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now I need to figure out lunch, but it's noon and everyone else is doing the same thing.
I think my belly has finally finished digesting the 15 pounds of whole grain and protein.
@ScottPack beer and pizza?
@RyJones Bacon+Pineapple Sausage, Mac&Cheese, then a dish that was quinoa, kale, and sweet potato.
My business unit's employee handbook is very specific on the consumption and effects of alcohol, and other intoxicants, during business hours.
@ScottPack we have beer in the fridge. I think we're hiring.
warning: employer is insane
@RyJones Same here. 55 open positions. Plenty of beer in all the fridges.
@Magellan 55? holy crap
LOTS of growth.
do they sell meth?
@Magellan that is bad news
@ScottPack So is mine. But they printed the employee handbook on really soft paper, so I was able to use the whole thing to wipe my ass with in pretty short order.
@RyJones At least it won't turn your teeth all nasty, like meth. You know, so, there's your silver lining.
@HopelessN00b true dat
@RyJones growth rate is just crazy here. Hiring a new guy in AUS and a junior admin locally.
Benefits are quite good too. 75% of dependents premiums are covered.
@Magellan nice.
@RyJones also hiring a DBA and a network engineer locally.
that's just for my team.
that's very impressive
@ChrisS are you getting ready to gripe about them removing it from base in 10.x? :)
@Magellan Hmm. I've written a large amount of malware targeted at this market sector, and am frequently arrested for SQL injection attacks. Think they'd consider that relevant experience? :D
@voretaq7 No, writing a "quick" guide to setting up DNSSEC
@JohnD I used to lead it.
@HopelessN00b arrested or convicted? =D
@ChrisS "quick"?
@voretaq7 Yep....
@Magellan Perfect record. 38 arrests, no convictions!
This question appears to be off-topic because it is so low quality I can't be bothered to read your txtspeek. — HopelessN00b 37 secs ago
Too harsh?
@HopelessN00b you're just showing off
@ChrisS I would paste the witch scene from Army of Darkness here, but I can't find it on youtube.
@RyJones Maybe a little. :)
Not done yet... But getting there.
@RyJones You sure you don't to come over here and work with me?
@HopelessN00b Ours is a power point that they mailed out.
Oooh! We're also hiring for my team in the UK.
@Magellan talk to me in October when my contract is up. I'd love to stay on the eastside.
I also don't want to burn current employer as they pulled my ass out of the fire at amazon
@RyJones Cool. I'll keep that in mind. You can probably see our building on the way to work each day. Right next to the freeway downtown.
@Magellan you know the last month or so has been really strange with all the buildings lit up at night "12", now when I drive I try to wedge any pattern of lights into a "12" and see who doesn't have spirit
@HopelessN00b Normally yes. In that case, no. I don't mind the question, but it took me 5 tries to parse it out of that sea of misspellings and txtspeak.
I can see the UW building north of 520 when I drive over, and it's always a beacon of "12"
@ScottPack Oh, yeah... don't wipe your ass with that. The edges on your monitor would probably hurt pretty bad.
@RyJones actual LOL. There's people that do their lunchtime jogging by running around downtown carrying a huge 12 flag like they're Rocky Balboa or something.
@voretaq7 Pretty useless question too, right? From what I could gather it was "halp, the server's screen is black and we can't login, but some apps work, maybe."
@HopelessN00b I don't know, I stopped after the 5th pass which determined that there was in fact a question, that may be about a server
more passes through the parser require someone to be paying me. A LOT.
Goddamnit! I hate winter weather. Every time I touch my keyboard I get an electric shock.
@Magellan I think they think they're helping the team win.
@voretaq7 Fucking Americans.
@RyJones It is quite adorable when a town first gets behind their local team.
@MichaelHampton I only ever have
@voretaq7 Heh, good enough. I stopped reading when I noticed a splitting pain in my head and a sharply rising urge for homicide.
@Magellan I'm all for it - it's a nice distraction from the grey of overwinter, but the rallies at Westlake are distracting. It's right outside my office and I can't help but hear them.
@RyJones wut? There's outdoor rallies?
@Magellan at Westlake. Every Friday for weeks
I wish I could find that 4chan movie pitch
Speaking of homicidal urges, someone saw me RDPed into my home box from work, and I had an exec ask how to access his laptop from his iPad while flying. Long, painful story short... his laptop travels in the luggage compartment of the airplane.
