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@ChrisS meh, HP
I have 12 parts to return to them... They're calling me every day now
They say 5 business days - I get everything out my door within 5 business days.... Still get harassed. =/
Though I'll take all the harassement they want in this case. I bought a ProCurve 4104GL modular switch for $100 on eBay a year or two ago. Power supply went bad, took the chassis and one module with it. They overnighted advance replacement everything, free, with free return.
@ChrisS What's your opinion on the whole pay wall for firmware now?
@JohnD Fuck HP with a pointy stick that's running old, buggy firmware.
@JohnD I'm only slightly annoyed at this point... Haven't run into it yet, but I'm sure I will at some point. That's assuming it stays, which I think HP is reconsidering right now. I'm sure they didn't expect as much sh*t-storm as they've created.
I have't run into the paywall yet either. I'll always have access, but it was just a terrible misreading of demand.
I don't even welcome many of the changes with the Gen8 servers.
Quiet in here today
Great, out of band patches for all my Linux boxes today.
@MichaelHampton GNU_TLS?
@MichaelHampton how many would that be
@HopelessN00b Yep, that's the one.
Windows...if you could stop shutting down...that..that would be nice
Fucking Windows Updates.
@cole Too many. Over two dozen that aren't puppetized...
Just do what we do
Don't do updates, ever.
I was actually thinking of automatically installing security updates.
Security guy showed me the results of our pentest in December. The vulnerability report is 3000+ pages long.
I'd love an answer to this:
Q: vSphere - copy virtual machine to external usb hard drive

t BookWe have an ESXi server standing somewhere else. I can connect to the server with the vSphere client. There is an external USB hard drive plugged into the server. How can I copy a stopped VM to the external hard drive?

@cole Most of the [edit: filthy] casuals are going wild for spring break in florida
@cole jesus
why bother pentesting?
@ewwhite add the external drive to the admin's laptop instead and browse datastore and then download the vmdk to the external drive...yes?
@Tanner for the lulz.
@ewwhite Kinda unanswerable without knowing more.
I'll gladly take a few thousand dollars and hand them a single sheet of paper that says "You're fucked."
@TheCleaner Let's assume the ESXi host is an a Co-location facility or remote datacenter.
@Tanner what do you think they pay me $85K/year for?
Me "Well this is fucked up" Them "We know" Me "oh ok thanks"
@ewwhite OK, so it's slower...but still doable. Or set it up as an external usb drive on the vcenter VM and send it down that way.
@TheCleaner point is: VMware has made this a bitch to do.
@ewwhite I'm "asking" if what I'm saying is a possibility. I don't know...never done it to an external usb drive. Always just direct.
@TheCleaner oh, yes... but USB passthrough is very slow.
@ewwhite Yeah, they sure have. Moving/copying/editing files in general is obscenely difficult with vSphere/vCenter, and for no good reason I can come up with.
@HopelessN00b to keep backup software vendors happy?
@ewwhite Why would that keep them happy? I personally think it would be nice be able to do VM back ups to a big external USB drive. (Fuck tape and all that.)
A: vSphere - copy virtual machine to external usb hard drive

Craig WatsonAs ewwhite says in his comment, this is harder than it should be and is nigh-on impossible without doing a lot of advanced configuration. This is mainly due to the fact that the underlying operating system behind vSphere (I believe it's loosely based on Red Hat Linux, but don't hold me to that!)...

