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Am I the only one frustrated with people like this? serverfault.com/questions/215222/…
I don't know if it frustrates me.... It does display a certain magnitude of ignorance/naïveté.
@Bart, yep, i'm over it.
The answers say the same basic thing and every time it's a "but what if...what if..."
If the question is being asked in that manner, they're already in over their head.
If you have the cash and the experience, yes it's cheaper! Duh! The hard part is having the infrastructure and experience! (and to afford it you have to be a trust fund baby or have very little need for this site in the first place or are already a host provider to pay the bills...)
@jscott: probably so. Is it cheaper? I don't know...how much is having your site up and accessible worth to you? If you put a dollar value on it, which is higher?
@BartSilverstrim Regardless, the fact that they're asking indicates they don't know enough to begin with.
I couldn't make a quantifiable argument against hosting/vps unless I knew exactly which resources were available to me.
He just commented on the answer. Mentioning Facebook hosting their own servers is probably a good indicator of the understanding of the business side he has. I'm thinking he's mostly a dev with little business experience? Pure speculation on my part.
If he has a small home type site with matching traffic...stick it on a spare computer in the corner. Personally if it's worth buying a $3,000 server just to host it himself and he's asking these questions now I believe he's in over his head; hosting something like this means getting a dedicated IP, contract agreements to keep his connection up within certain times, etc...
serverfault feels more and more like a sysadmin school
I hate it :(
I don't know too many programmers that know much about OS's and sysadmin work. I was surprised to learn that.
Like Joel's post in Meta...maybe we've just been here too long that we don't have tolerance for people who haven't been here so long.
@BartSilverstrim I don't think it's a problem of tolerance or time spent here.
Serverfault doesn't "grow" with us...we're regulars and old fogey's in SF time.
There's an obvious disconnect of background knowledge in many questions.
Most are drive-byers, though.
I have less tolerance for those that should be tagged with "can't be bothered to google"
This guy obviously seemed to lack experience in the business of sysadmin and hosting 101.
Don't know if Google would aggregate something like that. It takes more in-depth understanding to truly comprehend the meaning of "you have no idea what you're asking."
Don't know what they don't know.... The most dangerous kind.
Q: Cost effective way to host site / VPS / yourself?

Herr KaleunHello Friends, i am paying about 55 USD for a VPS every month that makes it about 660 USD a year. For the current traffic, it's good enought but, my question is, wouldn't i be better off, if i would buy for example, a server and plug it to the ISP myself? For example a Mac mini or a MacPro ? ...

are you talking about this one?
@gregd yes.
It seems as if he's wanting to be talked out of hosting it himself
As if, I'm doing this, tell me why I shouldn't
It sounds more like to me that he's made up his mind, he just wants others to agree with him.
@BartSilverstrim Yeah, that's what I was getting at
He's asking people and they're all saying the same basic thing, but he kept saying, "but what if...what if..." like no one has thought of this in their answer.
Dude, if you have the knowledge, the experience, resources, and time...duh. It's cheaper. You'd be a host provider already.
If you're a dev asking this then chances are you lack expertise in more than one of these areas. That's what you pay someone else for.
And in other cases, it's not worth your time when you do a business case. That's why I pay my garage to change my oil and while they're at it check the brakes and tires and transmission and everything else for me. It would be cheaper for me to do it myself, but I don't have a garage, I don't have experience with it, and I don't want to invest the time it takes to get proficient at doing everything short of autobody work on my car with confidence that I'm not going to @#% it up.
Does anyone else find it weird that so many DEVS lack fundamental computer knowledge?
I used to.
Not so much anymore.
@BartSilverstrim Not to mention, it's damn cold out, and a slipped wench can result in a GD knuckle-buster!
@jscott - yes indeed. And it's expensive to stock parts for repairs sometimes.
And specialized tools.
@jscott I don't know, I kinda like slipped wenchs :)
meters. Computers to read your brand of car's computer now.
Oh lord that's a great Freudian slip.
Need more coffee....
Or more tightly fitting wenches.
slippery wenches.
sysadmin humor
Ditto, @BartSilverstrim.
Some developers just memorize syntax, a language. That is not necessarily intrinsic to any level of technical knowledge.
"I can use Eclipse and code Java!"
Goes right next to Excel and Word on a resume.
@Warner I can use Eclipse and wouldn't put it on a resume... A resume is your first chance to brag, if knowing Eclipse is one of the first things you want to brag about...
You're making funny tedious, @ChrisS.
@Warner I think that's caused by caffeine deficiency.
Anybody else on vacation today and yet in front of their work computer?
At work in front of my work computer.
We just got sent home because of bad snow. I'm sat in front of my own laptop doing work :(
I'm on vacation and in front of my work computer at work..
Well, mentally on vacation
Vacation is the only time we can get stuff done around here. Staff/students will be away Friday and Monday... yay.
Yeah if only we didn't have those pesky users we'd get so much more work done.
Q: Does Network neutrality mean you can host a server?

