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@JourneymanGeek I know some of our mods aren't very active these days - real world work stuff probably cutting into site time
@RebeccaChernoff I see large, bearded men with guns. When did ServerFault start catering to the bear segment?
Dang! that was just the pre-req's that finished. stupid 1's and 0's!
@MarkHenderson You hate us all and want us to die, don't you. I KNEW IT!!
@WesleyDavid Old Man Pete's not on that list, but he probably qualifies as a bear as well.
@MarkHenderson sure, by all means, email us!
@ScottPack heh, would ya look at that...
In other news, my mouth is completely invisible behind my beard when you look at my from the side.
I was going to post a pic of two bearded men kissing, but... I'm second guessing that now
@WesleyDavid Do you have any food stashed in there for later? like a cheezy? or a chicken leg?
@techie007: or babies
@RebeccaChernoff Give it 6 or so hours for the caches to update :)
@WesleyDavid The most complained about advertismenet in Australia in 2011 was a very tame ad promoting safe sex for gay men
Which I find really, really dissapointing that people's prejudices are getting in the way of promoting healthy habits
@ScottPack hm?
also, you don't stash food in beards. the beards consume all
@MarkHenderson I hope you rioted and burned at least two government buildings down.
@techie007 I do find long forgotten particles of food and drink in my mustache.
@RebeccaChernoff Big Daddy Pete isn't showing up on the page yet.
i keep a smaller beard inside my beard, just in case...
Always nice to have a nice surprise when I am pondering something ponderous, and I go to chew on my mustache hair and get a nice nourishing surprise.
@WesleyDavid Ye Ole Coffee Strainer
@ScottPack yeah, that's what I was saying "heh, would ya look at that" == "whaddya know, you're right - someone should fix that!"
@techie007 Thats nothing, I keep a full washboard 6-pack under my flab
"Mmmm... room temperature yogurt and essence of diet soda"
@techie007 Same here. That way, even if I accidentally shave, my chin will still remain armored.
@RebeccaChernoff I thought you were trying to be coy and indicate that you've already fixed it.
@ScottPack Exactly, and it also helps keep the government from knowing what my chin is thinking about..
pfft that's nothing. My home town was up in arms about a safe sex billboard by the high school.
The billboard? A condom, in a wrapper. With text that said "Safer sex reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases"
nah, I might be a ninja, but I'm a lazy ninja. (;
Is your home town Podunk Iowa?
@voretaq7 But that is totally offensive, they're now called Sexually Transmitted Infections (I think that made it sound... nicer?)
@MarkHenderson Did it?
########## WARNING ##########
I'm about to post two bears kissing
Of note:
@WesleyDavid I saw daddy kissing Santa Claus....
@ShaneMadden I have a friend who works in sexual health, and she got upset with me when I kept referring to them as STD's, but meh, it's all the same :p
Q: User behavior in chat

PurmouI've been participating in the SO chats for some time now, primarily to improve my coding in a more active community. Some of the users in chat act very boorish towards me when my code isn't exactly up to standards. I'm talking about outright insults. There are a few specific people that make st...