Oh windows....I had to force-reboot my machine. Lost the keyboard and it refused to detect new devices
then it hung on "shutting down"
@ewwhite one solution idea would be to make the external drive show up as network storage. Either as a share on a Windows host, or using something like: addonics.com/products/nas40esu.php
Or buy a Western Digital My Cloud
Makes me sad telling a recruiter "No...not interested in a job at MIT"
@cole I've spoken there a few times
Been getting a lot of people messaging me on LinkedIn for jobs
Since I don't have my resume out there.
@cole O? Why not?
@HopelessN00b I left in Oct, came back at the end of Dec.
Can't leave again, yet
Although, after the verbal altercation with a coworker last week - I'd love to
@cole Oh, that sucks. I think I'd be happy to work at MIT. I would even be willing to work at OSU, but their pay is just too low.... Seems like MIT would be able and willing to pay a reasonable salary for good IT folks.
@HopelessN00b I'd love to, actually.
It's Lexington Labs, too ll.mit.edu
Although, probably would need a Sec. Clearance
not sure how much a PITA that would be with changing sex/name/etc
@cole Ugh. I'd be out. No desire to deal with government bullshit, let alone applying for a security clearance.
Yeah that'd be a bit of PITA
But I can guarantee that that job pays $100k+
We'll see if I get a raise this year
@cole You could probably get more at a bank/financial services company, and with less B.S. Case in point....
@HopelessN00b That's what I left for - mutual insurance and ohmygodpleasegodno
and I was making a buttload more, but it sucked so bad
SysAdmins couldn't even be local admins on their own machines
I was making $57/hr
and I left - because it was that bad.
That's pretty bad, yeah.
I've learned - money ain't errythang
My short commute to work = +++
Also the fact that it's Wednesday, I put in a vaca day for this Friday and it got approved? Yes.
To be honest, it's really one rotten apple in the group that really makes it unbearable most days.
Yeah, I'm passing on the bank job openings for that reason... the suck is pretty high. Seeing some appealing ones for tech companies that I wanna pounce all over... but waiting on a new passport. Damn Canada. Governments in general, I guess. But Canada's, in this specific case.
I was just talking to a coworker (in my group) about it - he said everyone has a problem with him. So it's not me, which is good.
A: Is it actually possible to dispose of a body with hydrofluoric acid?

KeithSHydrofluoric acid is toxic and corrosive, but actually isn't that strong of an acid compared to other hydrohalic acids; the fluorine is too electronegative to readily donate its proton. Hydrochloric acid is much stronger, and as it has several uses from pH-balancing pool water to preparing concre...

@HopelessN00b literal LOL over here
(Just sayin'. And theres a few more answers like that on the site, too.)
and said rotten apple was like
"You alright over there?"
@cole Yeah, I'm property of the Canadian government, for the near-future. (That's what citizens are, right? Government property?)
@HopelessN00b por que?
Thought you were in Ohio?
or something
@cole Had the misfortune of being born them, mostly. As did my parents.
@cole I am. For the last >15 years... still doesn't make me an American citizen, though. So I need a new Canadian passport with an expiration date further in the future than next year before it's worthwhile to get a work visa to change jobs. (Work visa can't be valid longer than the passport is.)
born there. Had the misfortune of being born there, mostly.
@HopelessN00b yes but it's easier to just chop off the limbs with a hacksaw and feed the bits to pigs, they'll eat bone you see
@Chopper3 For that matter, living on the eastern seaboard, I think I'd prefer to do it a-la Dexter. Turn your enemies into fishfood, and support the revitalization of our Atlantic fisheries.
@HopelessN00b Doh.
@HopelessN00b the bodies float however, if you're doing that then just use a garden shredder and use it as chum
@Chopper3 Academic for me... I live in Ohio. It's Cole who lives near the Atlantic and has a body he should dispose of.
@HopelessN00b in that case either pigs or dismember then drop into storm drains
@Chopper3 I'm thinking incinerator, actually. Much less messy. Add corpse, turn on. Return in a few hours to turn bones and allow for complete incineration.
@HopelessN00b pay the body-man as a crematorium is another option
Largest National Forest <2 hours drive away... Dump in middle of nowhere, let animal do the rest.
@Chopper3 I'm thinking I wouldn't mind having my own, actually. The ability to make a really hot fire has to be pretty handy... I could make my own metal products, or ceramics, or glass (etc.) when it's not busy burning a body. Probably not enough to make it a profitable endeavor... but I do enjoy my tools and such, and geeking out on metalwork sounds like a decent enough time to me.
You can make a pretty cheap forge from an old propane tank, top chopped off for a lid, 2-3" of cement lining for insulation. It'll get hot enough for Aluminum, but not many other metals.
Yeah, I'd need something bigger... probably a custom build job. I've had bad luck going around asking for existing products large enough to hold a body.
and now I need $1,500... Google just sent me an email to buy Glass :(
Congrats... I guess. Can't say I'd want Google Glass, but it's definitely going to drive the development of wearable computing products I might actually want.
@HopelessN00b I have the email; not the money :(
Q: Boot loader choice for pxe environment