Bubby4jDoes the Network neutrality ruleing mean that you can lawfully host a server on ANY ISP without paying extra?

Now we're answering legal questions?
That question kinda brings me back to being able to close questions as being too daft for words
I would rather be on vacation, but the wife doesn't get time off so I can either get stuff done in an empty office building, or sit on my couch.
With the university being closed 3 days over 2 weeks, there is a great incentive to not come in at all. Silly state employees.
hee hee...this guy thought that he could host whatever he wanted from a service provider from the magic of net neutrality?
Good god. I think I need a break from SF. I tell him it's ill-advised to take legal advice from complete strangers and then he asks where he should go then? I want to strangle someone.
Google is your friend...
The yellow pages :-)
Or...I don't know...call your service provider? Unless you don't want them to laugh at you.
Where the $#^^#@$! do you think you should go for legal advice?
@BartSilverstrim On that note, we really don't give a shit where you host your server. Your clients on the other hand may...
I host my web server on my iPod. I'm clever.
I host it on my watch
Apache Wrist FTW!
Commander Data?
@gregd Closed. Happy now?
@packs Whether the question is closed or not doesn't matter.
I'm simply getting frustrated at questions like, which hosting provider would you recommend?, what licensing should I get?, what should I do legally?. Which means I probably need a break from SF
If it's stressing you then yes, you probably should.
@packs He wont be happy until he can punch people in the face over standard TCP/IP.
@ChrisS That made me chuckle
user image
Doh, too late. :)
I had that hanging just above my phone on my cube wall.
Was asked to remove it.
Q: What are the practical differences between an IP address and a server?

JMC CreativeMy understanding of IPs and other DNS-type server-related issues really falls short (read: exteme noob). I know a dedicated server would increase speed. What, if any, difference in speed would a dedicated IP make? Am I correct in understanding the Best Practices from Yahoo that I could use the ...

@jscott: really? That sucks.
Ummmmm what?
I'm unclear about what he's asking
I think my brain needs a reboot this morning
@GregD no ... it's a horrible question from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about and is trying to look like they know what they are talking about ...
I suspect his brain needs a reboot.
i gave him a comment chance
@BartSilverstrim There is a zero-tolerance policy for violence/bullying here. 0_o
Those are the kinds of questions I expect to hear from developers.
Sounds like a not fun place to work if you're not allowed to have joke cartoons hanging in your workspace.
(don't let my comment stop your vote to closes)
That is one of the strangest questions I've ever read.
Even for a bad question, TomTom likes to get really snappy.
@packs If I heard that question from a developer under my domain, I would fire them on the spot
I thought he was tame compared to other answers this time.
I mean...tomtom...someone asking, "will a dedicated IP make me faster?"...that's like smacking a lion in the face with a steak while giggling like a little girl.
If by lion, you mean: "irritating illiterate with an obvious culture clash who's often wrong." Sure.
uhg ... damnit
he was better for a little bit
sigh now i need to go and check his posts
TomTom is a weird case. Hes got such a harsh tone but I can't deny that he has helped a lot of people, myself included.
yes i know ... it's just his attitude
the problem happens when someone finds "JMC's" question and his answer
well that's bad .. .he is just full of wrong on that answer
but one of his snippy answers could put of 1 or more new users that could really contribute to the site
since they see another forum with grumpy sysadmins
I'm just shocked at how quick he rose. I remember seeing some of his first answers and I was amazed at just how snippy he could get.
Yet he's managed to get to 10k+
@GregD The best developers I've worked with are proper engineers. Unfortunately, the majority that I've worked with aren't.
Posted by Kyle Brandt on October 13th, 2010

