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Have you guys actively stopped casting delete votes?
Most of the stuff near the back of the list is stuff that only has 1 or 2 votes on it and I've already voted on it
In the past, if I voted on it, it was the last time I saw it because you guys would clobber it
@MDMarra I didn't cast anything yesterday with the shitstorm, lets see what I can clean up
Also today is downvote-so-it-gets-deleted day...
@voretaq7 Seems that algorithm is a bit finicky though
I've seen a lot of 0 answer old shit with downvotes that arent dead
Obtuse people are obtuse.
What do you guys think of this edit suggestion?
@MDMarra I think it takes 30 days sitting at a negative number
The editor is adding some stuff from comments and seemingly putting a bit of a spin on it
A: Auto-deleting old, unanswered zero-score questions after a year?

Jeff AtwoodJust to formally document the exact policies we have in place to remove old abandoned / dead questions: If the question is more than 30 days old, and ... has -1 or lower score has no answers is not locked ... it will be automatically deleted. If the question is more than 365 days old, and ....

I'm thinking of rejecting as too minor
@MDMarra he's making that big a change to a question over a year old?
The bulk of the content is in a comment
its unnecessary
so I feel its too minor
just wanted to bounce it off others
I'd reject and say look, ask a question if you want to, but don't change a year old answered question
and the question is answered already
I used the generic "Too Minor" button
A Flat Miner?
I know there's unicode for A flat
@MDMarra yeah it's not 100%.
Burned my 20 deletes for the day. And a few downvotes on the stuff from 1-rep users and vanished accounts
People that can see /review/close should also go here and cast your freaking close votes on old shit floating around
I need to get myself up to 10k just so I can see that page
Can't I'm not cool enough
got to get out with the kids. bye
I've found a good way to farm flag weight is to spend all of your close votes on old stuff and then flag new stuff as "I would close this, but I'm out of votes :("
I can't see review/close :(
The sad face gets the diamonds every time.
Every time, I tell you.
Also, can anyone on Windows that can see /review/close please see if you can repro this and comment on meta?
Q: Close dialogue not being dismissed after voting to close when accessed from /review in IE9

MDMarraUsing IE 9 x86 on Windows 7 X64 When I'm in the close tab of /review, whenever I vote to close a question the dialog box for choosing what reason to close is never dismissed after I cast my vote. If I manually close the box by clicking the X in the top left-hand corner I can see that my vote is ...

"You need to have at least an intermediate grasp of the technologies involved to have a cat's chance in hell of being able to make this work"
Nominated for best comment on a closed question
Link pls
Must upvote
No openings for urologist until Jan 9. That sucks
Q: Cisco 1841 Router

user94361I have a Cisco 1841 Router I need to connect one fibre Optic cable to it and make my router available for another network by using this fibre Optic cable. What is the best way to do this and what are the commands which I have to use?

Good news, I've already upvoted it
I completely misunderstand tags
why would DFS and DFS-R be merged?
That's like merging Windows and Windows-7
DFS is a banner for two related technologies, DFS-R and DFS Namespaces. DFS and DFS-R are not analogous.
Today's interestign project : searching for 'thanx' and then fixorating the targets
I've commented as well, @MDMarra - but yeah, i feel I've missed a plot point somewhere as it happened without discussion
(That's not say I feel there should have been a debate, but rather they clearly felt there was no controversy)
I think part of it is that I don't have a clue what tag synonyms and tag merging and all that other tag engine crap means
Panic off.
The tag merge was for "DFS-R" and "DFSR". DFS is still there with 129 questions on it.
@MDMarra well, I understand it like "fiber" and "fibre", they mean the same thing
No panic here
@sysadmin1138 Haha, you're right. I'm blind!
And my fingers keep typing DRS-R which just confuses things more. Happily I caught it each time.
@sysadmin1138 you actually wanted to answer this one?
Q: How to browse websites by different IP addresses from a multihomed server?

XaqronMy server has several IP addresses bound to it's network card. Whenever I use IE, FireFox, Opera... the browser uses the default IP address so if I visit http://www.myipaddress.com the default server IP address is shown. Is there any way to browse websites from my other IP addresses (an special ...

