We are small, they are large, and the guy that runs their business got large by being a bully and fucking over everyone in his way and destroying them professionally
Like I said, we're down to 2 people really. Me, the Unix admin and the jr. guy who's worked on the sysadmin team for longer than I've been in IT who never shows up/leaves early/does nothing all day.
Still haven't backfilled the guy who left, and the VMware/Domino admin got into a motorcycle accident and is going to be out for like 6-8 weeks or more.
So that makes me the Domino/VMware/Windows/AD/Unix/Linux/Storage/every other random application admin.
we have some lower level IT (desktop) guys in Romania, Japan, and a few other places - and two "sysadmins" in the UK but they're really just their as remote hands. Everything is centralized to the HQ.
@Wesley family is family, girlfriend is great and definitely helping me get through this and my friends are just always upset i'm tired/grumpy/can't hang out because I'm busy with work
@mossy me either - my filter is shot because I'm so burnt. I told my boss that something he wanted me to do was "fucking stupid"
@MarkHenderson yeah I can't afford the paycut, I wish I could.
I want to pay my CC debt/medical bills off then I'd be in a better place to take a paycut
I'm definitely trying to find another job.
My girlfriend says that I shouldn't feel bad, I've honestly tried to make it work and things have significantly gone downhill since I came back so I should not feel bad.
Doesn't really answer the question. That works around the question. It is capable of routing traffic between ports. And there are advantages to keeping things on separate ports and selectively routing the traffic with firewall rules. A switch would allow all traffic from all addresses. — Evan Langlois5 mins ago
But I ran my wifi service at the campground this year on nightlies. It was just whatever build came out the day before I left. The biggest problem I had was wireless interference I had to change channels on all the devices for.
Of course I was right next to an ambulance all week...
And yeah, DD-WRT tried to go all corporate and forgot to actually maintain the product.
@MichaelHampton Well i wouldn't recommend an ASA for home use
Also: Although it can route, it's decidedly not a router
It's suitable as an edge device for small networks
I realise that MikroTik are the Supermicro of the router world (thanks @Wesley for that analogy) but I quite like them now as well as a middle of the road device
@MichaelHampton I was so disappointed when I cracked open one of their rack mounted devices and found a PCB that was just wide enough to fit the NICs on it and that's it
@MarkHenderson MikroTik, like super micro, can be used well... if it's used well. You gotta know what you're dealing with. Although there have been some MT bugs that blew chunks hardcore about six years ago. Routing tables mashed up upon saving a certain portion of the config.
Like totally inexcusable stuff. Never thought about using them after that.
Then again ProCurve had a similar firmware bug years ago. :P
@MarkHenderson I had a friend that used toooooons of Checkpoint stuff. He was a sr consultant for some Netherlands IT firm. Dealt with hundreds of them, was one of the top troubleshooters in the world or so the story went, by virtue of his familiarity with the product in all scenarios.
Swore by them.
I never got to touch one though.
I'd give them a try I guess, just because I trust his opinion.
But still... SonicWall is familiar, even if the rule / object paradigm is a little unique.
@MarkHenderson The guy you helped out the other day? With... that thing? His MSP is doing well and that's what he's switching to from SonicWall since they kinda dicked him over not being a Million dollar+ client.
When using kickstart do you specify a --fstype for each partition or do you leave it out and use the default (presuming you're happy with the system default) ?