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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@MichaelHampton I feel Windows Installer would be used more if it wasn't such a fucking pain in the arse to do so.
Uh oh... I smell a developer.
@MichaelHampton: Do tell. As I said, I can't recall seeing a single one in the last 10-15 years. Even some of the ridiculous candy-apple installers like Asus AI Suite still uses MSI under the hood (as evidenced by its appearance under Add/Remove Programs). What highly-essential IT or business software does not use Windows Installer at some level? — Aaronaught 3 mins ago
> as evidenced by its appearance under Add/Remove Programs
...except it's perfectly possible to add non-MSI uninstallers there
heck, not just possible, pretty much all of them do so
Yay, I finally have a successful build. Now to see if it actually works.
@MichaelHampton What?
@Jacob It's Asterisk built for EL7
@MichaelHampton nice
ebay is trying to run silverlight on the logon page
Something smells suss there...
"If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces."
Oh yea, did anyone else have YouTube suddenly start trying to load the Nvidia 3D Vision plugin?
@Bob I did not...
> This is something that just started happening to me as well, when I updated Firefox to version 32.0.1.
I mostly use Chrome for my YouTubing
Aah, new displays are so nice
it has displayport in instead of dvi, and lots of pixels, and most importantly doesn't make popping sounds when I plug it in.
steals @FalconMomot's display and replaces it with a 10 inch monitor.
sets @JourneymanGeek in 17" of concrete
(actually, lovely, very useful thing. And has PAF, unlike one of those korean IPS screens I've wanted for ages)
And, I'm trolling some hipster dev with my alternate facebook identity. Man, I must be bored.
@JourneymanGeek PAF?
Parental Acceptance factor. WAF equivalent for unmarried blokes living with their parents.
@JourneymanGeek Gotcha
When I get my own workshop/shed the WAF will be irrelevant
I have a shed but it's too small to do anything except store stuff in
@JourneymanGeek the korean IPSes are a lot more expensive now
@JourneymanGeek I picked up a benq with better specs locally for about the same price
@FalconMomot Supply and demand at its best
@MarkHenderson yup.
they also don't cost $1000 locally now
@FalconMomot: there's still 300ish USD models floating around with free shipping
I bought an Acer 24" IPS about 12 months ago for about $270
@JourneymanGeek yeah I paid a bit more than that
Or I'll save up once I get a job, not pussyfoot around and get a 4K ;p
@JourneymanGeek Wait, are you talking 24" or 27"? 1920x1080?
@Bob: QHD
@JourneymanGeek ...that means nothing to me
@JourneymanGeek You can buy elcheapo 30Hz 4K TV's for cheap(ish) now.
@MarkHenderson: Yeah, though apparently practical display quality varies hugely
As a TV it would suck but as a working monitor or display it would be fine. Wouldn't wanna game on it though
I think I'm going to do a little gaming on this. Off to TF2!
I gave up trying to remember those initialisms somewhere between WQXGA+, WHUXGA and WTFISTHIS
@Bob Back to simplicity. Everyone roll back to VGA
@JourneymanGeek Ah.
Oh yea, there's QHD and then there's qHD. Fun.
@MarkHenderson Weren't people saying the Kogan TVs are crap?
@Bob I say that
I have three of them
But for the right application they are suitable
I have a 21" in my kitchen that has terrible speakers and two dead pixles out of the box, but it was like $100 and does what I want
I have a 40" in a boardroom where it's used for video conferencing only, and the speakers are not used (they come out of the conference station)
(current monitors are 1600x900 20" and 1280x800 (which may be IPS, but I doubt) 10 inches
And I have a 55" that's used as a screen display mounted at the back of a church so the people on the stage can get auto queues. Again, no audio, just needs to be bright
but the 10 inch screen is pretty nice. usabilitywise.
You can sometimes find nice monitors from Dell refurbished (the "as new" ones haven't ever been shipped out, canceled orders)
@MarkHenderson: monitor speakers suck dead donkeyballs
@JourneymanGeek Kogan ones especially
and I don't say this as a audiophile ;p
About $100-$200 cheaper than from the normal site...
And the Kogans take 2-3 seconds to change channel and abotu 10 seconds for the EPG to catch up
That's ridiculous.
...not that I really expected anything else.
@MarkHenderson: I've never heard one that didn't sound like utter shite. I suppose TVs have better ones but....
