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@ewwhite So your accountant really does take care of all your 1099s and all that? Nice. I need to get one of those.
And for every "democrat voting twice" story, there's a story about voting machines flipping votes from dem to republican
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_gubernatorial_election,_2004 <-- they just kept printing ballots in King County until D won
Don't get me started on Diebold, or whatever they renamed themselves this week.
@RyJones was that the year they kept recounting?
So anyway, my wife's boss got fired today because she ordered a bunch of shit from amazon on the library's credit card. And then did it again. And then did it again. And got investigated by the FBI (or some other agency - not clear on this detail) about it. And then did it again.
How's that for consistency
@Tanner 2004, which was the link I posted.
@MDMarra uh holy cow
hilarious, right?
sounds like she has a mental problem
Very well could be
seattlepi.com/business/article/… this guy cost us a lot of pain at Microsoft
he killed himself with antifreeze
anyway, hope the library is able to return or sell the stuff she bought.
That happened while I was employed at the school in the article^
@MDMarra that's a hell of a shortfall to discover
Well, it was over 20 years and he charged it to fake companies that were him
I forgot there was another theft ring: geocities.com/redmondrose/Feussner-SeattleTimes.htm
But yeah, they implemented a new accounting system and a new CFO and bam 6 month later theyre like ....uhh this guy is bad news
It's 2014 and you just linked to geocities
This makes me smile
Microsoft called in the FBI last year to investigate. The company now requires employees to get more approvals from managers before ordering software. <-- no shit, it's impossible now
@MDMarra Redmond Rose was a little bit of a celebrity here from 1991 or 1992 until 2005 or so
@MDMarra Angelfire 4lyf
@RyJones ... does Microsoft charge its own departments for their own Microsoft software they use?!
@MarkHenderson yes
@RyJones Wow
I assumed that Microsoft software would be free inside Microsoft
@MarkHenderson when I was at MSN we paid Windows for our support contract.
I have a friend at IBM who does something like that; any servers that they need they have to pay for, but the prices are absurd. He could get top-spec servers for like $1,000
I mean, it's all funny money, but there was a budget and dollars moved around
But it can't leave the company premesis
(of course)
@MarkHenderson "blue dollars"
thats what IBM calls it
@MDMarra Thats the one
its a budget transfer at manufacturing cost
@MarkHenderson it's free to install on your desktop, but when you put it into production, you have to get a support contract.
I got an offer from an IBM company but turned them down. They were weird. You had to get Linux on the laptop, but you chose the distro. And if you wanted you could have a Windows VM.
fuck that
@MDMarra I just looked up the price list he sent me once; ESERVER P5 590 is $3.90
so the hole these guys were exploiting was that you used to be able to buy retail media for internal installs, and the cost was like $1 a disk
@MichaelHampton Alright, I gave it a shot, now officially hate you, and am going to spend the rest of the night with my bottle of scotch.
A: Defending PCs against APTs

HopelessN00b We've already detected spear-fish emails sent to people high in the organisation. Is there a way to defend against these attacks short of creating an air gap between the network these documents are on and the internet? Spear-phishing suggests to me that you need to focus on defending yo...