I'm downvoting everything by @MDMarra from now on
@Aaron He was critically misinformed. I fixed it. Now I can close.
@Dan Join the club
@MDMarra :D
Scrubs sucks since JD went
Scrubs sucked since they became teachers
Good point, actually
That last year was extremely weak
It's on E4 at the minute and.....meh
Dunno what season, I never followed it to that degree but I did always like it
I don't want to throw gasoline on a fire, but I seriously want to ask syneticon in Quux's post today a question: "Why do you care so much about a small chat room that you don't understand, aren't working to enrich and hardly participate in? If we're such a pox on humanity, just leave and adorn another chat community."
I read an interview somewhere that they were "planning" to only be 1 season so they had some tricks up their sleeve. For example, the janitor in season 1 actually never interacts with anyone else, so it was going to be a reveal that he was actually imaginary
@WesleyDavid Yeah just let it go. Trolls be trollin.
I wonder why someone who I've never seen in here before the conflagration yesterday has taken such an interest in decrying something that he hasnt invested any amount of time in.
In the comments on Quux's post, syneticon seems to focus on people being directly abusive to people asking questions in chat. That's never an okay thing, but I don't think we've ever done that. We've told people that this isn't a place for support - but even then, we really go a long ways to helping people who ask for it.
@WesleyDavid badp is really chapping my ass on the subject, too
Now the profanity that I think he's brought up -- well -- grow the fuck up.
And for the record, @voretaq7, I like profanity for profanity's sake. Does that make me bad? =)
@Holocryptic Who the hell is badp and why should we care?
@WesleyDavid He was one of the blues that popped in early on and starting throwing his weight around. He's posted something here
@Aaron Yeah, I heard the janitor thing
@WesleyDavid He irked me pretty good.
@Holocryptic I took care of it
@WesleyDavid BOO!
@MDMarra :)
Don't kill me.
@WesleyDavid hehehehe
aww, I can't kill ya, who would entertain me then?
WHO SUMMONED @RebeccaChernoff?
So, I recently read a trio of quasi-good Sci-fi books by Robert J Sawyer (of 'Flash Forward' fame). WWW wake watch wonder. They are of questionable quality, but they're a little too "recent" for me, as in one of them the lead character specifically references not only xkcd by name, but the 'someone is wrong on the internet' comic
@MDMarra I think she can sniff me out now. -.-
@WesleyDavid Sounds like you need a bath
Seriously though, no one here with enough rep is going to see if they can repro this for me?
Q: Close dialogue not being dismissed after voting to close when accessed from /review in IE9

MDMarraUsing IE 9 x86 on Windows 7 X64 When I'm in the close tab of /review, whenever I vote to close a question the dialog box for choosing what reason to close is never dismissed after I cast my vote. If I manually close the box by clicking the X in the top left-hand corner I can see that my vote is ...

You don't have the requisite epeen for that anyhow, sir.
That's what I mean. I have no repeen
I don't have the rep
I dont think @voretaq7 even knows what a Windows PC looks like, otherwise I'd ask him.
@MDMarra He doesn't know only because he squeezes his eyes shut in disgust when he spots one
@MDMarra He knows enough to wait until he sees the whites of the desktop before firing.
@WesleyDavid lol
btw all you edit-approvers
feel free to tell me to knock it off - I am trying to make the questions better, but I agree some of them are on the edge
@MDMarra - no repro
@RobMoir really?
IE 9 voting directly from /review/close?
ah hold on
If you navigate to the question and close it works fine
If you click review and then close from there it breaks for me
beg pardon, let me try again
hanging close window is hanging
@Aaron Will shoot you with a tranq dart. Second offense, it's a car battery, two sponges and hanging from the shower pipes for you.
@mdmarra I stand corrected. I can reproduce it when I actually follow your steps properly. I'm a fool.
Gracias sir
3rd offence, half a season of friendship is magic
@RobMoir doesn't sound like a punishment for you.
4th offence, quarter of a season.... ;-)
@RobMoir hmmm, I need to actually watch the show I think. I'm a faux brony.
you end up getting ever closer to the episodes with "Q" in them but never quite make it
@holocryptic you should watch it
In other news, giddiness mode enabled, received christmas bonus which resulted in me ordering my new gaming rig =3
@RobMoir I'm going to. I'm behind in all my regular show watching anyways.
good stuff
@TylerShads \o
hooray for christmas bonuses. Found out yesterday that we're getting ours too.
@Holocryptic AND I'm close to NE's DC in NJ, so I might be getting all parts tomorrow
Hmmmm, I wonder why my only flag options on this Q are 'very low quality' and 'other'
Q: Calculating a Subnet number from an IP Address and Subnet Mask in C#

QuietLeniI have a task to complete in C#. I have an: IP Address: and a Subnet Mask: I need to find the Subnet number, which would be, in this case, However, I need to be able to do this in C# WITHOUT the use of the System.Net library (the system I am programming in...

