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@ewwhite I'd guess that at least half of ISP and public DNS server support DNSSEC. The number of domains that are signed however, I'd be amazed if that was over 1%.
Some guy using his laptop on the train like a Dumbass nerd lol http://t.co/4RuSAZfI14
Thought that would work...
@ewwhite Anyone who knows who that is probably isn't very amused. Anyone who doesn't know who that is either think the OP is an a**hole, or is joining in on the "nerd" bashing because their an a**hold themself.
It's gone crazy on the Facebook - facebook.com/IFeakingLoveScience/photos/…
He seems like the sort of person you could say hello to and he wouldn't get upset. I don't know though, never met him.
I'm not sure <3000 shares counts as "crazy" on Facebook.
@ChrisS posted 14 minutes ago
@jscott Seems like the kind of person you could say hello to and he would be glad to explain any questions you have... Also works for the Museum of Natural History in NYC. Museum people tend to like questions and leaning and all that.
@ewwhite Oh, someone is late to the karma train. imgur.com/tGbdxgU
Since we're on the subject, is anyone here using iOS 8b?
Hey guys, it's come to my attention that I've been neglecting you tossers.
Is anyone using SCCM on a multinational level?
@MikeyB Yes. And it's very disappointing.
@cole Yes.
@MikeyB we're looking at it
@cole Now, realize my answer there was kind of like Fenyman's proof of other life in the universe.
I'm curious how many servers would really be needed. CA says we need 55 servers total, for all the major sites (87 total but 55 major sites)
Depends on exactly what you're using them for... If you're pushing software you'll probably want a DP at each major site. You probably also want a MP at each site, unless they're particularly well connected (the MP functions would chew up a bit of bandwidth at large sites without a MP)
looks like we'll be staying with CA then
Not my choice but I know they won't swing for that.
What's DP and MP stand for
Distrbution point
@jscott yeah, yeah
in the context of SCCM, that is
Say, Linux pipples... do most liveCDs these days support reading from NTFS?
@HopelessN00b ya
Distribution Point, Management Point.
well fuck
no SCCM for Cole.
Well, at least one thing's going right, then.
Two things to be clear of 1. It really depends on what you're using it for exactly, the more functionality you take advantage of, the more resources it'll use. 2. The licensing structure is such that you want to go all or nothing, SC DC licensing for servers and Suite CALs for clients.
@HopelessN00b I like Slax. You can load new modules from The Cloud once you've network.
I feel like this is going to be some serious cash
At you're scale everything is serious cash.... also, quite discounted pricing....
You'd think a 1.9 billion dollar company would drop that kind of cash
@HopelessN00b yep, just mount -t ntfs_3g …
They wouldn't swing for $25K to do mirroring from flash to spinning disk through Vertias Volume Manager so now we have to manually set the plex and preferred read
A large part of it is having the business/accounting background to justify expenditures. I wouldn't expect them to spring for a $25k license if it takes someone 1h/m to do manually.
It took about 2 weeks to get it working.
and it still breaks and these are for our SAP systems.
Hrm... 2 man-weeks is still going to be less than $25k, but if there are ongoing problems and production interruptions then that would be more.....
This place just ugh sometimes I just want to smash things
You'll get that a bit anywhere... though it sounds like your corp has some deep cultural issues.
Very much so.
Also, I think we're getting FDA audited soon
This is the first time I guess
We're fucked. SO fucked.
I quite like perusing Workplace.se but the people there do get to me
A: Is it ethical to claim reward points for a purchase made with company funds?

Terence EdenThis is perfectly normal - and totally acceptable in every company I've worked in. From tiny start-ups to huge multi-nationals. Getting personal reward points for company purchases is fine. HMRC (the UK Tax Man) have a section on their website dedicated to it. In general, air miles, petrol...

