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I talked to a lady at the urologist office and she said she passed one stone, and had another one stuck inside her for 5 years now. I was like, "OMG, are you a masochist?"
@Holocryptic well, you don't have to pass the stone if you're catheterized...
@voretaq7 Noooo, I'm pretty sure I want this thing out of me
Gah, I ordered my parts, now the next few days are going to take forever to pass as I wait in desperate anticipation.
@TylerShads PC gaming is overrated
Although, I made about 10 grand selling hats in Team Fortress 2 about a year ago.
@MDMarra Not when even Skyrim looks 100x sexier
@Dan Don't know if you're sitll after an answer on SQLIO but I use it all the time on 2k8r2 machines
@MDMarra not sure if you should tell me how or trolling
For testing SAN throughput etc
@TylerShads It was when unusual hats first came out. You can only get them from purchasing keys ($2.50 each) and unlocking crates (free random drops). It was less than 1% chance to open one, so on average each unusual cost about $250 in keys.
SOOOO, there quickly developed a black market via paypal
And forums with trusted traders, middlemen ,etc
not worth it
Next get rich quick scheme plox
@MDMarra You of course reported all of your income to the IRS....
Early on people underestimated their rarity and I got a dozen or so in trades for next to nothing
Which I then traded for others
so and and so forth
reinvested the paypal money I got into buying hats that were good deals
@MDMarra I've got a decent piece of headgear for the Heavy, but that's it.
yada yada, lots on cash in my paypal
I have the red do-rag.
I love the dew rag
But yeah, I've always hoped for a real rare one
I just got some Russian looking piece of headgear for the heavy
I had a dew rag with massed flies that I painted brown and renamed the "Heavy Doody Rag"
Dunno if it's good or not
afternoon gents. We all up & in with the kinder and gentler Locker, err, Comm Room?
@MDMarra bahaha!
UGH NEWEGG, shipped my monitor, but nothing else yet T_T
@AdrianK Fuck the fuck off you fucking fuck!
1st world problems, lulz
@AdrianK I mean, hellow dearest sir.
@WesleyDavid flagged as thats the kind of shit that got me banned for an hour, 4 hours later
@WesleyDavid You got it wrong. It's Fuck You, You Fuckin' Fuck!
@TylerShads @WesleyDavid I haven't even logged in for at least a year though
@TylerShads I'll leave it. We'll see what happens.
I easily spent 20 hours a week on it for a few months
@MDMarra Don't play Steam games anymore or just TF2?
Way too much (single at the time, obviously)
I dont have a gaming PC any more
It's an integral part of adventure motorcycling culture.
I have SOME of the games on my Mac Mini but I hardly use it
Mostly just Civ
@MDMarra There's your problem, you have a mac
@TylerShads I have two
And an iPad
I love iPad games
Nothing wrong with macs
@MDMarra, what are good strategy/sim/RPG ipad games?
they're like computers that don't remind me of being at work
I just likeold school RPGs where you grind for no reason and everything is linear until you've been walked through the whole world and get Setzer and the airship.
@MDMarra, too many of the ones I've found don't actually involve "strategy", it's just click this and click that without actually making useful choices
@Aaron I don't have it in front of me so i dont remember the title, but there's Dragon something or other, which is a remake of Dragon Warrior for NES
i used to play old school rpgs like you, then I took a repetitive joke to the meme
@MDMarra, I loved FF 1 on the NES and played that forever with my NINTENDO POWER right next to me
They re-released two of the Final Fantasies for it
@RobMoir Is that like Pete & Re-Pete?
pretty much!
hi <-- haha, meant to type that into facebook chat
@MDMarra, and then I got FFX for the PS2 and I was all confused, because for 99% of the game you had no choice about where to go and what to do
@Aaron yeah
I liked FF X though
X2 was an abortion
And I still despise the active time battle thing in RPGs
I have XIII for PS3, but I got about 15 hours in and lost interest
if I wanted to click quickly, I'd have bought a different game, you losers
I'm liking saints row III at the moment. "Not an RPG" you say. Sure but you carry out quests and level up your character and recruit companions in order to try more difficult quests
@MDMarra You clearly didn't play it long enough to appreciate it
also liking elder scrolls V, but there's just so much of it...
I'm outa here. Have a good weekend folks
every time I say something similar (I made it bout 10 hours in, if that) i get told that by people, then i wring their effin necks
Have a lovely weekend
adios bud
4 hours until Miller Time....
@RobMoir I love skyrim
@Holocryptic Even I've heard about that one. Is that available on Xbox?
i think it is
@AdrianK oh, yes
That's what I play it on
It's pretty glorious whatever platform you play it on I think. A few bugs though - it wouldn't be a bethsada RPG without bugs
but frankly you won't mind them
sweet. My mother bought my boy an Xbox, and I know exactly nothing about gaming
@RobMoir I minded when I missed out on aobut 5 dragon souls =[
yes, that was annoying... but you know what i mean
I missed a couple too
I've missed one. But I figure there's enough of the damn things around that I won't have any trouble making up for it
Skyrim is good times. Now I wish I wasn't here.
Will have to watch this business carefully. I hear that it's somewhat antithetical to having a significant-other. Bad news for me, but good news re: the boy as far as I'm concerned.
@AdrianK Well in my case, that's not a problem. But yeah, it's pretty damn immersive. You'll blow through time and wonder where it went.
@Holocryptic Yeah, I'll need to watch that, I got a ladyfriend with potential nowadays. I was bad with the MUDs back in the early 90s.
WOOOOOOO that was close...almost hit shutdown ona production server...stupid windows
@AdrianK If you're like me, you'll be hooked for a while, and then it will settle down and you'll be able to function like a normal human being again.
on that note, weekend...cya fsckers
@TylerShads Yeah, that's why you should change the power button to "log off" instead of shutdown
What's this Windows thing that you folk speak of? =D
@TylerShads so there's your first problem. You're not running Core.
I was just told by someone that I smell like penis and hatred.
@ScottPack And watch n00b techs tremble as you type shutdown -l :)
That guy's a qock
@WesleyDavid Apparently, you are.
@WesleyDavid Awesome. You're almost qualified to work here
Well, I just got asked an interesting question...
Working for a homeless services agency that does housing and treatment for mentally ill and chemically-dependent vulnerable adults makes for a VERY interesting work environment.
Shittiest ping EVAR:

SWALL-TZ-180> ping omega
pinging 'omega'
host omega is alive
"If you have a picture in a Word document, how can you find out what its properties are .. ie., jpg or eps, and other information?"
@Holocryptic :
@WesleyDavid solaris, yes?
@AdrianK SonicWall
@Aaron I hope I don't have that many. I'd kill myself.
@Holocryptic Man, with how much you've been whining I hope they're bigger! How could you possibly get some whiskey stones out of those things?
@WesleyDavid Ah. We don't do much with the filtering yet, just basic iptables on Linux. I'm scheduled to start working on that later next year.
@ScottPack Sooper Gloo
@Holocryptic - that is in the kidney stone article
I'm going to be the bigger man and not mention what that looks like.
If you see that thing, you must immediately take a picture of it "in action"
If one is using a shared server to host a website, is it normal to be able to cat out any file in the server's /etc and /var folders?!
A client has SSH access to their shared server and I'm cating things out like I own the place.
sure, that's cool.
Perusing the /etc/php.ini file at the moment
The shadow file is world writable right?
@ScottPack Tee hee! let me check...
No. =(
They need to fix that
Well heckfire, no wonder I can't find an apache php errors log on the server. Behold teh /etc/php.ini file:

;error_log = filename
;error_log = syslog
@WesleyDavid Well THERE'S your problem...
@WesleyDavid What's the phrase? "Looks legit." ?
Sweet! My Dell monitor is out for delivery! Should be here within an hour or two!
@WesleyDavid I tried to buy a monitor, but my Credit Card Co. had other ideas.
Apparently my latest order from Amazon looked like fraud. Unlike the one 4 days before it.
@84104 Time to occupy Wall Street!
... go go credit cards
@Zypher GAHHHH HE'S BLUE HE'S BLUE HE'S BL... oh wait, you're cool.
@Zypher Watch your language!
i'm watching my laptop upgrade to fedora 16 does that count?
@WesleyDavid I don't know if that was an intentional pun, but I'll take it as one. ^^;
Looks like SOPA is stalled for now. Thank $DEITY for small favors
I want to make sure I cross my t's and dot my i's since the Networking and the System Administration teams have a West Side story type relationship at the moment.
@Aaron They sign and dance?
@84104 sounds pretty progressive to me. =)
They might sing and dance, but signing and dancing sounds even more interesting to watch
@84104 Wouldn't be much of a musical if they used ASL
@Aaron Oh, so they're just snapping at eachother?
that's twice today!
@Holocryptic, busted
Q: Very new to, well everything concerning this. Virtual hosting

aboodnessI have a very low level question. I have several domains and would like to host them on a virtual server I've already set up. The server is running fine however I'm having trouble with the virtual hosting part. When I had only one domain up and running everything worked fine, now that I'm tryi...

should I even bother getting the edit rep +2 on this one?
what exactly would you edit?
I don't really see much of a question in there
Every time I get an accepted answer without a single upvote to it, a little part of me dies.
@Holocryptic Ouch. I really dislike it when people use pronouns excessively. My Ex did that and I never could understand her because half the context was in her head.
@84104 fixed
@AdrianK Yeah. It's like we're mind readers of his screen or something
@Holocryptic What I really meant was it's the equivalent of "This answer is correct, but it's not useful to me to know it / have read it."
ah yeah. That too
I don't need rep. I need less brain hurt.
@84104 That's what whiskey is for.
@AdrianK I don't make that much. QQ
A friend of mine bought me a 64oz flask once.
that's a lot of whiskey
@zypher How are you liking fedora as a desktop environment?
@sysadmin1138 it's not bad ... i don't use it all that much