So yeah they are rubbish TVs, but I'm only actually using one of them as a TV and I didn't want to put an expensive one there because it gets steamed on, spat on by oil, fluffed with flour, etc
@Bob: Practically The dells are probably what I'd get if I had the cash
They are great, I have a older full HD one and its reliable, and fairly decent.
I can't remember the last time I intentionally looked at a TV, let alone actually watched it.
Our TV is awesome
(also a dinosaur)
It only does 640x480. But its a big old plasma screen
@JourneymanGeek How's the burn-in? :P
@JourneymanGeek I remember them
Circa '03 I used to sell them
Massive (for the time) 32" plasmas
People would buy them and then return them saying "omg it sucks when I hook my computer up to it" because they only had a 640x480 (or lower!) capability
And they were about $2,000 at the time
@Bob: Suprisingly? None at all
@MarkHenderson Then there was the time I thought it would be a good idea to hook up a laptop to a CRT TV.
The answer: "no".
@Bob: heh. You remember the sith monitor?
@Bob Oh yeah I remember my old video card had an S-Video and a Composite Video output
The one I threw out cause it was firing sparks from the VGA port?
Oh, our plasma has a VGA input
Never could get the S-Video to work and the composite one used to offset the image in totally the wrong spot
And then when my Dad bought a 16:9 CRT (one of the rare few, he spent a small fortune on it), the PC had no knowledge at all of widescreen so it was stuck stretching the screen
blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2014/09/09/10556049.aspx => the responses from various blogs and "news" sites... wow.
I do recall lowe still sells insanely expensive TVs ;p
:17786228 "will post to Australia" that'll cost many times more than the TV
probably more than a new LCD one
There was someone on RA who was looking at buying an old broadcast monitor
@Bob I remmeber that Ctrl Alt Delete screen from 3.1
we had a widescreen CRT TV. Laptop was also widescreen. Of course the video out didn't work (properly) anyway.
@Bob: Might work better nowadays. Set up a custom xrandr resolution and all ;p
@JourneymanGeek Still have the laptop, but the TV disappeared a while ago. Also nfi where the cable went...
Woo wife just called me to say that our roof is finished being painted
Been waiting over 2 years to get that roof painted
Geeze how is it nearly midday already?
Time flies when you're busy trying not to suck
@MichaelHampton Doesn't apply to me.
@ewwhite I thought you used puppet?
I do.
but my shit isn't that complex.
Aha, right.
Mine isn't either, but I still use it to mangle module dependencies
Which it's a lot better at than librarian-puppet
2 hours later…
good morning
@MichelZ Whoah today is just flying by
I know it's getting into the afternoon when you're here
If @iain shows up soon then I'm totally screwed, means my whole day is gone
I'm actually up early today
Iain needs another hour or so
Screwed up and slept from about 5 to about 9. Now I'm fucked
I love our rubbish room. Found a working top-of-the-line Dymo label printer
OK not quite top of the line, but it has a USB interface for bulk labelling
you have a room just for rubbish?!
You have too much space
@MichelZ A large one
it is an office building
There were boxes for two 65" curved LED TV's down there, so someone's been upgrading their offices
I also scored a colour laser with a full set of toners from there. Only problem with it was that the toner drawer was jammed. Some brute force unjammed it and it's been perfect since
Another guy in our building has scored entire servers, about a dozen LCD screens (there were two down there today but I have no interest in them, I literally have 7 spare LCD screens in the office at the moment)
He scored a box full of Dictaphone branded gear that he basically picked up and sold on ebay straight away for a profit
@MarkHenderson "another guy" :P
so you guys just throw money out of the window?
nice company
can you give me the name? I'm sure we can do business with you guys :D
@Bob Apart from you and me nobody else would know who he was
@MichelZ There are a bunch of companies in this building
@MarkHenderson Eh, there was a community ad for him over at electronics.se, I think.
Ah, that's the throw-away-room for all companies?
It's a generic office building, there's 5 different companies (including a beauty parlor right next door to us, it's weird) just on this floor
@Bob Yeah there was, I remember seeing it
@MichelZ Yeah
ok, cool
@MichelZ And 99% of the shit in there is empty boxes, paper for recycling, and office rubbish bags
But every now and again you score
My previous place was mostly restaurants... rubbish room just stunk, not much interesting stuff there :P
@Bob I've been going into the rubbish room here for years, but never paid any attention until I saw what Dave was scoring
It fucking stinks down there so I usually got in and out as quickly as possible
@Wesley Hey punk
@MichelZ Suck it, nerd.
