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No, they just have a built-in probe that swallows Nagios and NRPE scripts
oh. good.
I've never used it myself but I know people who have used that to migrate away from Nagios (first get intermapper eating the Nagios data, then slowly migrate the hosts away from NRPE)
well im going to give it a trial sometime next year
it has WMI support which is a requirement since we're very dependent on SQL
No more RAID5!!!
A: Large disk queue length

ewwhiteYou mentioned that you had the HP Array Configuration utility installed. Hopefully, you have the remainder of the HP System Management agents installed. Did you reboot following the array battery change? If not, that may help. You can also look at the Array Configuration Utility to check the arra...

Long live..... RAID6....?
yeah - the caveat of WMI support is you have to run it on a Windows box, but if you need WMI support you probably have windows in the infrastructure.
@growse Long live single 2DB disks on paint-mixer platforms!
wait...no not long... the other one. SHORT! That's it!
servefault stopped responding here..
timing out here too
Did ewwhite break it?
it responds to ping :p
aaand there is the bluescreen
That'll just be the load balancers though
@pauska I'd link to that question explaining the difference between ICMP and HTTP-over-TCP but...well.... SITE DOWN! :P
oh screw you, I even did a tcptraceroute
HaProxy, it's a bitch for pulling the wool over your eyes
It mocks me :(
@pauska …and the network slapped you across the face and said "DON'T YOU TOUCH ME THERE!"
I didn't break it
The 504 of pain.
flickr.com/photos/girliemac/sets/72157628409467125 <- 504 does not exist according to the cats.
Oooh, we're back
...and everything's PINK!
@ShaneMadden idunno, seemed like a likely problem to have.
unicorn stuck in the load balancer or something.
@voretaq7 Ahh yes, good point.
hmm... is there a unicorn day? You think we could bribe the devs to push out a change that makes all the questions appear in rainbow colors?
I believe april fools' day is unicorn day.
Around here, at least
@ShaneMadden exxxxxcelent.
I think this gent doesn't understand what he's asking for.
Q: backup static route on linux router

biggdmanHow do I set up a backup static route on a linux router. For example if I have 2 routers R1 and R2, connected through a switch, through two links: R1(eth1)->switch->R2(eth1) R1 (eth2)->switch->R2(eth2) Behind router R2 is a LAN(LAN A) How do I set two routes to LAN A from R1, one...

I don't understand what on earth he's asking?
@growse you're not alone
I work with OpenNMS quite a bit... but I feel like it's a bit rougher than it needs to be.
Isn't he just trying to provide link resiliance between his routers and his switch?
Why not just bind the NICs and be done with it?
Too bad oneboxing eats the HTML formatting.
@voretaq7 I though that SX hosted their own DNS servers
@Iain godaddy is the registrar though
(based on Joel's answer, soon to be a "was")
Thinking about HSRP....
Anyone know of a router that uses a 3G card, and supports HSRP?
3G card for the WAN bit
How would the second router in the HSRP pair see the 3G card?
sorry, not looking to share a 3G card between two routers
looking to add a bit of resiliancy to a DSL WAN link
current thought is to get another router that takes a 3G card, setup HSRP between the DSL and the 3G, and then when DSL goes down, i can still remote in.
Looks like some of the Cisco 880 series has a 3G option
GoHome Time. It is it!
just back from a house party - bit drunk - but found a nice, and coincidental, email from godaddy in response to my 'do you really support SOPA and if so how do I move my services from you' email

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