@RyJones dang. I had no idea. Makes me want to work from home until this football thing is done.
@HopelessN00b oh my
Barely resisted the urge to suggest the exec should travel in the same compartment as his laptop.
@HopelessN00b Precisely what industry is your employer in, anyway?
We make food.
@HopelessN00b Food Processing. And you still have a job? I thought that entire industry had finally collapsed and outsourced 100% of our production overseas.
Sauces, salad dressings, pasta, croutons, garlic cheese bread, etc.
Do a good job of making food... but technology is slightly over their heads.
Ah. Food-like substances. yeah, we still do that here in the US.
that's what my old man did for 30 years or so until he retired last year.
the actual food, not the "stuff" though.
@HopelessN00b That narrows it down. I only know of a few places in town that do food manufacturing. :)
@ScottPack marzetti.com
@HopelessN00b That actually would have been my first guess, but I didn't know they were here.
Server Fault is currently offline for maintenance
@ScottPack Yeah, corporate office and... like 3 or 4 plants that actually do the work are right here in the city.
@MichaelHampton Heh. About 30 seconds ago, it was in read-only mode and promised to return with full functionality soon.
@MathiasR.Jessen ...
Trying to roll a counter over somewhere?
@HopelessN00b Looks like your employer needs a web designer, too.
I blame it on AWS for going down again, somehow.
@MDMarra Trying to emulate DNT depletion and how to recover
Part of a bet with an MS PFE :D
and it's already back up...
@MichaelHampton Marketing department outsources it to someone who I'm personally not that impressed with... but my plate is way too full with internal users to worry about web shit.
@MathiasR.Jessen oh yeah, you told me about that. good luck
Meanwhile, my customer took 3.5 days to build 5 VMs for me and they dont even have the right software on them
@MichaelHampton You wanna see something funny, go to the https version of our site, read the certificate warning, and then click through.
@HopelessN00b Oh yeah, just down the road too. I'm over in Dublin.
@HopelessN00b ...wow. lol
@MDMarra I think I've underestimated the time it actually takes to write 1000000000 rows to a JET db - with the current rate, I'll hit the limit in 1800 days -_-
@HopelessN00b Hey, look, a test page!
@MathiasR.Jessen hahaha
@HopelessN00b I was expecting cPanel :)
sisterschuberts.com this site seems...familiar....
yay templates!
@NathanC I think their main product is bread. "Rolls."
@MDMarra Any ideas for a really fast way to create a lot of objects? :D
Good thing sisterschuberts.com has HTTPS so no one can know I'm looking at bread products!
right? lol
@JohnD Because it's got that login thing that can process orders or payment or something. It was cheaper to just hit the whole site with an SSL brick, I guess... so that's what they did.
@HopelessN00b Feel free to forward my screenshot to the marketing department, if you think it will result in bloodshed.
@MichaelHampton "what's a linux?"
@MichaelHampton Well, considering the absolutely nothing they did about the cert error and Apache test page, I don't think they'll care about that, but I'll pass it along. Shit, you're not even using IE or XP, so it's your fault for not following the corporate standard. :D
@HopelessN00b We're customers. Fuck the corporate standard.
@MichaelHampton Our production sales website breaks on IE11...
As in, not usable. Yay!
Oh, and it's plain http...
@NathanC Yeah, but is that the website's fault, is Internet Exploder 11 exploding the intertubes again?
@HopelessN00b Also, they're not using protocol relative URLs in some places.
@MathiasR.Jessen that's @RyanRies territory
I stand corrected...
It now works right in IE11.
@JohnD Yeah, bigger problems than that. Did you check out the SSL version of the website without the www yet?
@MDMarra you're probably right... or maybe @MikeyB has a crazy idea I can use :)
You attempted to reach sisterschuberts.com, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as www.sisterschuberts.com.
@MathiasR.Jessen His ides will only apply to samba
@HopelessN00b Yeah that's no good either.
@NathanC Yeah. Meh. Marketing department's problem, I suppose. Not like we have the staff or bandwidth to in-house our 873 domains and websites anyhow.
Hello everyone
Hello, APZ. How are you today?
@APZ APZ.... you sounds like our UPS vendor.
