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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

@MarkHenderson man I hate it when clients do that
the right thing to do sometimes is to sue them
@FalconMomot We considered legal action but it wasn't worth it
well at least you considered it.
We are small, they are large, and the guy that runs their business got large by being a bully and fucking over everyone in his way and destroying them professionally
sounds cheaper to hire a hitman than deal with him
@RyJones Are you offering? =P
@Wesley nope, I like life on the outside
@RyJones It has way more upsides than downsides, that's for sure.
Hitman is not our core business. Outsource it.
So I just found an Express Card docking station
I should turf this thing, right? Nobody uses Express Card any more?
rubbish it
@cole needs more hand sanitizer
hand soap!
I'm a compulsive handwasher :(
so i go through handsoap like crazy
@RyJones Done
Shit I just got an email from our cable distributor with a "special" on HDMI-over-fibre cables
A 300m cable is $1,990
The cheapest is $300 at 12m, so that 288 meters of fibre cable costs $1,600
I am so done with this shit today.
@Wesley I'll drink to that
aye aye
Been tooling away on poorly documented stuff since 7:30AM. 11 hours later, I'm still stuck.
@cole Hows the penis coming along?
@MarkHenderson need $43K
Hopefully finding a new jerb soon.
@cole Hooooo
We're down to 2.5 (really, 2) people right now.
@cole How's the personal finances coming? CC's gone?
@Wesley nope.
Do they do indigogo/kickstarters for penises?
I wish.
goes to namecheap and registers
I'm just completely burnt out.
I have nothing left.
@cole you still at that job you hate?
dude you just need to quit that shit
been months
@mossy yessir.
If I had enough in savings, I would.
Like I said, we're down to 2 people really. Me, the Unix admin and the jr. guy who's worked on the sysadmin team for longer than I've been in IT who never shows up/leaves early/does nothing all day.
Still haven't backfilled the guy who left, and the VMware/Domino admin got into a motorcycle accident and is going to be out for like 6-8 weeks or more.
So that makes me the Domino/VMware/Windows/AD/Unix/Linux/Storage/every other random application admin.
@cole Fuuuck that shit
and permanently...on call.
and my boss is going on vacation Wed-Wed
I hope I like working for a /big/ company.
I hated working for the last two small places
this is a big company.
It's in the Fortune 1000 (albeit #998) company.
6000+ users, 87 sites worldwide.
@cole You're getting combat pay for this, right?
@MichaelHampton negatory.
2 Billion dollar company - it's not small.
@mossy I hate working for big companies
I have a phone interview with the company that has been rumored to buy us out on Wednesday
just kidding.
One admin for 6000 users at 87 sites is still ridiculous.
I'm tired.
we have some lower level IT (desktop) guys in Romania, Japan, and a few other places - and two "sysadmins" in the UK but they're really just their as remote hands. Everything is centralized to the HQ.
@MarkHenderson I just want to make money.
I'm sure that will change down the road, and I'll be grumpy like you.
Mostly just places that have remote labs - so they're not really corporate IT guys.
@cole Tell me about it. How's family, g/fs and friends? Are they keeping out of your hair or is there also major drama there?
@Wesley family is family, girlfriend is great and definitely helping me get through this and my friends are just always upset i'm tired/grumpy/can't hang out because I'm busy with work
@mossy I'm only grumpy sometimes
@MarkHenderson :p
When I worked at a large company I was grumpy on an @cole level all the time
@cole We're twins except for girlfriends. I pissed someone off last week because I couldn't meet up with them in town.
@Wesley just sucks.
my girlfriend is fantastic.
I get frustrated by bureaucracy, red tape, people making decisions that have no idea what goes on on a day to day basis
I've been avoiding the girlfriend situation because I just can't see how that would work out right now.
Glad i went with dating older (not much, 1 year older than me) woman
@MarkHenderson I'm preparing for that. Try to have blinders put on before I start.
@Wesley Bah you're avoiding the girlfriend situation because you're chickenshit
It's really tough @Wesley - we live 45-50 minuets away from each other too.
Because if I can just keep my mouth shut and do my job, there is a lot of opportunity
@MarkHenderson I wish I smaller company could afford to pay me what the bigger companies can/do.
but i have never been able to keep my mouth shut.
so i suspect i'll be in here asking you lot for a job within the next 3 months.
