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hello all!
ahh what a day
anyone sacked someone due to competency?
> I have a central database of about 10 Tara Bytes.
@ColdT no, but I've always wanted to.
lol 10TB that can't be fun to backup or maintain
@TomO'Connor not good fun, too much politics
@ColdT Backup's probably not the issue.
Snapshot the SAN, backup the snapshot.
@Chopper3 I was thinking just that
Q: central Database with multiple instances

noor arshadI have a central database of about 10 Tara Bytes. it is On SAN. there are about 150 different locations across the country from where about 5000 users will be accessing this database simultaneously for performing transactions. I am using SQL SERVER 2008R2. Now in-order to make this optimized,...

for reference. that's where it came from
@TomO'Connor I actually quite like her - because she's Jedward's best mate and for some reason I like them
Often a database of that size is storing things that could be stored in more appropriate ways, we have no single DB bigger than 15GB, we have quite a few that size but no bigger
i think the real question he is trying to asks is what options he has in order to optimise performance
but yeah, then again like @Chopper3 mentioned, that much data in a DB is just asking for trouble
@Chopper3 Just put 10TB of RAM in a server and let it all float into memory.
maybe i have limited exposure to super large organisations :|
@ColdT it's just people using a DB as a rubbish-bin/trash-can - find the tool best suited for the data type
@Chopper3 /dev/null
@Chopper3 reminds me of people using Exchange/email as rubbish/storage
@TomO'Connor we do all of our DB work in memory, we use that Oracle Times-Ten DB, but we're talking no more than 512GB memory per server, less in some cases
@Chopper3 do you guys virtualise Oracle by any chance and pay the ridiculous licensing fee?
I had an interesting 'discussion' before, some remote part of our team got all angry because we couldn't buy and deploy a resilient NAS box to their site in a single day - I haven't torn into someone like that for a while
@ColdT never Oracle DB no, lots of their other products yes (web-logic etc.) but never DBs
@ColdT oh and we have a corporate 'all you can eat' thing with them, we use their version of RHEL (OEL) for instance, it's one big bill per year rather than worry about ordering all the time
@Chopper3 due to cost or performance or both?
ahh nice big bill, they will be happy with that
@ColdT we have the same deal with MS and recently with VMWare too - it's mostly to do with supportability - is we have one base OS, one or two DBs, one or two application stacks then different teams can't go off and buy whatever they like and later run into support issues
makes sense if the company can afford it
"Verizon is worried that these notices will harm its otherwise sparkling reputation"
I really, really hope that americans use their power and comment to FCC about net neutrality
Obama has after all instated the former cable company lead lobbyist as FCC chairman..
@MichaelHampton just living the dream!
Sup Viking?
He Lives !
You're very new here, you should read our about and also take a look round the help center. Then you should get a feel for why this isn't really a good fit for our style of Q&A. — Iain 35 mins ago
I got told to go fuck myself for that comment :(
@Iain Verbatim?
pretty much yep
@Iain Is he banned yet?
I dunno
@Iain sometimes!
How's it going ?
It's good. Very busy.
I'm fine - and it's almost the weekend :)
Has anyone ever used Syncovery? Good\Bad\Indifferent?
I wonder if any of those regex books are worth it shop.oreilly.com/category/deals/…
I got quite a bot of the basics from regular-expressions.info
@Iain I thought there was some sort of pseudo requirement to read our faq before posting
@faker I've read part of the o'reilly one, it's not bad, but most of the o'reilly books I've come across are nice
@BigHomie this one? shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596528126.do?code=DEAL ? That is the one I'm considering to buy
Guess it depends on your skillset, I was (still?) a n00b to them
a 500+ page book on RE's ::head implodes::
♫♬ 100 bugs in the code, 100 bugs in the code, take one down, debug it around, 112 bugs in the code! ♫♬
@LucasKauffman What's the Security.SE CTF Team?
good day to you sir
Anyone in Seattle?
> The gunman was reloading a shotgun when the tackler, working as a building monitor, used pepper spray and knocked him down, police Capt. Chris Fowler told reporters.
"Once on the ground, other students jumped on top of them and subdued the shooter," he said.
Aren't legalising dope sometime in the summer in Seattle?
