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Can't you just take a few inches out of that fiber box?
@ewwhite I wonder how many packets that can generate at line rate.
The dev/CTO just gave me a full explanation of what he's doing.
He wants the hardware equivalent of spinning up a couple of EC2 instances.
What does that even mean?
As I mentioned on serverfault, I'm really not doing much. Basic software testing of netmap. The biggest thing is that it be simple to set up, in other words, I want to buy some shit that is totally plug and play. I don't want to think about what connectors I need, what vendor SFP I need, any of that.
I can figure that out and I guess I will but honestly its just a waste of time for what I'm doing. At this point, and it very likely might not go beyond this point
@ewwhite: sounds like he needs a consultant ;p
I just want to get netmap to work, see what the latency is, compare it to sockets, and maybe if that looks good do a little programming to do a decent simulation of how long would it take to route OUCH ( inet ) traffic ( get a packet with an OUCH message, do some bullshit check for risk management, something stupid simple like "is this order for more than 5000 shares" and send it out like I'm sending it to inet ).
suppose you have an OUCH gateway that internally takes 2 usec to do risk checks and add a sequence number or whatever. Well, shit, at that point the software networking is a huge bottleneck, straight socket linux is going to cost you 2-5 usec for a recv and 2-5 usec for a send. Even with kernel bypass you're talking maybe 1 usec for each send and recv so that is still 100% of the time you are processing it.
So he just wanted to prototype this.
I'm wondering if this netmap thing can get significantly below 1 usec which would be really nice because you can keep programming it in C/C++ on a normal OS as opposed to getting funky with an FPGA or something like the Arista.
(This is how trading/finance people think. I used to have to build things like this to satisfy curiosities.... Then scrap them)
If the idea is to beat someone else competitively, since you're not doing the lowest possible common denominator - its not got a great degree of confidence that it will work.
I'm in Toronto, where I used to have a significant trading footprint at a former job. 2 years later, it's all been dismantled.
Couldn't make money with their simple north-south arbitrage between Toronto and New York.
@ewwhite heh. s/poor/stupid honestly. Putting side coffee money every week will eventually end up with enough money to try stuff like that. As would knowing local lugs and places like that for free hardware
Oh, he has the cash. But I think it's just something he wanted to test. $2k budget for NICs and interconnects.
Oh, I mean the other guy
Oh, yeah.
(hell, if I needed a dirt cheap switch in a rush, and I didn't want something new, I know few places where I can pick up one at roughly scrap value)
@matthew think it's worth looking?
@journey eBay.
If he has the time and energy, sure.
@ewwhite: shipping would be a pain. There's a few local stores that specialise in not quite gently used, older hardware
very dodgy seeming.
I think having to do a userspace protocol stack may limit its implementation in anything serious.
@matthew do you do anything with Myricom or Solarflare openonload?
I personally don't see the point on cutting too many corners on hardware for personal use, damned things are going to run for at least a decade.
Basically if you're investing $1500000 a year on people to write you the algos for you're infrastructure, you're a moron to not pay $20000 for the fpgas and leverage your development teams to use them (that is, if you're in serious need of the latency)
Well, latency isn't as an important factor for our models (well, we want sub-second obviously but 60-70 microseconds isn't too much of a problem for us)
We've done stuff like GSO/TSO etc.
That has had limited success in some revisions due to silly kernel bugs though.
His firm isn't using FPGA solutions yet. Everyone else I've worked with has adopted that in some form.
From what I can gather, -- not that I know much -- most of our models work on the basis of mid to long term market analysis, not subsecond trends and using peripheral data sources outside of what the exchanges provide to make ordering decisions.
So a lot of analysis of news feeds for upcoming events.
I used to do work for a place that provided machine-readable news.
As an input for automated systems. It was an interesting space to be in.
Q: How to recover data from a messed up drive (LVM written on top of Ext4)?

Vilx-The previous administrator of a server that is now under my supervision made a mistake. He accidentally created a LVM volume (no more than pvcreate, I think, though not sure) on a disk that actually contained an Ext4 partition with data. What tools exist to recover data from a mistake like this? ...

This guy should try mounting with an alternative superblock.
@MatthewIfe This guy should post an answer. :)
I'm waiting for more details ;)
But its possible to remount using an alternative superblock.
If the data hasn't been stuffed over with another mkfs or something.
