the image, it's on 9gag's front page but apparently it's too obscene
@LucasKauffman at least it wasn't for turtle penis
@freiheit ha, that might still get flagged >.<
@freiheit Have you even seen those things? Looks like something you'd see in Abyss 2 meets Predator.
I'm watching something way more offensive than that right now that i could post
and its even got ponies in it, so its on topic for this room at least ;-)
What cons do you guys attend?
@WesleyDavid only the picture in the room earlier...
@Joel devoxx
I have to say, you sound like pretty fun drunks.
@WesleyDavid you think that's freaky you should watch the mating dance.
@Joel fosdem
@Joel I tried to visit Bernie Madoff, but they found the car battery and sponge in my backpack so stopped me. =(
@WesleyDavid He's here all week folks
@WesleyDavid as well they should have!
really - a car battery?
TESLA COILS are where it's at now man!
so who flagged me ? looks around
we haven't determined that yet
ah what the hell
@LucasKauffman Wait, so that means someone accepted the flag as valid. How many valid votes does something have to get to be accepted?
^ what goes on in @Holocryptic 's mind...
@WesleyDavid idk @Iain?
another quality driveby modding it seems
@LucasKauffman not me
@Iain No he meant that you probably know the answer to how many valid votes it takes to get to the center of a ban-pop.
@Iain no how many votes does it need to be accepted? :p
You know everything about Serverfault, @Iain.
no idea
@Iain is serverfault
@RobMoir shh. thats supposed to be a secret.
@RobMoir I feel stupider for having watched that.
sorry @voretaq7
my work here is done @84104
<evil laugh.wav>
But the the most disturbing as you can see.
"weaponize your offspring"
finally - a use for the little monsters!
so 6 people didn't like dog balls on a phone
@LucasKauffman or one flag and a mod
@LucasKauffman That sounds like one of them youtube comments.
what... the.. DOG BALLS was that, @84104
IDK tho - it was deleted by "StackExchange" and I don't remember if that's for just community actions or if the mod votes trip it too
would it be those bridge ppl again :o?
Get rid of ALL the dog balls!!!
user image
the kitteh is enjoying dog torture i see
@WesleyDavid flagged for self-mutilations
Bad enough to have to talk this guy through doing his job on the phone without having to deal with dodgy firmware
Anyways… before I leave you tonight…
user image
^Iffin' I can't has the BIGGEST balls I'll has the MOSTEST!^
re: your blog post: instead of
cat /etc/*release*
grep . /etc/*release*
It'll show you the filename which may give you additional info. Handy trick.
on a serious note, everyone go prune the bad tag collection ::*points frantically at star wall*::
@MikeyB Ohhh, comment that!
don't let me stop you!
@WesleyDavid I still don't see what's wrong with lsb_release.
I mean who DOESN'T need cups, qt, gimp, openoffice, …
@WesleyDavid meh, no rep or voted comments, too lazy. And I need to get home :p
lsb_release is probably the best way of doing that yeah
@MikeyB So you're saying you don't love me anymore.
@WesleyDavid I'm saying I gotta piss like a mofo and I just got off an annoying 2.5h call where I had to restrain myself to say "STOP FUCKING TOUCHING OPTIONS IN THE REMOTE CONSOLE WHEN I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR DAMN PROBLEM YOU IDIOT"
@MikeyB see, on normal unix operating systems uname -a is enough :)
@MikeyB I hope you bill by the hour. =)
@WesleyDavid Usually. But not this customer. This customer could probably call us up and ask for a hooker and we'd find one and send 'em over for free.
Paydirt!! Turtles biting dog balls!!
It's this one particular "admin" who drives me bonkers.
@MikeyB Ohhh, one of those. He knows where the uncooked accounting records are kept. I know how it goes. =)
@WesleyDavid Heh heh, no they just buy tons of HW and services off us. It only helps our position for some of them to say "Keep them! We can't do our job without them!"
@MikeyB See, in the time it's taken to whine about your client you could have pissed, commented on my blog and posted a picture of dog balls. =(
@WesleyDavid You win sir
Sounds like the last 3 hours I spent in meeting caused me to miss all the fun.
Weee! My tracer script may be a terrible hack job, but at least it's fast.
Hey Windows people. What term do you folks use for the background screen at your login prompt? You folks call that a Welcome Screen or something else?
@Adrian Not quite a Windows person (though it is what I use at home). I call it the "login screen".
or logon screen
@84104 Yeah, I think there's an actual Redmond-approved name for it though. I need to change that screen's background to include the hostname so that my users know what they're logging into.
@Adrian The "Welcome Screen" usually refers to a Windows Home version's logon screen. You usually get multiple choice for which user you want to click to log in as.
So like this?
Changing your home screen is a nightmare to do properly
@MarkHenderson agreed
@MarkHenderson Not in Windows 7, to my understanding. It's just a registry key
You have to have images in every resolution that your users use, and they have to be named perfectly, otherwise it falls back to one that doesn't fit
@MarkHenderson Dealing with Accounting whining because they logged into a different server is also a nightmare..... =/
i've actually never gotten it to work right 100% of the time
@Adrian would using something like bginfo be good enough?
it wouldn't be the welcome screen but once they are on the box they can easily see what they are on
@Zypher I tried to do a nice one for our workstations with our company logo on them, but we have about 7 different resolutions in use in our office. I gave up, it was just too much work
@Zypher I don't know enough about Windows stuff to answer the question, actually. But if it puts the hostname somewhere on the screen, that would likely work.

...logs on...

...to a server?
@Adrian You get a bunch of details about which server you're on, and hostname can be one of them. It shows on your desktop after logon
@Adrian rdp or console?
@WesleyDavid WTS farm. Everybody has thin clients on their desks and rdesktop's to a Windows TS server.
@Adrian Then they should know which server they're on because it says so on the top bar?
@84104 OK. I remember seeing that from way back in the 2k3 days.
@84104 It's connecting from an LTSP console session via rdesktop. No display at the top.
@Adrian Make all servers they connect to the same?
My fault for assuming mstsc or rdesktop.
@84104 Yeah, we don't have a full-blown domain or the in-house Windows expertise to set up group policies, so it would have to be a manual deal until we learned it. =(
@84104 Not your fault. I fully acknowledge that my employer is a bizarre-ass edge case and I didn't bother putting that detail in since I didn't want to trigger the 'live support' clause. =)
@Zypher I like it!
@Adrian Get a proper domain. -_-
@Zypher Yep. that's it. The hospital that we contract nursing services with has run something like that on their desktops for a decade.
@84104 for 3-4 Windows servers? It's probably not worth it to move everything over.
@Adrian always worth it ... always
@Zypher Our Windows users are at best 5% of the org. The rest are pure Linux.
@Adrian I'm with @Zypher on this one. If you ever even think of having more than one Windows Server, you should have AD (or at least Samba).
@84104 We have Samba. But Samba's no AD, either.
@Adrian No. No, it's not.
Right, off to kerberize all the things from a different location.

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