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Vendor called LaserShip. That's just cool.
That e-mail that looked like a 419 Scam yesterday. I e-mail her back, just trying to be courteous and let them know their e-mail looks like a scam and that they should probably rethink their wording... She called me just now. What part of "not interested" said "call me"?
@ChrisS The part where you emailed her back with your phone number.
A hazard of having it in my signature I suppose.
@ChrisS Next time, configure your phone system with a throw away number, and put that in your sig. Have the phone system forward that number to a 1-900 number.
@Holocryptic LULZ
indeed. Much lulz will be had.
@Holocryptic a dirty 1-900 number
or 1-800-cow-dung (NSFW -- VERY VERY NSFW)
@voretaq7 Hi Chris this is Blah from Useless Vendor..... Wait WHAT AHHH {Deity} Thats AWEFUL BYE ASS HOLE.....
@Jacob heh, you called it I see?
@voretaq7 Nope
IDK what it is now, but back in college it was an 800 number that gave you a bunch of 900 numbers for gay phonesex. Absolutely hilarious.
@ChrisS That's awesome. I have the Vegas based hotline stored in my phone.
I had the local one memorized at one point in time... Long ago...
@Holocryptic I think you mean, "We'll jump that bridge when the river fires burn it down."
@ScottPack Good old fire water... Wait, are we talking about the same thing?
@Holocryptic Hydraulic fracturing?
someone forgot to throttle us to 2 Mbit up/down
send me your porn
@hobodave And THAT goes on the wall.
@hobodave but thats office? no?
can we get that pinned? :P
that's better.
@voretaq7 He was trying to set the water on fire. It's totally his own fault.
@Holocryptic Definitely. There's hydrogen and oxygen in that stuff, it'll go up like nobody's business.
@Holocryptic MSDS for water: "Extremely flammable. Extinguishing media: DO NOT USE WATER."
@ScottPack $50,000 in damage!!!! gasp
I think you're missing the part where the river caught fire
Sounds like the Ankh in Ankh Morpork.
@ScottPack No, I caught that part. I got one better: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Molasses_Disaster
"Died by syrup"
Yeah, that's pretty badass
Q: Reasons to avoid routing traffic through NOC

JakersI work in a small satellite office of a large corporation. They would like to change our routing structure so all our internet data bounces off their main NOC. They say this is to prevent intrusions and to monitor our traffic. My office would rather not have our traffic monitored and possibly ...

I don't like my company's new network policy - help me whine about it to my boss
@Holocryptic Cause of death: Drowned in molasses. Literally.
@Jacob yep
@ScottPack I think all of Ohio missed the part where " This was not the first time that the river had caught on fire "
@voretaq7 Yeah, there's that too. Oh those crazy buckeyes
for the record, pfsense has been an absolute nightmare
@voretaq7 Meh, the river was probably dressed all slutty and asking for it.
@hobodave Why's that?
nothing has gone right, it's ridiculously complex, poorly documented, and buggy
I just upgraded the firmware, and now the web UI isn't running
gonna have to disassemble and wipe the flash again
retarded, absolutely retarded
@hobodave I think a lot of that has to do with the Alix box -- you shouldn't be having problems with simple upgrades though
posted on August 19, 2011 by Wesley David

Recently I mentioned a certain contest run by MegaPath called the Tech Talk Video Contest. It has just been announced that the contest is still running and has been extended to September 19, 2011. The prize pool has been raised to $37,500USD in total cash prizes and the first prize has been raised to $14,000USD. [...]