i just have it on my laptop for linuxy things when i'm on the road
I use windows primarily
it's much easier to admin linux boxes from windows than the other way around
I've been on OpenSUSE for my main laptop for a couple years, so am interested in how other people fare.
@Zypher I prefer to talk to AD with Openldap actually. rdesktop solves most of the rest (though I do with it had the later sec mech).
@84104 meh, there is so much more, group policy, site replication, dns all that fun stuff ... as well as alot of the tools i use day to day it just isn't worth it for me ... and honestly i can use any of them equally well, i use the most efficiant OS for the job i'm doing
also linux multi-monitor support sucks... horribly
@Zypher And you do that locally from your Windows box or you just mstsc? I really only use the openldap stuff for quick account queries. You're right with most of the stuff being easier with native.
feh. runaway mouse clicking. =/
@84104 locally, i avoid term servicing if i can
@AdrianK This is why you can't have pets.
hmm, i've got ~45 mins until i need to leave
probably shouldn't have started installing VS on my laptop
@84104 True. I do more or less have a mutual non-agression treaty with the cat that lives in my apartment.
@Zypher Work should never be allowed to interfere with one's drinking.
@Zypher Might be worth looking into. I've got a spare space on my KVM switch.
@AdrianK haha, well i kinda want it on there since i'm going to philly and need something to do on the train
@AdrianK "Work: the curse of the drinking class."
@Zypher Ack. Going places in metal tubes full of germs. I think I'd rather stay home.
@AdrianK i live in NYC ... regional rail is ... a giant improvement over my day to day use
@AdrianK If you lived in the Yellow Submarine, home would be a metal tube full of germs that goes places!
@84104 And it would be dark & damp. Which pretty much describes Seattle in the winter.
I see you've waited roughly a day before coming at me with vengeance, eh?
@Zypher I'll give you that one. The closest I ever got to living in NYC was Rochester, and that was quite enough.
@badp whos in the what now?
@badp Rage and anger! ... Uh, who are you?
@Zypher Nah, I don't want to make it any worse thank you.
@badp i'm a sysadmin ... you can't make it worse than i think
@badp really?
Hello Everyone
Every sysadmin should be issued a 64oz flask, imho.
Thunar decided cp was a better command for moving things than mv... I'm going back to the command line.
@Holocryptic I haven't laid down any "law." I've simply put the room on a short timeout. I haven't raised the flags. Somebody else has. You really can't complain with a moderator taking action on multiple moderator flags
@badp If you really want what you say, then why did you come back here and make a comment like that?
christ almighty
I'm going to the bathroom. back later
@Holocryptic because we'd be having this stupid long discussion in the comments area anyway
and I hate the comment area
@AdrianK: you may want to consider bigger flasks
@JourneymanGeek No kidding, especially since yesterday's discussion keep re-surfacing.
I could have sworn we were flying the white flag for comedy today. What is the red and black history/drama thing I see on stage?
Actually, nevermind.
So, I got a problem. Got a boss who ordered some Cisco 2960 48x100+2x1G switches and he's getting cold feet. Any suggestions for recommended reading material to get as much performance out of these things as possible to avoid shipping them back?
What are you trying to do with them?
@badp Yes, well, Meta is the place to have the discussion. Not here.
They're just switches running LTSP terminals. But I need to get a basic overview of the "Cisco Way" over the weekend before I dive into this.
Fucking printers.
A: Mount LUN from SAN at the same time in Windows and Linux

