@ewwhite I'd guess that at least half of ISP and public DNS server support DNSSEC. The number of domains that are signed however, I'd be amazed if that was over 1%.
@ewwhite Anyone who knows who that is probably isn't very amused. Anyone who doesn't know who that is either think the OP is an a**hole, or is joining in on the "nerd" bashing because their an a**hold themself.
@jscott Seems like the kind of person you could say hello to and he would be glad to explain any questions you have... Also works for the Museum of Natural History in NYC. Museum people tend to like questions and leaning and all that.
Depends on exactly what you're using them for... If you're pushing software you'll probably want a DP at each major site. You probably also want a MP at each site, unless they're particularly well connected (the MP functions would chew up a bit of bandwidth at large sites without a MP)
Two things to be clear of 1. It really depends on what you're using it for exactly, the more functionality you take advantage of, the more resources it'll use. 2. The licensing structure is such that you want to go all or nothing, SC DC licensing for servers and Suite CALs for clients.
They wouldn't swing for $25K to do mirroring from flash to spinning disk through Vertias Volume Manager so now we have to manually set the plex and preferred read
A large part of it is having the business/accounting background to justify expenditures. I wouldn't expect them to spring for a $25k license if it takes someone 1h/m to do manually.
This is perfectly normal - and totally acceptable in every company I've worked in. From tiny start-ups to huge multi-nationals. Getting personal reward points for company purchases is fine.
HMRC (the UK Tax Man) have a section on their website dedicated to it.
In general, air miles, petrol...
I've got a friend who went through a major MBA program, all sorts of hoops, got into a 2nd rate consulting firm (note: 2nd rate consultants still collect a 6 digit paycheck their first year, easily). 98% of what he does is stupid, common sense, Business 101 "consulting".
Oh, crap. Follow up question. Say I need to copy a bunch of VMs from a VMFS datastore... and/or clone a VMFS datastore to a locally attached USB drive. This would be something that would/should be doable pretty easily with a Linux LiveDVD... such as the CentOS 6.5 LiveDVD I'm downloading now, right?
@ewwhite Dammit. That's what I was worried about. So, how would one essentially backup a VMFS datastore (or just the VMs in it) to a locally attached USB drive?
Though there are a few Answer I don't care for, especially those that either 1. Make it some kind of subjective decision based on "size" of the reward 2. Allow for interests outside those of the business to influence the initial buying decision.
Alright, so I'm seeing a lot of products that say they can do it... veeam, MKSBackup (based on ghettoVCB), Trilead something or other, even some approaches with vmkfstools.
What's... I mean, you're saying it won't work... so what am I missing?
Does anyone know of a method to reliably back up ESXi 5 VM's (no vCenter) to an external USB disk (or a USB disk on another server)? If so, please share!
I am starting a completely fresh project, with most of the code in JS.
To nicely isolate things I'm thinking docker may be a good fit for me.
How can I set it up so that I can develop locally (ideally offline - I am often on unreliable connections) and deploy easily to 'cloud' provider, again Dig...
Right, well, hence the liveCD or whatever to actually transfer the stuff to USB. Just need to store the backups on a USB drive long enough to upgrade ESXi, since it won't preserve the datastore. :(
It's for a production floor quality camera system. The only requirement is for the computer to be able to keep the hi-res of the cameras on the 27" screens.
room topic changed to The Comms Room: This is *NOT a place for 'Live Support', Ask questions on the main site. // Rated 18+ for Language, Adult Humor, Adult Content, Adult Themes, Mild Peril and Sexual Content. //ServerFault Stout - A bitter, complex fount of complicated knowledge and experience. Inaccessible to those who are unable to appreciate nuance. 98% ABV. [be-the-change] [pink-and-fluffy] [pwned-by-a-wild-markdown]*
@cole ? we have 2 of these cameras: ptgreystore.com/flea3-28-mp-mono-gige-vision they want to use for QA inspection before shipping. Simple enough, just needed a computer to fit the bill.
Hey @voretaq7 - I've never tried it but I'm going to download this: vmvision.com/… and give it a try on one of my standalones and see if it'll let you setup folders. It's free.
grrr...nevermind...no x64 support and 4 years old...
@TheCleaner ...and it looks like it's vSphere backed
it's not a big deal - the dummy resource pools work fine for my purposes because the environment isn't anywhere near resource constrained anyway (and if it ever becomes constrained I'll want those pools to prioritize shit so I may as well have them)
I'm trying to create an extremely basic model of what a setup in Amazon Web Services might look like translated over to an on-premises cloud. I'm aware that Amazon is quite SAN-reliant, and pretty complex, but please bear with me on this simple model :)
How do these two setups compare? Is one mo...
I love assessing servers run by non-Linux people...
Subject: Cron <root@Progressive_Management> /dbc/bin/chkunit.sh
Unable to open: file not found: /dbc/txt/cdb1/COFDEBT1
wc: /root/UNIT.TXT: No such file or directory
/dbc/bin/chkunit.sh: line 3: [: -gt: unary operator expected
@ewwhite Pretty soon 98% of ServerFault's questions will be answered by either you and @MichaelHampton. @HopelessN00b will continue to be the only person to reply to the "why the downvote?" comments with escalating sarcasm.
Me: Remember how you ignored my quotes and expertise... and shit on my design?
Client: I have reviewed the infrastructure items and we do not want to go with the Vmware essentials, we feel this is too cheap and we want to go with Standard because we want to have the ability that essentials does not have. Plus, we feel we need to have 3 dell servers and a backup to exchange that will be placed in a DRP site.
@Tanner Why? Simplicity? Unless you have a huge deployment I can't see performance being an issue nor licensing for that matter since System Center is done per-socket on the host (virtualized or not). Hmm. Just curious...
I was asked to stand up a 'new' DC using a re-purposed server out of our old Citrix farm. The first 3 I tried didn't come back after a reboot, failed controllers. The fourth one was our winner, and so we thought, hell, why not throw some SQL on there too?
8/7/14 12:21 PM - As part of it's routine verification process, CrashPlanPROe detected problems in the backup archive for computer Edmund’s MacBook Pro [629661100094259201] backing up to Humboldt Park - ch2 [639373088249610787].
0 bad data block(s) were detected.
332 file(s) failed verification.
CrashPlanPROe will automatically back up these files again.
If you continue to receive these alerts, we recommend that you add another backup destination, because there might be a problem with the destination computer.
anyone know MS LBFO? I'm more used to HP's own NIC Teaming methods and I've got someone from HP telling me that using LBFO you can't have more than one VLAN down a trunk, can't be right can it?
Context: my boss is a peer that is being promoted, relationship is so-so, the ops manager is rarely seen but I think I have some leverage due to the user base liking me and being new
The problem I think we going directly to my immediate supervisor is many of things I think need to change he is happy with.