@voretaq7 I want to see that video again but lost the link. =(
@MarkHenderson yeah, this was like 1996 or so
@WesleyDavid Search for "Jackie Beat" on youtube
that (and more) will come up :)
I like Jackie Beat's "HWhite Christmas"
@Aaron Okay, that's totally different. We don't name call people to their faces here. We do it behind their backs. =)
@voretaq7 I you you an adult beverage.
@WesleyDavid that's why we have twitter and our blogs!
Man, the hat on this snowman is absolutely adorable. I hope @MDMarra appreciates it. I know how much he loves snowmen.
Wait, I thought youtube videos expanded.
dag nabbit
Talking porcupine eating a gingerbread man with a santa hat on
@WesleyDavid I thought it was Weena....
JACKIE BEATS IS FROM SCOTTSDALE!! Sweet. Maybe I can meet her sometime.
@Aaron So are you saying that we should show up in an SO chatroom, waggle our fingers about how offensive they are and to "Shape up because daddy knows best!"
@voretaq7 no no, it's a Dikfer
ignore me. ;) I'm bored... ;)
@techie007 yeah, that joke won't get past me no matter how you spell it :-)
Scott : posted without comment
@voretaq7 No, it was a henway
"no, no it's D1kPH3R" Does that work? :)
@WesleyDavid 6lbs.
It's all leet-like, as to confuse...
@techie007 dk4
@voretaq7 careful, you'll get flagged...
@Aaron So I got called out at the office today because people couldn't tell if I was making a joke, or being a dick. In the end, I made a sign that says, "Laugh" that I could hold up. Maybe I should propose that as a feature request for chat.
I died the way I lived.
(Wondering how come George Carlin got away with saying it but here it gets flags :P)
Somewhere in the chat transcript I do the original 7 words bit.
@ScottPack Dick.
@ScottPack "I made a sign that says, "Laugh" that I could hold up" - That's kind of a dick-like move man.. :D
@voretaq7 I ran out of swear words and had to start learning different languages. =/
I'm currently working on French profanity.
@WesleyDavid His full name & title is "Former Vice-President of the United States Baron Penis von Cheneyhausen"
The way I see it, I'm removing ambiguity.
Carlin couldn't get away with saying the Seven Words in certain situations; that was the whole point of his shtick.
@WesleyDavid Like wiping your ass with silk?
@voretaq7 Smoooooth, man.
@quux He said it on the air on WBAI. I've got an archive tape of it somewhere :-)
@voretaq7 But it feels so nice! The static is the only problem.
@ScottPack your environmental controls need work. If you maintain 45-55%RH you won't have that problem :-)
@voretaq7 - and that case went to the Supreme Court. And lost.
@voretaq7 I live in a 80 year old house with plaster walls and gas heat. It might get that dry for a few hours in February.
@quux It's been 40 years, it's a new bench, and I'll take my chances! :-)
Right, so a flagged message has a blue tick beside it. Does that tick only last until the flag is acted upon?
And interestingly the FCC has no problem with profanity during certain hours. It's obscenity / pornography that gets them in a knot.
And it is only visible to people who are capable of acting on a flag, or by everyone?
@ScottPack Yeah it appears that way
Right, so a flagged message has a blue tick beside it. Does that tick only last until the flag is acted upon?
I think it's only visible to 10Ks, and IDK if it's visible to the person doing the flagging. There's a mSO post about tiered flag escalation that has a small discussion on it.
Yeah, I just read ninefinger's post and the relevant comments.
@ScottPack I think a "you got flagged" notification may not be a terrible idea honestly
plus the tiered flagging system letting communities shoot our own dogs when it's needed.
@voretaq7 Unquestioned, the person who got flagged should definitely know it happened.
Isn't that the mods job to inform the flagee?
I kind of like the idea of everyone seeing what was flagged.
@Aaron At the moment, nobody on the main sites knows when tey;'ve been flagged
It at least gives us a warning that someone might not have liked that.
And we've only ever had ONE request from a user (who I had suspended at the time) ask to see their flag history
@MarkHenderson We can ask for that?
And to be honest guys, 90% of the flags that are about people are bullshit
Shit, have I ever been flagged?
I flag you hourly. I have it called by cron.
I mean, I know I had an answer deleted, but that was a well deserved action :)
Sorry about that
@MarkHenderson I can tell that from the ones I see as a 10k. It's usually someone being butthurt, or two butthurt people starting a flag war
@ScottPack Just the once, for that deleted answer
note that the hover text for flagging says "spam, inappropriate, or offensive" not "I don't like this"
"offends my delicate sensibilities"?
@RebeccaChernoff yeah - unfortunately some people don't draw the line between "I don't like" and "offensive" cough*NSFWArea51Proposal*cough
@MarkHenderson I was wondering if that got flagged, or if he saw it. Nice to hear that was the only time, though.
I fuck @ScottPack's hat offensive. I flag it repeatedly.
Generally I think people are good about not being flag-happy on stuff they don't like
Wow. Autocorrect and I'm on mobile so I can't edit it
we have to have a pretty decent number of chat users, and the stupid blue circle doesn't pop up on my gravatar that often
That should say I FIND*
@MDMarra Well if you're doing the OTHER thing to it @ScottPack might be the one offended....
The hat didn't object
Lack of edit on mobile is clearly an oversight. With that bastard autocorrect running amok and all
@ScottPack He may have just seen it, but it came up as a moderator action, so I dont know if it was a flag or not
@MarkHenderson Ah, oh well. No big deal. Honestly, I was not expecting it to last long, but it was the end of the day, was feeling silly, and just couldn't resist. :)
@ScottPack wait - whaddid I miss? I miss ALL the fun deleted answers :(
The iPad chat is kinda odd too
That's what I'm on
@Aaron the iPhone chat is made of leftover kitty litter. Which as everyone knows is soaked in the distilled essence of FAIL that cats eliminate.
Blackberry doesn't even know there's a mobile chat
@MarkHenderson Oh! Oh! Have I been flaginated?
When I'm on my phone I see the divs sitting square on top of each other
@MDMarra I wish the iPhone didn't :-/
@voretaq7 It was this question
@MDMarra You're supposed to be making up ground on all the work you didn't do today. Begone!
Q: making sure daemons are safe

Pota OnasysSo I was wondering, what steps should we take to make sure PHP daemons are safe? One of the things that I read about was assigning the daemon to run as a user with limited priveleges? But how can we do that in UNIX? I am guessing using the useradd function but how do we make sure that user ADD...

