@ScottPack So is mine. But they printed the employee handbook on really soft paper, so I was able to use the whole thing to wipe my ass with in pretty short order.
@RyJones At least it won't turn your teeth all nasty, like meth. You know, so, there's your silver lining.
@Magellan Hmm. I've written a large amount of malware targeted at this market sector, and am frequently arrested for SQL injection attacks. Think they'd consider that relevant experience? :D
@Magellan you know the last month or so has been really strange with all the buildings lit up at night "12", now when I drive I try to wedge any pattern of lights into a "12" and see who doesn't have spirit
@HopelessN00b Normally yes. In that case, no. I don't mind the question, but it took me 5 tries to parse it out of that sea of misspellings and txtspeak.
@RyJones actual LOL. There's people that do their lunchtime jogging by running around downtown carrying a huge 12 flag like they're Rocky Balboa or something.
@voretaq7 Pretty useless question too, right? From what I could gather it was "halp, the server's screen is black and we can't login, but some apps work, maybe."
@Magellan I'm all for it - it's a nice distraction from the grey of overwinter, but the rallies at Westlake are distracting. It's right outside my office and I can't help but hear them.
Speaking of homicidal urges, someone saw me RDPed into my home box from work, and I had an exec ask how to access his laptop from his iPad while flying. Long, painful story short... his laptop travels in the luggage compartment of the airplane.
@HopelessN00b Food Processing. And you still have a job? I thought that entire industry had finally collapsed and outsourced 100% of our production overseas.
@MichaelHampton Marketing department outsources it to someone who I'm personally not that impressed with... but my plate is way too full with internal users to worry about web shit.
@MDMarra I think I've underestimated the time it actually takes to write 1000000000 rows to a JET db - with the current rate, I'll hit the limit in 1800 days -_-
@JohnD Because it's got that login thing that can process orders or payment or something. It was cheaper to just hit the whole site with an SSL brick, I guess... so that's what they did.
@MichaelHampton Well, considering the absolutely nothing they did about the cert error and Apache test page, I don't think they'll care about that, but I'll pass it along. Shit, you're not even using IE or XP, so it's your fault for not following the corporate standard. :D
@NathanC Yeah. Meh. Marketing department's problem, I suppose. Not like we have the staff or bandwidth to in-house our 873 domains and websites anyhow.
@NathanC Hyperbole. I think it's only in the low triple digits. Part of which is related to the marketing department creating 3 or 4 different domains and websites every time we start a new marketing campaign. :/
I need advice - I have a s3 bucket to which multiple users push and read. As one can imagine this leads to data inconsistency, any ideas about how I can unsure mutual exclusion in s3?
@MDMarra Maybe. But your theory is based on the unreliable assumption that we have a good reason for anything we do around here, though.
Sweet. I just made my server orgasm.
BITS Transfer This is a file transfer that uses the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). [ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
O you want to make certs for company sites? That's another $70 per company and you need a) authorisation from their MD b) proof of registration of the company!
@ScottPack I was expecting typical domain validation like every other goddamn CA
@ChrisS It's incredinly vaguely worded. When I they explained their policy to me and I re-read it, I could see what they meant. But to someone who has dealyt with other CAs, it's incredibly obtuse
@ChrisS I wanted to make wildcards and SAN certs, which is why I went the further level
@ChrisS If I want to get a cert from any other vendor, I pay $4.99/year and they send an email. No need for me to send my passport, or company registration documents, or get a letter from the managing director
I had like 10 different domains to get certs for. I wasn't going to go and get letters from 10 different managing directors and get 10 different company registration documents
The [R] flag on its own is a 302 redirection (Moved Temporarily). If you really want people using the HTTPS version of your site (hint: you do), then you should be using [R=301] for a permanent redirect:
RewriteEngine on
ReWriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$...
@HopelessN00b One I knocked out in about 45 seconds
@HopelessN00b Damn straight. Look at all the names on the academic arguments re SSL overheads and whatnot in the comments
They're all from SO users
I say academic arguments, because the dude is using zpanel on what's probably a shared host. I don't think he's the kind of person that needs to worry about spdy or ssl_strip or hsts
At least someone purged the douchenozzle talking about sticking it to the NSA
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I almost got baited by that. Really, if you want to stick it the NSA, you (and your 100,000 closest friends) start talking about vaguely suspicious things, using keywords that get flagged, using plaintext protocols.
Sift that massive pile of completely useless information!
@tdk2fe For that matter, they're government workers. They get paid regardless of whether or not they do any work at all. So long as their ass is warming their chair, they get paid.
It's basically a DDoS - spamming with useless data to make the dubious "service" of spying on everyone either infeasible or significantly degraded.
@HopelessN00b Frankly, the more useless they are, the more likely they'll continue to get paid. The people actually doing useful work are the ones that get fucked over.
@Magellan @RyJones @Skyhawk @Zoredache and @OtherSeattlites We're looking for a new support monkey if you happen to know someone who wants to move to Wenatchee.
@Zoredache No job announcement yet. Going by word of mouth for now. The pickings are pretty slim around here... it can be hard to fill the slot with somebody who isn't entirely braindead.
The only thing the downtown disney in Orlando was good was that the McDonalds there was cheap enough to eat at that you could still fit under the company per diem.
All the restaurants closer to the parks were painfully expensive.
@MarkHenderson McDonalds is not generally a caloric-consumption facility that people visit if they actually have enough money to afford to eat elsewhere or are willing to cook.
Alright, where are all the network developers at? Someone needs to hit them with a bag of bricks for not having worked out a way to fix hairpin NAT yet.
This is a Canonical Question about Hairpin NAT (Loopback NAT).
The generic form of this question is:
We have a network with clients, a server, and a NAT Router. There is port forwarding on the router to the server so some of it's services are available externally. We have DNS pointing to th...
@Andrew Heya. You a Windows or a Linux guy? While it makes it sound like a marketing pitch, my team is hiring for a linux system admin position in your town.
@MichaelHampton Indeed. Lady has owned this house for 14 years. It's finally back up to what it was when she bought it.
@MarkHenderson I think it happened everywhere in the Spring of 2000 when tech spending drastically-dropped post-Y2K and the sudden spike in unemployment rippled out. Just like fuel-price spikes caused blue-collar jobs and mortgages to blow up here in 2008.
@RyJones I think Reno might be on the wrong side of the Sierra Nevada mountain range for the melting snowpack to flow to where it'll help with the drought most. But, yes, I was thinking of snow up in the mountains (near-ish to Reno), not down in the valleys.