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@fmysky I suspect whatever you have that is using that port is not actually resacommunity, but aside from that I don't know much
TCP/UDP 1154
@Zoredache its connecting to a myvzw.com site from my machine. i was trying to locate the process which started that connection
could be anything.
Time to whip out wireshark.
@fmysky Sounds dodgy.. netstat -anp should tell you
Or tcpview if you are running Windows and want a GUI.
@TomOConnor i didnt check it at that moment
i have wireshark and tcpview
its too random
i have captured some packets
Oh wow
"With these options, it opens tcp/1154 and waits for commands from the remote site. It also encrypts the connections between the victim machine and the remote system with the key "pogo"."
Q: Reboot loop after sysprep of AD machine

rboarmanMajor screw-up here and I need to find out how much trouble I am in. I have an AD machine that is running Server 2008 R2, hyperv, DHCP and DNS. On the hyperv machine, I have a backup AD instance running along with a handfull of other server 2008 instances. Sysprep was run on the hyperv machine ...

That guy = lol
I don't even know what to say
@MDMarra That's the same guy from earlier
Why did he reboot it before he ran the restore?
Is this really a PCI compliance thing? serverfault.com/questions/355605/…
That seems incredibly stupid...
@TomOConnor thanks thats frightening
I mean, he sysprepped a live server.
The reboot is only the second dumbest thing he did.
@Zoredache Given the stupid-ass shit our PCI compliance scanning made us change, I'm going with "probably"
Didn't you do that dude?
@TomOConnor Dissapointing. 196,538 views, and I only got a +343 (and the question finally broke our first +1000 barrier)
@MarkHenderson I met the OP for dinner recently.
@TomOConnor Was it romantic?
@MarkHenderson Eh. kinda :)
@TomOConnor Did you score?
@MarkHenderson No :(
Or are you a don't kiss-and-tell kind of person ;)
@MarkHenderson No, i just genuinely struck out.
Oh well, next time
@TomOConnor I am surprised that hasn't gone community wiki given the number of answers & edits.
@MDMarra SysPrepping the wrong machine isn't the easiest thing to do by accident. I say that it's his wife's "time" and he did it on purpose to have an excuse to stay in the basement.
That sure seems like a pretty destructive thing to do to avoid your social obligations.
I am sure I could think of many far less destructive things...
@ward @RobMoir @Chopper3 shelleytherepublican.com/2012/01/28/… I guess I'm a satanist for liking cartoon ponies
@Holocryptic No, just for being gullible and falling for every faux conservative/Christian website on the planet. =)
@WesleyDavid There was a bit of "Not sure if" there. The rest of the site is a bit "out there"
I'm way late to the party on this I'm sure, but judging by Jeff's blog post, he's come around on the "coolest server names" issue?
@ShaneMadden hmmm?
@Zypher Just his blog post today arguing against the extremely popular "fun" questions. Kinda a stark contrast to his migration then override of the community delete of the "coolest server names" question.
ahh yea ... at least that question is DEAD AND BURRIED NOW
@Zypher For sure.
Q: kernel compile error with make menuconfig

Jane# make menuconfig HOSTLD scripts/kconfig/mconf /usr/local/bin/ld: scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.o: undefined reference to symbol 'acs_map' /usr/local/bin/ld: note: 'acs_map' is defined in DSO /lib/libtinfo.so.5 so try adding it to the linker command line /lib/libtinfo.so.5: could not read...