@ScottPack pfft, I thought your answer was fine.
I wouldda upvoted it. Very accurate.
@voretaq7 It was the very definition of NaA. It was fun, but totally worthless.
@wes you forget that im a PowerShell wizard
I can do a days work in two hours. Just don't tell my boss that.
@ScottPack well, I did help instigate the cooking question, so I should probably STFU and go sit in a corner...
And could be taken offensively by the questioner since it was, effectively, making fun of their question.
Q: Cooking turkey with high-voltage arc

MikeyBI'm hungry at a power substation. All I have is a 13-pound turkey and these air-interrupt breakers. How long does the turkey have to sit in the arc before it's done?

@WesleyDavid Mr Nonapatiede has never been flagged
(they STILL haven't closed that. @hobodave should probably put it out of its misery)
You can thank @RoryAlsop for the picture, by the way. He saved it for me. :)
@MarkHenderson I'm sure I've been flagged at some point
@MarkHenderson Yet!
@MarkHenderson Starred for posterity.
@voretaq7 its closed just not deleted
@ScottPack what's the badge for deleting your own answer with a high score again? You couldda been a contender
@voretaq7 Oh, they closed that question hard and fast.
@MDMarra I meant to say deleted.
@voretaq7 How much are you willing to bet on that?
@ScottPack Naw it stuck around for a little while.
@MarkHenderson One kitten.
@voretaq7 Disciplined
@MarkHenderson Make it two kittens!
@MarkHenderson that's the one.
@voretaq7 Gimmie a kitten then. 0 flags.
@voretaq7 There's also Peer Pressure
@MarkHenderson RIGGED!
@MarkHenderson sighs
Count the hanging chads.
oh, which one can I part with...
Hmm. I don't think I've ever had mod action against any of my stuff, but I wonder if there's flags?
@voretaq7 I think it got up to +4 before it went away.
@voretaq7 I am glad to see that you don't link people to goatse or tubgirl though, even though I thought that died out in the '90s
Wait a tick.
Q: Deleting closed questions with no answers

IainI don't think there any reason why we shouldn't delete questions like these. They are closed, have no answers and are very unlikely to get reopened - they (largely*) have no value. The It takes 3 votes from 10k users to delete these types of post. Are other people with >= 10k prepared to join i...