Abraham BorbujoI´m setting up a pxe/tftp server. I´m for now setting it up with pxelinux, from syslinux system. I saw this table wich make me doubt about if i made the right choice. I need to know wich of those bootloader is most widely used and can cover all (or the most) of next requeriments: Boot diagnosi...

Opinions? Facts?
@Jacob Expense report!
@HopelessN00b HA!
@MichaelHampton Crap shopping question asking for something that probably doesn't exist?
@HopelessN00b you wouldn't want to at least play with Google Glass?
Fucking Windows. Why does my 2012 Domain insist on pre-Windows 2000 usernames? If a pre-Windows 2000 somehow finds its way anywhere near this domain, I'm going to shoot it and set it on fire. >:/
Q: Do separate servers in the same datacenter have the same public IP?

jackSimilarly to if me and my brother are in the same house using different computers, how we both share a public IP? I'm not talking about ginourmous cloud systems like Google's or Amazon's or massive distributed data behemoths, just an old fashioned datacenter where a bunch of servers are. For exa...

@Tanner Nope. Too limited to be something I'd find useful or fun.
On another interview...
getting Linux questions.
@MichaelHampton Close.
Holy harbls....that Ubuntu release upgrade was actually NOT as painful as having your balls caught in a rusty bear trap chained to the back of a pickup truck driving through a thorny briar....
either they got better at not sucking or I've gotten so used to the suck I'm numb to the pain
@HopelessN00b @cole would know about those pre-2000 machines ;)
@voretaq7 wolf trap instead?
sup weirdos?
@ewwhite Close them as "Too Broad"
some dicksplash has had a go at answering that ffs
@MDMarra haha
@MichaelHampton I read the close too quickly at first. It looked like "Put on hold as Hopelessly off-topic" to me.
@MDMarra Questions must be relevant to professional system administration.
@Tanner mousetrap
I am totally terrible... While on this interview call, I was looking up the names of the Linux team members. And here's one that made me spit-up my water.
that's unfortunate
Man, every time I think I love unix about as much as is possible, I learn some new trick. Today it's tail -f mountedfile | grep somethingicareabout
That's a horrible name.
@Basil Network search complete. 0 results returned for somethingicareabout
@HopelessN00b haha, maybe I should have named that pseudovariable "somethingimwatchinglikeahawk"
Sysadmin sanity-check: If a user comes to you and says "I got an email bounce back message. I send email to these addresses all the time, why won’t it go through now?" - What do you do?
@ewwhite Tell them to (a) READ the fucking bounce message, and (b) BRING the bounce message if they want my help because I'm not a goddamn Borg and I don't have a collective hive mind with the mail infrastructure.
@ewwhite Hit them with something hard and tell them I'm not the god-damn mail admin.
...maybe what voretaq suggests, if I really like the user.
@voretaq7 So I did... and the response...
Well the email from outlook says contact my help desk, and guess what? you are my help desk so any help you can give me in figuring it out would be helpful - bitch
@ewwhite was to bring you the bounce message? Otherwise you just repeat the same instructions.
@ewwhite "I can't help you if you don't follow my instructions, whore"
@ewwhite Time to get the gun from your trunk.
(we'll just keep escalating from bitch to whore to trollop to.... idunno what comes next I usually fire the customer at that point)
[email protected] ([email protected])
A problem occurred during the delivery of this message to this e-mail address. Try sending this message again. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk.
@ewwhite "Bummer. Hope you can figure it out on your own, because I don't help people who call me 'bitch,' cunt."
@ewwhite That's not a bounce...
@ewwhite he/she called you a bitch? for real?
@pauska :) Produce industry
@ewwhite cut the client off..
So I'm checking the Exchange server....
@ewwhite Why? Kill the user. It's simpler, and far more justified.
Generating server: GARLIC.producecompany.local