@hobodave Have you tried turning it off and on again?
twice, I will try a third time
@hobodave what sucks is you don't have a serial console & that box doesn't have VGA/keyboard :-/
and none of my SIP phones work at all behind this router
@hobodave hmm, that definitely shouldn't happen, but SIP is a pain in the ass protocol. Are you VOIP-to-VOIP or VOIP-to-PSTN?
3rd time is the charm
I don't know
our PBX is hosted
so is our TFTP boot server
the phones connect to the TFTP boot server just fine, download the configuration just fine
they resolve DNS queries just fine, they even set their time via NTP just fine
After all that, nothing happens. No traffic comes from the phones to the interface
mmh - SIP-through-NAT
it's like it doesn't even try
we've tried using siproxd on the pfsense as well
they don't even attempt to register with the local address if configured
that's.... well have you ever had your testicles caught in a rusty bear trap? with a bear?
SIP through NAT hurts more than that...
it worked at the old office
what was your configuration there? I assume the phones were NAT'd there too right?
and that can't be that uncommon a scenario. I doubt enterprises give WAN addresses to their phones
yes, they were natted and configured to register with an Edgemarc router that provided an ALG
we've tried 3 different methods to get this working
1) phones attempting to register directly with providers NAT aware PBX
2) phones attempt to register with providers NAT aware PBX with an intercepting ALG proxy enabled (siproxd)
and 3) phones attmept to register directly with ALG locally
@voretaq7 You've had your balls caught in a rusty bear trap? AND dealt with SIP through NAT? You've led a fuller life than I, that's for sure.
I've moved the phones into the data VLAN too just in case
sounds like it's time to break out tcpdump and see what the phones are doing... I'd say start by using the ALG proxy the same way you did at the old office if you can and see what the traffic does
It's possible it's a rule in pfsense but my gut says "SIP, NAT, Pain, Suffering, KILLMENOW"
we don't have the ALG proxy, it wasn't our device
we just have a single router, and I already did a packet capture, it doesn't even attempt to do anything
and I can't capture from the phone
(sticking my oar in) port mirroring on the switch?
I have no experience with that, but I think it has that capability
it does
would I mirror the phone port to my workstation?
@hobodave To see whats going on talk wise between the phone and server
@hobodave If you want to run the packet cap from your workstation, sure
When did Firefox go to version 6?
I understand the concept @Jacob
Yep, plug phone into switch, configure switch to mirror its port to another port, plug that port into laptop/workstation (perferably a 2nd port)
@Holocryptic officially, the 16th
You can then wireshark the port as if it were the port the phone were connected to.
@MarkM Is this part of the whole "Lets be like Google" thing?
@hobodave read fail why != would. sorry
@Holocryptic Yeah. It's a major version number, only 3 days old, and being pushed through the autoupdate channel to 5.x users
Browsers are starting to piss me off
@Holocryptic It's part of the "Let's not take years to release each new version of Firefox" thing.
The linux kernel is 25 years old, and it JUST went v3
Nothing wrong with low version numbers
@MarkM: Only 20, shurely? </pedant>
My bad
Firefox 1.x > 2 meant a lot. 2.x > 3 was even better. 3 > 4 was cool. 4 > 5 was like uhhhhhh what? 5 > 6 is me saying "Did they misnumber 5.0.2?"
Got a new laptop. Trying to wade through all the bloatware now
They missed the original release date for 4 by what? six months?
It's not like they've massively accelerated their dev cycle. They've just said that what would have been 4.2.3 -> 4.2.3p1 ->4.2.3p2 is now 4 -> 5 -> 6. Then they stare at your with that same, serenely vacant smile you get from Mormons.
I thought the big deal was that the alpha/beta versions were getting out to testers more quickly.
@Holocryptic ::cough::ShoulddaGottaMac::sneeze::
I have UDP & TCP port 53 unblocked in iptables. but name resolution is taking a long time. I don't get it.
@James open ports != speed
@voretaq7 right, but when i set the default policy to ALLOW, i don't have this problem.
@James hmmmm
tcpdump and firewall logs time for you too!
(I think that's going to be my mantra for the day :-)
((that and "Blame !"))
@James where in the ruleset is the allow :53 rule? maybe it's way down the chain?
It's at the top. And even way down the chain shouldn't add 20 seconds of lag.
@James 20 seconds sounds like the first server you're trying isn't working. Try manually querying you DNS servers and make sure they all respond?
@voretaq7 Quiet, you fanboi
@Holocryptic no no, "stockholder" :-)
it's LIKE a fanboi, but it makes a profit!
*profit not guaranteed
@James well not anymore. Back when AAPL was dirt cheap it was virtually guaranteed :-)
I wonder if IE gets butthurt when you download Chrome...
Let's try
@Holocryptic AIEEEEE was born butthurt. That's why it's called AIEEEEEEE
sysadmin bliss: I haven't had a chance to actually look at my environment (do my real job) since January. I took a few minutes today to check on things.The board is green, and everything is operating normally.
so the dns is sending replies on high port numbers. so i let anything from the dns ip through. and it's still slow.
@James what does your DNS rule look like?
(and what firewall are you using?)
@hobodave are you running 2.0-RC3?
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     all  --
if your DNS results are coming back over TCP you need to make sure your rules keep state (or equivalent in your firewall)
like, new, established, or related?
TCP connections start in a "new" state, your firewall (if stateful) can allow the new connections only, then statefully allow subsequent communication from that tcp session (usually via another rule which does a table lookup of existing connections).
This disallows certain types of attacks, usually involving replay or MITM or something similar.
lunching, bbiaf
it doesn't look like iptables cares about packet state unless you explicitly define it in a rule
I need a "you're holding it wrong" button for some of these old junk questions
wow - setting up those HSMs hasn't been as straightforward as I'd expected
love this site - rent middle class people; taskrabbit.com
@Chopper3 LOL. Wait in line at DMV
it'd be good to get people to wait in line for the iphone 5, fucked if I'm ever queuing up for anything like that again
sorry if this offends you Phil, but I've never understood why anyone would queue in lines to buy a phone
I queued in line for Halo 2. It was a glorious day.
queue is such a funny word. It should be que. or kyoo.
Or cue...wait a second.
@pauska well it was for an ipad 2 tbh, but no, me neither, just got caught up in it - I was wrong - I could handle the wait, it was the blue-shirts getting too worked up and excited at the end that pissed me off
When I look at "queue", in my head I think it should sound like "kyoo-yoo", or "kyou-you" even.
I pronounced it "qway" when I first saw it.
Quay is pronounced "kee"
English is really straightforward...
Yeah I just felt like adding to the semantic mess ;)
@Iain Morning! How goes it?
evening ! a bit tired done a bit of driving today
Q: Exchange 2007: Prevent Users from Deleting or Moving a Folder