@cole It took me almost 10 years but I'm almost at the salary i would have had at IBM/bank/$largecompany 5 years ago ;)
@mossy me either - my filter is shot because I'm so burnt. I told my boss that something he wanted me to do was "fucking stupid"
@MarkHenderson yeah I can't afford the paycut, I wish I could.
I want to pay my CC debt/medical bills off then I'd be in a better place to take a paycut
I'm definitely trying to find another job.
My girlfriend says that I shouldn't feel bad, I've honestly tried to make it work and things have significantly gone downhill since I came back so I should not feel bad.
@MarkHenderson Also, they have a coffee shop in the HQ. How could i hate this
and food trucks
and a slide.
To be honest I'm shitting my pants.
Did you move yet?
next week.
I leave Tuesday.
did you find a place?
I hope?
Not the studio
@cole I tell my boss that all the time
Paintbrush or Lantana?
Not a week goes by when I tell hm that something he wants me to do is fucking dumb
let me look
@cole Paint brush
@ShaneMadden how is puppetconf?
@mossy holy shit that's nice
Everything in the area is.
And so cheap.
I hate MA.
Well keep in mind that's about 20 min outside of SA
If u get into the city it's like 2k
for a big place
brb moving to TX
i need friends
I'll be in Austin in January
eerr San Antonio
@cole 70 during the winter.
should come then
I wish I could feel safe in TX
cause I would move.
During the summer I will be in here bitching about the heat though, just a heads up
Fucking. Massachusetts.
Still better than Rhode Island, though.
There's a lot of work in Texas man. Even if you don't want to work for a place like Rackspace.
Or Softlayer.
IBM is fucking softlayer now, so i think i would stay away from them.
It's more being in a state where my rights are protected.
oh right.
The coasts are really the only good places for me.
Texas probably the last place you want to go then lol
but idk
One of the last places.
I need one
@MarkHenderson Totally lol'd
Now @MarkHenderson, use your mod powers to fix your spelling in that starred comment
yiu're lame
@Wesley I was eating lunch
I have no idea what this person just tweeted at me:
> Only confirmed followers have access to @Empthinkness's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.
> @Nonapeptide bro ... can u tell jquery owner i don't have cc to activated something on digitalocean?, i'm interesting learning labor of love
I don't think this is an entity you want to be following.
@mossy Good! Crazy. Tons of people here.
I don't think this is an entity that I know why I'm following.
@ShaneMadden I read that as "tons of crazy people here."
@Wesley Try this one, is more fun : twitter.com/ActualPerson084
@mfinni Followed. Maybe they'll #followback ya'll
I ain't no #followback girl!
@mfinni what the fuck
> I am trying to get up and running my own DNS server but something is wrong.
@MarkHenderson It's a cross between a horror movie and an advertisement!
The problem you are encountering with installing and running your own DNS server is that you're installing and running your own DNS server.
A favorite of mine:
BRB, flushing my cookies.
@ShaneMadden Nice. I hope I can start going to some conferences soon.
Doesn't really answer the question. That works around the question. It is capable of routing traffic between ports. And there are advantages to keeping things on separate ports and selectively routing the traffic with firewall rules. A switch would allow all traffic from all addresses. — Evan Langlois 5 mins ago
If you're using ASDM then are you really using a Cisco?
Using wizardy checkboxes on a 5520
There is no justice in this world.
What would @danilaladner do
Come back @DanilaLadner I miss you. =(
And @JoelESalas too
@Wesley I use the ASDM almost exclusively on our 5505's
@ewwhite Because "its a home network"
@MarkHenderson Acceptable - thing isn't even rack mountable.
I gave Cisco CCM a go (basically ASDM for IOS) but the level of fail in that thing was horrendous
So my IOS is all command line
@Wesley signs contract with joelesalas' firm...
@Wesley I use ASDM
@Wesley lol no it is not, and it's not a standard U height either
@ewwhite Hoser. :P
(I use ASDM too)
((Because I'm a hoser))
@Wesley No shame in that
@Wesley Yes. That.
Am I the only one here who neither has nor wants a Cisco ASA?
@MichaelHampton I avoided ASAs for a long time because of their absurd price tag
Took the plunge around 2 years ago and now I love it
@mossy Ahh, yeah.. Do they have a specific policy or just kinda when your group has money?
@MarkHenderson OK, what's to love?
@ShaneMadden Not too sure. Seems like they're always at a conf though. Training you just have to let them know a week or 2 in advance.