What more details? The guy replaced an incompetent moron who should never have been allowed near computers.
I aborted to see the incomplete results. Seems that the IntelliRAW just dumps the inode contents or something. I'm getting files named "00002601.txt" and inside there are man pages or logfiles or whatever. I'm afraid this won't do. :( — Vilx- 2 hours ago
@MichaelHampton I answered it because I need to sleep and cant be arsed waiting for him to get back.
1 hour later…
Fuck Apple
I can basically never log onto my Apple account because it's telling me that my password is shit and forcing me to change it
a. It's not shit
b. No
Damn, I upvoted that guy's question, but now I'm not so sure I should have...He seems to not be very good at following directions.
posted on September 08, 2014 by ryan

Greetings, Earthlings. Today was a pretty lazy Sunday, in which I was throwing around some ideas involving pass-the-hash attacks and Windows password hashes.  Nothing ground-breaking there, but during my research, I realized that there's very little out there for just simply generating an NT hash from a password, which if you're reading this you probably already know is just the

3 hours later…
Well, running a single shared Azure instance for 1 month cost me $8
(Well, it used $8 in credit)
Its weird. It has billed me 110 compute hours, but the VM was powered on for 700 hours
that's cool
I'm not really certain of azure still
I'm also not sure if it really saves you money
cloud servers basically never save you money on costs
they might save you personnel costs sometimes
but otherwise, racking your own and operating them will be cheaper every time, and at the end of the amortization you have servers.
and I know where my data is
@FalconMomot Agreed. But I get $160/month in credit so I may as well use it
@MarkHenderson MSDN?
@MarkHenderson yeah totally
Azure MSDN dev and test subscriptions are specifically for dev and test usage only. Production workloads must be run on regular subscriptions.
one of the things that is nice about AWS though is that I can have a script rent hardware instead of having to go through acquisition and IMAC
just be aware of those little things :)
but you pay for those conveniences
@FalconMomot: I like to see it as an extension point for the future. If you're at capacity, you can just use a VM until you have built the capacity yourself
@MichelZ yup that is my model too
but capacity is so cheap nowadays
but one catch is that if you're going to go that route you need to provision dedicated capacity between you and AWS
which you totally can, but it's not cheap
and it's hard to do unless you have some serious scale
what do you mean?
well like
let's say your application does data processing, like almost every application
at least some of the data involved in that is probably stored on your fixed capacity
it's probably all stored there until the capacity shortage is realized
ah, yes
you have to get the data to AWS and if you're even a little transfer-bound you will feel it
so you can have an exchange point with them
but you have to set that up, and the end of some fibre must turn up at their place
hey, can I be a massive fire-breathing dragon instead of having to deal with interpersonal politics?
@MichelZ BizSpark
evenin' gents
morning dude
I clearly have been working too hard. The star wall just about made me pee myself with laughter.
as long as you don't write java while so doing.
@FalconMomot write Java? fuck that noise.
@Magellan yay there are good people in the world
@FalconMomot ugh. the stories I could tell you about Java support would make your eyes bleed.
see, the reason I rail against it is that I have a few of my own.
a technical person who loves java because he doesn't know any other languages well told me the other day that normal code maintainability principles do not apply to java
evil. evil evil things.
and no, I haven't seen anything quite like that.
@FalconMomot heh. Not surprised. Not at all.
@FalconMomot the rest of that story will be over beer someday.
@Magellan this was...
I asked him why he was making war on me basically
and just let him go without really giving my side of it
he spent half the time talking about how java was special and beautiful and the other half talking about how I was a junior inexperienced person who needs to defer to him more.
which reminds me. I owe you a resume'. Now that I've finished working something like a thousand hours over the past 3 weeks.
you and everyone else!
man if it wasn't for this one dude my job would be amazing
instead I lay awake at night literally wondering how I can make him leave me alone
Meh. I deal with people who don't understand that AMIs aren't configuration management.
at least I got to design all my project's AWS integration, for the part that integrates with AWS
though now I am on to a bit of it that needs to be done in java, and I'm terribly unhappy about it.
There's a change to the system? Build a new gold AMI, have Jenkins compile up all the special flavors of it for each service, upload it to AWS and bounce all the instances with the new AMIs!
fortunately I'm not really a programmer so other tasks take priority over implementation
I'm beginning to think there is a strong possibility I might be happier as a lawyer
unfortunately law school literally costs as much as my apartment which I have yet to pay off
It's really weird dealing with developers that don't even understand that DevOps requires 1) configuration management and 2) getting rid of Ops means they have to answer their phone when they get paged.
never before had I worked for an org where the Devs are resisting configuration management.
just crazy
Good morning, M'Lady.