SuperflyNeed a solution for preventing my users from being able to move or delete their "Inbox\Archive No Delete" folder. This is a subfolder of the Inbox which is created by a third party application (Enterprise Vault) and has a different retention policy applied to it. My users are accidentally movin...

I'd think if users are losing teir own mail often due to their own accidents.... it's a self correcting problem
@Aaron In my experience, it's usually our problem when a user breaks something. restore from backup
I guess it is times like that that I am glad I only deal with the data in flight. Once it's off the router, if you didn't get it, take it up with your application-layer buddies!
@Aaron "Any ideas?"... Yes, get new users.
There's a few questions dealing with 'Retrospect' as a backup solution, but I don't see any retrospect tag. Should I just slap it on questions that deal with it? I'd rather not spam the front page. Looks like there might be about 30 questions, but some of them are just search hits, like 'well, in retrospect...'
@Aaron For "Great Retagging Excercises", we generally wait till the weekend to do them, for said reason of avoiding spamming the front page.
O...M...G... Sales pitch on repeat as hold muzak is not cool
Fucking A
Your business is important to us. Please hold the line.
@ScottPack It was horrible and terrifying all at once. And he spoke so fast. Something about HP blah blah blah repeat something about HP blah blah blah
Speaking of HP. What's the hullabaloo about?
I feel sort of bad flagging a lot of these crap questions for SO, but they really are programming questions
@Aaron Oh, if they're crap, vote to close
If it's a bad/poor question, we don't migrate. We terminate
with prejudice?
I think he needs a toolbar to cleanup his toolbars
yeah, but I think I'm putting too much stuff in the vote to close room
That's what it's there for
So is it possible to get the list of "really unanswered" questions (no answers at all vs the "no upvoted" answers) for a tag that is not listed on the right on serverfault.com/unanswered/tagged/?tab=noanswers
e.g. if I go to serverfault.com/questions/tagged/hardware?sort=unanswered - that's not the "really" unanswered ones. I faked it by constructing the URL myself
So HP is considering selling its PC unit. Interesting... pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2391413,00.asp
@ShaneMadden, no... In order to get the "really unanswered" I have to go "Unanswered" and then "No answers"
"Can you make sure our email is functioning properly? It seems a little slow today." Zowzer.
@Aaron I don't see any answers on any of the questions in that list?
For different definitions of slow, I guess.
@Holocryptic Sent over email, right?
@ShaneMadden What? How'd you know?
@Iain @Sam just nuked it
I flagged it after @sysadmin1138 had edited it - I couldn't understand him not nuking it
then I got to wondering so thought I'd check
Cya Folks
@ITHedgeHog hey have a great day tomorrow
I shall do, thanks
@ShaneMadden, well,l now that list is interesting.. It apparently sorts 1st by the number of answers on a question and then the number of votes for a question - see this page where it 'runs out of' 0 answer questions and starts going through 1 answer questions:
@Iain It's relevant so I wouldn't say spam, but definitely over the product-promotion line, I think. serverfault.com/faq#promotion
@Aaron Oh, yup! Strange sort, lol
The problem is that sometimes on SE sites unanswered means '0 answers' and sometime it means 'answers, but none that have been upvoted' and sometimes it means 'answers, with upvotes, but none accepted'
It's driving me a little bonkers
Yeah - it's tough because it'd be nice to be able to see "no answers and only terrible answers" in one list. But sometimes 0 score answers are great, and sometimes they're terrible.
yay, 600 reputation
@ShaneMadden way over the line I think
thats within the scope
I once made the same exact mistake with SPF as this question, lol: serverfault.com/questions/303174/spf-configuration-question
they clearly state that they are promoting their own product
and they are giving proper answers
(and besides, i've used mx toolbox many many times to troubleshoot smtp, its great)
we've got some maintenance going on right now so I can't do it but the second that's through I'm destroying that spammer account - every post is spam, they're adding nothing - they're gone
if they want to promote they can pay for it, it's the same rule for everyone - I destroyed a bunch of IBM accounts for doing the same - this site is about adding value and links/spam don't
::whine:: I don't WANT to do math! I HATE math! It is REVOLTING!
@voretaq7 like the peasants ?
@voretaq7 I find it amusing that my answer has trailed yours by exactly one upboat all day: serverfault.com/questions/303072/…
Honestly, I can't believe that question has survived for this long without getting closed/off-topic
I already voted on that
@ErikA Lol, the difference was my vote. Fixed ;)
It's sitting there with 4. Someone put it out of its misery.
I thought I voted on it before. Guess not
@Iain Nope. Not having it. Closing tab. If I go over there I'm gonna get yelled at.
"...or it can take 2-5 sec to load which in both cases i want to avoid...."
@ShaneMadden Heh...wasn't fishing for votes, but whatever. :) I'm not sure I've seen two answers track right alongside each other like that before.
if you are unhappy with a 2-5 second load time for failover, and you're also asking: "Also once the primary server becomes available how can I make sure it get's the db/file edits that were done on the backup server? ", this is a prime example of my needed "you're holding it wrong" button
I'm with @Holocryptic on that 99.999999999999% question.
Those typically fall into the "if you have to ask, you're already way over your head" category.
@Holocryptic you lost me there
@Iain I'll start rage typing
@ErikA :-D
A: Sudo as different user and running screen