Hi, I have a question I am not sure is suitable for the site as it is too general. I am handling a lot of operations - upgrades and maintenance - and I started looking for something to automate it. Would puppet be good for me? is anyone here working with puppet?
should it go to the site?
@guymograbi Thank you for coming here to ask, Puppet certain can do all those things, quite a learning curve though - are you a 'code'y type person or more of a scripter?
@guymograbi There's people who frequent the chat that are familiar with Puppet, I'm not one of them and chat's pretty dead right now, so if you don't hear back I'd keep checking, but @Chopper3 might be able to help you it looks like
do you mean "javscript/java/python/ruby" ==> code and bash as script?
because to me it is all the same
yes, oh ok, so you're confident with things like code-control etc?
I am a web developer for 8 years now, using all languages and all technologies
ah great, generally we're not you see, we're sysadmins first - in that case puppet will come naturally to you and yes it can do all you need - just wanted to warn you of the learning curve if you weren't a coder you see
ok great. So if - for example - I have a nodejs project that I am developing, and I want to push a new version of the code to staging environment, but not production - puppet will do that? and later will upgrade production when I am ready right?
Good morning
@guymograbi yes, easily you get to classify nodes in various ways including naming the environment you're in and then selectively deploying, or not, to given environments
ok good. This is what I've been looking for. Is the puppet community using serverfault or is there some other forum I should use for learning curve/problems issues.
sup @mossy
Not much. Fighting with IE and 'ChangePoint' (Some shit software for ticket management.)
lol ahhh never heard of it. Free? Previewing or a bad purchase?
I have no idea.
I don't ask questions.
All i know is that when I try to close a ticket I get this: 'Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
makes me sad
@guymograbi I'm sure there are better sites for just puppet, certainly there's support here for it but we're more of a mixed bag really
@mossy sucks, there's actually pretty decent options out there.
@mossy Oooohhhhhhhh that's a bad sign.
@MikeyB ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
Client's application, not mine.
Just so hard to get started.. no copy/paste try it now puppet experience. There's no "how to do this" only "how to do everything" - which gives a totally abstract explanation to things I don't need. I want to get going within an hour.. like "hello world".. kinde frustrating.
@mossy Type mismatch... Probably a bad cast somewhere in the script.
@guymograbi Been through the tutorial on puppet site?
This is why I hate loosely typed languages.
@MikeyB can't even find it.
@guymograbi dude. docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/introduction.html And make sure you start with puppet and hiera
docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/… ? - talks about virtual box..
@guymograbi That's not a good start - docs.puppetlabs.com/learning
@guymograbi grats, you can read.
what did I walk into?
dog poop ?
Puppet talk.
nah someone just needed to find the docs
@MikeyB - been reading for 3 days now - blogs, articles books (instant puppet) still didn't see anything I feel like I can start with. everyone explain how to install and what are modules, but no getting dirty things.
@guymograbi don't puppet have a downloadable vm and a tutorial to go with it still ?
perhaps puppet isn't the tool for you then
@guymograbi Fire up a bunch of VMs at DO or something and start trying to configure them.
but I have puppet installed..
why do I need a vm?
it's a good place to start as there is a tutorial that goes with it
@Iain perhaps.. that's what I am trying to figure out.
or are you trying to jump in at the deep?
with puppet you are also able to very quickly break a lot. Starting to learn on a VM for sure is a good idea
@guymograbi my guess? You need someone's strings to pull~
@BigHomie what does that mean?
@guymograbi my guess he's trolling
@Iain trololololing
@guymograbi failed attempt at humor, you see puppet is often synonymous w/ marionette, which makes sense when you're trying to get computers to do.... nevermind
so if you need clients.. eh..
ok.. I see .
@guymograbi but in any event SF isn't the place to learn - if you have specific questions great but tutorials and hand holding we don't do
@Iain Really??
@Iain - I know you don't I just need a pointer to the right direction. seems like there's no easy starting point with puppet. You have to decide to commit or not to commit before you even get started.
@guymograbi Dood...
A: How can the little guys effectively learn and use Puppet?