Peace, all.
I have no idea what that is, but its cheap
@MarkHenderson The company I interviewed for still bought UCS and NetApp though, haha
@MDMarra I choose Xenix
oh, Xenix
@MarkHenderson This job was supporting a SaaS HR recruiting platform that runs on Windows. But I couldnt have Windows except in a VM.
@MDMarra That's pretty gay
Could you choose OSX with VMWare Fusion? That's "close enough"
wtf? If its good enough for your fucking customer-facing, money marking, platform, give it to me on my laptop
@MarkHenderson No, lenovo hardware
blog.ryjones.org/2014/01/28/it-kills-me <-- speaking of geocities-era stuff
@dawud WHERE R U?!? I need a brother in grindcore.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenix <-- this is not true: All internal Microsoft email transport was done on Xenix-based 68000 systems until 1995-96, when the company moved to its own Exchange Server product.
@RyJones its wikipedia. Nothing on there is true
Probably added by a professor wanting to catch his students cheating
@MarkHenderson I know, but it kills me. I worked on that project (migrating to dogfooding Exchange)
ahh, good ol bell la padua.
@Wesley this year, yes... I've been too shady with accounting in the past. Buying this house forced me to go legit.
@ewwhite Good man.
@ewwhite btw, dont send me a 1099 for 2013
I've already filed
for that matter, dont send me one for 2014;
@MDMarra oh, then I'll TOTALLY send one
or ever really
@ewwhite do like my previous employer and send a fraudulent document
just make the numbers up
@MDMarra No worries... I'll go back to creeping your wife on LinkedIn.
carry on
Oh and you need to fix my domain controller.
@MDMarra It's not really a choice... any business is technically supposed to send 1099 Copy B regardless. Also, Copy A with a 1096 cover for the IRS regardless.
Did you forget who you were talking to?
Regardless of which political ideals we each adhere to, can we all at least agree that the IRS is fucked?
@Wesley you have the direction of that relationship wrong. the IRS is fucking us
said while scalp deep in QuickBooks reports and paper filing
@RyJones ...right. I always forget which way the dick goes.
So you aren't coming to my annual 1099 Bonfire?
@MichaelHampton Considering I like to be squeaky clean with regards to our evil overlords... no. =P
Ergh, I need to make an external syslog server to collect all these stupid logs.
An who the hell is that that I sent $1900 to...
Wasn't me.
I just got a fundraising email from the FSF. The subject: "Help the FSF bury Windows 8". I completely misread it as "Help the FSF buy Windows 8"...
I wonder if they've heard of Windows 8.1.
What phone OS does the FSF recommend?
If Windows Phone is so bad because it has a locked bootloader?
Certainly not Android, right?
why bother asking what they want?
@Wesley So. what ad networks do you recommend these days?
I don't think the FSF promotes a phone at all
But they called out Windows in that link for being installed on phones with restricted bootloaders
If you're going to give that specific of an example, you should have a solution for it, right?
@MDMarra does anyone besides Microsoft employees buy that thing?
@Magellan Depends on what you're doing. If you want quick-n-easy, Adsense isn't bad. If you have a site / app that has decent traffic (I believe 30,000 unique viewers per month) I'd recommend getting involved in buysellads.com
@Magellan I've seen a few around but there's just no app ecosystem for it.
@Magellan I only know one person who bought it on purpose, but he's ex Microsoft, so not sure that counts. He was also on the Windows Phone team.
Theyre actually pretty nice devices. I've played with a few. But no way am I giving up my iPhone any time soon
@Wesley Adsense never unblocked me. Not sure why they blocked me, since I'd never actually used their product.
the Lumia 1080 (I think?) has a Most Excellent Camera
@Magellan Adbrite went teets up, which was a good Adsense competitor. Apparently not good enough though. =/ Kontera does those asinine text ads that pop up an ad when you roll over the text, and while they're annoying as frick, they have an enormous CTR/ROI
@Magellan Oh right, forgot about that. Let me look at my notes on ad networks.
@Magellan they blocked me after I burned $100 worth of free ads and didn't buy more.
@Wesley yeah. I'm not likely to hit 30k/month for awhile. I'm a little too niche at the moment.
next time I went to use them, blocked
@RyJones ah. so if you don't spend more money with us than we would pay you to advertise, we'll block you. Sounds about right for Google.
Everybody I've ever met there seems to be frozen at about a 25yo maturity level.
@Magellan I don't know. The whole experience was frustrating, and honestly it got me out of caring about android as a platform.
(even though I work on android)
@RyJones I'll be shopping around too. Not happy with Motorola lately. Been a Moto fanboi for years, but their recent stuff is sub-par.
@Magellan if I were buying a smartphone, and I'm not, I'd probably get an iPhone just for the Apple store in Bellevue.
I was reading recently that most of the special sauce on Android is closed source now anyway
The Google Play compatibility layer or something
it is, and they're doing it in a shady way. Yes, the Google Play goo
silent updates, phoning home, black box that may potentially violate the GPL but maybe not
@MDMarra I've owned an iTouch and a 4S. Can't play Ingress on iPhones and Google integration is iffy.
Yeah, if you big into the google ecosystem, iPhone isnt the best choice
@RyJones @MDMarra The Mods get around that? I almost went with CyanogenMod a couple months ago, but Waze wouldn't work and that's how I navigate.
@MDMarra Yeah, I've used Google Voice for something like 7-8 years now.
@Magellan Cyanogen has serious issues with GPS drivers being closed source
if you rely on anything GPS on Android, best to go with a Nexus or Play device. I'd buy the most recent one (I think the Moto with 4.4?) as it will have support the longest
the Google way of leaving devices behind was an endless source of frustration
@Magellan There's Vibrant Media
@Magellan You could install your own OpenX server and then put your ad space up on the open marketplace (OpenX isn't that difficult to set up, I've done it in a few hours).
@RyJones been that way since Droid1 too. I think I got 2 updates in 5 months and that was it. Could only buy accessories for it for maybe 4 months before it was orphaned.
@Wesley Hmm. I'll likely need a VPS for that, yes?
@Magellan I bet you could do that on AWS
@Magellan are you selling or buying ads?
@Magellan Yeah, I mean you can do it on the same server as your app, sure. Just yet another load on the thing.
sorry, I was confused about the google product earlier, I was using the product where you buy ads, not sell them.
ah. I got black-listed because "my blog did not primarily consist of original content." Which was bullshit.
I'm group bitch in my psychology class
And typical Google, there's no appeals and no transparency.
@Magellan Uh... You can appeal, and in that scenario you can get un-banned. For instance morefromyourblog.com/…
@Magellan If that doesn't get you anywhere, try this.
Q: Passenger RackApp: path/to/app/current: No such file or directory - uname