Might be the same for conf
@mossy Ahh, yeah, might be pretty generous then
@MichaelHampton It just works
I have never had a problem with it that wasn't due to my own fat finger mashing
@MichaelHampton they're so cheap.
@ShaneMadden Going to focus on Red hat certs first thing tho.
5505s are solid
The AnyConnect VPN client, whilst proprietary, is so much better than the offerings from Sonicwall and other SSL-based VPNs I've used
@mossy Ahh yeah, that's probably not a bad idea
@ShaneMadden And are no longer able to buy support for :( Cisco won't sell us a contract for them
@Mark WTF? Why? Aussie issues?
@ShaneMadden EOL and apparently end of support
My cisco guy said he was going to send through the official notice but he never did
And it's not like he wouldn't want to take my money if he could
@Mark the new X models taking over?
@ShaneMadden yeah and there's no 5505 equivalent
I was told I 5512-X was the entry level model now
And if you're doing that, you may as well spring for the 5515-X
@Mark that's horrible.
@ShaneMadden I know
Let's get rid of a best seller 5505 and replace it with one that's almost 10x the price
OK so I just got the full story
I forgot to renew the SmartNet, so I had to purchase a new SmartNet
And new SmartNets are not being sold, but you can renew for another 4 years
@MarkHenderson Eh... my home router just works ...even when I run nightlies on it!
@MichaelHampton: The fact that you can run nightlies probably has a lot to do with it
And even if it somehow broke...I have a whole stack of spares
(Though, my ISP supplied dlink has been suprisingly solid, I do probably 'need' something with 24 ports if I wanted to do things right)
I've currently got a second router and a consumer switch that are nearly fully populated.
And I can run a Puppet agent on my...is it even a home router anymore?
What do you run again?
@MichaelHampton You have OpenWRT and it "jsut works"? I'm impressed
I remember trying to get ipsec tunnels working with DD-WRT and it was a fucking nightmare
@MarkHenderson OH, and it's a "release candidate" too
And with Tomato
Admittedly, not with OpenWRT
DD-WRT and Tomato were both messy
I liked Tomato for everything except ipsec
I dislike DD-WRT for everything since about '05
Tomato not only forked, it splayed into a thousand pieces. And DD-WRT seems to be half dead.
They started getting too big for their britches
But I ran my wifi service at the campground this year on nightlies. It was just whatever build came out the day before I left. The biggest problem I had was wireless interference I had to change channels on all the devices for.
Of course I was right next to an ambulance all week...
And yeah, DD-WRT tried to go all corporate and forgot to actually maintain the product.
@MichaelHampton Well i wouldn't recommend an ASA for home use
Also: Although it can route, it's decidedly not a router
It's suitable as an edge device for small networks
I realise that MikroTik are the Supermicro of the router world (thanks @Wesley for that analogy) but I quite like them now as well as a middle of the road device
@MarkHenderson Haha. You can actually run OpenWrt on those too. And Ubiquiti, and...
@MichaelHampton I was so disappointed when I cracked open one of their rack mounted devices and found a PCB that was just wide enough to fit the NICs on it and that's it
@MarkHenderson Yep, they are quite small, and don't really need to be much bigger
@MarkHenderson MikroTik, like super micro, can be used well... if it's used well. You gotta know what you're dealing with. Although there have been some MT bugs that blew chunks hardcore about six years ago. Routing tables mashed up upon saving a certain portion of the config.
Like totally inexcusable stuff. Never thought about using them after that.
Then again ProCurve had a similar firmware bug years ago. :P
@Wesley yeah and there was the Sonicwall bug that caused all their devices to lose all their licenses and entitlements
Everyone has issues :p
I'm waiting on Cisco to fix a bug for a case that I've had open for over 6 months
They can't even reproduce it in a lab
(IOS though)
@MarkHenderson SonicWall blows lemurs.
Actually, they're okay.
I just wanted to talk about lemur fellatio.
Of the mid-range firewalls I think SonicWall is the best.
If I had a sky-is-the-limit budget I'd probably go Juniper.
@Wesley I have one sonicwall at a client site, but they manage most of that themselves
@MarkHenderson: damnit, I found a local retailer, and those things are cheap
They've been very pleased with it
Before that they had a Netgear FVS that they hated
SonicWall GSM is good. Great way to manage lots of remote sites.
And before that they had a Cisco PIX that they hated (yes, PIX, not ASA)
I have a friend in town that uses it to manage his client sites. He's got dozens all over.