Am good @MDMarra , thanks for asking. How about yourself
What are they, all the same site (more or less) >.>
@HopelessN00b your username says it all , lol j/k
@APZ Currently rolling out SCSM to a customer that should have had it a week ago but didnt provision the servers. So, I'm having fun :x
@MDMarra all's good till you having fun
@NathanC Hyperbole. I think it's only in the low triple digits. Part of which is related to the marketing department creating 3 or 4 different domains and websites every time we start a new marketing campaign. :/
Or... having them created or something.
I need advice - I have a s3 bucket to which multiple users push and read. As one can imagine this leads to data inconsistency, any ideas about how I can unsure mutual exclusion in s3?
@MDMarra Maybe. But your theory is based on the unreliable assumption that we have a good reason for anything we do around here, though.
Sweet. I just made my server orgasm.
BITS Transfer
This is a file transfer that uses the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS).
How many SSL certificates on a domain would it take for a sane sysadmin to consider getting a wildcard?
I think 3 is the break-even cost for Digicert
not sure about others
@APZ Might be a better question for the main site with a lot more detail involved
@JohnD It's all about your PITA:cost ratio. I'm with Mark. I'd use them for every domain if the pricing wasn't higher.
@MDMarra Unless you have a site license for single host certs. Then it's a management equation.
@ScottPack Digicert Wildcard Plus certs allow unlimited duplicates, up to 10 SANs per duplicate, with a new CSR/private key per dupe
@MDMarra will do, thanks
Usually cheaper than a site license for single-names, from what I've seen, but I dont do a lot of work with that stuff anymore
@JohnD 1 - StarSSL costs the same for 2y, Wildcard, SAN/MultiDomain and all that.
@MDMarra Me neither, I just watch it happen.
@ChrisS StartSSL?
They are a bunch of wankers
Whose website is misleading
Their processes are slow and invasive
@MarkHenderson So it's like a marriage.
@MarkHenderson you're describing every CA I've ever dealt with so far...
@MarkHenderson Misleading how?
@ChrisS "Send us your passport and we'll validate you and you can make AS MANY CERTS AS YOU WANT YAY"
So I did that, paid my $70
Just for them to reject every single cert I requested
Processes seem no slower or more invasive than most... but to each their own I guess.
Because the names on the whois record of the domain wasn't my name
@MarkHenderson wait.... where does it say that? 'cuz I'd like to get in on that action :)
For some reason they didn't want to sign 'www.google.co.au' for "Hookers and Blow LLC"
can I do code signing and application certs as well? :P
O you want to make certs for company sites? That's another $70 per company and you need a) authorisation from their MD b) proof of registration of the company!
@ScottPack I was expecting typical domain validation like every other goddamn CA
@MarkHenderson That's all on the site... I suppose if you limited your reading to that one sentence sure.
Send an email to a pre-defined email address to prove access/ownership of the domain
I'm going to start my own CA. With blackjack. And Hookers.
@voretaq7 HomoTrust
I'm going to call it "The CA with blackjack and hookers"
@voretaq7 In fact, forget the CA. And the Blackjack.
@MarkHenderson That's the free level... You don't even have to pay for that.
@MDMarra I don't trust any homos. Especially not me.
@ChrisS It's incredinly vaguely worded. When I they explained their policy to me and I re-read it, I could see what they meant. But to someone who has dealyt with other CAs, it's incredibly obtuse
@ChrisS I wanted to make wildcards and SAN certs, which is why I went the further level
@MarkHenderson ...again, you're describing every CA I've ever dealt with ("incredibly obtuse")
@MarkHenderson If you say so... seemed intuitive to me.
just add "Fax us...." to that and you're describing Verisign :-P
@ChrisS If I want to get a cert from any other vendor, I pay $4.99/year and they send an email. No need for me to send my passport, or company registration documents, or get a letter from the managing director
I had like 10 different domains to get certs for. I wasn't going to go and get letters from 10 different managing directors and get 10 different company registration documents
@MarkHenderson I'm sure I could find one other vendor who does the same.
@ChrisS No vendor I've ever dealt with then
@ChrisS do you have system center 2012 licensing?