Even if it is already Monday there.
@Magellan It is, and I don't like it...
@Magellan it's a term almost without meaning, but if you want the benefits people ascribe to it, the thing you do is hire developers whose job it is to automate your operations.
mondays are the worst kind of mondays?
those do not have to be the same developers as write the code...
@MichelZ Exactly
this is awesome. I have gotten the little 10 inch screen set up. Annoyingly, it won't detect a signal from my fedora box if it isn't switched on before the fedora box.
I'm going to read some more of my friend's law textbooks and go to sleep
law textbooks are very good for that
@JourneymanGeek Indeed. Its success also requires that the mainline Devs not purposefully sabotage those other Dev's efforts though.
oh awesome tomorrow is not all day meetings day
I have more than 12 hours until my next meeting!
@JourneymanGeek no, law textbooks for everyone who can understand them!
@JourneymanGeek No no no. Drop the law textbooks on the Java Devs head when they come through the door.
@Magellan aah, yes. then if that doesn't work, bring suits against them.
@Magellan: True.
lawsuits are so much fun
just kill the java devs
@MichelZ yes, and then make sure to have an army of lawyers to rescue you.
@Magellan My sister in law once threw an MS Word manual at a coworker. Fortunately he ducked in time or she might have gotten into trouble...
a physical manual?
that must have been like 20 kilos
@FalconMomot or a jury of your peers. No sysadmin would ever convict you.
@JourneymanGeek that's one strategy.
however its spelled
the other is to sell the courts on a java system of some kind... nothing will ever get to trial until after you die.
@MichelZ Yes. She got tired of his asking questions of her all the damn time without even trying to find the answer first.
I like my SiL.
@FalconMomot: inefficient. Inda's legal system does that, on typewriters.
I got charged with speeding today :(
for some reason there is a 60km/h zone on this wide open highway, and it's 80 before and 110 after it.
I think I'm going to go plea bargain it
that's how the get you!
@FalconMomot you in Seattle still?
@Magellan this is in calgary
@FalconMomot Sounds like a good way for the relevant law enforcement organization to get money
yes it's most likely a ticket mine
@FalconMomot ah. I figured we had a monopoly on that kind of idiocy
Generally it is
in seattle, there aren't playground and school zones each with their own distinct set of rules that vary by city
ok. time to get some sleep. g'nite Gents and Lady.
for example, recently in calgary, they changed school zones to be in effect until 2100h every day, and it's 30km/h in there
playground zones, however, only go until one hour after sunset
but outside this city, school zones are a couple hours in the morning and a couple hours at night
anyway, law books and sleep.
sleep well
Does this answer the lazy programmers question serverfault.com/a/626918/9517
@RoryAlsop you've changed !
@Iain Headlined a rock festival on Saturday - feeling happy :-)
@RoryAlsop which one ?
The Orkney Rock Festival in the far north of Scotland: facebook.com/video.php?v=10152418181484790
@RoryAlsop I keep meaning to get up to Orkney
@Iain how far south are you?
It's a wee hike. 6 hours from Edinburgh in the car, plus an hour on the boat. Or 45 minutes in a plane from Edinburgh
@RoryAlsop Liverpool, 2 hrs south of the border
It's a long way and bloody expensive too
@Iain Ahh - well, it will obviously get more difficult soon, when we ring scotland with razor wire and fences under the new regime :-P
@RoryAlsop yeah good luck with that
Orkney is beautiful, though. Worth having on your bucket list either for the scenery, archaeological sites and whisky, or for the more extreme sports, like cliff diving, scuba, kite surfing and surfing
@Iain I live in terror that the Yes voters might win
@RoryAlsop it would be scenery and archaeology for me, the whisky is likely too smokey.
@Iain The Highland Park and Scapa whiskies are not like Islay ones. Much lighter. But yeah, the stone age and viking sites are utterly amazing. I visited the 'new' dig at Ness of Brodgar. 4500 years old, and it's a full on settlement with a temple (probably) next to the Ring of Brodgar (which makes Stonehenge look like a Spinal Tap toy)
@DennisKaarsemaker genius!