ewwhiteI started using Puppet ahead of deploying a new infrastructure and simply bought a (well-regarded) book on the topic. I don't think most people actually obtain professional Puppet training. I worked on examples until I could mold the process to my environment. This was December 2011, so within a ...

@ewwhite haha "We're not programmers, we're sysadmins";‌​, funny I just heard that...
but another idea is to just download Puppet Enterprise and learn through the tutorial. Puppet Enterprise is hella easier to use.
@ewwhite but not free right
I am looking for something like this: html5hub.com/angular-js-tutorial/#i.vpnww815iddzlt
@ewwhite Isn't the free licence limit just 10 nodes though
short and to the point - this is what you can do with it kinda thing.
@Iain In Puppet class, the instructor was like, "LOL, we don't really stop you with the license limit"
@guymograbi There is short and sweet with puppet but the functionality is low
@guymograbi Sorry d00d... the Puppet docs are okay. But you have to start small. Replace and manage a config file, for instance
@Iain The PE license file is a plain YAML text file, you can edit it to say anything you want
@ewwhite - actually the book you mention in the link above looks good. it is for version 2.7. still relevant?
dunno... it's what I used a couple of years ago
define couple
but then I went to training last Fall
look at the date on the answer
2 years.. I bet it is still quite relevant.
for beginners.
I learned more in 3 days of puppet class than the book
Mar 11 at 22:20, by Michael Hampton
# cat /etc/puppetlabs/license.key
to: Me, Myself and I
nodes: 1000
@guymograbi Something like...
    # Make sure EL6 syslog is updated
    package { 'rsyslog':
      ensure => latest,
that's simple... makes sense, right?
and that will invoke some function where "ensure" is a parameter with value "latest" and - assuming I have my own weird installation process - this will invoke that function?
@guymograbi you sure puppet wouldn't be overkill for this?
this will say, "install package rsyslog using local system's package manager"
@guymograbi How are you distributing your software?
@BigHomie I currently have 10 different servers I manually log into and run commands like "service widget upgrade"
just saying w/ the learning curve, it seems you could whip up some sort of bash script/similar
@ewwhite - I usually zip them and unzip them on the server
@BigHomie - indeed... but at some point something will break. trying to get a head. assuming I get over the learning curve - will it be worth it?
@guymograbi I'm not the person to say. I use SCCM here, but manage 3k clients w/ it
@guymograbi I wrote this while drunk... I needed to get a .zip file package installed quickly on a bunch of servers.
  # Files
  $auto_snapshot_src = '/root/zfs-auto-snapshot-master.zip'
  $auto_snapshot_cmd = '/sbin/zfs-auto-snapshot'
  $auto_snapshot_cron = '/etc/cron.d/zfs-auto-snapshot'

  file { $auto_snapshot_src:
    ensure  => present,
    source  => "puppet:///modules/zfs-auto-snapshot/zfs-auto-snapshot-master.zip",
    mode    => '0755',
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    notify  => Exec["unzip auto_snapshot_src"],

  exec { "unzip auto_snapshot_src":
    command     => "/usr/bin/unzip -o $auto_snapshot_src",
Basically unzip, cd, make install
@ewwhite you are a god!
so basically - ant script on the cloud
There are better puppet people here... so they'll likely fix my bad process... but this is a simple example
@ewwhite and this is after reading the book right?
@guymograbi I can't remember the book. I went to Puppet training in the fall, though
@ewwhite so the script above is after the training?
@ScottPack I'm not going to enable JavaScript for comments powered by Disqus. Sorry. But I did want to mention that your firewall rules have two issues. First is they're evaluated in order, so the RELATED/ESTABLISHED rule should always be at the top. Second, when all your rules use connection tracking (-m state or -m conntrack) then Linux reassembles all fragments before passing them on to the firewall.
@guymograbi yes
@ewwhite Oooooh, that's clever.
it was a shim... the right way to distribute software to Linux systems is to package it.. .rpm, .deb, etc.
but I needed quick
@ewwhite ok. I will not have a training so I am willing to bet solely on the book. One last final question - do I need chef?
if I use puppet
@guymograbi Nope. They are competing products.
If you're a developer, you may like Chef more
why would I like chef more?
the trend is for sysadmins to prefer Puppet and devs to gravitate to Chef.
Why? I thought puppet is simply ruby functions.
@guymograbi but with its own language.
and chef is pure ruby?
so this is puppet code:
# Set appropriate default tuned-adm settings.

class tuned {

  $tuned_pkg = [ "tuned", "tuned-utils", ]
  $tuned_svc = 'tuned'
  $tuned_cmd = 'tuned-adm'

  $tuned_profile = $::virtual ? {
    'vmware'        => 'virtual-guest',
    'physical'      => 'enterprise-storage',
    'vmware_server' => 'default',
    'default'       => 'default',

  if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' and $::operatingsystemmajrelease > 5 {