I'm torn. U&L says they'll take it, but I'm still not sure if it'd go. No flags or votes, I'm just looking for a good home.
@sysadmin1138 Hmm.. yeah, U&L might be better.
I've actually compiled kernels in the line of professional duty, so I know the skills are out there. Just... not sure if we're the best people to be asking.
If they say they'll take it, I say punt it. It sounds a little out of our scope and more in U&L
@sysadmin1138 the only time i've compiled kernels was out of pure necessity
@Zypher That's why I did it too.
@sysadmin1138 Yeah, it's not really off topic - just probably a better home over there.
I'd say move it ... we just don't do it often enough i'd say
yeah, I just punted it.
@Zypher I had to comile a kernel once just so I could use a fracking WiFi card in FreeBSD (4.something). It put me off *nix for a long time.
I regularly compile a customized FreeBSD kernel for my environment. My kernel is... looks
Since people are here, this can probably go to U&L too serverfault.com/questions/355399/…
or SU
I think GENERIC is at east 2x that
it's a split vote right now
I'm going to damned well package this particular software thingie since it's being compiled as part of the puppet process. And that takes 20 freaking minutes. Guess I get to learn how to make .deb files.
@sysadmin1138 uhg i think i looked into that once, more painful than rpms IIRC
@sysadmin1138 it's really... tedious.
I miss the days of functional names for software packages. I have to google almost everything I see these days. There's never a piece of software called "Group configuration file synchroniser Ultimate 2.0" or "AcmeSoft OpenSource VoIP Shit Edition" any more. It's all "PrettyFlower XP" or "UpYaBum Rainbow Sky Edition"
"Control files and their fields" is pretty much mandatory reading.
Cripes. Yeah, that'll take me a day or two to get right.
And for fuck sake Microsoft, I blame YOU for people no longer using version numbers. At least you knew that Windows 2000 was a higher version than Windows 95, but XP and Vista? To the un-educated that means shit all. And now every OS needs to name their releases after totally un-IT related bullshit with no reference between names as to which fucking one is older than the other
At least they saw the light, and continued to use functional version numbers for their OS's (The R2 monicer notwithstanding), and have returned to numerical versions for their desktop OS
@MarkHenderson the R2 is SOLELY to not piss off SA customers
also for the record I have no objection to but we also need , , ...
since the REAL release cycle is 4+ years not the 3 years of SA
Of course.
also I'm hungry. Do I want to go get ice cream?
Haha yes, which is why Windows Server 2010 is labelled as Server 2008 R2, even though its a totally different OS
@voretaq7 Don't you say anything bad about Compaq!! At least they saw x86 servers as the next wave. =)
@voretaq7 yes
@WesleyDavid Servers that require a blood sacrifice FUCKING SUCK
@voretaq7 Only if you can see yourself in a mirror.
I have never serviced a Compaq device in any way, shape or form without someone bleeding.
sigh, that's day two with no gain in the ticket queue
(usually not me)
@Zypher I called my insurance company the other day, and the woman asked me how long I'd been on hold for. I told her it was 31 minutes, and she goes "Oh my... the hold-length indicator on the board here has run out of digits, because it measures in seconds"
@WesleyDavid icey-CREAM!
stomps foot
@Zypher You have tickets now?
@sysadmin1138 they got all civilized?
oh yea ... the browbeating is finally finished
i almost had to switch to something ... more permanent
@Zypher "suspended until further notice"
So it's no longer the tag on MSO?
How modern.
@WesleyDavid bitch, if you're gonna tease me you damn well best be goin' to the eleventy-seven and buyin' me some ice creams!
@sysadmin1138 oh the core team still uses that
Ah, couldn't ask for everything.
@sysadmin1138 now opens a ticket?
but some people need convincing to submit sysadmin work via ticket
'cuz ya know, we can go and discuss the many varieties of insects over on mSO...
@Zypher I find the "Ignore the request and a ticket will come" method particularly effective.
yea, that works until that ask others on the team and it gets done grumble
@Zypher oh
so you have a discipline problem
Or overly helpful people.
Sysadminus Interruptus.
@sysadmin1138 The catholic method of systems administration?
@WesleyDavid Yep. Fix my problem or feel guilty. Then feel guilty about how long it took to fix it.
@WesleyDavid They use nuns.
@voretaq7 With guns?
@WesleyDavid that shoot rulers.
And with that, I'm off to search for that album...
@voretaq7 Careful. That might get you expelled from the country
@Holocryptic good.
I'll go to Canadia
What could be more American than clergy with firearms?
Nuns with guns and bacon.
"I didn't like it here ANYWAY! I'm taking my ball and playing somewhere else!"
@sysadmin1138 My kind of clergy
@Holocryptic Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.
@sysadmin1138 The zombie apocalypse won't stand a chance
Well, with any luck, I'll get some of this off-hour website migration done by the weekend and then be able to get back to flagging the hell out of serverfault! Won't that be fun??
... I kinda have a thing for this girl twitter.com/EvaZebra/status/164553440473780226
@Holocryptic "GHURLSSSSSSSS!!!!" slobber < FTFY
@WesleyDavid Yeah. Pretty much.
Anyways. I'm out. Hopefully I don't die in my sleep again.
@Holocryptic Later.
Cuz two nights in a row will suck
@voretaq7 yea ...
Causes brain-damage, that.
So I've been told
Never mind the psychological scars
The cat's chewing me out, gotta run.
@Holocryptic You and the ladies on the opposite coast ;)
@ShaneMadden INORITE?! Not to mention the ones overseas twitter.com/#!/Herzformig
@Holocryptic I thought one of our regulars lived in Bellingham. I've got a friend who lives there, too.