It seems to me that every system administration community eventually de-evolves to a bunch of negative administrators that answers questions with things like:

“RTFM.” “Let me Google this for you ….” “man ps, idiot.”

The next step is to end up like the typical IRC channel, “Happy to give you advice, as long as you don’t mind that I am going to insult you while I do it.” For those who haven’t spent time in many IRC channels it goes something like: …

If you speak with conviction, some people will listen, no matter how wrong you might be.
@Zypher Ah yes I remember that blog post. I even have a comment in it to boot. Very much agree with what Kyle is saying there.
scuse me while i give the guy an answer
the IP address guy? I had a go at his question but when you start from that starting point its difficult to know what kinda things you can say to them
How's my answer?
not bad, I like the IP address = address analogy
@RobertMoir yea he is trying, his clarification helps
I think it's another "in over your head" case if he's asking that. I think. But the dude was clarifying his question, so he's not a buzz-by.
Tomtom is grumping about the downboat
Tomtom reminds me of RichB on SO
yea i'm ignoring him right now
no i don't know what i'm talking about ... i only run the servers for a top 500 website ...
sometimes i get the impression he is stuck at a small shop and is not happy about that
@Zypher, thats because you dont know what you talks about. ;)
So I guess those dedicated IP addresses I am using for single servers are illegal?
and that ip block we bought is illegal too
He's a Windows guy. He probably runs internal infrastructure and resets passwords all day long, which would explain his ignorance regarding a CDN.
and the fact that you DO own your phone number escapes him
@GregD If you could easily use less, or if you aren't using a large chunk of your assignment, then yes, you're supposed to return them... I don't think anybody actually does though
@Zypher Well, not to defend him, but you own it in the same sense that you own your house address...
Actually he reminds me of me when I was younger and less experienced... I used to think I knew everything once but if your mind is at least a bit open you start to realise the more you learn the more you realise there is left to learn
He's just a dick. I wouldn't over analyze it.
But I only have a block of 60
you can tell academia stitched up IPv4... we have more ip addresses than we know what to do with and keep getting offered more
@ChrisS eh maybe in days past that was a good analogy but you can't take your home address with you when you move ... ehh anyway ... spent too many brain cells on it already :)
@RobertMoir damn those acedemics
the Uni I used to work at had a class A, and the college I'm at now was given 2 class Cs
@RobertMoir Ooo...a /8. Old and big time. We somehow managed to get both a /16 and a /18.
not too bad either
Likely way more than we need. Because of the way they were internally allocated originally it is rather hard to get meaningful usage figures.
yes indeed
way more than needed, but there you go
ahh verizon ... i hate you
@Warner There is a lot of truth in that. The only reason I know much about CDNs or highly scaled out webserving is what has rubbed off by hanging out here :P. I don't like that, but it's the truth.
@packs We have a /16, which I believe I've mentioned before. It means, "IPv6 will happen when forced."
Which makes it really odd that I'm apparently the top user in the ipv6 tag.
@sysadmin1138 Pretty much the same. I'm not entirely sure what will happen w.r.t. our network infrastructure when we begin offering IPv6. I know some of the qualifiers with Cisco (we were largely a PIX shop in transparent mode), but we're moving to Juniper now.
In our case we had a bunch of old Catalyst switches at the edge that were v6-questionable. Those are being replaced in a major project over the next 4-6 months.
Apparently, PIXOS supports v6, but only in routed mode, and only if it is configured as a v6 router.
In transparent mode it will silently drop all v6 traffic as a "protocol anomaly"
That would be why our PIX machines weren't cited as a problem. Good to know.
Is crossposting encouraged?
No, it isn't. At least to sites with migration paths.
Well I can't close one as a dupe of the other if it exists on a sister site
a protocol anomaly if you will
Ah, that problem. I believe the accepted solution is to post a chastening comment to the effect of, "Bad crossposter, no upvote," and let the mods deal with it somehow.
ok...flagged for moderator attention
i believe it has a better chance of getting answered on SO
With all due respect, @sysadmin1138. ;)
Of course! I'm all about the tact around here.
hey guys, I'm trying to mstsc from XP to Ubuntu Server 10.10 but the destination is unreachable
Did the "This is the licensing question to close all licensing questions as dupe" question ever get posted?
However; I can remote desktop from ubuntu desktop 10.10 to my ubuntu server 10.10 box just fine
@sadmicrowave Does mstsc now support remote (vnc??) connection to Linux machines?
@Ben I don't remember it going by... Maybe the meta-post is a good thing to point to.
Q: Should licensing questions be closed?