I've got a friend who went through a major MBA program, all sorts of hoops, got into a 2nd rate consulting firm (note: 2nd rate consultants still collect a 6 digit paycheck their first year, easily). 98% of what he does is stupid, common sense, Business 101 "consulting".
Oh, crap. Follow up question. Say I need to copy a bunch of VMs from a VMFS datastore... and/or clone a VMFS datastore to a locally attached USB drive. This would be something that would/should be doable pretty easily with a Linux LiveDVD... such as the CentOS 6.5 LiveDVD I'm downloading now, right?
@HopelessN00b nope
Wouldn't the LiveCD need VMFS?
@Dan I actually know someone who got told off for buying stuff from a more expensive shop in order to get reward points...
@ewwhite Dammit. That's what I was worried about. So, how would one essentially backup a VMFS datastore (or just the VMs in it) to a locally attached USB drive?
you can't
There's gotta be a way.
@Dan he does have a bit of a point, the law varies by country.
@ChrisS He does - but the OP is british and so was the answer. it's fine to make the answer more generic, but the answer was correct
Yeah. I rather like the overall conversation really. Does a good job of answering the question directly and generically.
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood
Though there are a few Answer I don't care for, especially those that either 1. Make it some kind of subjective decision based on "size" of the reward 2. Allow for interests outside those of the business to influence the initial buying decision.
Alright, so I'm seeing a lot of products that say they can do it... veeam, MKSBackup (based on ghettoVCB), Trilead something or other, even some approaches with vmkfstools.

What's... I mean, you're saying it won't work... so what am I missing?
For that matter:
Q: Backing up ESXi VM to an external (USB) disk

tacos_tacos_tacosDoes anyone know of a method to reliably back up ESXi 5 VM's (no vCenter) to an external USB disk (or a USB disk on another server)? If so, please share!

@HopelessN00b Go ahead and try!
Suppose that's where I'm at, yeah. Gonna have to go ahead and try.
(but it won't work)
@ewwhite Gah! So why not? What am I missing here?
. . . For the first time in my life I saw the FreeBSD kernel final buffer sync have 3-digit numbers
I'm afraid
@HopelessN00b VMware went out of their way to make USB datastores unfeasible.
@voretaq7 I can't remember the last time I even saw that...
Silly custom computer builds for Engineers...
Q: How to set up docker containers so that I can develop on OsX and deploy to DigitalOcean?

Lech RzedzickiI am starting a completely fresh project, with most of the code in JS. To nicely isolate things I'm thinking docker may be a good fit for me. How can I set it up so that I can develop locally (ideally offline - I am often on unreliable connections) and deploy easily to 'cloud' provider, again Dig...

@ChrisS 237
It might happen again, I'll grab a screenshot
Right, well, hence the liveCD or whatever to actually transfer the stuff to USB. Just need to store the backups on a USB drive long enough to upgrade ESXi, since it won't preserve the datastore. :(