@ShaneMadden not sure what I'm seeing there
@ShaneMadden This one's in Liverpool. May as well be on the moon.
Hmm why did it scale that pic? It was small enough to begin with
I think all the inlined pics get scaled
@Holocryptic Just the whole FollowSymLinks thing. I don't want to add "is your webroot a symlink?" to the list of information to ask for on every apache question.
@ShaneMadden hmmm
I find it interesting that Apache is always always getting virtualhosts problems, but I don't think I've ever seen an IIS virtualhost problem
Maybe that's one thing IIS does right
@Holocryptic re: that USPS ad, it just played again. Quoting: "A refrigerator has never been hacked. A virus has never attacked a corkboard."
@ShaneMadden O. M. G. The fucking .gov thinks the interwebs is evil. This is why we can't have nice fucking things.
@MarkHenderson I think the curse of the Apache issues is that it's too flexible. IIS sets you on the right path and says "if you want to mess with it, here's the XML file" - Apache gives you some weak defaults, crappy examples, and a google full of awful configs and host-file superstition.
@ShaneMadden Oh man, the awful configs on the web
@Holocryptic They're catering to the "I don't trust them interwebs, they listen to me thoughts" crowd. Unfortunately, that crowd thinks the government satellites are listening to their thoughts already.
I remember when I started learning apache, my brain hurt. I don't have much to do with it any more so most of it has fallen out of my brain unfortuantely
@MarkHenderson And the htaccess files included with stuff like wordpress! It's horrible.
@ShaneMadden I thought that was Major League Baseball?
@MarkHenderson Hah, indeed!
Thats about the only Simpsons episode I remember
Or was that Futurama?
@MarkHenderson Yeah, Simpsons. I don't remember many of those either.
Something about Mr. Plow, something about blocking out the sun, something about melting down a nuclear plant with one of those dipping bird things..
Seeing as pulls number out of ass, but probably certifiably close 70-80% of the USPS mailings is junk mail, they can take a long walk off a short pier along with their corkboard.
@Holocryptic Yeah, we have at least that. And it was even more when we lived in the apartment.
@Holocryptic By the way:
What about the whole "green" initiative everyone's all high on?
@Holocryptic Dead tree is more secure. Apparently.
@ShaneMadden Yeah cos you totally can't steal paper
Australia Post at least stuck to the tangible with "Some things can't be emailed" (like parcles, presents, teddy bears, sex toys, etc)
@MarkHenderson At an old job, we were involved in the polling stations for the 2008 presidential election. We had background checks annually for the elections, but since the presidential election was a Big Deal, we had to do a fingerprint panel so they could verify that we weren't using an alias or stolen identity. Our address, prints, and Social Security number were all on there - basically, identity theft toolkit.
They brought these in person to the agency who was responsible for doing the background checks.. and some of them had the wrong billing code on them. Instead of contacting them for the right info.. they mailed the things via the postal service to the address on the card.
@Holocryptic I would also add to that, at least when you lose an email you have a search function. I had to find a 12-month-old bill for my e-tag for my car on Monday night, I looked for 45 minutes and gave up cos it wasn't where it was meant to be
@MarkHenderson Yep. I hate paper filing record keeping for important home related things.
@Holocryptic Most of mine promptly get stashed into a huge pile, and then every fortnight or so I just dump them all into the sheet-feeder of my scanner and then file them appropriately and shred the originals
And thankfully most of the operators Im with now offer e-billing so its even easier
I need to go through my mail... I haven't for a while.
How is this the first time I'm hearing about this? My god, SE need to work on their communication skills
@MarkHenderson Truer words were never spoken.
@MarkHenderson you haven't seen that before? It has been mentioned on the blog, and on meta.so, and other places.
I think they spoke about it in the podcast, and Jeff has linked to it.
@Zoredache meta.so is virtually dead to me, but I do have the blog in my google reader and read it whenever it comes up. I only found about it because I saw a lin kin the latest blog post.
As for the podcast, I don't have the time or interest to listen to it, and I don't exactly follow Jeff around like a duck
2 hours ago, by Holocryptic
@ward @RobMoir @Chopper3 http://shelleytherepublican.com/2012/01/28/my-little-pony-friendship-is-satanic.aspx I guess I'm a satanist for liking cartoon ponies
@Holocryptic I can't believe that's not a spoof!
@Ward Yeah. It saddened me. Faith in humanity... DESTROYED.
It starts out good:
"the portrayal of these worker-animals as talking intelligent creatures with their own will and personality is clearly in contradiction to God’s teaching"
and just keeps getting better!!
"Typical female My Little Pony fans:" (Yay! a legit reason to post Ya Ya Han)
user image
@Ward My thoughts exactly (although there's never a non-legit reason IMO). My answer to the caption about wanting them to dress like that is "Yes"
Nevermind Jessica Nigri and Monika Lee
@Ward Fuck you, clicked that pic to see the larger version when the girl who works at the desk next to me looked at my screen and then gave me an "uuhh ok" look
@MarkHenderson psh, she clearly has no taste and no soul then. Also, you should know better than to click on photos posted here without looking over your shoulder
Omg, did you see the hitlist? God wants these people dead:
@Ward Yeah... "Not sure if..."
God hates people that belong to one of the groups below because they harm America!