Although it is a bit like saying "Come to my birthday party, I promise not to rape your wife while you're there"
We should have a day where we only speak in lolcat pictures.
@MarkHenderson The new hotness is 2girls1cup. But that's just MEAN.
Why on earth do I have a vote to undelete button on my own deleted post?
@ScottPack . . . because KITTEH?
Is this accurate about negative score questions.
@voretaq7 Not being a teenager, I have managed to avoid that one so far
I don't even have delete votes!
Err ?
@voretaq7 No, it's "two kids at the pool" or "lemon party" or "eat your soup" - those are where it's at.
@MarkHenderson I had some friends show it to me to see if they could get a reaction. I rolled my eyes.
@scottpack it won't do anything
<- completely jaded.
@MDMarra Well, let's find out.
<- observed autopsies for fun.
@voretaq7 Yeah, you call that "Thursday" right?
It's a Ted herring to keep you from linking mark h to tub girl
God I hate autocorrect
@voretaq7 Is it weird that I examine crime scene photos as a hobby?
Sonsabitches! Since a mod deleted it my vote is rejected.
Where are we?
I don't know, but I can darn well tell you where we're *not* : ***THE UNIVERSE***.
@WesleyDavid yes
@MarkHenderson Ummm... :'(
Finally reached the bottom. Well today has been a perfect shitstorm, hasn't it?
@WesleyDavid Not at all. How else will you perfect your technique?
@Holocryptic That's committment
@Holocryptic How was your 30 hour commute?
@Holocryptic not perfect :P
@MarkHenderson If only I could find a woman to share your sentiment
@Holocryptic Perfect would have involved a meteor strike. We're still scanning the skies...
@ScottPack Not terrible
@Holocryptic I'll try harder next time.
@voretaq7 Starred to try to get good markdown. Didn't work.
It doesn't like :
@ScottPack You do that
Neither does ruby.
Ruby can bite me.
Oh wait, it DID.
Right, on that night. Time for me to go pummel some desiccated grass.
@ScottPack pummel? Immolation is faster....
@ScottPack Is that what they're calling it these days?
@voretaq7 Tomorrow, I get to refactor a bunch of puppet garbage so that it stops throwing include errors on 2.7. They decided to find a very tall horse for looking at "import *".
@voretaq7 DON'T YOU TALK BAD ABOUT RUBY!!! My grandmother was a saint.
@ScottPack Get that A/V guy involved. He's awesome.
@ScottPack that made me giggle.
@WesleyDavid You're a bad person.
@ScottPack Flagged.
@WesleyDavid Flag you!
@ScottPack Mother flagger!
@ScottPack @WesleyDavid! If you're going to flag I damn well better see proper semaphore signaling!
@WesleyDavid Flaggity flaggity flag flag flag!
@voretaq7 Did you know that the peace sign is a semaphore for "N" and "D" superimposed on eachother? ND standing for Nuclear Disarmament.
@WesleyDavid Did you know that we don't care what you say?
i thought it predated the nuke?
/me holds up a sign that says LAUGH
My family has uber-fundie tendencies and swears up and down that it was intended as a sign of the cross upside down with its arms broken.
As someone who attempts to be a christian, they make me ashamed sometimes. facepalm
there we go.
@ScottPack Did you know that you can talk a long walk off a short pier and then GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SAMMICH!!
@voretaq7 I find your flags offensive
@WesleyDavid with the fish he caught?
@TylerShads Bastard. I was going to say that.
@TylerShads Flags about Flagging. MetaFlag'd
hmm.. sammich
@voretaq7 Flags about flagging about flagging.
@TylerShads oh god, this is devolving into my last boss, only with "flag" instead of "plan"
@voretaq7 So he had a plan about making a plan about plans?
that man wanted a plan for everything. he wanted a plan to have a plan to make a plan when we failed to plan to plan to fail while planning the plan
@TylerShads In other words, he was a project manager.
@voretaq7 Ohhh, so he was into ITIL.
@WesleyDavid Worse: Air Force Reservist.
@WesleyDavid Or a poor software engineer trying to be a project manager
@WesleyDavid Dare I ask what tha acronym means?
@TylerShads Bondage, masochism and sharp objects jammed into your privates.
@TylerShads Hit up the wikipedias. Report back on Monday when you're done.
The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), is a set of good practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business. In its current form (known as ITILv3 and ITIL 2011 edition), ITIL is published in a series of five core publications, each of which covers an ITSM lifecycle stage. ITILv3 underpins ISO/IEC 20000 (previously BS15000), the International Service Management Standard for IT service management, although differences between the two frameworks do exist. ITIL describes procedures, tasks and checklists that are not org...
@WesleyDavid I thought you said ITIL was bad?
@ScottPack I lol'd
I'm going to bed.
@ScottPack that's what she... wait...
@ScottPack I know, that imagery doesn't properly convey the horror.
@WesleyDavid kinky
@WesleyDavid Flagged for failed immature joke.
LIke I said, I think we found something to replace our boob meme...
@TylerShads Flagged for slyly trying to resurrect boobs.
@WesleyDavid I in no means want to rez it if it is deemed inappropriate to people that don't want to hear it. I'm just merely suggesting we have a suitable replacement.
Just don't say it around Reba C. I think I burned her out on it already.
@WesleyDavid You're bad at ascii art, so it's your fault.
@WesleyDavid Reba?
@TylerShads so it's a new meme you want is it?
6 hours ago, by Shads0
in The Couch on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 17 secs ago, by Eliza