Guess we'll see.
@HopelessN00b You'd need VMFS, not NTFS.
@HopelessN00b you need to relax...
I think the stress is getting to you
@TheCleaner a 770 for an engineer?
Nice case choice though - I have the R4 w/o a window
@cole Required to drive the silly 27" 2560x1440 dual monitors.
@TheCleaner what the fuck
but also - what kind of engineers?
@ewwhite I am relaxed. Not stressed. Just tired... had another all night upgrade attempt that didn't work.
@TheCleaner hahhahhah... oh wait... I kind of just built that same thing except with a different case. And no GTX770.
@TheCleaner No SSD? Uber Fail.
Random question: Anyone know if you can create VM folders in ESXi without having to create dummy resource pools?
It's for a production floor quality camera system. The only requirement is for the computer to be able to keep the hi-res of the cameras on the 27" screens.
room topic changed to The Comms Room: This is *NOT a place for 'Live Support', Ask questions on the main site. // Rated 18+ for Language, Adult Humor, Adult Content, Adult Themes, Mild Peril and Sexual Content. //ServerFault Stout - A bitter, complex fount of complicated knowledge and experience. Inaccessible to those who are unable to appreciate nuance. 98% ABV. [be-the-change] [pink-and-fluffy] [pwned-by-a-wild-markdown]*
@voretaq7 Is that what it does? <shrug> I just right click and select New Folder.
@voretaq7 yes
@HopelessN00b To stick VMs into in the management UI?
@voretaq7 Yp.
@voretaq7 And don't create resource pools unless you know what you're doing.
And more importantly, to restrict the damn app team to (so they only constantly eff up their VMs, and not ours).
@ewwhite They're all null pools (no reservation) so they don't do anything except upset the scheduler a little
I lack the "Create new folder" option . . . hmmmm
must investigate further
@voretaq7 really, don't do it.
Is this ESXi or vSphere with vCenter?
@ChrisS Sadly this time the buffer cache only made it into the 30s, so no screenshot
@ewwhite ESXi, no vCenter
@voretaq7 Webclient or thick client?
that's probably why I lack the option
@HopelessN00b Shitty ass Windows client (thick client)
@voretaq7 That's correct. You need vCenter.
What do you need the folders for?
@voretaq7 Oh, yeah, that would do it too.
@ewwhite Mainly to sort my QA environment from my dev environment :P
@voretaq7 but no vCenter available at all, right?
Crappy pools it is! (Yes I know that's not what they're for and it's Bad And Wrong, but I don't care - it's been that way for 2 years :P)
even a "dummy" resource pool is bad news...
@ewwhite hard (impossible) to justify the cost for a single-host non-cluster
but I blame VMware for educating people better
@voretaq7 $500
@ewwhite literally not worth it :P
If we ever add a second host to the environment then I can justify vCenter
I still buy them... mainly for vCenter access.
@ewwhite technically I should actually allocate priorities to the two pools
I'm just a lazy fucking shit
Alright, well, looks like I'm ready to start in my doomed quest to backup my VMs to an external USB drive. Wish me... whatever.
@HopelessN00b A swift and painless death.
Yes, one of those.
@voretaq7 Do it like this, d00d...
create two resource pools.
Divide dev and QA
@TheCleaner wtf
@ewwhite that's what I've been doing :P
make sure that at any hierarchy, you only have VMs or resource pools
@voretaq7 Name them DEV-servername and QA-servername in the console. :)
don't mix on the same level.
within a pool, prioritize shares amongst the sibling VMs
@ewwhite ...and that goes without saying. VMs outside a resource pool on a host with resource pools causes BAD THINGS to happen :P
at the POOL level, divide share between QA and DEV
Eventually I'll profile the two environments and apportion shares properly
@cole ? we have 2 of these cameras: ptgreystore.com/flea3-28-mp-mono-gige-vision they want to use for QA inspection before shipping. Simple enough, just needed a computer to fit the bill.
@TheCleaner that's ghetto :P
@TheCleaner it works
(so is using resource pools as folders, but it can be a more correct ghetto :-P)
@voretaq7 lol so is not spending $500 amirite @ewwhite lol
@TheCleaner what kind of stuff are you manufacturing?
@TheCleaner very true.
@TheCleaner Hey, I only have so much budget, and this is a non-critical system
@ewwhite Professionals don't steal software (because then when the company gets sued for it we get fired!) :P
@voretaq7 well on a brighter note...audit next week! :)
@TheCleaner We had ours. Next one is in October :P
@voretaq7 not usually
@cole ultrasound guided needles / medical industry
@ewwhite well I wouldn't be able to get the C-levels to sign off on "we're pirating vCenter"
@voretaq7 I'm already getting requests for documentation...
(though I can probably get it into next year's budget - I just didn't think about it this year)
I couldn't imagine having to fight for $500
@ewwhite It wouldn't be a fight, but it would be an off-budget item
and I try not to have those if I don't absolutely need them
@voretaq7 I couldn't imagine having budgets.
I don't absolutely need vCenter (I want it, and I want all the expensive shiny features, but we certainly don't need it for one host...)
but... folders!
@ewwhite yeah, before I started here the company didn't have a concept of "IT Budget"
@ewwhite prefix every VM with the "folder" name.
and I'm trying to teach them to do these things right, so....
5 mins ago, by voretaq7
@TheCleaner that's ghetto :P
"Yeah, the dc1 VM is actually called porn__dc1"
@ewwhite Heh, I don't think my bosses know that I install enterprise plus keys on our VM servers...probably best that they don't.
@NathanC ooooh!
@NathanC hah, yeah probably for the best.
vMotion is too nice not to have
I think I can bounce back and forth between keys...can't I?
Hey @voretaq7 - I've never tried it but I'm going to download this: vmvision.com/… and give it a try on one of my standalones and see if it'll let you setup folders. It's free.
grrr...nevermind...no x64 support and 4 years old...
@TheCleaner ...and it looks like it's vSphere backed
it's not a big deal - the dummy resource pools work fine for my purposes because the environment isn't anywhere near resource constrained anyway (and if it ever becomes constrained I'll want those pools to prioritize shit so I may as well have them)
Q: Is it fair to compare a 2XL AWS instance to a similar setup on a rack server?

