1 , horizontal subsystem
Pipeline alignment subsystem level consists of two parts : one particular aspect is placed on every single level of the developing transmission medium bus slot , the other part is usually to lead each room details transmission medium interface point line pipe or duct . F...
@MichaelHampton Yeah, sorry... I was caught up trying to read through it and determine if there was a language issue before flagging. Then I checked the profile and saw their other question.
@MikeyB So what you're saying is that you've decided to arbitrarily attribute political and/or business reasons to the technical subject of a well publicized EoL+migration path of a product so you can get all frothy? Sounds legit.
(1) Whenever a new user is created on a Windows XP SP3 system running Internet Explorer 8, their Favorites folder is automatically populated with a "Microsoft websites" folder and several links in the links toolbar (such as "Customize links", "Free Hotmail", etc.). I cannot accept this behaviour....
How does this change help the Internet? It's all well and good for Google's desire to mine more and more information from the Internet, but the great thing about OpenID is that it could be used by anyone. It's a wonderful thing. — MikeyB2 hours ago
It was pretty standard and easy to use. In particular, new Discourse installs: Install Docker, install Discourse, spin up service, login with google account associated with the email specified in config, done.
I remember aeons ago the SEI guys ranting on blogposts or some such about Google's OpenID implementation and how it was busted from everyone else's and they had to do weird code hacks to make it actually, you know, work.
@ScottPack No, upstart. Which is great. All of a sudden, whenever I boot my computer I have to manually emit filesystem PREVLEVEL=s to get it to boot more than halfway. Wonderful.
@MikeyB essentially the problem with OpenID is that it leaks login referrers to the OpenID provider. in other words, in the OpenID system, the OpenID consumer negotiates auth details with the OpenID provider directly (and so the OpenID provider can log what sites choose to negotiate auth for a given user)
@MikeyB yes, but we shouldn't (IMHO) be content with fixing privacy for ourselves. I'm not content to sit in a concrete privacy bunker while the rest of the internet goes to surveillance hell
@MikeyB no, because it uses a JS shim or (eventually) the browser itself as an intermediary. the only thing the provider ever sees is a browser making auth requests. not the actual consumer.
@MikeyB I don't use Yahoo, therefore, that (large) button is worthless to me. and what if I use MyOpenID (because I'm a stupid bastard and haven't noticed their notice that they'll be shutting down)? now I have the terrible experience of having to copy and paste my URL.
ok, I gotta find a better example than MyOpenID, given that they're EOL. Launchpad will be ok. I guess.
@MikeyB which part, the JS shim or for authentication endpoints?
@strugee Yeah, 95% of people will click the OpenID provider button, 5% will type in their endpoint. Of course if you're smart you'll have a bookmarklet that pastes it into the current field.
@strugee The auth endpoint. myfavoritebeer.org ← the Persona demo. Have to have an account on persona.org - centralized identity.
@strugee Yeah to be honest, openid.mydomain was a cname to myopenid and I haven't bothered updating it since they went EOL but DAMMIT I CAN IF I WANT TO! :)
@strugee Sure, yahoo is useless to you. But that takes probably around 50ms of cognition to scan and recognize a service you can use to authenticate.
The really funny thing is that a way to provide this authentication was in place 20 years ago. But who wants to pay for x.509 browser client certificates? :)
the Mozilla Persona auth server is just what's called a secondary IdP (identity provider). it's only used to bootstrap Persona on sites that don't natively support it yet. once a site natively supports Persona (i.e. is a primary IdP) then the system becomes fully decentralized.
@MikeyB but it makes the webpage feel cluttered.
and in any case, even if it can be done, most websites don't have OpenID logins nearly as nice as the screenshot you posted.
@MikeyB another advantage of Persona is that it just works with an email address, which users already understand. to them, a Persona account isn't an "Persona account", it's just an email address.
@MikeyB but most websites do that, too. with Persona it's impossible for websites to create such a crappy UI because there's literally only one button. the rest of the UI is handled by either the JS shim or (eventually) the browser.
one of the coolest things, IMHO, is this project codenamed BigTent
basically what it is is that when you login to a large provider (e.g. Google) that doesn't yet support Persona, instead of sending the annoying confirmation email, the secondary IdP will auth you via OpenID. so you get this seamless experience.
another convert!
/me whistles off into the sunset
man, I don't think I've ever seen the Comms Room this desolate.
thanks, Simply because the render farm is dedicated to my own needs and it is not needed to render 24/24 7/7. So I need to turn it only when I have to render a project and off until I start another project. How are admin dealing with thousand servers for example? Even if it's only once every 2 years, for whatever reason, they probably don't do it one per one. — Laurent57 secs ago
I recently watched an episode of House M.D. where they needed a Dutch translator, so House paid for a webcam session with a Dutch stripper. Would this be a possible route? Can't be too difficult to find a Russian speaker.. — Tom O'Connor ♦25 secs ago
I guess I pressed too hard on the top of the knife and it made a nice little gash. Didn't hurt and I didn't notice it until I saw blood on my fingers lol
Coming in to work every day to sit across from someone who hates you as much as you hate him, and dreading every word out of his mouth... I'm sure this will never get old... sigh