    package { $tuned_pkg:
      ensure => "latest",

    exec { 'tuned-adm':
You see - if only they had a site like this : choosealicense.com for chef puppet dilemma..
but there are Ruby tools that translate that into real OS-level commands
they've made it so damn hard to join the community...
@guymograbi it's not complex. Try both... there are plenty of examples of each
wish I had the time.
thank @ewwhite
@guymograbi or you could get one of the generous people here to do the work for you...
@freiheit is quite good at the Puppets
what outsourcing?
can I find people for that here?
@guymograbi um, explain your problem... someone may give it a try
ugh, our puppetmaster is getting killed. I enabled splay now, I hope it helps
Mods - can we kill this prick please; serverfault.com/q/602307/1435
@Chopper3 shut the fck up — Jimmy 10 mins ago
Yeah that's totally the way to get love on this site, d00d.
:) if he only knew...
"Right now, i am considering buying this course, please review it and tell me if it is suitable for my requirements"
Ummm… no.
@MikeyB I got a similar response earlier
BTW "douchenugget" is now in my spellchecker.
Is there a mod in the house who can had a quiet word with serverfault.com/users/224119/jimmy ?
@MikeyB Damn, you really did do that too.
@Iain alternatively give me his IP ;)
@MikeyB You sir, win 500 internet points for actually submitting that as a flag reason
Q: WHMCS on main website

MiskoneI ordered a Dedicated Root Server on Hetzner. Have WHM Resseler account but how can I connect my main WEBsite to WHMCS so I can have clients zone on WEB site?

I...I don't even...
Considering his previous question was also about WHMCS, I'd say he's clueless.
@MikeyB I've learned my lesson about adding such words to spellcheck... Now anytime I try to swype "glitch" it autocorrects to "bitch"
@ChrisS Not the absolute worst one ... "yeah, it's just a glitch bitch"
shameless plug for votes.
A: Have the attitude changed the last ten years on horizontal scrolling on web sites?

BigHomieFor what it's worth, Windows 8 does a nice (not perfect) job of manipulating the vertical scroll wheel to scroll horizontal on the desktop. it's not as bad, but then again there's not real content on the screen, just app icons. There is also a difference between horizontal scrolling and horizont...