Has it already been hit with 'move to SO' too many times?
It's migrated already
ah, I must have found my own race condition
it shouldn't be that tough an assignment really
@Aaron That's racist
I am done with work for the year. I do need to get ready to host the descending family but other than that I plan to get drunk off my ass next week. Sound like a plan?
descending family?
descending upon me. I am hosting the family christmas...
@RobMoir Family is one of the occasions where I wished I drank...
@RobMoir Ouch. Hopefully there's little ones to help with cleanup after dinner
@holocryptic yes there are. @tylershads I barely drink normally, but I reserve the right to do so when the mood takes me.
idc how old this is, its effin hilarioius, someone just posted it on fcbk xD
that's funny
wahh, haven't been mentioned in a tweet since I got cyanogen, phone just scared the shit out of me.
@RobMoir Ah, I thought that was some weird colloquialism that you Brits use.
@TylerShads lol
@TylerShads that's what happens when you follow me
Brits? Weird colloquialisms? How DARE you sir! I've never been so insulted since {weird colloquialism goes here}
Brits isn't the proper term?
shrug fixed now, just never changed it, got a notification from Twitter app, a text message plus Gvoice popped up for some reason and the built in cyanogen twitter pinged too.
Should I have used fish-and-chip-eating-freaks?
@MDMarra I prefer "once oppressive overlords of this great nation" Viva la Revolution!
fish and chip eating freaks? How dare you sir! Eating fish and chips is perfectly natural. Why I was just doing it the other day. I've never been so insulted since someone implied that all you had to do to get into my college was be able to sing the school song, hit a six and take a hot crumpet from behind without blubbing
@Holocryptic You mean "The dudes that lost to a bunch of drunk farmers...twice"
@MDMarra They do have tophats...our arguments are invalid
fucking tophats
... how do they work?
Fucking magic
where's that gif...
"that gif" he says, like we only have one here.
still looking, may be on my home computer...
How the hell did I become the 4th highest rep user in movies.se?
is it that much of a ghost town?
Seems so
oh...only 15 days in beta...derp.
I'm that bored that I'm going to get around to making that image macro from Black Mirror
@TylerShads That and you're a lonely, sad little man that watches people have fun and live out your fantasies on a small screen in your bedroom.
Wait... let me flag myself for personal attacks.
@WesleyDavid 32" is not small, thank you very much
@WesleyDavid I wonder what would happen if you did...
F L A G C E P T I O N ?
badp would lecture me and tell me that I'm a bad person who smells funny and needs to wash his face.
@WesleyDavid no, thats me
and wtf, I'm out of stars ALREADY?
finally found it
@Holocryptic Your boyfriend? Nice.
@WesleyDavid Well you know. I was striking out with the ladies, I decided to change it up
heh, lego beta has 0 unanswered questions
I'd totally go gay if it wasn't for the whole "sex with a dude" thing. Everything else seems cool.
Meh. Whatever floats your boat. I'm not one to judge.
Truthfully, I find that I like my LGBT friends the best of all. Dunno why. In fact... most of my friends are LGBT now that I think of it...
............wtf o.x
Strange conversation alert. Abort. Abort.
Clearly, you've only been here a short time. This is waaaaaay short of the strangest conversation held in this room
damn you @Zypher
I didn't say strang*est* LD
Oh, that didn't work
damn animated gifs
@Dan Yeah, you're new 'round these here parts. Stick around. It gets even weirder - until someone flips out on Meta, that is.
@WesleyDavid Haha
I do like it here, I must admit
@TylerShads Now that's just mean... but it's against @Holocryptic so it's okay.
@TylerShads You're goddamn right it is! I'm thinking of giving it up for adoption.
@Holocryptic BTW, how are you feeling today?
Like he's about to piss a rock out of his dick, obviously.
What kind of question is that?
@MDMarra Dammit I'm trying to eat
No one eats as long as my snowman has no head.
@WesleyDavid you're eating rocks being forcibly expelled from phallic objects?
@MDMarra His girlfriend is a prude?
@MDMarra what snowman?
@MDMarra oh wait....
@MDMarra It's actually stuck somewhere further upstream. Just called the doc today and there's no urologist available till 9 jan
@Holocryptic Fucking A, what is this... Canada?
/me glances around to see if there are any Canadians present to tease.
Dammit, what good is an attack if there's no one here to be offended. =(
@WesleyDavid apparently. That was the referral from the ER though. I'm gonna call my family practitioner and see if they have someone else sooner. That and I need more drugs.
@Holocryptic Okay, good. When are you calling?
The only Canadian I can think of is @Ward. And he's hard/impossible to offend from what I've seen.
@WesleyDavid now
@Holocryptic Good man. Do it. Record the conversation. Put it on YouTube
I'll make a Google+ hangout
@MikeyB is a Canuck
@MikeyB Get in here so we can have someone to tell offensive Canadian jokes around.
@WesleyDavid Whatchoo talkin' aboot eh?
@MikeyB full of lulz
posted on December 16, 2011 by Mark Marra

