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@MichaelHampton allows unrestricted and unaudited access to my vital production systems over the internetz.
@ewwhite Oh, well, it seems to be failing at that. The connection is timing out...
oh, https ;)
they should add a redirect, shouldn't they?
@ewwhite So, your auth.log is going to be filled with a lot of rubbish now
@MarkHenderson doesn't show up
I think someone turned off logging after the log got filled up with various jokes and taunts.
@freiheit Slashing across a gap in traffic in the middle of a five lane road > intersections. (At least I can call the former "interval training" kinda)
@Wesley Deliberately merging into gaps one lane at a time (and, sorta, across each lane) > slashing across gaps
@freiheit But they cars. They honk at me. =(
@Wesley Also, if your heart is beating hard enough that you feel like you're going to die, it's totally interval training. Go do it again.
@Wesley Ah, so they've seen you!
@freiheit ...okie
@freiheit Totally going to end the Feb Strava bike challenge with a whole 220km
Who the hell is this guy and why is he riding 4,000+km in a month: strava.com/athletes/1302619
What the ever loving fuck. Australia.
@Wesley I've been slacking, and I'm only at 330km this month...
@Wesley Probably training for his next quad metric century...
@freiheit wat. Is that his job?
He's probably retired.
@freiheit Oohhhhhh
Guys, if you see spam, don't just throw a delete vote on it, also flag it as spam. The system does use this information to keep future spammers out.
@Wesley It's amazing what you can find with the googles
@freiheit Witchcraft
I really would like to bike the west coast.
San Diego to Seattle!
But, you know, I'd need a better bike.
@Wesley A Surly Long Haul Trucker is a nearly ideal bike for that, and pretty affordable...
@freiheit I'm going to try and get over to REI tomorrow and let Tom the Bike Mechanic yell at me.
@Wesley Does yelling including finding out if you ruined your frame?
From the reputation I've gathered, Tom is quite the bike mechanic with no small name.
@freiheit Nah, I didn't touch it. Well, I cuddled with it, but did do any machining on it.
@freiheit Wow that's pretty.
@freiheit Tom was telling me about some stuff I want to spray in my tubes and hang the bike upside down and then do it again and hang it a different way.
I just said "okay... okay... okay... okay... can I bring it in?"
@Wesley framesaver or linseed oil, yeah...
@Wesley how was the battle royale with cheese?
@RyJones I emailed him my icy termination of service complete with final requirements for contact, all back invoices, password database, links to all the documentation I wrote.
I see I have an email from him, responded about two hours after I sent it, but I've been happily not caring enough to read it.
There's not much that he could say that would garner a response. Other than "pull my stuff out and ship it to me" or "I will sue you for one meeelion dollars"
@Wesley good for you
@Wesley No chance. It will likely be grovelling
The former would require a trip to the datacenter and then fedex, the latter would require the local constabulary.
@MarkHenderson I made a bet with a friend that I know what he's going to say. Just a sec...
First rule you learn of having kids is spotting crocodile tears
Don't fall for it
@Wesley um, you should look
you should also know how to capitalize on a client in this situation
@ewwhite Y 4?
@ewwhite I guarantee you if you had this guy, you wouldn't be able to capitalize the first letter of your sentences.
So, here's what I'm betting: use of the word "disappointed" at least twice. General tone will be cool, with an air of pride. He will not attempt to woo me back at all. There may be at least one line that could be considered shots fired, meaning he might suggest he will take action if his website or archives are degraded at all. I bet he'll say something about this being unprofessional that it happened in email and I could have at least given him the courtesy of a conversation. I bet he will say "I wish we could have talked this out."
@Wesley well, spill bro, let's see it
@ewwhite But the biggest problem is me. I didn't draw enough lines and stick to it, so there's no respect in him for me.
sigh I'm going to ruin dinner, I know it.
Holy shit I see five emails now.
WTF dude
@Wesley yeah, let him cool off overnight
I was not expecting five emails from him
he's probably asking elmer's or tapioca
@RyJones Blargh.
you there @Wesley? you there?
Well now I really don't know if I want to simmer on this through dinner.
I didn't expect five emails.
this is how I steel myself for this shit. Nothing in this email can actually kill me, so let's read it
then when I'm done, I go yup, still alive, nobody has death ray over email perfected
shit, maybe this time they got the death ray working. rest in peace, broheim
@RyJones Well, the way my email sorts, I see the latest first and I'm kinda smirking. He's taken it well I think... but this seems kinda dickish.