@RoryAlsop ooh, highland park 18
@RoryAlsop I really haven't engaged with the independence debate, it's not like I can influence it. The downside for me is we get to be a Tory country without all the Scot's MPs
@Iain hahahaha. The downside for me in Scotland is the voters who see England as 'the enemy' who we require 'freedom' from' just might win... gaaah
@RoryAlsop history is a strange thing - some people never move on
uuuh, single malt whisky's
I like
@Iain damn those bloody romans/vikings/french!
@DennisKaarsemaker What did the Romans ever do for us ... ?
@DennisKaarsemaker You rang?
@JennyD I didn't know you were french :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Well, I'm fairly sure some of my ancestors were to blame for Normandie...
First time I visited some English friends, we were driving from Ipswich to Nottingham. I mentioned that unlike in Sweden there are almost no houses built from wood, they're all stone or brick. My friend answered "Well as soon as we built something of wood you buggers came and burned it down!" You English people have long memories...
@JennyD History is a strange thing, some people never move on
Today's official solution to all problems the helldesk bring to me: "Fire, and lots of it."
@RobM Sounds about right
@RobM you hang out too much with @HopelessN00b
it does work surprisingly well. IT's either solving everything or they're not bringing new problems to me any more and either way that's good
so how is everyone else's monday so far?
@RobM I get the same result when I answer questions with "You're doing it wrong, try doing it right instead!"
@RobM It seems I might get to spend some time with another client, imlementing PKI/CA stuff, which I really want to do. So I'm confidently expecting to get told it won't happen since it's Monday.
be an optimist about the interesting work?
We have a new wireless system built around aruba clearpass. I've produced instructions for staff and students on how to connect and we're getting lots of feedback that "It doesn't work" or "It's too difficult to use". So far, 99% of these problems has been related to not following the instructions.
@RobM We'll see if it works out, it's a bit of a 15-puzzle with moving people around
@RobM isn't that always how it is?
@RobM I would have been surprised if it were less
I'm not surprised, just fed up with dummies.

I'd actually be less bothered if it was a real fault, or something dumb I had written in the instructions.
@RobM are you first level support?
@MichelZ nope, senior sysadmin, but with 3200 users and 5 it people, it's a bit fluid here
I write a lot of documentation for 1st line support and for users
because if I didn't then it wouldn't get done.
and 1st line can't go through the doc with the user before they call you?
@RobM totally shit, as usual for a monday, DB work ~6 hours on sunday did not go as planned, and i need to do manual labor for at least some 10 hours today/tomorrow.. ye great..
@RobM At a guess, the docs you write will be actually good. But if you can punt it to the 1st line support to write the docs then they will also be the ones to handle the complaints about the docs...
oh yes, 1st line are going through the doc, but they still book it as a call for the stats and I'm tracking the stats for calls related to the wireless network because it's a major upgrade to our old wireless network and I own both the project for that upgrade and all the infrastructure in general
@JennyD only when you have good 1st level support you can let them write the docs in my opinion.
@DennisNolte what fun :-\
@DennisNolte true, although some of them will actually learn from first writing and then getting the complaints....
aren't users fun?
I'd rather train them then have them write the docs for the end users as a further training opportunity but like I said, if I don't write the docs I know they probably won't get written at all.
@MichelZ No. No, they are really not.
ah isn't it nice: "since the operations team doesn't have enough time to support us, we want to establish our own cfg management system using ansible" -_-
@faker instead of supporting the OPs to get more people, naaa..
how about hiring more ops? Maybe establishing one more system we have to operate once you leave the company is not all that bright?
lets cure the symptoms instead of addressing the problem. What could possibly go wrong?
we are using Puppet, we run the infrastructure for that and support it. If you are a developer and can't figure out how to extend existing manifests you are in the wrong job.
what do windows people use for configuration management?
and for the smaller shops?
May god have mercy on their souls.
also, for a server-only environment?
also, powershell desired state configuration
yeah, I was thinking about giving PS DSC a shot
though in my experience the smaller shops that sort of product is aimed at are the least likely to have people on staff who are comfortable with powershell
but then we all need to be learning new stuff in the job right?