David K.I'm trying to create an extremely basic model of what a setup in Amazon Web Services might look like translated over to an on-premises cloud. I'm aware that Amazon is quite SAN-reliant, and pretty complex, but please bear with me on this simple model :) How do these two setups compare? Is one mo...

@DennisKaarsemaker So I accidentally installed ILO4 2.0 on a server...
@ewwhite Pics!
I may have bricked the server!
I love assessing servers run by non-Linux people...
Subject: Cron <root@Progressive_Management> /dbc/bin/chkunit.sh

Unable to open: file not found: /dbc/txt/cdb1/COFDEBT1
wc: /root/UNIT.TXT: No such file or directory
/dbc/bin/chkunit.sh: line 3: [: -gt: unary operator expected
@ewwhite john773 doesn't seem that crazy to me- you said you had problems with him?
@kce sup?
@TheCleaner interesting
@ewwhite - Hey. Congrats on 100k.
@Tanner Hating life. Drinking coffee. Thinking of going fishing.
mmmm coffee.
@kce awww
@ewwhite Pretty soon 98% of ServerFault's questions will be answered by either you and @MichaelHampton. @HopelessN00b will continue to be the only person to reply to the "why the downvote?" comments with escalating sarcasm.
@kce fewer people answering questions, fewer people voting :(
@kce Well, what really sets people off in responding to "why the downvotes" comments is honesty, I've found.
@Iain This do not appear to be improving but I haven't looked through data explorer to confirm.
@HopelessN00b Which is one of the reasons its so funny.
@Iain Fewer questions worth answering, to be fair. Like you've observed, support for StackOVerflow isn't a great spot to be as IT-minded folks.
@kce Sometimes there's a good question
I just had to call a client and tell him that his staff didn't know what they were doing.
that hurt me deeply
@ewwhite That's awkward
"Don't worry, Ed... I don't want to end up doing the wrong thing. I'll have them call you!"
@MichaelHampton @ewwhite I made a CentOS 7 AMI by converting a RHEL7 AMI
Me: Remember how you ignored my quotes and expertise... and shit on my design?
Client: I have reviewed the infrastructure items and we do not want to go with the Vmware essentials, we feel this is too cheap and we want to go with Standard because we want to have the ability that essentials does not have. Plus, we feel we need to have 3 dell servers and a backup to exchange that will be placed in a DRP site.
VMware NSX: Rut roh raggy, this is confuzzling
@SpacemanSpiff I had to deal with it before there was even documentation
my old job was a beta tester of the Nicera/NSX shizz.
hahaha, we're having some fun with it
really is excellent tech, just went over the roadmap with those boys
anyone wanna answer this support call for me?
@ewwhite Only if you pay me. That's what my whole day is like.
@ewwhite Sure.
(notice the email wallpaper background)
Heh, at least it's subtle...
@ewwhite "Double click means click the mouse button twice."
@ewwhite oh that's nice.
SQL Server Express on a DC. Thoughts?
Why SQL on a DC at all?
@jscott Don't know, but it's being proposed. I say it sounds icky...
It's strongly discouraged.
So many of Ed's tales remind me of Daily WTF.
@jscott Nice. I'll be using that link...
@Tanner why SQL on DC though?
@ewwhite that Boston produce company respond to you?
@cole Because we needed a DC and an SQL server at the same time, and have limited hardware. :)
Hopefully "...SQL Server performance may be degraded." will be enough to scare them off.
@cole nope
Again, not my idea.
@ewwhite lame.
@Tanner ah
@Tanner You can't do Hyper-V on the host and then do separate VMs? With standard I think you are licensed for two.