[email protected]
mx1408.ess.rzc.cudaops.com #550 permanent failure for one or more recipients ([email protected]:blocked,[email protected]:blocked) ##
@ewwhite NO.
If it's an exchange error just quit now
fucking worthless piece of shit excuse for a mail server
Do you ever miss finance @ewwhite?
@Basil I just was on a finance interview 10 minutes ago
@ewwhite There you go. "[email protected] blocked your email. Maybe you called him a bitch and pissed him off."
in the years since I last interviewed with the firm, they went from all RHEL to all-Ubuntu across 1,000 servers.
That's pretty appalling, too.
@HopelessN00b I don't think I've ever seen this "blocked" message
spam filter?
@ewwhite What version of Exchange?
@ewwhite Means what it says. Recipient blocked delivery... contact recipient and inquire as to why, or go with my explanation from above.
Maybe check the blacklists, in case it's a deeper issue than this guy asking for help by calling people "bitch."
I know... I should earn my keep
@ewwhite If you say so. Someone comes asking for help and calls me "bitch," I feel like I've earned my keep if I keep myself from stomping them into a red stain on the carpet.
Mods. Want to fix this?
Q: How much data does Linux read on average boot?

amnI wonder how much data in total does a freshly installed vanilla Linux system like 32-bit CentOS 5.10 read in order to get to a virtual console shell prompt? You know, reading all the configuration files, loading binaries, kernel image, etc. I am looking for order-of-magnitude estimates, I am aw...