@ewwhite @freiheit @Iain Someone thump this guy:
@Nonapeptide Actually is safer. Guy tried to kill me with car one morning. I saw, and rode up and across lawn, and he just missed me.
Riding against traffic is safer because this one time this one guy saw someone who almost hit him and was able to swerve out of the way.
I always ride or walk against traffic
what's the counter argument?
@RyJones All traffic laws are against you. Turns. Lights. Signs.
@Wesley still not seeing the issue, whatever
@Wesley I'm pretty sure local traffic laws encourage riding against traffic
@JourneymanGeek In singapore? Odd.
Singapore has LAWS?
@MichelZ yes. Amazingly we give people a trial before we beat their asses with canes.
@MichelZ In Singapore, the concept of "law" is defined as anything that allows the government to cane someone's ass. That's their fetish.
Some people and Monday mornings go together so well
> Things that are missing in your question: Your actual config. Your actual domain name. Any knowledge about mailservers, RFC 5321 and 5322, and what a bounce message looks like.
monday people?
@MichelZ somebody's got a case of the Mondays
@Iain sigh Now you make me go and post stalk you to find the actual comment.
@Wesley yeah, was thinking the same
gone :(
@MichelZ yeah the OP spat the dummy
so this says I only get 40 downvotes a day: serverfault.com/help/badges/150/vox-populi
but I downvoted like two pages of shit before it gave me an "out of votes" error yesterday, and that's at 50 questions a page
@Wesley now now. It also allows for imprisonment, hanging and fining :p
@RyJones If a question is deleted, you get that vote back, but the spent vote counts for your record.
I see myself get 41, 42, or 43 votes spent a day sometimes.
Never seen quite that many votes regained from deletions though.
@Wesley I see. I'm using the "old shit" query that was posted here to try to clean things up
@RyJones Nice. Yeah I did that for a bit but got bored.
I have the attention span of a gnat.
@Wesley I'm tempted to write some javascript to automate it
set up a flotilla of sock puppets (since those are A OK, apparently) and farm the job out to Mechanical Turk
Jul 11 '13 at 16:48, by WesleyDavid
Who wants to make an office pool to fund Mechanical Turk into a VTC / VTD project? =)
so I gave in an ordered a gaming desktop since gaming on OS X sucks so bad.
@RyJones Nice!
@Wesley it feels dirty, since it comes with Windows 8, but it'll be nice to get more than 20 frames a second
Yeah, I've been itching to build a gaming rig since my last one.
Want to play all the cool games.
I'm so behind.
I want to play through the Dead Space series.
@RyJones What's your first game gonna be that you crank up on it?
@Wesley ah something a decade old, actually.
Day of Defeat: Source is a team-based first-person shooter multiplayer video game developed by Valve Corporation. Set in World War II, the game is an updated version of Day of Defeat, moving from the GoldSrc engine used by its predecessor to the Source engine. The game was released for Microsoft Windows on 26 September 2005, distributed through Valve's online content delivery service Steam. Retail distribution of the game was handled by Electronic Arts. The game was officially announced in February 2005. During the course of its development, Day of Defeat: Source progressed from being a straight...
@RyJones Neat
@Wesley yeah, I scrim with a clan in .au so that will be first. I really bought the PC because I want to get my DK2 running tf2 and hl2.
I bought (and returned) a MBP with a 755m GPU because of weak FPS
Heh, TF2 is like 90% of my Steam time played.
HL1 and 2 are 8%
The other 2% are me spent clicking on games I got in a bundle and muttering "The hell is this crap?"
yeah, I have a lot of "why not" games purchased
I really wanted to like papers, please, but it gets boring after a while
Roqhard was fun for Christmas Eve
Sorry, Rochard
Stupid name
Rochard is a science fiction platform game available for the PlayStation 3 through the PlayStation Network, for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS X through the Steam online distribution platform, and for Linux as part of the Humble Indie Bundle 6. Developed by Recoil Games, the game revolves around the manipulation of gravity and the use of a G-Lifter, a gravity device used to easily move heavy objects around. The title combines increasingly challenging environmental puzzles with action, humor and a story of rich twists. The game's launch dates for the PlayStation Network were September 27, 2011...
@RyJones I need to try that one sometime.
@Bob DK2? DoD:S? Alcohol?