@RyJones Damn straight. That's how I work too
Okay, so I don't want to paste full email in, but he's actually telling me how to respond to his clients that may still contact me. "Don't say that you're no longer with redacted, say that 'my consulting agreement with redacted is completed'
I learned that when I forced myself to go to school when I knew I hadn't done any homework or hadn't even started an assignment. What's the teacher going to do? Maim me for life? Just get it done and in a week it will be forgotten.
What the fuck kinda balls is that?
I'll tell them whatever the fuck I want.
@Wesley But don't
If he can play it cool, you can play it cool
Didn't see that.
so I have an interview.
so just ignore him from here on out?
@JoelESalas wanna help me practice?
@MarkHenderson I won't say "$company is staffed by cheapskate fuckstains and I didn't get paid" but I'll say "I am no longer with $company. I'm not going to say "'my consulting agreement with redacted is completed"
Fair enough
There was to dudes that didn't know how to do business doing stuff hoping the one would give the other what they wanted.
@RyJones I'm going to read down the emails and see, but it sounds like he's at least not threatening to shank me.
@Wesley so you couldn't figure out who was the bottom and nobody was happy
it happens
I guess stating it the way he wants it means that they won't ask any questions; they will know why you're not with him any more. If you just say "I'm no longer with" then they might ask "why" and then he can't control what you say
maybe you're more of a power bottom
I would ignore anything he's trying to make you say.
honestly, I don't discuss previous clients unless I'm making fun of them
@MarkHenderson Yeah, he's manipulating the situation and making himself sound more pro. He's not. There was no agreement. There was no MFing agreement. He didn't pay me the fucking money he agreed to. That's the agreement that no longer exists.
@MarkHenderson So I will simply say "I am no longer working with $company" because that's the plain truth.
@Wesley so file the emails away and ignore him
@Wesley Ok that sounds fair
Just don't badmouth him too easily
@RyJones Yeah, I'm actually not as angry in real life as I sound. I'm just amazed that he can drive with balls that big.
when the fuck is some podunk shitbag outfit in the pacific ocean going to have clients in phoenix?
@MarkHenderson No, I'm happy to never talk about him again. Except in IM. =)
also, would you compare his balls to grapefruit in size?
@RyJones You mean softball
@RyJones I've only read the last of five emails so, we could be dealing with weather balloons by the end of the day
@MarkHenderson grapefruit is universaler
@ewwhite Not target practice, right?
@JoelESalas Square people again
@JoelESalas I don't fully understand the SRE role... Site Reliability Engineer
one of the benefits of being the only one who can log into his home router, is to allocate a third of the available bandwidth to me
@PatoSáinz Only a third?
@Wesley oh i just failed at fractions
i meant three quarters
@PatoSáinz A six figure career in devops awaits you.
@ewwhite be on site, be reliable, be an engineer
@Wesley lol that was rude
@RyJones Is it something people aspire to?
@ewwhite I don't. I wrangle VMs and work on releases, tagging and untagging, branching and merging
hmm, well, I'm reading the LinkedIn profile of the guy who's interviewing me Monday. And it's a turn-of.
but maybe it's a bay area thing... seems like a lot of engineers jump job to job there
@ewwhite two years at a job in the bay area means you're an old man
@ewwhite SRE is a mixture of software engineer and ops guy
@ewwhite Link?
@PatoSáinz Don't worry about @Wesley, he doesn't know anything about six-figure careers in devops
@JoelESalas damn dog
now to see if this OEM in shenzen replies
@JoelESalas The devop who made the payroll app used unsigned short so everyone's pay ceiling is $65,535 =(
@Wesley rofl hahahaha
he did a Superman 3 attack and put the overflow in his account
sudo perl superman3.pl --account=12345678
Does @Wesley know anything about *4*digit careers?
@ewwhite What's your rule of thumb time frame to bout be a job jumper?
@ScottPack I broke into five digits all three years of operation!
(Don't ask net or gross)
@Wesley left of the decimal point?
@RyJones Somehow I did manage to grow revenue each year, so that's nice, and yes left of the decimal point. =P
Literally tens of dollars more this year than last!
What color ink did you use?
@ScottPack Log into PayPal, right click, inspect element, edit html, profit!
this OEM sucks.
@JoelESalas I'll link you... LinkedIn Profile and his slideshow on SRE - slideshare.net/GrierJohnson/sre-from-scratch
I ask questions... no reply. IS MY CASH NOT GREEN?
@RyJones Dell? =P
@Wesley Shenzhen Ogemray Technology Co., Ltd
@ScottPack < 2-year stints.
I would consider that short
I have a lot of those
@ewwhite this guy gets fired a lot
@RyJones you think? Looks like jumpin
@ewwhite He bailed on OpenTV, got fired, came back
@RyJones Wow, that's some crazy time frames. Not even a conslutant.