John GardeniersAfter seeing yet another licensing question I'm wondering whether I'm right in thinking they should be closed. While it can be difficult or slow getting answers for technical questions from the vendors, software companies, etc., surely questions about licensing should always be directed to the su...

Cool OK. We can't close as dupe for meta can we?
Don't think so. Close as 'too localized' and post the question as a comment, I guess.
Shoot, one of the senior guys on my team just turned in his resignation.
He handled most of the network stuff and served as mentor for the internal Windows stuff.
@Warner yikes!
Jeebus. Cisco could make their website all navigable via CLI and it would be easier than their current website.
At least the CLI has tab-completion?
I'm thinking about posting the "licensing question to close all others" and flagging for it to be CW'ed. Thoughts? pastebin.com/nQGvh9R7
Worth a shot, IMHO. Also, licensing schemes vary by size of the organization looking to license, the type of contract they can get, and location.
Exactly. There's no way we can absolutely know the right answer, and I wouldn't like to be the person who gets fired because they believed $person on Server Fault who said it was legal
Oh my goodness
I'm batting heads with my management because they think we should add the service desk staff into the server patching rotation
@Dynamo Enjoy that. Should be a nice cost-cutting move. :)
Until they bugger it up and require sysadmin overtime to fix it :)
Reset a password, reset a password, change a user name, clear a print queue, patch the Exchange server and reboot.
I have no problem with them coming in with a sysadmin to learn
@jscott mstsc does not support vnc, but it's possible to run a x server that supports rdp.
But to want to put them into the rotation on their own seems insane to me
@ChrisS Cool, good to know.
f'in scraper ... comming in through tor
@Zypher can you please CW this question
Q: Can you help me with my software licensing question?

BenI have a question regarding software licensing. Can the Server Fault community please help with the following. How many licenses do I need Is this licensing configuration valid What CALs do I need to be properly licensed Can I run this product in a virtual environment