“Global Warming/Cooling” Believers
I think we're DDoSing that site. "waiting..."
I guess god only likes you if you think the earth is exactly the same temperature, never hotter, never cooler.
@ShaneMadden takes a while to come up
That's what she said.
I'm a warming skeptic. I'll admit it.
Biblical values upon which our society is based - I wonder if we're reading the same constitution? Something something, church and state?
"The only way to install software is via a tool called the ?package manager? ... This works according to a similar principle as a communist super-market: You have a limited range of software which has been chosen on a purely ideological basis rather than functionality."
"We do not doubt the show’s popularity amongst secular audiences however they have a great deal more work to do if they want to create something as successful as the excellent Veggie-Tales."
To be fair, I think this is fairly accurate:

`nvented by conspiracy theorist Richard ?Stalin? Stallman so that he could have an operating system that was just as unfriendly as confusing as his word-processor ?e-Macs?`
I hate eMacs
Sorry, that was obviously back to Friendship is Satanic
@ShaneMadden We were founded on religious principles, it's true. Not necessarily Christian. The separation of Church and State didn't come around till it was read into the Constitution through judicial fiat based on a out of context quote by Jefferson to some Quakers (IIRC)
i.e. vegatables with souls are ok, even if they're pirates who rape and plunder, but ponies are not.
@ShaneMadden Even then, it was only stating that there wouldn't be a State mandated Church
@Ward Yeah. Entirely sure what to make of that site. Though Veggie Tales is pretty funny
@Holocryptic I think there was also recognition that the Church pulling the strings of the State wasn't such a hot idea.
@ShaneMadden I think anytime strings get pulled, it's a prelude to bad juju
But I'm one of those "extremists are bad" however you look at them.
@Holocryptic Yeah - and the clergy threatening to swing the excommunication hammer at the civil leaders when they don't get their way? Clearly works great. I mean, look at the crusades!
All of Ya Ya's MLP pics:
Although I'm pretty sure I've been labeled and extremist on more than one occasion
@ShaneMadden I'm sure they were dressed all slutty and asking for it
@Holocryptic Clearly.
Right. I'm gonna jump off. Really tired now.
Going back to this for a sec:
13 mins ago, by Ward
Omg, did you see the hitlist? God wants these people dead:
It's amazing that bin Laden isn't on there. Because his namesake is needed to go after Obama.
I mean, Saddam Hussein is... or are we still going with the Weapons of Mass Destruction thing?
@ShaneMadden They do realise that these people are already dead, right?
@MarkHenderson Yeah they're crossed off with "God Won" in parentheses.
Ahh, right
Government school teachers
Because New Testament God really loves killing people
Linux users
Ok yeah, this really has to be a parody.
The anti-smoking lobby
I think this chat room does bad things to FF. It's using 800Mb of RAM. Time to close and re-open methings...
Interesting: The Chronicles of Narnia; they probably should do some research on CS Lewis?
@MarkHenderson Only 800? Isn't that low-ish for Firefox?
@ShaneMadden Its normally around 200-300Mb
@MarkHenderson Ahh.
Anyhoo home time. Cya all.
MOrning any mods about ?
Unless your problem is super-secret, you could just tell us your problem.
What the hell, continuous deployment?
yeah that's a booboo
I have it too
StackOverflow has the same bug
Q: Why is there a non-functional "info" tab on /questions?