He left an Architect role after 7 months to be Senior Staff, then a Production Engineer
Oh, I thought I was bad
so he snapped some time in 2009 and he's on a long, slow glide
maybe there is some other explanation, but I'd need to hear it
@RyJones so it actually looks bad?
Yeah, I don't buy the 4 month contract with google.
@RyJones It's one thing when I see a lot of 2, 3, 6, and 12 month engagements. Then you know someone is a hired gun, for like Robert Half, or whatever.
I know plenty of people there that contract and it's always one year increments
I mean, it's possible they had 4 months of money to burn, but why ditch a FTE gig for 4 months cash to come back as FTE?
reading between the lines
it just doesn't add up
It could well be he is being honest. Maybe he got tired of management and worked his way down to IC. I don't know, it just doesn't read right
are you hiring him or is he hiring you?
@RyJones he's interviewing me..
but I'm turned-off, because I don't think I could stomach that type of job
even though @JoelESalas says I should see what they have to say
it will probably pay well
yes, interviewing is a skill, practice it
@RyJones Oh, I interview often.
@ewwhite Why are you looking for a job when you already have a shit ton of clients, money, and I assume a ton of your time taken up? Do you really have enough leeway to do a 40 hours job on top of what you already have? Dude, I'm totally doing life wrong.
@Wesley they approached me.
I like how we're talking about semen again.
@ewwhite Right, but that still doesn't make time magically appear in your day. =P
@Wesley I have plenty of free time
@ScottPack Did you know that when a male honeybee ejaculates, his testicles explode and he dies?
@ewwhite Life being done wrong: confirmed. =(
I mean, I did give a presentation on VMware today.
@Wesley Don't be fooled
@ewwhite went on a holiday to hawaii and spent the whole time on his computer
@MarkHenderson by choice
He doesn't have as much spare time as he thinks
And I do Hawaii 1-2 times a year. It's partially a work thing
Do you think you'll ever have kids?
I throttle some work... but I'm at a point where I need to be doing 1-2 big infra upgrades at my clients each month. That means 2 California trips and a NY trip each month
If you ever have kids, you won't know the meaning of spare time :P
@MarkHenderson I can't bring myself to...
wife is also hesitating.
I think I'm too selfish... and too damaged.
Well you two just enjoy your disposable income then
And I'll just be over here, crying into an empty bank account
@Wesley While interesting that doesn't really fit into the theme of our chat.
@MarkHenderson I just asked her if she wants my seed.
She's like, "we'll talk after we sell our old house, furnish new house and fix the roof"
@ewwhite Babies take 9 months before they come out. Nothing like a deadline to get shit done
Well fwiw, I didn't want kids this early on in my life, and I don't really like kids, but like most parents will tell you - it's the best thing I ever didn't mean to do
@MarkHenderson I can imagine. I had a rough childhood... and it's hard to envision myself as the modern parent.
Well, it can give you the chance to right the wrongs of your childhood. But either way; don't be too scared to give it a go.
@MarkHenderson You're only 28! You might be able to have the house, your time and your money back before you're even 50. Unless the whole gtfo at 18 isn't the norm in AU.
But there's no rule to say you have to of course
@jscott I will kick him out at 21 if he's still there
But the plan is by the time i'm 50 I will fuck off for months at a time
All the kids will be in their 20s by then
Thats basically what my parents did
i'm 33... wife is 31
wondering how late is too late
@ewwhite Well shit, that's something I'm better at than you then. I'm way better at getting bitches pregnant
@ewwhite For men, biologically, almost never
My boss's wife just had a kid naturally at 41
@MarkHenderson Oh, I didn't say anything about not getting people pregnant!
(but she has a total of 6 now, so I think fertility is easy for her)
As far as how late is late as per your life goals; that's up to you. I know lots of people prefer to do their money making and traveling in their 20s and 30s and have kids later in life
I don't think there's any right or wrong answer, there's just what works for you
Woah. They're replacing yum. Apparently didn't make it for RHEL 7 though.
It's harder for women. They need to strike a balance between being a monther and being a professional
For men, it's the same story - need to strike a balance - but it's easier for us I think
@MarkHenderson We need to strike a balance between getting laid and getting paid.
@Wesley cash over ass, each and every god damn day, that's the motherfucking way
@RyJones Whoa there buddy. But yes. =P
@MichaelHampton but why?
Ice Cube delivers a lot of important life lessons in between his cursing.
@ewwhite yum is slow, doesn't have a reasonable API, and to eliminate duplicate code across various packaging-related packages.
Been trying out dnf today. It's lightning fast. No longer will Debian people be able to hold that against us.