@Shads0 Perhaps in your fantasies we please each other.
@RebeccaChernoff The famous country singer is actually a BOFH, who knew?
@RebeccaChernoff Ummm... hi... gulp
@voretaq7 Name's changed, it's not very effective
@TylerShads You shan't escape your shame sir!
@RebeccaChernoff Dangit, I intentionally didn't @ you so as not to pull you in here. You're... creepy.
(or you could just pretend it isn't you and make fun of yourself at your own expense)
@voretaq7 unlike @pauska, I accept my shame <3
@RebeccaChernoff You're the Mrs. Frederick of Chat apparently :-)
@WesleyDavid Coming from you, thats....disturbing...actually
@TylerShads t(>.<t) <-- there's your ASCII art, pony boi
(and is it supposed to be Frederick or Frederic? I've seen it all over the internet both ways but haven't watched the Warehouse 13 credits to see which is right!)
@WesleyDavid Poni boy is @RobMoir. GET YOUR MEMES RIGHT DAMMIT
And yes, it takes a lot to make me look over my shoulder, but ummm... "R" makes me check my closet at night.
:2731869 @RebeccaChernoff has been summoned to chat.
Oh hell, now @jcolebrand is here. WHAT DID WE EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS TREATMENT?!?!
@WesleyDavid Another blue called in or is he actually here for chat o.x
@WesleyDavid stop leaving the food out! :-)
@TylerShads We should make a ServerFault D&D module.
@WesleyDavid just so I can plan accordingly, assuming you'll be sleeping with one eye open, will that be the left eye or the right eye? >_<
Wtf? One name change per week and I had first dibs.
What's so hard about that
@MDMarra we'd rather screw everyone up.
@RebeccaChernoff O_-
@MDMarra I wasn't here to debate it so....too bad? <3
I suppose I could switch to one of my alternate numerical accounts. But I was reserving that for if I ever wanted to set up sockpuppet....
@MDMarra We considered your demands and rejected them. =P
@WesleyDavid They were flagged as invalid, actually
@MDMarra we assumed you'd kill the hostages if we ignored your demands.
Is that the case?
I'm going to flag the shit out of you.
All of you.
@MDMarra Flagged for inciting a riot.
@MDMarra Flagged for threatening
@WesleyDavid duly noted, thanks (:
@MDMarra Flagged for ending in a preposition.
@MDMarra FLOG dear, FLOG.
@WesleyDavid high five for being immature!
@TylerShads \o
Where's the library at, dipwad?
@WesleyDavid At least he's using proper punctuation!
@Aaron I have no idea why I starred that, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
@WesleyDavid, from now on I'll only give punchlines of jokes, you make up the rest, and star if it it's agreeable
@Aaron I really have no idea why that hit me like it did, but I'm straight up laughing me head off =D
In the same vein:
Bring me my brown pants!
@WesleyDavid, do you actually know the library preposition joke?
@Aaron Question is, were they brown when you bought them?
@Aaron No, but I'm cool with just having the punchline. That's all that matters anyway.
@Aaron Honestly? I prefer a good dangling participle joke.
@voretaq7 The second person to make a phallic joke out of context!
Or there's the one about the Virginians that went to harvard. He met a girl at a bar and asked
"Do you go to Harvard?"
Markdown, I hate you.
@Aaron I'm serious. There was a GREAT dangling participle in the Kings Quest games....
I am going to kill John Gruber.
@WesleyDavid wtf
And with a name like "Gruber" did anyone actually expect it to work?
@WesleyDavid I think your spaces before and after * broke it
Science, bitches. It wurks.
@WesleyDavid ಠ_ಠ
@TylerShads ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Missing a slash...
屮゚Д゚)屮 _________**(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻**
@TylerShads Stop browsing Wikipedia.
@WesleyDavid ಠ益ಠ NO
nice. $275 expense report
cha ching
@voretaq7 I don't like that...
Flagged for lack of entertainment!
@TylerShads You. aren't. a. KITTY.
@voretaq7 I has a kitteh
@TylerShads teach kitteh to say fuck. Then make talking kitty videos.
@voretaq7 Kitteh is too proper to curse
@TylerShads Nonsense. Leave a tape recorder while you're not home
Kitty's playing GTA on your iPhone :)
@RebeccaChernoff flagged for being a blue and cursing, shame on you!
@voretaq7 I wish I had an iphone =[[
I didn't curse!
not that time at least. (;
@RebeccaChernoff that lead me to this:
you implied it heavily with a speech impaired child
@TylerShads also, really not finding this new meme funny >_<
@RebeccaChernoff Me either, but its funny
@voretaq7 uhhhh?
@TylerShads IDK. it's a panda.
@voretaq7 This is true, I approve of your argument.
@voretaq7 I am not responsible for youtube showing you other videos (:
@TylerShads I also like how mom/dad/whatever-the-hell-the-bigger-one-is just sortta goes back to eating
"My offspring just had some kind of seizure or fit or something. Perhaps I should.... ooh tasty bamboo!"
@voretaq7 Dude, bamboo is fucking delicious
@TylerShads Especially when you're nibbling it out from under your fingernails.
@TylerShads Im more a Eucalyptus man.
@voretaq7 That explains a lot...cute and cuddly, but then all of a sudden turns into a grey monster
@WesleyDavid only noobs get it there
I guess fullscreening a HTML5 vid on youtube doesn't keep your screen timeout from occuring
I do this when someone wants me to set up FTP on a Windows server
@WesleyDavid O.x
ok bedtime for me -- bb2m0
@voretaq7 Sleep well
scftpd or gtfo
Actually, CrushFTP is kewl
/me wonders...
/me whispers "Becca" and cowers
@WesleyDavid suspenseful music

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