Shane Madden This appears on /questions now, and links to /questions?sort=info, which, as far as I can tell, is identical to /questions?sort=newest except for the title bar text; "Unanswered Questions" instead of "Newest Questions". The hover text is nonsense, since there's no tag in the context of /questi...

Hoping to continue my streak of upvoted m.SO questions. The secret is #FF0000 with a 4px brush.
Wow, they got you working late @RebeccaChernoff?
I'm a night owl. (:
@RebeccaChernoff Let me rephrase: they're breaking things late for you to have to deal with instead of doing normal night owl things?
Ooh, neato.. there's no info tab on the tag pages, but adding ?sort=info gives you the tag wiki instead of questions:
Tab landed in the wrong place then?
rut roh
you're on to us (;
@ShaneMadden s'all cool. I'm just yelling / passing along the bug (:
@RebeccaChernoff "I'm more efficient at breaking things late at night when no one is around to tackle me!"
1 hour later…
Morning all
its cold this morning
yes it is
Morning all
-7 here, my car door wouldn't open
-4 here
might of had something to do that yesterday (-3°) it somehow looked like a great idea to was my car. Protip: It wasn't.
only about +1 here, so not so bad
it's -2 here atm
just upgraded us to splunk 4.3 across the board, we don't tend to tear away at latest versions, it's been out for a few weeks, but test it first and it seems to have gone in perfectly (touch wood)
frickin freezing
let someone else find the bugs in the bleeding edge versions of stuff. Makes sense to me
well it's usually us finding the bugs but we rarely push anything out of the door within a month of release, maybe the odd security one if it's urgent
seems faster and very slightly prettier anyway
@Zoredache I found it by listening to the podcast
@Iain isn't there a link pinned in the moderator chat room as well?
If not, then maybe someone should go do that, and add it to the rss there
-10 here with humid winds.. stop complaining
well if you will insist on living in Hoth
course these days so many mods hang out here I wonder if we should add it to this room... :p
@pauska You're a viking and used to that.
@Zoredache There was even a mSF post recently that referenced it.
@Chopper3 And I though they smellt bad on the outside!
user image
This is AM-AZING;
That is just epic.
@Chopper3 from the same guys:
showed those to my wife, freaked her out
WD 2TB 3.5" SATA-III 6GB/s Caviar Green Hard Drive - reduced to £99.99 from £167.99 on eBuyer...worth it?
I try to stay away from western digital drives as much as i can
had too many failures
@pauska I've never really had any problems.
Also, UK people, Dad's finally cancelled the renewal for AOL/TalkTalk so we're after a new ISP. Total montly cost, download limits, bandwidth throttling, router provided, etc...any thoughts? Orange do £5 a month with £13 line renal, unlimited download and up to 20MB. I'd like fiber from Virgin as well, but I think they'll probably spam you to get TV as well...
@tombull89 patience, young padawan. time will show.
@tombull89 We have virgin Fiber and nothing else. They arnt that bothered only on the ininital sales Call. other wise Orange is good but remember its LLU so may be on the same LLU kit as TalkTalk anyway. I know 02 has a deal with TalkTalk to use there LLU kit.
So the business wants a demo of sharepoint by the end of today.... Do they think I can work miricals....
sharepoint in one day.. yeah, good luck
@tombull89 hell no
@tombull89 plus those caviar greens from WD tend to fail I feel
@LucasKauffman I've had three Caviar Greens in the past, not had issues with them (yet).
@tombull89 Ive had 7, 3 failed :p
@pauska Thats what I said. Give me a month
@t1nt1n Call MS, they might have a demo system you can connect to
@Chopper3 Good idea.
SQL Server...2000...on Windows 7...the hell?
Q: Configure SQLServer 2000 Win7