@MichaelHampton why do I need for yum to be faster?
@ewwhite So you aren't staring at your screen quite as long?
It's like saying that my toilet flushes 40% faster...
Can I overlay DNF on my RHEL6 systems?
@ewwhite It's all part of the user experience. You don't have to wait around for your toilet to flush...
@ewwhite I don't think it's been backported...I'll check
@MichaelHampton I mean, I do watch my poo to make sure it goes down without staining the toilet bowl...
@ewwhite Well, in that case, maybe you do need a 40% faster toilet.
and in the cycling world, DNF means "Did Not Finish"
@ewwhite Yeah... I think it's a temporary name. But it'll probably stick if someone comes up with a good backronym.
Then again it might be somewhat faster because I have a local mirror of Fedora, CentOS and EPEL.
I am going to test this fellow on the lab machine, sir
@MichaelHampton Wait.. apt-get was ever claimed as "fast"?
@MichaelHampton I have limited CentOS/RH experience, mainly Cisco appliances, but I never really felt yum was slow in comparison the apt-whatever.
@jscott It is slower, but not by that much.
I think some people exaggerate in order to validate their personal choice to use Ubuntu.
it's like being worried about boot time...
I exaggerate in order to validate my personal choice to not use Ubuntu!
@MichaelHampton You can't be serious
@ewwhite I do worry about boot time... when you reboot every 30-90 days for kernel updates, it's hard not to.
@MarkHenderson Well, however slow yum is, it's still orders of magnitude faster than Windows Update.
I remember the first time I ever saw a proper server boot. I was 14 doing work experience with Dual Pentium Pro 90 compaqs with 15-disk arrays
It was impressively loud and impressively slow
@ewwhite And wait until you see RHEL 7... if you blink, you'll miss the boot process.
@MichaelHampton Point taken
@MarkHenderson *BSD still boots like that. It's no longer loud, but it is insanely slow.
Yum does seem to be slightly slower than Dpkg/Apt. But at least you don't have to reboot 23 times like Windows
@MichaelHampton These were NT4
Most of the time was spent painstakingly detecting every single disk in the array
@MarkHenderson And powering them up sequentially, no doubt.
@MichaelHampton but the hardware will still take 10 minutes to boot the mgmt chip set stuff
@Magellan God, I love virtual machines.
@Magellan Haha the only SuperMicro server we have, I thought it was broken. Pushed the power button and nothing happened for about 15 seconds
then all hell broke loose as 15 fans span up and down
Good thing UEFI is here to fix it all. Oh, wait...
@MichaelHampton kexec()
IBM does that. And sits for 15 minutes doing something or other before you finally get a boot prompt
@MichaelHampton at least it's not Solaris
@strugee kexec only shaves about one second plus the GRUB timeout, in a VM.
@MichaelHampton true
I run on bare metal so I get hit more
@strugee The only things I've had run on bare metal in the last 5 years are ESXi and SQL Server
@MarkHenderson that's because you're a professional. I'm a 15-year old hobbyist who has about two users using a single machine on a standard home connection :P
@strugee and esxi is free
As is KVM
And Xen
And, if you're into sicko stuff, Hyper-V
Here's a nice video of booting RHEL 7. s000.tinyupload.com/… (Ogg Vorbis)
Not judging - but if you want a skill to learn up on before you hit the job market I'd get up to date on virtualisation
@MarkHenderson but why would I add the overhead of virtualization if I don't need it?
@strugee Learning
@MichaelHampton Fuck that
@MarkHenderson oh definitely. I'm learning Puppet even though I don't have a ton of use for it (because again, single server)
@MarkHenderson Fuck Ogg Vorbis?
@MichaelHampton No, fuck that boot time
Did it even do anything or did it just print the output and return true?
@MarkHenderson Yes, it was completely booted and ready for login.
systemd works wonders
@MichaelHampton wat
Of course, that VM has no services installed. So it's the lower bound on the boot time...
Did it pull the Microsoft trick of deferring everything so you get a login prompt ASAP but you can't actually use the computer for another 15 minutes?
The desktop boot takes a little longer.
@MarkHenderson Mostly no. Pretty much everything is up and running by the time you see the login prompt.
@MarkHenderson services are lazily loaded when they get socket requests but you can toggle it and its fast either way
not sure which is the default
sorry, network services like sshd. stuff like avahi that needs to broadcast/connect/whatever isn't deferred.
systemd is crazy fast.