Chopper3NTFS isn't a cluster-aware file system, I get what you're trying to do but there's no mechanism for NTFS to let the Linux box know it's been changed and from the Linux side it has no reason to assume things CAN change without those changes coming from itself. Basically you need to use a file-leve...

@badp Hah, sorry, I was still catching up with all the drama. The intent was not to "come at you with vengeance" a day later. I'm just trying to say that from what I read, the hammer seemed to be overkill, and only served to exacerbate the situation. No offense to you, but someone familiar with the community is more appropriate to have words with the community when they're getting out of control. As @Iain did in his meta post before your mod action, by the way.
@AdrianK, what is LTSP?
@Iain good
@ShaneMadden looks like I picked the wrong week to give up ... (swearing)
@ShaneMadden No need to apologize. :)
@Holocryptic indeed
@Aaron Linux X/Windows Dumb Terminals. They burst as high as 50Mbit/s or so.
@Holocryptic how's the stone progressing ?
And I'm sorry for misreading your own intent.
@Iain It's not...
bummer :(
@WesleyDavid The other day opening I found a Windows box on which opening printer properties locked up the machine. Printing to that printer, oddly enough, worked fine.
@Iain I have to call the doctor tomorrow and hope to get seen so I can get a refill for pain meds. I'm down to about 4. Earliest a urologist can see me is Jan 9
@badp No worries - thanks for understanding. I can see how you interpreted it that way, I'm gonna strip some of my comments out of that meta question that come across as argumentative.
@Iain yeah... such is life. If I run out of pain meds I'll just drink a lot of whiskey
Hrm... This is weird.... How could a client machine show it has a 10 day lease when the scope is only set to one day... It shows as coming from the DHCP server in question....
@AdrianK most of the top of rack switches can do a pretty good job of switching straight L2 frames
@Zoredache Greedy DHCP client! (never seen anything take a longer lease than it was given.. strange)
@Holocryptic get a good one
@Iain I was introduced to Makers the other week. I liked it a lot.
@Zoredache We get that one our HP printers quite a bit. week long leases when the max in 4 hours.
@Holocryptic Woodford Reserve is good too.
@ShaneMadden, I know, it is a windows 7 client, the server is 2008r2, and I am not finding anything in Google search... I may have to ask a question on the site.
@Holocryptic I don't know that - I likes the Speyside style whisky - Glenmorangie et al
@84104 Printing issues are made considerably less sucktastic in Vista and 7. Unfortunately I'm dealing with a client who has a domain largely populated by XP
thanks @Aaron
Have a good weekend gents, and a merry christmas if I don't bump into all y'alls before the holidays.
@WesleyDavid This was on a 7 machine, but I agree with your assessment.
@AdrianK Smooches.
@AdrianK later
@Zoredache Default lease v Max lease?
Support person is asking to look at the PHP application that isn't working for a client. Should I tell support person that the client doesn't have a support level that includes application support?
Someone's not looking closely at the client notes... =)
uhm ... yes?
Goddamn you USA and your insistence that I prove my age before entering a site about alcohol
@Holocryptic By "prove your age" do you mean "select your birthdate from a drop-down"?
@Holocryptic and me in the UK too
Shocking revelation: I don't think that fools the youngsters. @Jacob, can you confirm?