heliceraI've got SQL Server 2000 running on Win7. There's no management tools so I wonder how do I configure/interract with the server. Main purpose for me is to enable remote connections. I know how to do this with SQL Server 2008/Win7 but not with SQL Server 2000? Is 1433 a default port for SQL Server...

@tombull89 @Chopper3 have you considered a post at the UN :D
@tombull89 Go optics, you won't regret it!
@Dan I believe they don't pay well :)
@Chopper3 You're probably right!
I've done some work with a couple of the security services and vaguely recall someone telling me about someone they'd worked with going to work on anti-interception stuff for the UN and this guy commented that he taken quite a pay drop to do it
hey guys
Q: Is it possible to create an EBS AMI for windows EC2 instance?

Matt ConnollyWe have a Windows server (EBS backed) running in EC2. We make regular snapshots for data backups. I'd like to create a new EC2 instance from one of these snapshots. Yes, I realise this is the same as yanking out the power and turning a machine on, but I want to test how reliable the data is with...

yes you can
got few flags to migrate this to Server Fault, is this acceptable?
nice of you to ask though
cool, will send it over.
@Chopper3 just wanted to ensure :)
@Chopper3 I think private work will always pay more than any kind of government / 'public service' / social type work. I'm not really sure which one of those the UN falls under, but you know what I mean!
@Dan I think my options at the moment are BT infinity and Virgin...and I'm not even 100% sure Infinity is in my area.
@tombull89 Sounds like you have your answer ;)
@tombull89 check on samknows
@Dan generally that's true but I've seen some silly short-term contracts going around for the right skills, especially around security - ~£10k/day in some cases
@Chopper3 Ah, didn't know about that, I'll have a read.
@Chopper3 Not a bad gig if you can get it!
@Dan very specific skills though, black-hats all round though
@Chopper3 I can imagine - I don't think I have the kind of drive to get such a sought after skill that'd command silly money like that. Fair play to those who have
they often come through home-office/gchq plea bargains tbh
Ah, see what you're saying
@Dan its not normally drive. its time to learn that sort after skill but as @Chopper3 its normally GCHQ/HO realted staff that get the jobs.
sorry, meant most people who are good at that stuff get initially recruited by getting caught, they then get further training and are used in sigint for a few years then go private with the odd gov job when they come up - i.e. work for us or go to jail
Just saw a colleague googling something about storage and got on SF. Made an account just so he could upvote @Chopper3 :)
Did you tell him your an active member of SF?
@t1nt1n No, maybe I should :)
@BartDeVos you'll soon need a chat room just for your office ;)
@Iain Yeah, @KennyRasschaert moved a bit further away, so I need to use Communicator now.
Might as well bring it all here. Uptime is better.
There was an attempt to clone the SE chat engine...I don't know how far it got though.
@tombull89 some people tried to copy the whole thing: osqa.net :)
@BartDeVos Crikey!
This also might look familiar: askbot.org/en/questions
@BartDeVos I knew about OSQA (which they're done a good job with), but it's Chat I'm more inetersted in,
They're, uh, very close to the mark!
osqa is practically the same
Though I've never bothered to look at what License / Copyright SE uses
Don't know about the chat :), sorry
@Dan It's closed source. They make it avalible for big companies internally (think BIG). Although the content is under CCWiki.
@Iain That's a bit different though, isn't it as that's nicking the answers rather than the platform
I think some are platform clones too
All very irritating, either way
Makes a mess of Google, too, like that shitty BigResource or whatever it is site that is always at the top of the list :(
@Dan is it using scraped content ?
I just realised it's listed in that m.SO link you posted, too so it must scrape Stack Exchange too
Though to be fair to Big Resource, it does (I think) allow you to get to the original forum so at least the search has the ability to yield you answers
@BartDeVos Boom! got me a badge for that too

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