Hyper-5/ESXi then separate VMs for DC and SQL
Did I get viruses?
@ewwhite No. Your operating system just respects a browser's right to choose.
equal rights for all browsers
f the system
@kce We're wanting this for the SCVMM db, so they're wanting to keep it out of hyper-v shtuffs.
Yay, KB article scared people away.
Well done.
@Tanner Why? Simplicity? Unless you have a huge deployment I can't see performance being an issue nor licensing for that matter since System Center is done per-socket on the host (virtualized or not). Hmm. Just curious...
@kce Oh, don't try to make too much sense out of it
@Tanner Say no more my brother in arms.
I was asked to stand up a 'new' DC using a re-purposed server out of our old Citrix farm. The first 3 I tried didn't come back after a reboot, failed controllers. The fourth one was our winner, and so we thought, hell, why not throw some SQL on there too?
Also I installed Server 2003.
here we go again...
8/7/14 12:21 PM - As part of it's routine verification process, CrashPlanPROe detected problems in the backup archive for computer Edmund’s MacBook Pro [629661100094259201] backing up to Humboldt Park - ch2 [639373088249610787].
0 bad data block(s) were detected.
332 file(s) failed verification.
CrashPlanPROe will automatically back up these files again.
If you continue to receive these alerts, we recommend that you add another backup destination, because there might be a problem with the destination computer.
Now I don't feel so bad about my place @Tanner
@cole :)
>installed Server 2003.
Now I mad.
@Tanner We all suffer.
I think I have an NT4 ISO I can send you @Tanner
@cole Shhh, I just convinced them to throw away those discs/disks! Don't want them to know we can keep an ISO...
The rumble of thunder again...ah, Maine summers.
@ewwhite What's the deal there?
I guess you've got about 340ish days of Server 2003 R2 support left, so go for it.
@Tanner it happened yesterday on another backup destination... so not sure.
Hm, I keep getting an alert saying "health status monitoring" within vcenter, but there's nothing that could be triggering that alert
If I reset it to green, it comes back after some random time
@jscott Oh God. I have to find a new job in 340ish days.
@NathanC logs, license, a few other things can contribute... which version?
@jscott We use 2003 R2 for our ERP system...
There's no way I'm going through that. XP was an ugly enough ordeal around here.
@ewwhite 5.5 Enterprise Plus
@NathanC tick-tock, tick-tock.
I might end up downgrading it back to Essentials so I don't get in trouble for using a pirated key cough
@NathanC just don't build with any Enterprise Plus features...
no dvswitches
@ewwhite I don't. I attempted to downgrade but it said I was using vMotion ...apparently that's something I have to disable someplace.
@NathanC in the vswitch
Career advice question time: I'm leaving for a three week vacation in the fall. Should I put all my cards on the table before I leave or after?
@kce What sort of hand you holding? Or are you bluffing?
when you get back
@jscott By cards I mean my assessment of where the IT department could stand some improvement and my plan to do it.
@kce I'm with @RyJones then. Do it when you're back and can start a dialog about it all.
anyone know MS LBFO? I'm more used to HP's own NIC Teaming methods and I've got someone from HP telling me that using LBFO you can't have more than one VLAN down a trunk, can't be right can it?