I'm going to say a phrase, you will then have 15 seconds to shout whatever you want at your computer screen and then continue reading. Internet Explorer Read more »

@WesleyDavid I love maple syrup. Also, everyone knows that the real shit comes from VT.
@MDMarra Flagged as 'Offensive'.
@MikeyB Flagged as Canadian.
@WesleyDavid the wife is canadian, and i t's actually quite interesting how much more I notice canadian bashing
like, for example, making fun of the colored money
@Aaron I wish America had colored and different sized money.
@WesleyDavid You hoser!
Or, when discussing it, stuff like "Yeah, but what about in real money?"
@Aaron I secretly like Canada and would consider fleeing there if America elects Gengrich. =)
@WesleyDavid Didn't they start a lame attempt at that? They're starting slow, with just the numbers, eh?
@WesleyDavid ITYM the US, not 'America'.
@MikeyB I dunno. I never heard of any serious attempt
There is some tinting on the USD 5 and the 10 I think
@Aaron Lil' bit of blush I think
"Ooohhh! We colorized our money, just like dem Canucks!"
@MikeyB Yeah, that's colorful.
@StackExchange You still don't get snowmen
Best of all, we have a bitchin' two-dollar coin:
@TylerShads how can you talk to @StackExchange , and for that matter, who is that?
@MikeyB I have some with a loon on it I think?
Is that the $1 coin?
@WesleyDavid the loon is $1 CAD, and the 'toonie' is $2 CAD
Ahhh, okay.
A loonie and a toonie?
@Aaron I was replying to @MDMarra's blog post, in retrospect, I should have just pinged him...and continually remind him that he doesn't get fuzzy snowmen
@WesleyDavid I miss looney toons 3=
@WesleyDavid Exactly. We missed out on the 'doubloon'. :(
@WesleyDavid lulztastic
and I just had my mind blown. I have a few rosewill peripherals, and I just learned they're Newegg's in-house brand
In reality, that's (hush)R(hush) in the hole with a shotgun.
@WesleyDavid not sure I follow...
@WesleyDavid You're a bad man for other reasons.
and I do too know what a windows PC looks like!
@voretaq7 Right before you shot it with a gun/installed BSD on it?
@voretaq7 There's a site dedicated to dog poop? Oh wait... I forgot about rule 34. Carry on.
@voretaq7 Ever play Blue Dragon on XBox
@WesleyDavid I was briefly surprised myself
There are "Poo Monsters" that look just like BSD poo
@MDMarra <- doesn't own an XBox :(
@TylerShads I can't say any more or... pensive glance ... she will come get me.
Despite that fact, it's actually a pretty decent RPG
fucking markdown
Markdown is the new 5318008. Curse about markdown, get stars.
@MDMarra I'll vote for that.
It just doesn't work very well
I cannot understand why in markdown * and _ have the same effect
Had to obscure the language there. If you don't understand it, flip your screen upside down
@WesleyDavid I get it now
@MDMarra Double-Crested-Blue-Footed?
Well, balls. Apparently trying to score drugs the legal way is hard. I'm tempted to roll downtown DC and flash a $20 or two and do it the easy way.
@TylerShads hoorah
Also, I've started calling it "Pager doody"
I'm an adult, I swear
@Holocryptic Let's wait for the lab results to come back before we get too cocksure.
@WesleyDavid I see what you did there
@Holocryptic I don't care if I'm 78 and making poop jokes, I'd still find it funny
@TylerShads At 78, you'll likely just be making poop in your colostomy bag - but at least you'll get a kick out of it.
@TylerShads Well, at 78 you'll probably be making poop jokes for different reasons
@Holocryptic I said it first, tool. =)
I blame server write delay
@Holocryptic It's always server write delay. And the HLDS instance I have hidden on the database machine.
Problem: Slow response from sysadmin team.
Reason: It's adoption day at the cat shelter.
Solution: Wait until they're done captioning the cats. They'll get to your problem when there are no higher priority tasks.
@voretaq7 I've never known SysAdmins to be much into cats until this chat room. O_o
@WesleyDavid ...says the man with the FREAKIN CAT GRAVATAR?