@RyJones Well, DoD specifically, but the others won't hurt!
A'ight spunk collectors, I'm off to bed.
@Bob I like it very much, but it's pretty dated at this point. It does run pretty well on lame hardware (like I have), though.
@RyJones Eh, I was on CS1.6 up till... 2013? Now on CS:GO. Not exactly the newest games or the best graphics :P
morning all
is it Friday yet?
@tombull89 you want to hate people some more ?
Would anyone like to come and do my work for me?
@Dan I know nothing about Citrix so I guess that makes me perfectly qualified by today's standards
@Iain Sure does!
@Iain heh
I bought two domains of gandi.net yesterday - one of the best, easiest bits of shopping I have ever done.
Don't know why I've not used them before.
Where would I ask a SIP/Phone based question?
@AliGibbs There isn't a site dedicated to telecom, so it could fit both on serverfault and on network engineering
what is the question about?
Its actually a very "simple" one, how do you dial a sip address ([email protected]) from a deskphone (Polycom 321)
@AliGibbs that's for superuser.com, I think
Am I the only one who gets really stressed when deleting or removing anything on a live system.
For example, today, I've been asked to get rid of some old data-stores belonging on a to-be-decommissioned SAN and I'm feeling super paranoid and nervous about it
It's not even an unfamiliar environment - I built it!
@Dan always backup everything, never delete anything
@Dan just put it in the archives, remove it from live, and wait until the archive is not accesable anymore. Then someone will need that data.. regardless how often they tell you they do not..
@Dan yeah, unmount the store first, wait at least a week... if no one screams, it's probably safe. (and do a "final-backup")
@DennisNolte :D
And @AliGibbs good words. @MichelZ Exactly what I'm doing
I had a request last week for some data from 6 months ago, that, "we will never need again"
@AliGibbs tell them "I have it stored somewhere external, unfortunately, we do not have the equipment to read it. It costs us 20k$ to read the data. Are you willing to pay that?"
oh that is great, i was tasked with doing some research/enabling a particular hardware for our devices. Turns it it works out of the box because of my previous work.
2 weeks saved by previous me, thank you for that!
@MichelZ I am so going to do that next time :D
@DennisNolte I usually have it the other way around. "That shit? That's a problem for future-me!"
i had this previously a lot, and it allways did bit me back later (technical debt and all)
as i am lazy as fuck i dislike the idea of doing things twice.. so i automate everything, or at least give my future me hints+ some docs on what actually needs to be done.
@MichelZ both of this resulted in me doing most of my scripting/work with the mindset : i dislike the idea of having to think about this crap again, so lets write down anything i figured out already.
@Dan I regret delete nothing!
@DennisNolte yes. that sounds like a good plan
makes it nice, but introduces the problem: where the fuck is that damned piece of documentation for the shit i did 3 years ago.. and just need right now..
I have backups of systems I decommissioned years ago :p
@DennisNolte good documentation should be organised.
storage is cheap, and I'd rather not have the "aww...fuck" moment when I realise I've not longer got anything.
@JourneymanGeek ye, thats where the technical debt gets burned for :)
Grated that's happened twice, once it wasn't actually that important, and the other was within a zip file.
@faker huh, spam for msn.com That's a new one.
@JourneymanGeek My documentation is semi-organised...
okay, barely
@tombull89 we even have a wiki where we spam all the stuff, sadly i need to maintain too much stuff to actually link the new pages to the index.
@tombull89 I used to have a personal wiki for that.
I considered a wiki, but now I just use Everything (local search engine)
I use my blog now, or g+ :p
dammit missed the flag
We use Confluence here, expensive but pretty good
Q: How Do you set up a network with a Domain Controller server and a server running Exchange?

Walter KleinWe want to set up a network that has both a Windows 2012 R2 Standard Domain Controller and a Windows 2008 R2 Standard server that'll handle Exchange. Besides adding the Exchange server to the domain, we're not really sure what to do. Does anyone know how to install/configure the Exchange server...

Am I missing something here?
signup for gmail.com, £3 per user per month, problem solved
So where should we ask this question then? — Walter Klein 3 mins ago
Yahoo! Answers?
A recruiters?
@tombull89 /dev/null
2 hours later…
Q: Exchange Powershell - Creating Distribution Groups

JJJJNRI'm trying to add some new distribution lists to exchange using the below. C:\>Import-CSV "c:\external.csv" | foreach {New-DistributionGroup -Name $_.name -Type $_.Type} I've created a CSV file in the format Name, Type Inter_Partners, Distribution When I run the above command I ge...