done and done
Cheers :)
@Ben Nicely done.
Very nice
what program do you guys recommend for remote desktoping from xp to a linux box?
@packs +1 for humor; but I don't think that's what he's looking for.
@sadmicrowave tightvnc
unless you can somehow config putty to let you control the remote desktop
@ChrisS I figured not, but I just couldn't resist.
@sadmicrowave PuTTY is a TTY program... probably not what you're looking for.
You can do vnc, however it takes some effort to get setup, as I recall
alright, so lets talk about an app that doesnt require alot of extraneous setup
@packs I think the x vnc server is installed by default... though I don't really do Linux. I've got Cygwin installed on my laptop and just run a whole X server, tunneled over SSH (putty).
@sadmicrowave You said you can remote in from another box already, yes? What protocol does it use?
I can use the Remote Desktop Viewer on Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 to connect to the ubuntu server
@sadmicrowave-xming + putty
That's VNC
Anyone have a ODBC driver for Sybase System 10 lying around (using in Windows 2000, need a more current one than came with W2000)?
@jscott: what is? xming+putty?
I started looking up XMING and everyone says its in the unstable beta versions..is that true?
shrug dunno. I use it.
Doesn't require an install.
Just stick it in a shared directory and run it directly.
Sorry, The Remote Desktop Viewer (Vinagre) on Ubuntu is a VNC client.
fast and convenient.
And compatible with XP and Win7.
It's free...don't lose anything if you try Xming and putty to do it.
On the first day of xmas my users gave to me...an autocad install CD...
what kind of configuring does it require to comm with ubuntu?
@sadmicrowave: what? xming? Nothing. X installed. SSHD running.
@BartSilverstrim isn't that song supposed to have nice happy things?
If you can ssh in and forward X on the server side, you should be fine. You just need the x server running on Windows to display things.
Which is xming.
Run xming, then open putty, tell it to forward X in the x11 settings, ssh in and launch your programs.
On the second day of xmas my users gave to me...2 vista CD's and an autodcad install CD.
i just downloaded xming and it does require an install by the way
On the third day of xmas my users gave me to me...3 printer driver glitches, 2 vista cds and an autocad install CD.
Don't know what to tell you. I unzipped it to my home dir.
Never ran install from any of the 800 workstations we have here.
Just click my home dir/xming, run launcher.exe and it's done.
alright so I have xming running...now what?
from their site: Xming is the leading [WWW]X Window Server for Microsoft XP/2008/Windows7. It is fully featured, lean, fast, current, simple to install and because it is standalone native Microsoft Windows®, easily transported portable as a pocket X server.
Do you have putty?
run launcher, okokok until it's in the system tray.
launch putty, go to x11 settings and tell it to forward connections.
go back in putty to where you enter the IP/host name and connect, tell it yes to accept the hash
Then log in.
Then....*shrug* launch what you want to launch?
vinagre, firefox,...
You're logged into the remote workstation, aren't you?
then...yeah, if you want to launch ssh you can.
Whatever you want to do from your workstation.
@Bart, I think he wants a desktop GUI.
if you installed a minimal ubuntu server then you will need xauth and xbase-clients installed.
VNC will give you the desktop, it also shows anyone at the console what you're doing if the monitor is on.
You should be able to use xming to make an xdcmp connection.
If you know what applications you want you can just execute it from the command line.
Personal preference is to do it this way since it's fast and encrypted.
VNC by default isn't unless you tunnel it through ssh.
since I'm new to ubuntu server I installed ubuntu-desktop over the core command-line for now...so I want control of the entire desktop
What are you trying to launch?
I must have done something wrong because ssh to it gives me a connection refused error
have you installed openssh-server?
You need to have, on the remote system, ssh installed.
and allow for x forwarding if you do it this way.
sigh why do I have to explain telecom shorthand to a verizon person
Others may disagree but I avoid VNC into servers and workstations.
so ubuntu server 10.10 doesnt already have ssh installed?
that sucks
because you are talking to a customer service rep, who probably barely graduated high school?
It's more overhead, and it's like sitting at the console.
i.e., someone can see potentially what you're doing. And there's more crap sent back and forth and graphics glitches possible. X forwarding is the "UNIX Way (tm)" and when forwarded through X is encrypted.
ubuntu has an ssh client installed, no servers are installed to protect people from setting up insecure servers when they don't know any better.
Basic install may not have it.
@Zoredache i know but ... it's sales speak i'm talking to our account rep
he might be a local guy though ... i'm talking toll free
By default you don't want the kitchen sink in there...if you're going to take up memory and disk space, you have to do it yourself so you don't get little surprises to disable, depending on what you're setting up the system for.
@BartSilverstrim You know what you're doing...
Rarely accused of that.
I'm just using X forwarding now to read my email from my OS X system.
alright I'm setting up open-ssh on the remote box
Go into /etc/ssh (or is it sshd?) and look for the sshd config file.
now its done
open it in a text editor and make sure that x forwarding is yes.
If it isn't, comment it out and add that line so it's a yes, then restart sshd.
A: putty external text editor?