@RyJones, @jscott That was my thought as well but I didn't know if maybe giving them some time to digest without me being around would be good.
Although I can't see how now that I think about.
@kce you want to be available to answer questions, and there will be a lot
@RyJones Next question: Do I go to my boss or my boss' boss?
@kce I don't know, how is your relationship with them?
Context: my boss is a peer that is being promoted, relationship is so-so, the ops manager is rarely seen but I think I have some leverage due to the user base liking me and being new
The problem I think we going directly to my immediate supervisor is many of things I think need to change he is happy with.
@kce no - don't turn into me lol
What are things you're thinking need change?
@kce hmmm
It's an interesting challenge for me. I'm good at technical stuff the politics is new.
I have so much work to do but I dont want to do any of it.
@cole: Lots of stuff.
OpenLDAP (slapd) on CentOS is giving me great difficulty. I think it's the MozNSS stuff.
@kce Link to test?
@JoelESalas opsreportcard.com
Heh, I work with Tom and I hadn't seen that ;)
@kce Very old school
@JoelESalas The website?
@ShaneMadden It's handy although a bit biased towards devs shops.
@ewwhite is it any good?
I've been buying birthday presents for the mrs. all day long
Has anyone had a person on their team that if they just did no work it'd be better than doing anything at all?
If anyone is bored, text a happy birthday wish to +31611202544 :)
@cole Not in my IT life but in my blue collar life oh yes.
@cole Yup
This fucking guy
sets up EIGHT VMs
none in backups.
used the wrong template
@cole the term you are looking for is "net negative producer" and is well known in project management
@cole Annnnnd now to do it over again! :P
@RyJones he's fucking terrible
He's a SysAdmin II
dude can't even use a computer.
He's buddies with my boss. Everyone told my boss not to promote him.
Now we're stuck with him.
He usually comes in at 8 - if he comes in at all and leaves at 2PM.
it isn't a law of physics that you're stuck with him
It's the law of this shitty company though.
Whenever I'm upset about work I just go read Terminal Lance (terminallance.com) and thank Odin I never joined the Marine Corps.
@cole Gotta love office politics
@cole You rang?
Also, pile of issues in my issue tracker and I have no motivation...
@voretaq7 oh look, it's one of my favorite gays :)
@cole <turns lithp up to 11> Hi Thweeetie!
I'm hoping the additional RAM I want to get is approved...$1000 for enough RAM to double the capacities of both our VM hosts
@voretaq7 hahaha
@NathanC If not, steal it from other servers.
@NathanC so... they have what, 8G each? 16 if it's cheap RAM? :)
(seriously I havent priced RAM recently - i have NO CLUE what that shit costs :P)
@voretaq7 6x8GB for each, so an additional 48 GB
both servers have 48 GB currently
@kce woooohooo boooze, life is awesome!
oh, and whats up
I mean, it's not Dell RAM, but it's the exact same spec for just about half the cost.
Dell wants $129.99 each for theirs...
@kce in case you diddnt know... my weekend job is #3 :p
@MattBear I thought you would enjoy that.
Although you're a Captain right? Don't you a have LTs you have to keep an eye on?
I am keeping track of customer requests in NotePad.exe and with a Field Notes notebook. I feel so ashamed.
@kce im still an LT
@NathanC Holy Fuckweasels RAM got cheap(er)!
we're using slack, its pretty nice
we've got solarwinds forwarding into some persistent chatrooms
that sounds useful
huh, Sprint's CEO stepped down

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