@WesleyDavid I fucking love cats
@voretaq7 I know. I am a lesson in contradictions.
I barely tolerate the family house cat and look forward to my own apartment shortly to get away from the thing. I will however make an aquarium empire.
My fish LOVES me.
Well... recognizes me as a food source. That's like love, right?
I honestly think it's cat people who turned me off to cats. Cats are fine. People who have cats are fine. Cat people - no.
@WesleyDavid So your plan is to live in your own place by the time you turn 30? That's pretty adventurous there.
@WesleyDavid How can you hate eartha kitt?
@ScottPack 32 actually.
news.yahoo.com/… I've just been validated
I blurred out my fiancee's name and my mom and soon-to-bo mother in law's name
@WesleyDavid Better hurry up. The next power of two you can use is 64. That's a long time away...
I dont need you freaks friending them
@WesleyDavid Oh, good. I wouldn't want you to push yourself too hard.
@voretaq7 She played in an "Earnest Goes to" movie.
@MDMarra Your mom called you all a bunch of assholes? Nice!
She sure did
@WesleyDavid She's CATWOMAN. All is forgiven!
My mom's pretty awesome.
Also seriously, watch the Cha-Cha Heels video and try not to laugh your ass off.
Okay, later people. Gotta go play data janitor and find files for peopel.
@WesleyDavid FILES GONE!
so racist
What's a polite way to say: I haven't tried it because I've never been daft enough to need to
Google translate does Kanji
OR maybe he head's up the local university's Anime Club.
Can you imagine managing MS SQL in a language you don't understand? :D
@Dan Yes, easily. It's called MS SQL.
@ScottPack I resisted that joke, but I thank you for taking it on
@Dan No problem. I aim to pleasure.
I know it demonstrates a ameri-centric view of the world, but are there any "large" programming languages that are not "in english" ?
like 'numero' instead of 'integer'
I've never seen one - I always get a sick pleasure out of reading code that's commented in a foreign language
@Dan Most of the linux kernel is commented in french.
@ScottPack Nominated for best quote starred out of context.
Well, it's commented in language that people often refer to as french.
@ScottPack That's the BSD kernel.
@voretaq7 Better than @pauska's sock?
@voretaq7 You should start greppin the linux tree for fuck, shit, ass, etc.
Oo...drunk is a good one.
@ScottPack Absolutely not. I don't know that I could scrub my screen enough to get all the filth out of it.
/* I wrote this code block last night while drunk. I don't know how it works, but it does. */
grep though my code looking for /temporary fix/i
I usually put the date of the fix in the comment.
I've just seen this linked in an answer:


Does anyone know if it's stable / reliable on Server 2008 R2
@Dan It's so stable, that the LHC is using it as it's data collection
no...thats a terrible idea, don't listen to me
It's not listed, so I assume no.
Of course MS could just have not updated the docs....
If I don't score drugs tomorrow I'm gonna be so pissed
Seems to work on Win7 - I'd have to find something to compare it against to confirm that they're accurate results
That'll good for testing and benchmarking storage configurations for VDI
@Holocryptic pun intended?
Oh god, I nearly ended up on topic there
@TylerShads well, only if it passes. Until then pissing is not necessarily required
@Dan I've used it to test NFS vs iSCSI presenting the same volume on ESXi
@Holocryptic can has catheter?
@voretaq7 wouldn't that get in the way of the stone?
@MDMarra Ideal - I like that it's just a simple native Windows application
So, you gonna save those bad boys and have em polished up to use as whiskey stones?
Right then boys, it's curry time! Hurrah
Then you can tell people, "I hope you appreciate that drink. I pissed blood for a week to keep that cold for you."
"I'd like to think that there's a little piece of me inside all your glasses. Cheers!"

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