@MichaelHampton So then Ubuntu will be fast now as well? ;)
@MarkHenderson Not for a couple of years. It will miss 14.04
Ubuntu isn't going to start playing with systemd until after Debian jessie goes stable.
for reference, on a low- to middle-end computer systemd boot to gdm takes about 4 seconds, not counting time waiting for encryption passwords
@MarkHenderson Upstart does parallel boot too. so the difference won't be nearly as fast as coming from sysvinit like Debian is
So with that schedule, I'm not sure about 16.04 either.
but it won't cost processes anymore which should speed things up. although again not as dramatically as Ubuntu uses dash for init scripts
@ewwhite So, yeah, in the future the OS will boot faster than the Power and Thermal Calibration... :)
Hey, it isn't a bad thing, as long as it works. Though I would expect to see the vendors pressured a bit to improve power on self-test times.
sup everybooooody
@MDMarra We're talking about how fast our computers boot, it seems.
Mine just took 8 minutes
It was installing 10.9.2 though
17 mins ago, by Michael Hampton
Here's a nice video of booting RHEL 7. http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=22045932771715379599&t=220459327‌​7171537959940244 (Ogg Vorbis)
thats fun
All you have to do is throw out 30 years of crufty code...
@MDMarra I'm researching Normcore
@MDMarra it installed in 8?
mine took like 30 IIRC
2012 MBP with 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD
2.5 GHz i5
@MichaelHampton Don't be dissin' LILO.
@Magellan LILO? I was referring to Windows.
@MichaelHampton Ah. On Mobile.
also sitting here at the hospital waiting.
@Magellan Really hoping that's not a bad thing.
@jscott Babies soon.
@Magellan Congrats, and in the plural too, oh boy.
@jscott gonna be interesting. they're at 36 weeks as of last Sunday and K had a bit of complications starting this morning, so they're inducing. But 36 isn't all that early for twins. They might even go home with us this weekend.
the proxy in front of the wireless here at the hospital is pretty F'd up too.
@MichaelHampton I thought you were referring to /bin/init from System V
@Magellan don't leave us hanging...
@strugee Well, yes, that too.
@strugee the babies will get here when they get here.
@MDMarra that would be why. late 2009 iMac or something, 4GB of RAM and no SSD
@Magellan I meant the proxy?
@strugee Not much I can do about that. I have no intention of being booted out of the hospital after breaking their shit-ass proxy.
@Magellan I have a spare iPad 3 with verizon cellular service. I will loan it to you and you can activate the Verizon service, it's $20 a month.
> This is a general question, the actual workload type or software does not matter
@Magellan no no no no I meant, what is so screwed up about it?
@RyJones I got tethering with my TMO too if I get too annoyed. The 4G CNAT is pretty annoying too.
drops traffic? hijacks DNS? what?
Requires credit card?
@strugee about every 3rd or 4th post is requiring a retry because it says I'm not logged in.
@Magellan OK, just offering. I know how stir crazy you can get in a hospital
Ah, changes IP address.
@RyJones this ain't bad. Nice big baby delivery room with a view across Cap Hill toward the west. Was a nice sunset. Too cold to open the door onto the balcony though.
Some dumbass girl just posted her acceptance letter to the university that I used to work at publicly on Instagram. It has the password to her intranet/portal account in it where here financial aid, grade info, billing, etc are found. Hell, someone could even cancel her enrollment from there.
@MichaelHampton how do you know?
@MDMarra let her know
@strugee I'm guessing.
@RyJones It would spawn World War III.
@MDMarra Someone should.
@MichaelHampton ah. I was wondering if I missed something
But I agree, she should be told.
@MDMarra well give me a url and I'll tell her
Does it include a meal card?
Post the link to /b/
email it to me, ry.jones@gmail
Else, can you just connect to that phpmyadmin install and change the password for her
That ghastly phpmyadmin install doesnt have anyhting to do with production data
comment added sir
it was for some web dev professor
@RyJones you done good
@MDMarra I kid, I kid.
we'll see how much she argues about it
I bet it disappears
I hope so
704 followers? oh man
so that took like... 30 seconds on her part. She has "notify on comment" enabled :)
@MDMarra Regarding earlier, I think you meant "isn't" not "is" in this answer. Unless I'm just having trouble parsing "There is (and never was) a self-service functionality..."
@jscott oh. yes
you are correct, I can't speel
Me knee there.
Is training people considered a good thing to be doing
@JoelESalas Depends. Do you want them to be knowledgeable and productive?
@MichaelHampton Of course, I just wondered if having to train people was indicative that I was growing in value to the organization
@JoelESalas Oh, yes, probably so.
@JoelESalas You're most valuable to an organization when you get to start approving people's time off
@MDMarra I'm pedaling as fast as I can!
@RyanRies You're the PowerShell expert, here's a puzzler for you.

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