Am I missing a simple typo in what he's doing or am I being dumb some other way here?
@RobM You need to ask ?
I need more time off. Like about a year
I was in Pembrokeshire last week today is ... yeah
Its taking me time to learn powershell inside out, god only knows, but at least I'm comfortable with the idea of scripting as a concept from *nix scripting and things like vbscript. I think there are lots of Windows sysadmins out there who think powershell is actually just magical spells like a sysadmin version of harry potter or something.
your first day back? winces
always a train wreck
@RobM You're saying it isn't? :(
well I did try adding -levirosa merchandising opportunitus to one of my powershell scripts once and all my sql servers caught fire so...
@RobM i assume you are familiar with windows scripting host then aswell? the sendkeys stuff there was kinda messy.
@cole hey
@RobM how goes?
@DennisNolte actually less familiar and comfortable with that than I am with Powershell. We used wsh for a few things before powershell took off, but my relationship with it was best described as an armed truce
not bad and you?
@RobM haha, I laughed at that more than I should do.
powershell being a funny beast. powerful, but funny.
They want me to take on SCCM here which involves WMI, Powershell, VB and batch scripting...
@RobM Powershell scripts are magical spells, sysadmins being the sorcerers.
@tombull89 WMI is actually super useful once you get a few template scripts on the go
sccm is good stuff. Good, CV-enhancing stuff
@BigHomie could be...
@RobM and wars are just methods to lower the needed cpu cycles?
@DennisNolte pretty much.
@DennisKaarsemaker PERL! Are there still people out there who use that?
@MichelZ Yes, there are, but they usually don't admit it publicly.
@MichelZ all our stuff is in perl :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Are you from the past?
@MichelZ we also send half a million faxes per day. You be the judge.
I find it odd when websites have separate websites for jobs. What's wrong with domain.com/jobs?
@tombull89 different tech stack. Externally hosted.
Come on, you can't write a jobs site in perl?
something about core business
Oh, so HR owns the website, then?
hnnngh.. needed a usb thumb stick reformatted quick, and forgot to select quick format
@DennisKaarsemaker so you can't redirect /jobs to another webserver? sigh :)
it's amazing how slow these old thumb drives are..
@pauska remove it forcefully, format again
Just pull it out. No need for excessive force.
Markdown strikes again!
@MichaelHampton that is a forceful remove. gracefully = "Click here to remove this device"
no need for "physical" force
@ewwhite Hey, you know Puppet Enterprise right?
Always intriguing to be included on invoices that include your services + markup
@DennisKaarsemaker the job site looks better than the main site
maybe you should outsource the main site
@MichaelHampton I'm not sure if you're new here, Michael, but there is always a need for excessive force
I just updated my local PE from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2. Now I'm trying to update the agents. I looked at the PE repos and they all seem to have been updated, but the agents... no. I ran mco package update pe-agent and their versions are remaining on 3.3.1.
I need to stop looking at computer bits I can't afford and don't need.
@tombull89 look at computer nibbles or bytes instead
or get a job
@MichaelHampton Not pe-puppet?
Summary of Arch:

   noarch = 124

Summary of Ensure: = 56
   3.2.4.pe1-1.pe.el6 = 38
   3.2.4.pe1-1.pe.el5 = 21 = 5 = 4
I actually don't update the agents.
I should
but puppet enterprise agents are actually a bitch to deal with
@ewwhite The docs said to update pe-agent.
@MichelZ :|
@MichaelHampton I don't have a pe-agent package
@ewwhite I sure do!
Ooooo, the yumrepo is still pointed at 3.3.1!
I have an agent install script that I was using. Back when I started, there was no repo
Supposedly these pe_repo::whatever classes are supposed to generate (they do) and update (they don't?) the yumrepos containing the agents.
I find it ironic that PE requires so much manual babysitting...
Playing Domino admin today hnnggg
@ewwhite I can't just upgrade the master through a yumrepo. The agent yumrepos are version locked and not actually managed by Puppet. WTF?
Think it's puppet trying to protect it?
or just laziness?
@ewwhite Someone missed the point, perhaps?
Oh well, at least now I have proof that Puppet Enterprise is actually enterprisey.
FOr me, having puppet-enterprise be a 300mb download....
that's a bitch
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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