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1ru and almost no power might rival the cost of a VM
@MarkHenderson Tell me about it. I'm working on that in between riding,
@MarkHenderson I've actually seen that before. I want to use that for the 10g stuff
@MarkHenderson ...they did what now
@Jacob 15Gbps for 1500kb mtu
Or 27Gbps for the newer models
For under $1300
@ewwhite Failed hard disk...
> SMTP facility included with BusinessMail POP has certain limitations, including: the number of emails that may be sent which is 25 emails every 10 minutes
@Jacob That sounds like something Telstra would write
Also; emails are not sent by POP
@MarkHenderson I missed that after seeing 8k/mth for 10/10
@Jacob Haha easy enough when your jaw is on the floor
@MarkHenderson I almost want to ask them how many suckers are actually on that plan.
@MarkHenderson Huh, it is from that page O_O
@MarkHenderson Wow
> Guaranteed throughput and reliability for hungry applications. Bandwidth options range from 128kps up to 10 Mb/s.
They... actually offer 128kbps over ethernet?
@MarkHenderson Ick, handing out porn viewing devices laptop to all the school kids... What could possibly go wrong?
I haven't seen numbers like that in a long time.
@ChrisS Incidentally, some kids were caught using them to watch porn in class.
@ChrisS I had a laptop in Year 10, and that was 14 years ago
The basic service model is:

1. Reformat
2. Replace
I actually have one of the first iteration of DER laptops.
It's a piece of shit.
Their insurance policies are incredibly flexible and its cheaper to just replace and pay a tiny excess than bother to repair
Reliable, but still crap (still works, surprisingly, buuuut...)
I'm not sure if I'm old fashion, tin-hat, or genius; but I don't think kids should be issued laptops at all
@ChrisS issued? No definitely not.
Lunchtime. I hope it's not raining.
Got soaked on my way in :\
@ChrisS Why not?
Is it the "issued" or the "kids" or the "laptop" part?
@MarkHenderson: bit of all three? ;p
laptops are inherently rather delicate devices, in the hands of ... indelicate users
@Jacob whoah
Way more important story in the sidebar
brb, seeing a divorce lawyer
actually jk i've seen my wife use an angle grinder and I have a photo of her destroying a wall with a rotary hammer
@MarkHenderson I'm not entirely sure... Kinds will abuse the technology, and it's rather expensive. Feels very "entitlement". I'm not convinced it has much if any benefits. Perhaps most of all, technology is a wonderful tool, but a terrible replacement for almost all thought processes - but schools in particular seems to apply technology as some shortcut.
There is some truth to the idea that given tools kids learn on their own - pickup "The Diamond Age" for some interesting observations turned fiction. But leaving that learning unguided 1. may have very negative results (ever read Lord of the Flies?) 2. We can do better - why should we aim so low?
@ChrisS I agree with that in principle
Laptops are a tool - just a tool
Nothing more, nothing less
Like all tools they need to be in the right hands
And have the right guidance
@MarkHenderson Not sure you can agree with that wandering mess in anything more than principal... I've never put the effort into crafting a concise thought, just the kneejerk reaction.
@ChrisS Kneejerk reactions are often the true
Most kids can't use computers though
@MarkHenderson Still reading - immediately annoyed by the proxy that isn't auto-configured by DHCP or WPAD and isn't transparent... Also the reason for the proxy, but I suppose it's a school....
Next annoyance - I don't know anyone who can put a video in powerpoint who can't be explained the difference between embedded and linked in under 20 seconds.
@ChrisS Haha true, but "The internets not working" and "Powerpoints not working" followed by dumb stares make me want to stab people
"Could you be any less specific?"
Wireless switches - the bane of so many people's existence
Manufactures must have people who research the worst possible places to put those things.
@MarkHenderson Eh, I only agree with some of that. Obviously kids are at least as technology incompetent as the rest of us. I'm not sure that's a real problem however, even the author there admits he knows nothing of his car - on his own premise he should be learning to maintain a car before driving it again.
I just don't think that holds water. Kids need to learn critical thinking skills - something they stressed when I was in school, though I have reservations as to the degree with which they were successful in instilling such skills in children.
Critical thinking? Those classes are on the endangered species list.
This was a major frustration when I taught a college class. It was absolutely clear about 2/3 of the class seriously lacked critical problem solving skills, while the other 1/3, it came easily. The more I learn about education the more frustrated I am - we know how to do better, we can do better - we don't.
@ChrisS Interesting. Critical Thinking was actually INFO101 in my course
@MarkHenderson Do you think that class taught you anything noteworthy? Do you think it taught most students anything noteworthy?
I applied my critical thinking skills way too liberally. I got an F on one assignment that involved writing an essay about whether the moon landing was faked or not. I wrote my essay saying that it doesn't matter whether or not it was faked, because the positives of people thinking we landed on the moon outweighed the possible negatives of it being faked
I got an "F - Mark, you missed the point of the assignment" - did I really..?!
Once upon a time that was a high school course.
@ChrisS Well I enjoyed it, but I was a critical thinker before then anyway, courtesy of my parents
@MarkHenderson LOL - Sounds like your teacher completely missed the point of the class.
@ChrisS Oh yeah she was just following what was on the bullet point slides
I also failed one assignment in my ethics class for writing a similar essay
@MarkHenderson "On the ethics of killing people who can't remember their username. Conclusion: KILL!"
Actually here's one advantage of having a laptop: In an IT class in 2005 I was the only person in the class with a laptop (!!). Ethics teacher was talking about a particular ethicist and his teachings. I quicktly googled him, found his wikipedia page, put my hand up and asked "Is this the same guy that said it's OK to have sex with an animal?"
To which the teacher went bright red and stuttered
@MarkHenderson To be fair he said it was only okay to have sex with a dead animal.
(I have no idea)
@MarkHenderson So the concept of Google had sunk into the faculty's consciousness eh?
@Wesley Haha what the teacher explained was "Well, if nobody is getting hurt - you're getting enjoyment and the animal is getting mutual enjoyment, then what's the harm. For example if you trained a dog to lick your balls while you gave the dog a tickle, then what's the harm?"
(Not saying he agreed with this, but that's what the logical conclusion to this particular persons ethics was)
@Wesley Who knows
Turns out I went to a pretty backwards university
I wouldn't have gone there again
Almost everyone who graduated with me that I know has gone on to either completely different careers, gone to another university, or become a stay at home parent, or is still working at a supermarket
@MarkHenderson I've known of couples that have sex with their dog in the room, or on the bed, and the dog gets uncomfortably close sometimes.
That kinda makes me shudder.
Like, butt licking close.
People are fucking animals.
@Wesley And then there's the guy that died because he got a horse to fuck him in the ass
The Enumclaw horse sex case was a 2005 incident in which Kenneth Pinyan died from injuries received during anal sex with a stallion at a farm in an unincorporated area in King County, Washington, near the city of Enumclaw. During a July 2005 sex act, videotaped by a friend, he suffered a perforated colon from receptive anal intercourse from a stallion and later died of his injuries. The story was reported in The Seattle Times and was one of that paper's most read stories of 2005. It was informally referred to as the "Enumclaw horse sex case". The video footage was later disseminated thro...
Totally safe for work
@MarkHenderson Mr. Hands!
Pro Tip: Don't goole that and if you do don't do it at work and if you do I warned you.
Basically you watch a guy meet death by horse dong.
@Wesley yeah not gunna google that if it's what I think it is
@MarkHenderson What goes wrong with a guy to make him do that.
Aerospace engineer by day, horse's wank toy by night. I don't get it.
I'm generally okay with letting people figure their own pleasures out, but that's just...
This is what happens when you and I are left alone in The Comms Room.
@Wesley What would you do if you found out your friend was into letting horses fuck him?
Bestiality snuff films.
(as opposed to actually fucking the animals)
@MarkHenderson Talk to him. Try to get in his head.
I don't want him to have his life ruined if he gets caught or seriously injured, so... just see what's up with the guy and if he can be reasoned with to seek some help.
@Wesley I don't know what I would do. I would probably make a discreet exit and move to another state
I can't save anyone, but I'd see if I could get him to someone who could.
Or that.
@MarkHenderson Do you need to hushmail me something to get something off your chest?
@Wesley Ummmm
If I ever was going to admit to something horrible I would probably just do it in here and pretend it's a joke
@MarkHenderson Jessssss checkin'
I've admitted to enough other false things in here :P
@MarkHenderson So you're not married and you get blowjobs everyday!
@Wesley And my only two kids are the children I borrowed from the local school and have locked in the basement!
I knew it!
There's a reason I moved to within 50m from a public school that has a good reputation
I knew it! THere's no way Netflix would put up with that shit too long
That does me proud.
> There is no way to do this in Java.
That about sums up my experiences.
People that bark about SSDs not needing to be defragged annoy me. Sure, free space defragmentation isn't a problem, but you'd best believe file fragmentation falling below block size causing more io than necessary is sure a problem for certain filesystems and uses.
@JourneymanGeek You love Java! Just not with chicory.
.... chicory is the tool of the devil
I'm scared now.
@Wesley: thats something that needs to be file system level though
@Wesley When was the last time you defragged a magnetic disk anyway?
Laptop repaired almost a year ago by manufacturer repair. Again now by extended warranty repair, from a different company. And an ISP tech. Anyone want to guess how they're related?
@JourneymanGeek File level chicory? Tell me more.
@MarkHenderson Windows 7 is pretty good at doing it by itself.
@MarkHenderson Not since Vista on Windows.
@Wesley Exactly. So who gives a shit about it not requiring a defrag
Vista... introduced auto-defrag, but didn't really do it properly.
I havent defragged since Windows XP
@MarkHenderson People that are pedantic.
@MarkHenderson Because IIRC the OS auto-defrag doesn't touch SSDs?
And I've never defragged a server
Also Vista+ wasting your NANDs on free-space defrags.
@Bob I should hope not
@Bob Yeah I would hope it was that smart. I never checked.
I'm cheap and by skanky platter discs for my desktops. =P
Assuming it knows it's an SSD anyway (RAID, anyone?)
@Wesley Eh so do I
@Wesley I need far too much space for SSDs :\
I would put them in some of our servers too, if I could find a way to fit 2.5" SSD's into Dell 3.5" caddies
@MarkHenderson Aren't there adaptors available?
We got the 2.5" chassis.
@Wesley: I do both
@JourneymanGeek I want RAID 0 FusionIO cards over Infiniband!!
@Bob The only few I found are not designed for sleds, so they reposition the connectors to the wrong place
I need one that mounts the SSD as far left as possible, not in the center
But: no stock anywhere local that I can find, and it doesn't have the rack servers on the compatibility list
(probably just ebcause they want to rape you for extra dollars for them; the caddies are the same I think)
Night, sweethearts.
oh god
Q: permission issue on lamp on fedora