ZoredacheIf you really need a GUI editor another alternative is to install on one on the server and run it via SSH. To do this you need: An X11 server on your guest that is running. (Xming works well - http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/) To permit X11 forwarding on the server X11Forwarding yes To ...

That reminds me, just the other day I got myself a VPS, and it had an option for FreeBSD 8.1 minimal to start the image; when I clicked on it I was presented with a huge warning that it's for HIGHLY ADVANCED ADMINISTRATORS WHO REALLY KNOW THEIR STUFF AND IT DOESN'T COME WITH ANYTHING INSTALLED AT ALL!. I had to laugh at their plea for noobs to stay away.
After doing that you should be able to putty into your Linux machine (make sure again x11 is set to forward in putty).
FreeBSD is great if you have a set role in mind. Playing with stuff...I thought it can get hairy.
x11forwarding is set to yes
You set it to yes, or it was set to yes?
it was set to yes
Is sshd in your process list? (it should be...)
sorry - ubuntu noob - how do I view my process list?
@BartSilverstrim I've been using it for so long that I'm pretty good with it. The workstation I'm at right now is running 8.1; so do all of my servers, routers, movie players, etc, at home.
ps ax |grep sshd
Is anyone familiar with apache installers on windows? :c
I kind of avoid apache on Windows...seems to be the red-headed stepchild in getting attention to things. Seems like it was glitchier when we used it.
@bart alright sshd is in my process lit
I have no concerns about that part... I just want to do mass install of it but I can't find the parameter not to install with the apache monitor
on your windows machine, Xming is in the system tray near the clock?
@BartSilverstrim Red-headed stepchild is putting it's nicely. If you using Apache, I'd run it on a *nix box for anything but development work.
@Queops, yeah, setup your favorite VM software, and then use favorite *nix. ;)
open putty, go to the x11 options and make sure forwarding is set up.
Then put in your host IP or name for the connection settings and connect.
msiexec /i httpd.msi /quiet ALLUSERS=1 SERVERADMIN=admin@localhost SERVERNAME=localhost SERVERDOMAIN=localhost SERVERPORT=14532 INSTALLDIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Apache
when I hover on the Ximg icon it says Xming Server:0.0
this is an example
If successful it should ask about the hash of the server, whether to cache it or not. Just say yes.
then asks for username and password.
If it's successful you'll be at a terminal on your server.
I can't find the public property for not installing the monitor T_T
@Queops, perhaps there isn't one...
God, don't tell me that, I managed to find the variables to input so that it it can install quietly
@Queops if you can find a malware author they can tell you how to install just about anything by browsing a website.
Not really familiar with Apache on Windows, but I doubt it really needs to do much to the OS. You may just need to copy the files over and use SC or something to create the services.. Skip the MSI thing completely.
@Queops, you could ask that as a question on SF though. Someone probably has a good answer.
Oh i was kinda
Well I was kinda uneasy about asking about software on stack
oh Serverfault, yeh I did
Q: Apache installer question

QueopsI'm currently using: msiexec /i httpd.msi /passive ALLUSERS=1 SERVERADMIN=admin@localhost SERVERNAME=localhost SERVERDOMAIN=localhost SERVERPORT=80 INSTALLDIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\apache To install apache without much input, however I don't want to install the Apache Monitor that comes w...

The more upvotes we get on this licensing question, the higher it'll show up in the 'top answers' for the Licensing tag:
Q: Can you help me with my software licensing question?

BenI have a question regarding software licensing. Can the Server Fault community please help with the following. How many licenses do I need Is this licensing configuration valid What CALs do I need to be properly licensed Can I run this product in a virtual environment