@Wesley Yeah I remember reading about that
Watchguard have a similar feature
I got rid of my last watchguard about 2 years ago. Wasn't a huge fan, but the hardware was bright red which was nice
@MarkHenderson I had a friend that used toooooons of Checkpoint stuff. He was a sr consultant for some Netherlands IT firm. Dealt with hundreds of them, was one of the top troubleshooters in the world or so the story went, by virtue of his familiarity with the product in all scenarios.
Swore by them.
I never got to touch one though.
I'd give them a try I guess, just because I trust his opinion.
But still... SonicWall is familiar, even if the rule / object paradigm is a little unique.
@Wesley Some of the things on the sonicwall bug me, but ultimately I was happy enough with what I saw
@MarkHenderson I always wanted to branch out and try their other stuff.
CDP, content filtering, virus filtering on the wire.
Oh, did I tell you I decided on a SonicWall replacement now that I just don't like the direction Dell is going?
This is for my Colorado office, and any potential other offices.
I was tossing up between 2x Sonicwall and 2x ASA 5525-x for our new DC when our DC threw in managed 2x Fortigate for free
good moaning.
@Wesley yeah I'm not surprised, I'm not that into them any more
@Wesley Interesting that you say that. I could find almost NO information on Fortigates from people who have them in the wild
I was wary when our DC offered them to us, but apparently they swear by them
Which fortigate model were you thinking?
@MarkHenderson The guy you helped out the other day? With... that thing? His MSP is doing well and that's what he's switching to from SonicWall since they kinda dicked him over not being a Million dollar+ client.
@DennisKaarsemaker DENNIS TALK TO MEEEEE
@Wesley Fair enough
Did that firmware work for him?
@MarkHenderson Oh wow, totally spaced that question. Ehhh, the 115 I think. Itty bitty one. With the full firmware package, not the slimmed down one.
@Wesley 'sup kitty litter?
So like $1500 a pop
@MarkHenderson yeah
@DennisKaarsemaker Is winter setting in up in the frigid nor'lands?
@Wesley Yeha thats what we were being offered as well
@Wesley autumn is finally coming in. Was still 75F over the weekend, now 60F and dropping.
@DennisKaarsemaker Soon you'll be a Kaarsicle =(
@DennisKaarsemaker Däs pritty.
@DennisKaarsemaker sweet
2 hours later…
@MichaelHampton :( I run Debian
G'day Iain
with your fancy italic nickname
@pauska Until recently it wasn't worth being a room owner but now they have given us powah to kick and mute people
@Iain hurrah
Q: How to view the /var/log/secure log file, getting permission denied

thulaseeHow to view the log file which is getting permission denied when viewing the log file unix environment

The fail is strong out there today and this makes me weep serverfault.com/questions/630483/…
@faker snap
"how do I unix?!?"
Ha ha. *cat*tails
just another of these monday weeks..
I got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. Today is going to be interesting.
mornin' all
chirp chirp chirp chirp
@Magellan chirp
All I got atm is cheep ... cheep cheep ... cheep from the sparrows
no cheeping here. It's also 1:20am here.
When using kickstart do you specify a --fstype for each partition or do you leave it out and use the default (presuming you're happy with the system default) ?
2 hours later…
Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator...
ye fuck you too
I hate it when that happens
just cause some googling an error.. ye bah
"an error has occoured, please contact your administrator" I AM THE ADMIN AND I don't know why the error happened ffs.
and there you go, i posted my first question on SO :( where can i hand in my geek card?
@DennisNolte second*
@Bob i did a first one already? wtf i have no memory of that
ah ye, the other crap one noone can answer.
I like job posting language: "Triumph International is one of the world’s largest intimate apparel companies". Underwear! You produce underwear.
@faker They produce bras that fit and work as advertised. They can use any language they damn well please.
I am a horse rider. These things matter.
@JennyD I know someone who worked there, they were awful. He left in the first year
policy nightmare. I guess that is kind of expected with 36k employees, but still
okay so we've got Grindr, Tindr, and now Cuddlr. I'm gonna register Fistr, Twistr, and Jumpr.
@tombull89 How does one pronounce "Tindr" and what's it supposed to mean? o.O
Oh, it's quite literally 'tinder', i.e. the stuff you burn...
@tombull89 Don't let political correctness hold you back, just register Rapr right away
@tombull89 get devopr. "Sexy DevOps engineers in your area want to troubleshoot your full stack application"
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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