I'm comfortable with PS, not a problem
Yep. I never used to be but then we're making a point of using it where possible to improve that. Again, move forwards or die in this trade...
it's just damn easy to automate boring stuff
gets me more free time to do other stuff
i even hooked my scripts up to a webpage, where people can do stuff on their own
yep. We did a major restructure of the IP address schema here and I used powershell to automate creating all our new DHCP scopes - we have about 50 or 60
without giving them access to the machines
in case of an argument metric vs imperial, bring up the "SBW(standard butt width)" .. slashdot these days..
oh man, a consultant migrated a incoming sendmail server to postfix. Apparently he didn't turn on STARTTLS on the new one. Now we get a letter from German government because we are breaching data protection law.
@faker they send letters? NICE!
@MichelZ Well, they can't send it to the postfix server :P
@MichelZ yes, but seems like it's by the state agency. So could be different in every state
@MathiasR.Jessen that was not the point... the point is they try to get you secure. very nice "feature" of the government :)
@MathiasR.Jessen any PS DSC insights?
@MichelZ there is even a fine if you don't fix it
That kinda was my point... Have fooled a bit with DSC in the lab, read some of the docs and been to >10 livesessions talking about it, but haven't had the chance to implement it anywhere yet :(
i'll try it out then
One of the local user group members here in DK hosted a talk about his practical experience implementing it recently, I think he put it up somewhere... give me a sec
Naah, it's all in danish
@MichelZ If you're planning a large-scale roll-out, be sure to read this: systemcentercentral.com/…
Hi all
Howdy peeps
Im wondering if I should install znc on my VPS or not
I personally don't regret doing that.
Its pretty useful if you're an IRC addict
@JourneymanGeek well point is im gonna have to install from source and manually check for updates
the repos are wayyy outdated
@Nick: Yeah, they are
@RobM wow, such craftmanship
funny thing is, other than the case, that's a pretty good system
runs make as root
Seriously I was looking at tutorials on how to configure ZNC and one of them is running make as root 0.0
what distro?
I used this jcsi.ms/posts/setup-znc but built my own since the repo version suckled quite badly
(and used checkinstall rather than make install since I'm a lazy git
Ugh. One of our file servers got cryptolockered over the weekend. I should just call off dead the rest of the week. :(
@HopelessN00b doh.
@HopelessN00b You should start restoring those backups is what you should ;)
Yeah. 60 GB of files, restoring over a T1. Shoot me now.
@HopelessN00b Ah, the wonderful cloud.
@HopelessN00b: might be faster to copy it in a USB drive, and drive over
waiting for DNS to propagate... worse than watching the grass grow
@Nick: Time for a swordfight?
posted on September 08, 2014 by SysAdmin1138

I read yet another article on bias in in-person interviews lately. This comes as no surprise, bias is incredibly hard to overcome in hiring processes which is why US Civil Service hiring procedures look so arcane. The money-quote is this...

@JourneymanGeek I think its time to get some food for me :p
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, but I don't see me driving 700 miles for someone else's benefit.
@Nick ZNC runs as root because it chroot()s itself
It's the same reason why you'd run mysql/apache/etc
@NathanC I run it as a seperate user
just to be safe
Yeah, you can force it into a non-root user if you want
@NathanC didnt really need to do anything just make, sudo make install and then just config and run znc as the user
@Nick Ah. It's been a few years since I've touched IRC bouncers in general, so maybe they wisened up a bit too :P
Looking for a CMS/blog for personal website... any ideas(strictly no PHP)
@MichelZ I saw that comming... idk I might made a html tempelate :p
orchard (.net based)
everything else is php based :D
I would use something php based... but its total pain to maintain
@MichelZ its php...
yes, but what's the pain to maintain?
sudo up2date or whatever
@MichelZ also from the point I install php security goes out the window(usually)
Just not fond of php :p
im not sure if i could ask this question on sf. so im asking it rather here. My email provider/admins say that it's strictly prohibited to provide your login credentials to 3rd party. Well, I knew that. But they reiterated that when I asked how to configure gmail (pop3) to fetch mails from their server.
now my question is, isn't providing passwords to email client in the same line as providing login credentials to 3rd party?
@BleedingFingers That is not a question for SF, no.
@BleedingFingers No, it isn't. Your email client is on your computer. Google mail is on google's computers. Google is a third party. You are not.
that's clear enough.
btw, any relevant SE site for that question?
Don't give your Google Mail password to Facebook?
This day, already.
@MichaelHampton is there an option of doing so?
@BleedingFingers Of course!

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