@ewwhite It's just off topic. I'm not sure U&L would want it either.
@84104 he's asking the wrong question.
@ewwhite I am booting 100s of Linux machines, and 95% of their system contents are identical and will remain identical - the machines are clones. I would like to offload the identical/read-only shared part of the filesystem, to an NFS storage, mount it from there, and boot like that. Only writeable part of the filesystem, like /var, /tmp and /home, will remain local to each machine. Since potentially hundred machines may boot simultaneously as part of a "cluster", I need to estimate whether the accessed NFS storage link will be a bottleneck while booting from. — amn 13 mins ago
it should be... "here's what I'm doing... what should I be aware of?"
or are there any concerns with my implementation....
Oh, stuff that should actually be in the question is in comments.
Seems beyond saving to me, either way.... maybe I'm just in a lazy mood today, though.
So... I have to go troubleshoot a dial-up hyperterminal issue...
how iz dial-up form?
I'm too young for this...
Any tips besides "check for dial-tone"?
@NathanC sadly, I would
@Tanner yuck
Yeah, I'm entirely lost. I have no idea where to begin. Are there some TCP/IP packets I can look at? :(
@Tanner disable call waiting
@ewwhite I hope these are VMs and he's not thinking that he can boot from bare metal using NFS.
@RyJones hah, good idea
what exactly are you trying to debug?
@RyJones problems connecting to the server, problems logging in, input not showing up
@JohnD probably true.
medicare/medicade or whatever says it's on our end
So a friend is in Dubai and checking out the police cars...
"And if I wanted to profile it, I wouldn't be asking the question here :-)" "I don't want to do this work, that's what you guys are here for :-)"
heh, a sharps container is $10 from amazon with free shipping (prime), or $3.95 with $7.95 shipping on amazon (no prime)
as in a needle container?
Cause I need one of those
amazon has an amazing variety of them
I have probably 150+ needles right now that I need to get rid of.
@ewwhite they have a One-77....
I found I got way more than 120 needles into a 120 needle container, but I'm using .3 mL needles, not 1.0 mL
Yeah I use 1mL
with 18g to draw, 25g to inject.
I got about 365*2 (two a day)
I do 1/2 mL week
what gauge and length?
25g 1" to inject
I do IM - not subq
@pauska I'm looking for it in the photo set...
ah, mine are shorter, too bad. I have two boxes of short, 1 mL needles I mis-bought
but no, Bentley?
I can only use so many to lube guns and knives
Hi, it´s on hold still, but i fully rewrited. It´s ok now? — Abraham Borbujo 31 mins ago
Someone save me...
and I'm shooting SQ on a cat, so thinner skin even
@RyJones ah, yeah
I could go SubQ apparently.
Going to ask my endocrinologist if I can switch to Subq because my thighs are building up a lot of scar tissue
I was shooting Enbrel, so SQ is the option.
I gotta say, whoever invented those spring-loaded plungers is a right prick
Never seen those
The testosterone is suspended in sesame seed oil
So it's really thick, so I need to make sure to warm it up a bit before injecting - otherwise it hurts like a bitch
yeah, enbrel is super thin, like water.
I wish the T was
but hey, my other option would be to get my butt cheek cut open every 3 months and have time release pellets put in
too bad there's no oral version
Yeah - estrogen there is
I think it has to do with the fact that testosterone can really fuck up the liver.
Which is what my PCP thinks the fat on my liver may be from - just testosterone in general so
I hate Apache Tomcat - it makes me want to punch myself in the dick.
so, we asked for a list of VMs so we could prioritize the migration to the new boxes. The guy sent a PNG of the management interface. Thanks!
That's helpful
total asshole move. he complied with the request and yet was completely unhelpful.
Generating a Bitcoin vanity address... I'm up to 74% probability and it's still churning.
welp - looks like I've finally become a "part of the group" here at work - in general.
Got invited to lunch by two guys on a different team last week, coworker invited me out for beers with him and my boss next time they go, got invited out to go out for beers tonight with the security and desktop guy - and went out to lunch with the network engineer today.
I finally "fit in" - I guess.
@cole tell them to stop oppressing you with alcohol
I had awesome thai food for lunch today
betaboston.com/news/2014/03/05/… leads with population density graph to show adoption
Never good when your manager iMs you and says
"When you get a minute, I want to ask you for a favor"
@cole "That will cost you 5 dollars, Charlie Brown"
@cole Alternate response: "I will do as you ask, but some day I may call upon you to do a service for me...."
(but you might not be Italian enough to pull the second one off. Everyone can get away with the Lucy quote :-)
@cole always good when it is digital communication...never good when it is verbal and no one else is around.
@TheCleaner giggity
Crystal Reports...y so sad.
@TheCleaner a lot of people made shocking amounts of money with Crystal Reports
@RyJones and FoxPro
@TheCleaner I think at one point Microsoft shipped a half-dozen database solutions
@RyJones no idea why it didn't catch on. Like BeOS, it was destined for greatness.
@TheCleaner lol
@voretaq7 I am not Italian at all........although a lot of people think I am.
this guy needs mental health help: blog.seattlepi.com/football/2014/03/04/…
Why is this server named anlchem
@RyJones Everyone knows God is a Cowboys fan.
@cole It's general purpose, designed to deal with "any chemicals"
@cole Would you prefer analchem for analytical chemistry?
Like my university's unfortunately-abbreviated Comparative Literature track (departments get 4 letter codes, so....yeah)
Least its not an acronym. Acronyms get very meta quickly.
Till its just a jumble of letters and numbers.
TechEd content catalog is live: tena2014.eventpoint.com/topic/list
@voretaq7 I like that!
when our business analysts requested their first server, its original name was analapp-01
@ewwhite you like Analytical Chemistry, or Comparative Literature?
being specific is important Ed...
@voretaq7 both?
I remember having a chuckle every morning in my cLit 210 class Junior year
@ewwhite at least your school intercapped it. Hofstra's system (being older than the dinosaur fossils in the Geology department) put department codes in all caps. Pages and pages of CLIT 001 CLIT 002 CLIT003....
@voretaq7 You had classes about the Coalition for Liberation of Itinerant Tree-dwellers?
@voretaq7 there an account called AnalChem
Also, finally had time to ask my boss for his favor. He's like "oh i have a 4PM call...so tomorrow" I'm like "should I brace myself?" Him "No...well maybe...well I don't know."
@cole as long as he didn't say "and bring the lube", its all good.
Then he said ".........well it's not bad for you"
Did @Tanner ever fix his HyperDerpinal issue?
Quick, upvote me before I get beaten down!
Q: Hide (or use) "More stack Exchange Communities" when editing your site-switcher list