@NathanC It's funnier when get texts calling you a "chock sticker" or "mother docket"
@BigHomie GS960 FTW!
@ChrisS I turned autocorrect off on my phone but allowed it to "suggest" corrections (I use swiftkey) so I can quickly change stuff. it also learns how I type, so occasionally I can type entire sentences just with suggestions
Is there any way we can stop people usinf SF for reasons on cluelessness. This guy is so clueless he's dangerous and shouldn't be allowed near a server
@ChrisS lol
@Iain Welp, at least it's not a gun
@Iain Seriously though, I say point them to those n00b canonicals and close the questions.
Microsoft question... What steps do I need to take to allow a user to administer domain accounts and Exchange mailboxes?
I don't know Windows very well, but my first thought is to add the user to the right groups. There ought to be groups for these purposes already?
It looks like Domain Admins and one of the special Exchange groups.
Domain Admins gives them a lot - you may need Delegated Permissions
@Skyhawk Soon - just until Tuesday though.
@ewwhite you use any Over the ear headphones?
@BigHomie Sennheiser HD-25 for over... and Ultimate Ears UERM customs for in-ear.
@BigHomie: I'm a fan of the ATH M50
@BigHomie Or if you want good but not broke ass good, Shure 215 in-ear headphones.
@BigHomie Over-ear, Sony MDR-7500 line IMO
@Wesley I have some Shure SE535's laying around
@ewwhite I wanted those but just not broke ass wanted them enough.
It's okay. I gave them to my dog...
@ewwhite Your dog has more discretionary income than most families.
It looks like everybody pretty much drops $100 on some over the ears, thnx. Got a pair for $20 way back in the day, Sony's entry level, their nice, but it's time for an upgrade. I guess since Father's Day is coming up....
Heh, my ears aren't good enough for headphones that cost more than $20.
Is kilomillisecond really a unit of measure these days?
Just went to get jimmy johns. As I'm walking into my work building, this lady comes out and says, "HOW GOOD IS YOUR TOSS?". I was like.. "uh?". and then she walked up to me and took my sandwich out of my hands. the whole time im just standing there like o.o . she thought i was a delivery guy. I said, "uh mam' can i please have my sandwich back". So awkward.
@mossy She wanted you to toss her... sandwich?
@MichaelHampton Oh, we can change that
@Wesley I don't know man. I don't know.
I was so sad at first.
"can i pls have it back :("
DO I want to add the power user at a customer site to "Domain Admins"?
Almost certainly not
@mossy Oh, they mistook you for he help huh, yep, been there~
They'll be able to do anything
I need them to be able to add/remove Exchange accounts.
@ewwhite Did you kidnap @JourneymanGeek?
Delete computers, servers, add computers, servers, perused all Active Directory management consoles etc
So i have them in "Recipient Management" now
but they also need RDP rights
@ewwhite Exchange Admins is a different group in AD
@ewwhite For what?
@ChrisS to get to the exchange server via RDP
@ewwhite Install the Exchange Console on their computer.
I need another option
@ewwhite our exchange admin used rdp app streaming to make the console available via rdp
they don't have rd access to the exchange server (!), and it doesn't have to be installed on a particular computer
Hey guys, take a look at this: a3cube-inc.com/ronniee-express.html
It's pretty neat. Just got off the phone with them.
@ewwhite add someone to the Remote Desktop Users group to grant RDP rights without admin rights
Anyone know about a rating site for recruiters? Like... Yelp, for jobseekers?
@MikeyB Looks a lot like Infiniband on the surface - Actually, I think it looks more like a Mryinet NIC with custom firmware... Possibly a Xlinx Kintex, seen a few companies now with NICs based on those.
My power company actually charged me 29 cents for being two days late paying the bill (because I forgot and was busy)
@MathiasR.Jessen On a scale of 1 to 5... how do you represent negative numbers?
i lol'd
@MichaelHampton I know they're all bloodsucking bullshit consultants, but I'd like to get an indication of how little trust I should actually put into a specific recruitment company trying to headhunt me for a job in Amsterdam
@MathiasR.Jessen Oh that's easy. Zero.
@MathiasR.Jessen You mean like an Angie's List for recruiters? Sounds like a market that needs filling.
@MichaelHampton A-F.
@BigHomie Exactly!
@MathiasR.Jessen You think it will float?
@BigHomie As a viable business opportunity? No doubt. I just kinda need one already
lol can't help you there ;)
I often thought about doing a sysadmin blacklist site, along the same lines
How else can you vet a sysadmin, yeah they may be technical, but what if they stole all the data from their last place and wiped the drives?
@BigHomie That would never fly. We'd all get listed before the end of day 1 :P
@MichaelHampton And then just a big bold label saying: "Yes, definitely"
@MichaelHampton it's available, ratemyrecruiter.com is taken
I might set that up after my vacation.
but isn't used, sory @MathiasR.Jessen
Go for recruitment.ninja instead
@MathiasR.Jessen There's a reason I took my profile off DICE: recruiters.
I actually had a decent experience w/ my recruiter
I actually had one email me a handful of times for a job...when I declined saying I had a job already, he emailed me back with a snotty "then why do you have your resume on DICE?"
"Because I can, now shoo."
It was by some out-sourced recruiting firm anyway...I could tell by the names of the people and the failglish
@NathanC dafuq?! :P I had a recruiter snort at me for rejecting 3 job offers for roles which I had already indicated had absolutely no interest, as if I were the one wasting the others time
@MathiasR.Jessen I got a few of those too...developer position. No thanks.
I know enough of C#/Java/C++ to get around some basics, but nothing at all worthy of an actual marketable program
And if you missed this... recruiters are going Big Data
@NathanC All 3 job offers were for a CCA (Citrix), and I had in no uncertain terms made it clear that I'd rather fall off my bike, naked, than work with XenApp
@MikeyB isn't that the same as RDMA?
@MathiasR.Jessen I occasionally still get ODesk "interviews" for positions I'm not even remotely qualified for (Ruby/Rails developer, for example)
@Jacob I just straight up ask the sales droid, "Why not? Are you planning to go out of business?"
@MichaelHampton We bring our own transit most of the time, but the smaller stuff we don't bother, so it's not too much of an issue.
@NathanC don't put your resume on Dice.
Dice is still around? I would have thought it would have collapsed under its own corrupt weight by now.
@ewwhite Yes, I am currently torturing The Puppets horribly...
@ewwhite Oh?
@Jacob I'm constantly told "We have IPv6 for large customers. We'll have it for everyone soon". I've been hearing this line for the last 5-6 years without variation.
@NathanC it'll get collected and harvested
@ewwhite Like my organs? Oh wait...
Is it sad that I memorized the URL to Virginia Tech's CentOS repo?
@Jacob Is it sad that I run my own local mirror?
@Jacob probably not, especially since the latency is what? like -3?
@MichaelHampton Thinking about doing that
@MichaelHampton I intend to but you see the cloud provider my boss chose literally lost all of it's customers data. grammar not important today as it's friday
@Jacob You need to move that apostrophe about 11 characters to the right :)
How do you lose all your customers' data?
@MichaelHampton no idea, but you'll find no mention of it on their site.
Well, I suppose it can happen. Amazon forgot all about me for a whole month once.
@Jacob is there an announcement?
@FalconMomot Nope they privately emailed everyone to inform us that they fucked up.
@Jacob and nobody posted that?

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