Friggin ridiculous. Same as 98% of all the laws congress passes.
@ShaneMadden What entering a birth year a few before than ours to pass a "age verification"? No, of course not.
s/younger/older/ ?
I think he means years that are numerically smaller
@Iain Fixed, was thinking younger but ment before
I usually just give an uncontrolled spin my mouse scroll wheel when I get those; I ain't scrolling down to October. Usually means that I'm telling them I was born Jan 1, 1938.
As far as most sites know I was born the first of January on wherever my scroll wheel falls.
The worst is on Steam, where they have my credit card on file and they still ask my age before I go on a page for an M-rated game.
@ShaneMadden Lately Steam has remember the date I put in previously.
This was not always the case.
@84104 Oh, nice.
@84104 And get in the Steam group if you aren't! steamcommunity.com/groups/ServerFault
Who's up for some Steam tomorrow evening?
@WesleyDavid Game?
@WesleyDavid I'm down. What're we playing?
@WesleyDavid is it evening for you yet ?
@ShaneMadden I only have a few games in Steam
@Iain It's... 4:16PM so gettin' there.
@WesleyDavid TF2 it is!
@ShaneMadden I've got Alien Swarm, Half Life 1 and 2 and TF2 - a few others not worth mentioning
I was a big Alien Swarm fan when it came out
Wish they did more official levels. =/
But I'm easily amused and TF2 is golden to me.
@WesleyDavid meh your evening is overnight for me
Ahh nice - I only played Alien Swarm a bit when it came out.
I usually play Engineer and lay waste to yon infidels.
@Iain I know. =/ When I move to The Netherlands that'll be fixed. =)
@WesleyDavid when is that going to happen ?
@Iain Sometime between when I hit REM sleep and when my alarm goes off.
But I'd like to consider expatriating sometime before age 35
Got friends around Utrecht and I'm really hoping to take a vacation there maybe summer of 2012 or 2013
Okay, I got my 24" Dell today so I'mma go AWOL and rearrange my desk for the next 15 minutes.
if you have spare votes then please go here and downcheck questions older than 1 month and at 0
<looks around> Whaddid I miss?
@voretaq7 Things without holes in them?
is there a way to add an "age: >30days" search term?
@quux I don't think so
sort on newest then work your way forward
@84104 ... if there's things, I missed.
loads tac-nukes
@Jacob: Hey, how's it going?
@GeorgeEdison Hello
> 40-43-43.6000N / 073-24-48.3000W +24.4
@Iain well, shoot, that seems easy enough. I see [closed] on basically all the >30day old posts?
If there isn't a date range in the search, someone should add a feature request to add it. It is Lucene-based, and Lucene can handle dates...
@Iain, so anything over 30 days old at -1 and closed automagically deletes when the great gods come forth and smite?
@Aaron yep
@Aaron I'm not so sure about 'great' but sur
@quux :
Q: Deleting closed questions with no answers

IainI don't think there any reason why we shouldn't delete questions like these. They are closed, have no answers and are very unlikely to get reopened - they (largely*) have no value. The It takes 3 votes from 10k users to delete these types of post. Are other people with >= 10k prepared to join i...

@quux >30days no answers and -1 or lower will auto delete
A: Auto-deleting old, unanswered zero-score questions after a year?

Jeff AtwoodJust to formally document the exact policies we have in place to remove old abandoned / dead questions: If the question is more than 30 days old, and ... has -1 or lower score has no answers is not locked ... it will be automatically deleted. If the question is more than 365 days old, and ....