voretaq7Minor UI grumble: When you're editing your site switcher list the "More Stack Exchange communities" seems like unnecessary UI clutter. Yes, I know one of them has a big "ADD" button next to it. Didn't stop me from using the wrong one. I may be a blind idiot, but years of experience have taught...

@voretaq7 And furthermore, why do I have to click "Save"? What is this, 2003?
@freiheit I'll give them the "Save" button as an implementation concession, otherwise it's a lot of server round-trips adding/removing/reordering options, and an indeterminate state (did my changes AJAX their way up to the server or not?) — voretaq7 24 secs ago
I did have the same initial thought though :)
@voretaq7 I only buy the first half of that argument. They're buttons; they can save things and not display the change until the round trip is done, just like buttons all did in 1997.
@freiheit reordering isn't buttons - it's drag and drop
and time for beer
instagram.com/p/lLLWfAzDGf I made it through 1/3 a bottle at lunch, now I need stuff to pour it on before it goes bad
@RyJones I was hoping for whisky
Or something drinkable.
@ScottPack Well, @RyJones is a sysadmin, so I assumed anything drinkable and weaker than whisky he'd finish the whole bottle.
I'd give allowances for a barley wine or mead.
Particularly for lunch.
@ScottPack I should bottle my mead
I have 4 32oz growlers from Rachel's Ginger Beer I can recycle
Yeah, mead's too sweet to drink a whole 750mL bottle without going into some kind of diabetic shock. ;)
Mead gets me drunker faster as well.
I feel much fuzzier after a glass of mead than a glass of wine.
@ScottPack really? even given the lower abv?
@RyJones Based on that website, I assume you have to be part hipster to drink it... ;)
@freiheit my AA buys it, I see it on her desk, so I bought 4 bottles (1 each per flavor) and I have found... I am not that fond of it.
however, I think riding a fixie in tight pants with an ironic beard is worth 15% off
@RyJones Took me a minute to parse "AA" in a manner compatible with you drinking mead...
Administrative Assistant is a broad job category that designates an individual who provides various kinds of administrative support to people and groups in business enterprises. Kinds of administrative assistants The term "administrative assistant" can be a formal title, or it can be a general description of an employee's function in an office. Depending on the kind of work a person does, there are many variations of job descriptions that fall under this role: *Employees with the title of Administrative Assistant generally provide support to specific departments or teams in a company, su...
for everyone else
@RyJones I only ride geared bikes in my tight pants and my beard is 100% not at all ironic. So only 5% off, then?
Police found injection needles and what appeared to be marijuana in the truck driver's pockets. <-- as opposed to non-injection needles? also, needles and pot?
@freiheit gear bikes are verboten
@RyJones non-injection == sewing, etc...
but why would they mention that if he was high? "subject was high, had weed and paraphernalia"
just seems strange to me, is all.
I barely got out of high school, though, so maybe it's an expression of college smartening on the writer's part

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