@MarkHenderson Just create an umbrella LLC, call it Blackjack and Hookers, LLC and tell them it's an umbrella corp that owns Google.au
@MDMarra Yeah. We don't expire until Oct of this year.
does your key end 8WMFY by any chance
@MDMarra Yep
does it start BXH69
seems like all system center 2012 keys are the same haha
how about that
MD5 of my key: 322e7351db60cacc5b2592e6863eeb10
Oh, thank you Google.
@ChrisS ya
so that's a thing
Apparently so - quick Google for any part brings up the whole key
Hmm. It seems that I can actually register Blackjack and Hookers, LLC as a company name in my state. I'm pretty tempted to do it.
@HopelessN00b I'm pretty sure child protective services would not let me see my kids anymore if I did that.
I wonder how many other products MS licenses that way...
@Magellan Another benefit of being single and childless, I suppose.
@HopelessN00b I suspect you'd get a lot of chargebacks
@ChrisS Visual Studio
@MarkHenderson Maybe if I used it for actual business, but I don't think that's where I'm thinking of going with this.
@ChrisS I think Exchange is the same, but I don't have access to a key right now
@MDMarra Exchange doesn't even need a key
It used to
It just has a little "This installation is unlicensed" notice in the ECM
oh haha
@MDMarra Got Windows 8 Embedded keys?
Hmm. domain name's available too.
ha, I have some Win7POS keys!
But no, no other datacenter technology keys, just client SKU keys, which are def unique
@MarkHenderson I think you need the Enterprise keys to enable Archiving and Litigation stuff though... Right?
@ChrisS Dunno, don't have any enterprise cals
Not that rich :p
we get all that shit for free
it makes using MS tech internally easy to justify
Running it internally also helps to know the products...
Tell that the everyone except my team who now use Cisco Jabber for IM
Gotta be another big plus if you're an IT consulting firm, huh?
They'll have to pry Lync out of my cold dead hands
Holy shit, I rep-capped 3 days in a row from one fucking answer
@MarkHenderson Link
@MDMarra Meh. It's nice, but it keeps crashing my video drivers/card.
This must be what it feels like to be Evan Anderson or Jon Skeet
quite - I haven't rep capped in ages - May 14 '13 specifically.
@MarkHenderson And a depressing answer, at that.
A: Is it bad to redirect http to https?

Mark HendersonThe [R] flag on its own is a 302 redirection (Moved Temporarily). If you really want people using the HTTPS version of your site (hint: you do), then you should be using [R=301] for a permanent redirect: RewriteEngine on ReWriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$ RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$...

@HopelessN00b One I knocked out in about 45 seconds
Even I knew that
lucky cat
@MDMarra I've missed out on as much low-hanging high-rep fruit as everyone else
@MDMarra Actually, I think the cat's theory about this kind of upvoting is spot on. (Only happens on Q's and A's the SO crowd is interested in.)
@HopelessN00b Damn straight. Look at all the names on the academic arguments re SSL overheads and whatnot in the comments
They're all from SO users
I say academic arguments, because the dude is using zpanel on what's probably a shared host. I don't think he's the kind of person that needs to worry about spdy or ssl_strip or hsts
At least someone purged the douchenozzle talking about sticking it to the NSA
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I almost got baited by that. Really, if you want to stick it the NSA, you (and your 100,000 closest friends) start talking about vaguely suspicious things, using keywords that get flagged, using plaintext protocols.
Sift that massive pile of completely useless information!
@HopelessN00b i'm pretty sure they get a check regardless of how useful the information is that they are sifting through
@MarkHenderson Oh, that was me.
@tdk2fe For that matter, they're government workers. They get paid regardless of whether or not they do any work at all. So long as their ass is warming their chair, they get paid.
It's basically a DDoS - spamming with useless data to make the dubious "service" of spying on everyone either infeasible or significantly degraded.
Oh, somebody cleared all the NSA cruft from the comments? Nice.
You're welcome.
what the fuck SF
it's not letting me post an answer - it's prompting for a captcha and then it's not accepting the captcha
@ChrisS Eeep. I'm guessing that monitoring 4chan would have to be some kind of initiation right/hazing.
@HopelessN00b More like death sentence.
hm, as soon as I stopped using HTTPS it worked
Maybe @MarkHenderson wasn't right :)
@Tanner Well, obviously, a high fatality rate would have to be expected.
Not sure if that's good or bad, regarding the pricks spying on me, though.
@Tanner You a Windows guy or Linux?