voretaq7Try running script /dev/null as the user you su to before launching screen - its a ghetto little hack, but it should make screen happy.

Wow, I don't even remember answering that.
and apparently it came up as a google result 'cuz it didn't work for @mox
Q: Email hoarder intervention and education - (Exchange 2010 environment)

ewwhiteI'll admit it. I've encountered quite a few users who are email hoarders. 20GB PST files. Awful folder management. I'm currently working with a 100-user environment where users previously had 100mb quotas and a basic IMAP/Postfix solution. That led to lots of locally-stored mail and the related...

"Get a bat, schedule some time (via Outlook), go to town."
@Holocryptic close OT
@Holocryptic I guarantee that this user's mailbox is chock-full of huge powerpoint presentations and other ridiculous email attachments.
@ErikA I loved how at my last place, they insisted on emailing documents to each other that were located on the file server.
That didn't make me want to pull my hair out at all
@Holocryptic classic sales/marketing behavior.
Or a school, but yeah, I can see them doing it too.
oh fun, I get to come in later this evening to replace a failing FC switch.
Sounds fantastic
fortunately it's only 16 ports, so re-patching shouldn't take too long.
"Someone on staff thought his email was taking a while to process. I just checked with him and he said it seems to be okay now. Thanks."
/closes ticket by clicking really hard on the mouse
@EvanAnderson Just crossed the 60K mark. I want to see who will hit 100K first. @EvanAnderson or @womble
@womble is cleaning the heck up lately.
sorry guys
and girls
hbkhb to you too.
i just would like about servers and startups
if anyone knows
which is main basic featureas to start with on startup sites? :)
server specs i mean )
2gb 4gb or more?
@Ispuk there's no possible way for us to answer that question. Your best bet is just to rent a VPS or possibly a dedicated server on a monthly basis to see how things perform.
sure ;) that is clear ;)
just would like to know if 4gb is enought for example 400K requests a day
Nobody knows
because nobody knows what you are doing with those 400K request
ehehe clear too )
if you are serving up a flat file of HTML, sure. If you're running a thousand line SQL insert every time, then no. Anything inbetween is up to you
there is no way to prevent server fault by requests examples? :P
@Ispuk there are too many variables - it's like trying to predict the weather
@Ispuk We can't configure your environment for you -- every environment is different and unique.
@voretaq7 Like snowflakes, or my neighbors children.
uhm i mean if i know execution time for anypage on 4gb (local server) then i know that except of them there are no other request ... :P
If we tried the only way to be safe would be to tell you to get something obscene like an 8-way quad-core box with at least 96GB of RAM and at least 4TB of disk space.
@voretaq7 8TB
@Holocryptic true - there might be a big database involved.
no, you can get by with 640K, that's all anyone will ever need
@Holocryptic 42 TB actually is my preferred size.
(I was originally gonna say 48GB of RAM but I felt that was too small)
@Ispuk we cannot answer your questions because you do not know the correct questions to ask
@ErikA 12U server? :)
@voretaq7 you never know. :)
I feel bad for the dude with the Exchange hog BTW @Holocryptic
@ErikA If you're not in the PB range, you're doing it wrong
@voretaq7 agreed. I've been in that position many times. Fortunately I'm out of the email hosting game for the moment.
@ErikA 2U of server, then 10U of front-and-back JBOD :-)
@voretaq7 Yeah...
ehehe party here? )
@Ispuk just getting snarky, that's all.
come guys !!!!!! )))