@Jacob: Did you figure out what wasn't working?
@quux upvote this feature request for date searches.
@Aaron my post references that
@Iain roger
@GeorgeEdison I am waiting for VZ to assign me my new IP block
Ah, okay.
I have many IPs!
OUT OF VOTES! Get moar votes: 9 minutes! :)
@voretaq7 I wonder what time the script runs
@Aaron There are some exceptions above and beyond that (protected questions, I think enough comments can stall it too)
I have a small IT staff, based in Israel. Every Sabbath, we all go off-line for 25 hours.
as they say
@Iain good question. I have to assume 000000 or 000300
well, there's your problem!
@Aaron comments only come in to play if a question is at 0
@Aaron Shabbat Shutdown?
ooh thats the 3rd flag I've had about Jews in 5 minutes
@Aaron and speaking of semitic staff, just got a flag because someone used the word Jew in gaming.
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by Mana
actually it was lower-case jew. Maybe that was it.
Is somebody going to flag my Shabbat Shutdown? I actually think it's quite clever myself...
so maybe this is a better search: serverfault.com/…
@voretaq7, wait, someone flagged that comment?
and what with the prohibition against working on the sabbath maybe our servers SHOULD shut down...
@Aaron no, but I'm wondering if I should be waiting for it
@Aaron Yeah I got the flag too.
Err, rather, I got a flag for the one I linked above
Also wondering if I should prod my old PM (nice Jewish guy) who would probably get a total kick out of the idea :)
@voretaq7 I meant the one from the Bridge, not your shabbat shutdown one
@Aaron yeah someone flagged the bridge one
Well, to be pedantic, a lot of people do take offense to 'jew'
and I just got another flag-flash
@Aaron Aaron, you really do? I courted a Jewish Grocer with a big web presence who needed a SysAdmin for 25 hours a week just recently.
@Aaron These would be the same ones who take offence to "Gyp"?
in The Bridge, 53 secs ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
I would honestly, as a jew, be kind of offended if it did.
@WesleyDavid, no, I think it was that same Q that you commented on - I was reposting for posterity
I mean yes - in context I think it can be offensive.
@Aaron Oh, right.
And the flags are flying high tonight.
In context calling me a greasy wop can be offensive, some of my friends can get away with it
Wow - were there this many flags yesterday?
I don't care though. I have 1900x1200 resolution now. So take that.
Jesus Henrietta Christ gaming!
is it all that conversation?
@voretaq7 So that's what the "H" stands for!
are we all gonna have to go in there and start choking bitches?
@voretaq7 Yeah:
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@FallenAngelEyes And I'm going by my experience growing up in a jewish community, as a jew, surrounded by jews, and how we all talk to each other and react to each other.
@jscott It's what I always assumed it stood for -- It kinda rolls off the dongue
in The Bridge, 59 secs ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@Mana He umm... might've said "throw the jew down the well," which is the song from Borat.
Are you giong to change your name to Wayne Brady now?
2 more
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@Mana He umm... might've said "throw the jew down the well," which is the song from Borat.
@voretaq7 My stepdad calls himself a Yugo-Dego. Mom was from Croatia, Dad was from Italy.
@ShaneMadden, are these transcripts you're posting ones that have been flagged?
@badp get your ass to The Bridge there is a flagfest going on there
@WesleyDavid iLOL
@Aaron Yeah, each one I've posted has popped in my notifications as a flag. Someone over there enjoying the consequence-free flagging.
@Iain my ass is already on the bridge, and the flagger's already been threatened with a suspension
@voretaq7 Now I know why there's a town named that near me.. I always thought "Henrietta" sounds like an ugly girl's name.
@Iain he's in there
@Iain Is it bad that when I first saw that line I thought "Fagfest?" and almost flagged you? =)
just making sure
Mana's been dismissing them so fast I literally can't load the flag popup in time
get your ass to mars (or the bridge)
Oh sure, star that line. Buncha jerks.
@badp suspension? Pfft... c'mon. I'm SURE @Zypher will let you borrow a foot-shootin gun to use on him :-)
@badp ditto

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