@Magellan Windows
@Tanner Ah. Hunting through all my peeps looking for someone who might want to move here and work with my team.
@Magellan Ah, nice. Guessing it's a Linux shop?
@HopelessN00b Frankly, the more useless they are, the more likely they'll continue to get paid. The people actually doing useful work are the ones that get fucked over.
@Tanner yeah. lots of linuxes.
I can cat and ls! Also nano... :)
but yeah, I'm bad with the Linuxes...
@MDMarra Never
@ChrisS Leisure Suit Larry!
@Magellan @RyJones @Skyhawk @Zoredache and @OtherSeattlites We're looking for a new support monkey if you happen to know someone who wants to move to Wenatchee.
@Tanner In fact, I think Zoredache's place is looking to fill a position also.
@Tanner I don't know of anyone, but if you have a link to a job announcement we could star it and pin it for a while probably.
I also need a seattleite who want to work in Bellevue :)
@Zoredache No job announcement yet. Going by word of mouth for now. The pickings are pretty slim around here... it can be hard to fill the slot with somebody who isn't entirely braindead.
Well mention it to @kce, he contacted me related to the opening we have, and he is from Alaska, so I gather he is looking to relocate.
@DennisKaarsemaker You guys are probably doing more interesting work than I'm doing right now though.
People with mad MySQL skills are tough to find in this town too.
@Magellan we found one so far. More looking for mad linux skills now :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Mine aren't quite mad. Only grumpy & irritable.
@Magellan Huh, that's kinda funny... when you put it that way, it describes most workplaces pretty well.
@DennisKaarsemaker Any ideas when you expect to be coming in to town next?
Flight to la. Sigh.
Will @joelesalas be there waiting for me?
@ewwhite Cheer up buttercup, you're coming to God's country
I just posted on FB. I THINK EVERYONE is having a bad week.
@JoelESalas what's the weather doing down there? 65F and sunny again?
It's cold in LA.
And this is a Disney trip.
@Magellan not any time soon
My wife is probably going to act a fool!
if I'm going to visit a non-HQ team, it'll be singapore
@DennisKaarsemaker Nice. I'd probably enjoy that trip, except for the time spent in airplane seats.
@Magellan It's hot, I hate it
Can't wear my good jacket
@ewwhite At least you can have a martini at Downtown Disney
@JoelESalas Oy vey.
The only thing the downtown disney in Orlando was good was that the McDonalds there was cheap enough to eat at that you could still fit under the company per diem.
All the restaurants closer to the parks were painfully expensive.
@Magellan Hahahaha true
The one by Animal Kingdom, the value meals started at $7.
@Magellan That's expensive?
You have a strange idea of what expensive is
@MarkHenderson yeah. across the board that one was roughly 70% more expensive than a "typical" McDonalds.
@Magellan I can't eat at McDonalds for < $10 per person
And that is cheap
@MarkHenderson McDonalds is not generally a caloric-consumption facility that people visit if they actually have enough money to afford to eat elsewhere or are willing to cook.
Just saying, I'd love to pay $7 for a big mac meal
@MarkHenderson It's possible that what they serve there might actually be considered food. Here, I wouldn't call it that.
the whole "pink slime" controversy put me off most fast-food burger joints permanently.
Disney. Hmm we'll be eating BBQ and other nastiness this weekend.
Alright, where are all the network developers at? Someone needs to hit them with a bag of bricks for not having worked out a way to fix hairpin NAT yet.
@HopelessN00b We did fix it. It's called IPv6. You can deploy it whenever you like.
@MichaelHampton Not true at all. I was explicitly told I couldn't deploy IPv6 by my boss. :(
Hello folks
@HopelessN00b In that case, it's your boss that needs to be hit with the bag of bricks.
@MichaelHampton Yeah, but if I do that again, he promised he'd press charges. :(
@RyanRies Ahoyhoy.
@HopelessN00b You need to hit hard enough that he stops speaking entirely.
I'll have to do that next time, then.
@HopelessN00b define "hairpin NAT"
Q: Loopback to forwarded Public IP address from local network - Hairpin NAT

adopilot This is a Canonical Question about Hairpin NAT (Loopback NAT). The generic form of this question is: We have a network with clients, a server, and a NAT Router. There is port forwarding on the router to the server so some of it's services are available externally. We have DNS pointing to th...