scarver2Can someone help me diagnose this error in my NGINX error log? I see this error repeatedly. App 4522 stdout: [01/28/14 23:59:28 +0000 web.server.com (4522)] INFO : Reporting to: https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/123456/applications/78901234 App 4417 stderr: Passenger RackApp: /home/deployer/apps...

Guys, have anyone ever used "ontime"?
it is quite cheap, 7$ a user
nope, we used some other crap that was crap
We also used Pivotal, which wasn't bad: pivotaltracker.com
pivotal labs is a little religious though.
@MichaelHampton yeah, tried to get it re-instated long ago. They didn't even bother responding for rejections back then. Will give the 2nd one a try.
@RyJones used that at job[-1]. Dunno what the Devs here use. it changes every couple months.
@Magellan For the life of me, I cannot remember what we used at amazon, but it fucking sucked
"changes every couple months." Haha, teriffic.
I think we use 52 card pickup management here. Nothing happens, there's a crisis, everything is fucked for a while, a release happens without meaning to
@MDMarra A book? The next Zero Day?!?
@RyJones Pretty sure that's Info Management 101
@ChrisS planted the idea in my head of 50 pages or so of "What ever AD admin should know" or something like that
Sorry, I was just reading through my twitter feed
I was mostly just asking on twitter because I realized I have no actual idea how books get made
Nor do I
Nor would I ever have the attention span to write one
my wife works with a lot of publishers. She said "Write something good. Find publishers accepting manuscripts. Give it to all of them. They will have an editor make it look like an actual book, then you're done
So I mean, sounds simple, right?
@MDMarra if you're serious I can put you in touch with someone that just self-published a volume on amazon.
it was a much longer, more painful process than I think he realized going in
That's what I'm hearing
People are saying don't self publish, shop it an get an editor
he hired an editor (and an artist)
I have a good friend that's currently doing a PhD in English... we meet on the weekends to play racquetball... every weekend, he tells me about a new paper that he's writing, and every single time it's more pages than the sum total of all pages that I ever wrote in college. >_<
@RyJones jeeze
is anyone here using a laptop
@Ethan I'd imagine most of us
@Ethan this sounds like a live support question
@RyJones thanks, saved your info. When I'm a little more serious, I'll shoot you an email
Dont want to bother him until I've done more than 5 minutes of research on it :) perhaps later this week
@Ethan wtf is a 'laptop'
@MDMarra how many kilowatt-hours do you would use if you ran your laptop for six straight hours performing your normal tasks
@MDMarra OK. I know a couple other self-published authors, but he's the most recent one (a few weeks ago) to hit the publish date

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