@ErikA our local email is enough of a bane. Fortunately my big disk hog (the CEO) is a reasonable guy if (a) you catch him when he has time, and (b) you explain why what's going on hurts the business
who's the predicter here?
@Ispuk it's friday afternoon (in the US anyway)- what do you expect?
I'm on my 3rd whiskey
))) italy == friday night ))
In my head
@Holocryptic hopefully if the Irish or Scottish variety?
"Yeah $BOSS, backing up your mail is taking a day and a half - literally - can we do something about it" -> "Damn, yeah I can move it onto my laptop"
and i'm going out ... but first i need some predicter (is predicter english term :/ ?)
@ErikA Canadian Whiskey! Blame !
well played
@ErikA At this point... anything will do
@Holocryptic Engine degreaser it is! Belly up to the still!
whiskey sounds quite good ATM.
ahaha guys really i thought i knew english but really it's a jungle now ))
my head is burning ))
I think I'm gonna make a stop on the way home
So are my eyes
ok if anyone tonight will dream about perfect prediction , please mail me ))
Gonna try me some of @jscotts beer tonight
@Holocryptic oooh what type ?
He sent me 3
oooh what types ?
let me pull it up
Over the weekend I discovered 12x22oz bottles of homemade cider I made, oh 6 years ago or so. Should be mightly smooth after that much aging. :)
The brown ale, blue-barely-ale, Apri-hop Wheat
@ErikA BEAH HEAH! holds up hand
@ErikA or vinegar
@Holocryptic I don't recognise the last 2
@Iain custom
actually, all three a a bit custom
@Iain nah, it would need O2 to turn into vinegar. These are in crown-capped bottles that have been in my cellar since bottling.
Thanks for the reply, but my website is not just some static pages, it involves many dynamic contents which change frequently, such as post, comment, add friends, all of this can not simply done by cdn.
cdns unable to serve dynamic content, news at 11!
Facebook Killer, bitch!
that's no way to make a business plan, voretaq. This system I'm looking at, now /that's/ a business plan. A GUI, transferred over telnet.
@ErikA this is my favourite cider cheshirecider.co.uk
@TessellatingHeckler I have only one response to that. Please stand by.
The answer is that libdialog, the library on which sysinstall depends
for these menus, is genuinely evil.  It is the unloved, satanic
bastard child of multiple parents and torturing users like yourself
constitutes the only joy in life it has left.  Its source files are
all chmod'd 0666 and dire README files warn against trespass by
neophyte programmers.  It is the 7th gate of Hell.  It makes the baby
Jesus cry.  Were libdialog given anthropomorphic representation, it
would be promptly burnt at the stake and its ashes scattered in the
@Iain yum.
@TessellatingHeckler, oh, you're familiar with TL1, are you?
@Iain ooh, not far from here
@Aaron nope, never heard of it
@Iain for mine, I drove to a local orchard and picked up 6 gallons of un-pasteurized apple cider.
@ErikA 'round about these parts that's liable to get ya raided by a multi-agency task force for sellin' them-thar un-past-yoo-rise-ed products that be dangerous!
@TessellatingHeckler where are you ?
@ErikA my sister-in-law lives in Herefordshire - the heart of English Cider country, she is surrounded by orchards
@voretaq7 Yah, I had to do come convincing for them to sell me the raw stuff.
I get the impression that some of my hosting colleagues think I'm just slightly better than retarded since I'm on helpdesk right now. Not helping.
just down the road you can buy fresh cider, but it's not as good as the Cheshire stuff
@Holocryptic helpdesk isn't supposed to help.
@voretaq7 apposite response, that.
Escalate them especially crap tickets as punishment for their derision.
"My website is DOWN!!!!!!!!111111ONELELEVENTYBILLION"

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