I'm not good with definitions... and am too lazy to pull up Google right now.
Uh, what he said.
@Andrew Heya. You a Windows or a Linux guy? While it makes it sound like a marketing pitch, my team is hiring for a linux system admin position in your town.
@Magellan My town?
@Andrew yes. yours. specifically.
My boss is going to be in town in a couple weeks doing interviews and touring sites for expansion.
@Andrew Damn, man. You never mentioned you owned the place! I thought you just lived there.
I'd pester @MarkHenderson too, but I think he's a Windows guy.
Try luring him over with a ball of yarn, or a laser pointer.
@Magellan Yeah Windows. Plus I wouldn't move to Adelaide unless you whacked me over the head with a sack of bricks
(although my parents live there, and I was born there, but that's no excuse)
@MarkHenderson no, dude. We're right there in town.
@Magellan Which town?
@Andrew is from Adelaide. I'm from Sydney.
@MarkHenderson Oh. I thought he was in Sydney.
That's like New York versus somewhere in Montana
@MarkHenderson yeah, my new co-worker impressed upon us just how far apart everything is.
I could move to Sydney....
(or somewhere within 50kms of it)
@Andrew We're in a property bubble here. Average house price has passed $750,000 and average apartment price is around $450,000 I think
And expected to rise another 10%
> Sydney's house prices are now 15.1 per cent higher than the median of $663,278 recorded by APM (owned by Fairfax Media) at the end of 2012.
> The surge in prices follows a bumper December quarter where house prices grew by 6 per cent to a new median of $763,169.
> The quarterly data released on Thursday shows that median unit prices in Sydney also rose by 10.9 per cent in 2013 to $541,992.
chinese money?
@Magellan Yep
Apparently 60% of chinese "millionaires" (measured in $US) have left the country
can't say I blame them.
@MarkHenderson I don't like the look of that. It smells like what happened in the US in the last decade.
@MichaelHampton Good time to sell your property. Save the money, wait 5 years, buy the whole neighborhood.
@MichaelHampton Yep
Gunna crash
Well, you have to live somewhere in the interim.
Same thing happened in 2000 after the olympics
@MichaelHampton Indeed. Lady has owned this house for 14 years. It's finally back up to what it was when she bought it.
@MarkHenderson I think it happened everywhere in the Spring of 2000 when tech spending drastically-dropped post-Y2K and the sudden spike in unemployment rippled out. Just like fuel-price spikes caused blue-collar jobs and mortgages to blow up here in 2008.
@Magellan My father in law had built a duplex in 1999 and was offered $900,000 per unit in 2000. He didn't sell
Then in about 2002 everything exploded and house prices plummeted. His current value is now back to about $900,000 each
No, he didn't want to sell. He wanted to live in half and rent the other half, which he has done
He's made more money now, because he's closer to retirement age now so he can sell half for $900k and he has the rent money from the past 15 years
this guy I know sold his house for about $850k and made enough, he said, to buy a couple Pagliacci's pizzas, after sitting on it forever
it was in the "moldy siding" class action suit, though, so he had to buy all new siding before he sold it
@pauska it was sort of windy here today
@pauska Send your snow to California!
@freiheit Reno would be better
you want to hit the headwaters and build the snowpack
I miss anything?
Can I tell you about the installation I had this morning?
of course
@RyJones I think Reno might be on the wrong side of the Sierra Nevada mountain range for the melting snowpack to flow to where it'll help with the drought most. But, yes, I was thinking of snow up in the mountains (near-ish to Reno), not down in the valleys.
Software dev firm... I am installing vSphere.
and the company doesn't have any servers in-house... so no DNS, no static IPs, a lot of missing things
@freiheit I spent a night stuck on Donner Pass. I found it ironic that the rest area didn't have snack machines
@RyJones That's what the people you're travelling with are for.
so my servers arrive... and there aren't any power cables (NEMA 5-15) anywhere.
usually companies have spare power cables laying around...
@ewwhite If they don't have any infrastructure in-house, why would they have power cables?
Monitor cables...
power supplies for switches, etc.
@RyJones Maybe they expected you to make due.
@RyJones yeah, that part sucks. I ended up dropping $14k on new siding for an LP house.
there's a full server room... just no power cables...

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