Amit BeraI am using Fedora my Os System and was give permission 777 to /var/www/html using chmod 777 -R /var/www/html Path "/var/www/html/magento/app/etc" must be writable. Path "/var/www/html/magento/media" must be writable. Path "/var/www/html/magento/media/downloadable" must be writable. Path "/var/w...

read his responses to my comments
@MarkHenderson most of them do center.
I wonder if you could build a laser cut one ;p
@Wesley oh, if only. I have a SSD for boot, system and most software. Games and various bulk strorage on a 3tb spinning rust drive
Hail, Lord Darkstar. Hail, Jarl Pauska.
@FalconMomot: just FYI, my VPS host is having some occational router issues
@JourneymanGeek they belong in jail
@FalconMomot: ;p
occationally shit happens
I might experiment with self hosting on fibre when I get it
assuming its reliable
oh by the way
comodo is offering free s/mime certificates for people wanting non-pgp secure email.
thats probably useful
um, yes
and reminds me of the current problem I'm procrastinating ><
since unlike openpgp virtually every email client supports it out of the box
I'm almost entirely on gmail though >_>
yeah, webmail typically doesn't
why don't you point thunderbird at gmail?
cause I hardly use email these days
enigmail + thunderbird || mutt + gpg
yup, and outlook?
and I'm having wierd trouble since namecheap's email hosting went down with sending mails from outlook
the other reason I prefer to use s/mime is that accepting it requires no effort on behalf of the recipient, since most mail clients support it already.
I don't use windows, I don't know :/
need to talk to their support about it but I'm just too busy :/
and its an XP box thats slow as heck and I can't be arsed to document things properly
(yes, I know XP box. I don't really have the option of replacing it at the moment)
@JourneymanGeek BVM?
@JourneymanGeek Heh. I'm still getting the emails. Never really finished migrating that server either.
@Bob: eh. I have some stuff falcon uses on a VM I don't pay too much attention to
I also have a mutual friend who isn't here who I don't need hear me mention it ;p
someone fed a Markov bot 50 shades of grey and the intel ISA manuals, and got that out of it
> He points toward the top. Bit
positions are numbered 0 through
FFFFH. I/O port being read from the Streaming SIMD Extensions access the diagnostic information provided is as mortified as I do.
> I don’t want to smile, but I won’t. On the fourth button, the red marks all over the middle bit enables counting on one counter separately. If only variable-range registers were modified and extended in the mirror, gray to blue. I aim for pink.
thats funny and horrifying all at once
"No, $CUSTOMER, the patch we put out for the Heartbleed problem two months ago does not fix the new problem that was announced a two days ago. Yeah, unbelievable, isn't it?"
@JennyD mondays...
@DennisKaarsemaker Hate them. And Tuesdays are the worst kind.
2 hours later…
Was just settling in for a quiet few days relaxing and boom, it looks like a whistestop tour back to London to finish up some work where someone has gone off sick
What's a whistestop?
I actually had to Google where it came from for you (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whistle_stop_train_tour) but it's just used to mean a short stop somewhere
Ok, whistlestop makes a bit more sense (still unknown to me).. you misspelled it :)
Haha, so I did. Weird how you read what you want to read, isn't it?
I'm nearly done with our exchange 2013 migration
piece of shit synchronizer software between our CRM and exchange refuses to work
Kick the shit out of it
I hate shitty integration software
it's the same deal every time.. some BIG incentives for getting integration between x and z to work, and then it's just left to dust
@FalconMomot "His eyes frost as he hands over his credit card without checking error conditions"