On the fourth day of xmas my users gave to me, four email bounces, three printer driver glitches, 2 vista cds and an autocad install request.
Nice answer by the way @sysadmin1138 - I'm actually going to accept that one over my own
Does she actually have a title involving licensing, @sysadmin1138?
On the fifth day of xmas my users gave to me...5...W..T..F's! 4 email bounces, 3 printer driver glitches 2 vista CD's and an autocad install request.
Bart I would give you gold if that rhymed :d
@sysadmin1138 Do you guys have any kind of state contract you can piggyback your licenses off of?
Hmm...don't know if I can do that.
I'm trying to get to 12 spammers spamming.
@Warner Darned close.
@packs yes, but since we're higher-ed the contracts we can negotiate frequently are better than we can get through the state.
I've known people to have primary responsibilities in the area but not be hired for the sole purpose of software license management.
I think her official title is something like "Computer Software Specialist," or somesuch.
There's someone in software sales from an "intermediate unit" we talk to but I don't think it's her sole responsibility.
State thing that does software sales to gov/education.
She also does the negotiations for our annual desktop replacements. IT purchasing is its own speciality.
I need a server farm hosted in my basement to offset heating costs in Winter.
@BartSilverstrim, but won't it cost you twice as much to cool in the summer?
Redundancy. Move the farm somewhere else in summer.
@sysadmin11 sorry to bug you here but can you please look at the comments I have added and correct me if im wrong. serverfault.com/questions/215398/…
Ah, we need a cloud, that smartly floats from the north to south hemispheres depending on the surface temperature...
I like doing that stuff but I focus on infrastructure.. pipes, equipment. I avoid software license management. I run Open Source Software. ;)
I need to live on a houseboat.
@BartSilverstrim An office-mate of mine does that.
Just move my entire setup somewhere else as the tide takes me.
Live like Duncan Macleod
@rzlines I don't have time right now, I'm about to head out the door.
That would be hell...an immortal sysadmin.
@sysadmin11 alright thank you, whenever you have the time
Our licensing person is a 'Logistics Specialist' or something equally vague and not helpful.
@rzlines, setup the internal address on both routers to 192.168.x.1, and 192.168.x.2. Connect the two routers with a cable. Assign an address to the linux box in that range. Disable DHCP on both. Setup DHCP on the Linux box, and setup reservations for clients with a different default gateway depending on the client.
Or if you wan to go for the really complex setup, set all the clients to have the Linux box as the default gateway, and then setup policy based routing.
@Zoredache do both the routers have to be on the same range? what about the gateways?
@rzlines, there are a half-dozen different ways to get what you seem to want working. All of them are a bit weird/unusual. But, the simplest way (IMHO) would be to put them both on the same subnet, and just set a different default gateway per client.
I believe that is what sysadmin1138 was suggesting as well.
@Zoredache okay I'll connect both the networks and use static addresses, all I need to know is how to assign the gateways on the router and the clients for eg: If the ip address of the client computer is can it have a gateway of, that won't be possible right? (sorry if i can't understand you but i'm a new to this)
The other day we were talking about USB<->Serial cables; the one I have has a Prolific chip in it, haven't been able to pry any other vendor info out of it.
You don't need to set gateway on the router. You leave the external interface set to whatever the external interface is supposed to be set to like your ISP dictates (probably dhcp). On the internal interface you set the IP address and netmask, and disable dhcp.
the two routers will need different IPs, but they would be on the same subnet.
@ChrisS I think mine does too. The only useful information on the unit is UC-232A. It seemed to only randomly work.
I also found the chip information page; not much help really: http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/Products.asp?ID=88
Mine works like a champ, really can't say anything bad about it at all.
@ChrisS According to lsusb, that's what mine uses as well. I suppose it could be the manufacturer and not the chip, or just my own dumb luck.
@Zoredache figured so the gateway on the clients would be the router's ip address right?
Yes, the gateway on the client will be set based on which router/ISP that client should use.
@Zoredache Thanks! it actually worked out!! This is amazing!
No problem. Please remember to click accept on sysadmin1138 answer.
@Zoredache already done it! I didn't think that this would be so simple both of you have made my day!
At the moment, I am guessing you have dhcp completely disabled. If you want to make it work a bit better, you would setup a DHCP server on that linux box, setup lots of reservations with different ip/gateway info. Statically assigned addresses will start to get really annoying if any of your devices are mobile (laptops/netbooks/iDevice/etc...)
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