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=158ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=161ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=158ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=154ms TTL=47

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 154ms, Maximum = 161ms, Average = 157ms

C:\Users\Bob>ping google.com

Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
So much for trusting Google's public DNS servers to have a low latency.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=40
Reply from bytes=32 time=33ms TTL=40
Reply from bytes=32 time=33ms TTL=40
Reply from bytes=32 time=33ms TTL=40
@NathanC Different location.
@Bob Does a tracert point out why it's happening? It sounds like a congested route
Wait, Google has a server inside my ISP's network o.O
@NathanC Yea, I was looking at that ^
This is interesting.
And on top of all the ADSL fuckery over the last week, too.
Hm. The latency spike is within Google's network. Looks like they might be routing me overseas -_-
What about
@NathanC Same.
Lucky I don't use it for anything more than latency testing.
Heh. Just had another guy on the same ISP confirm it.
Annnnd confirmed by someone on a different ISP.
Looks like someone fucked up a route somewhere. 150ms is pretty typical of some overseas locations.
@Bob Just pour some decongestant into your NIC and stop worrying about it.
@basil know EVA storage?
Q: HP Command View: Could not find authenticator for Security Domain

SobriqueI have some HP EVA storage arrays. They are monitored via Command View - the HP management product. Of 8 management servers, a grand total of one will not let me log in using 'domain' credentials - in the logs, the following error message is generated: DOMAINNAME\service_acc, 3248, 4252, 1, Do...

@HopelessN00b I'll save that for my nose, thanks.
Fucking sinuses.
No, don't take that literally.
@Bob Yeah, sounds like it would be pretty painful to even attempt.
@RobM are the exchange 2010 servers removed from your environment?
@ewwhite No, I had some ideas based on how I know AD from using Netapp and CIFS, but nothing that helpful or conclusive
HP's AD authentication's always been... um, "finicky" at the best of times, too.
@NathanC I should get that on a t-shirt.
^^I need to find a way to tattoo that on the inside of my boss's eyelids.^^
Because we actually do that. <sigh>
@HopelessN00b hahaha
need. to. get. out. of. the. damn. office!
move to U&L?
Q: /proc/slabinfo: Input/output error

beketaI am using Ubuntu 12.04 and XFS (kernel 3.2.0-38-generic). Because XFS inode cache use too much memory, I want to limit the number of objects used to cache XFS inode. According to the manual, I can limit the number by writing limit to /proc/slabinfo. But I cannot write to /proc/slabinfo even wit...

I'm doing my first package builds for EL7 today. Wish me luck.
have fun
@ewwhite Got my vote.
@ewwhite What's wrong with the question? Aside from that he doesn't know what he's doing.
@MichaelHampton I didn't know you could write anywhere under /proc
@MichaelHampton the usual. Maybe I'm just sensitive
Q: Deleting a .lck file in vCenter to release a VM lock ?

PaKempfI'm working on migrating VMs from esxi 4.1 to esxi 5.5. I was wondering if deleting the .lck file of a VM in the 4.1 datastore would let the 5.5 (connected to that same datastore) take ownership of the VM (by importing it)? It would allow me to migrate it without having to restart the VM (to ...

You can migrate VMs between vSphere instances by just deleting the .lck file, right?
greetings folks
@DanilaLadner greetings
such a shitty weather on east coast
these days
@DanilaLadner trade ya. I'll take your shitty weather and you can have my shi... really, very tolerable boss.
boss, is like your parent, you don't choose who your boss is
@DanilaLadner Well, you kind of do
@DanilaLadner You're on the wrong part of the east coast.. Nothing but sunshine to bike in.
@Dan Did they take your offer?
@Jacob Something came up which means they may be able to afford me on the current agreement, so I've not said anything yet
Anybody do amateur meteorology?
@Jacob I'm an amateur gynecologist... is that close enough, or not?
@HopelessN00b no idea
@HopelessN00b You may be able to assist with this:
Q: Are same-sex marriages allowed in Skyrim?

Memor-XIf i started a new game as a woman would i be able to marry another woman? if not is there a way (possible using the console) to have a same sex marriage.

@HopelessN00b The answer turns out to be that it's not enough moisture to reach the ground.
@Jacob 'er, was that in reference to meteorology or gynecology?
@Tanner I know nothing of the later

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