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@freiheit yeah I think we were talking about that in here a few days ago?
@SpacemanSpiff Welcome to the cult my friend.
Have you found the magnet tool yet?
@SpacemanSpiff I've heard good things about omnigraffle
2 Dec 05 2013 21:00:09 Deny IP due to Land Attack from to
Omnigraffle is Mac only, right?
land attack? that's new..
@cole that's because you hang out by me and I gush about it all the time
@voretaq7 I have no idea, as I basically haven't been around for a week, due to holiday/vacation.
@cole yeah it's a Mac-Only thing
Damn clicky arrows shouldn't move so much just as I'm about to click them!
@pauska it's old actually - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAND
Dammit, I need a Mac.
I miss having one.
@SpacemanSpiff agreed
@cole they're like $500 for a mini
@RyJones I know, paying off debt has been more important though :)
@MichaelHampton it's a camp pot - you're basically just supposed to boil things in it
I told myself I'll buy one once I've paid off my CC debt
but yes I see that as a design flaw too
has anyone played with ADFS 3.0 yet?
Since it's really just a want and not a need
@MattBear yes, por que?
@cole Celebrate paying off your cards by running them up again! :-)
@voretaq7 fuck no - I'd pay in cash money only.
I need to buy a new mac - the video card in mine is DEFINITELY fried
I'm waiting for the mac pro to come out
@cole I'm spinning one up now, to use SAML with SharePoint 2013
@cole SMACK NO! Pay with a rewards card, then pay it off immediately
Cash Back, Bitch!
@voretaq7 or that
That was my point though - not just putting it on credit and paying minimums
I have a feeling I'm going to see @cole in one of those US "coupon" shows
@pauska oh god no - but I do use coupons.
"YESSSSSSS! I managed to get 90 boxes of bleach by paying $2!"
@pauska Coupon Cole!
@DennisKaarsemaker !!!
Okay, let's keep that nickname.
And now there's coffee on my keyboard @DennisKaarsemaker
Okay for you, @CouponCole?
thank you
@pauska got it
Chase Rewards + Apple => "Earn 2 extra pts/$"
so basically "3% cash back on your iPrecious"
@voretaq7 wow I didn't know that
And my two oldest and highest limit cards are Chase :)
@cole do you have the rewards programs on them?
@pauska if it's a nickname it should be Coupon Cole NT
@voretaq7 one's Amazon, other Rewards
@voretaq7 I'm still pissed that Chase stopped the rewards programs on their debit cards.
Only CCs now.
@Wesley You're welcome!
@voretaq7 what are dis
@PauskaSock Sock monkey.
@Wesley that had something to do with the federal banking law changes
@voretaq7 I know. #thanksobama
@cole the chase "rewards mall" thing you have to shop through to get the extra points
@voretaq7 oh cool, thanks
(Also +5 for Macy's online through the mall, +10 for Kohls - there's sometimes really good deals in there)
@voretaq7 my oldest credit card that I'm about to pay off is a Chase Rewards card.
the downside is sometimes you don't get super-special sales if you come to the partner site from the "rewards mall" so you need to think about that
Btws - I have 4 Simple.com invites if anyone's interested.
and dude I am ALL ABOUT raping chase for every penny I can get out of that rewards program
(because seriously they want every penny they can get from me!)
is it loading for you guys? just put it behind my new shiny 10gig LB cluster
@voretaq7 how long does it take for money to transfer from your bank account to simple?
@pauska loaded quick for me!
@pauska seems a little sluggish at first but it loads
it's in Norway.. so latency is expected
@pauska løaded in a flash!
also do you put all your money into simple.com @voretaq7?
@cole not yet, my account there basically idles - it's SO MUCH EFFORT to change banks :(
also I'm in NY - you can't spit without hitting a Chase ATM
which is really what's stopping me from moving money over
Lots of Bank of America ATMs here
I have Citizens Bank, which are around but less than BoA.
I wish it wasn't so hard to change banks
What's that figure of speech when someone invests heavily into something, but they keep going even though it's a losing game because they've already invested so much?
I've just had Citizens since I was 16.
Simple is free at, well, a shitload of ATMs
I have so much shit tied in to these accounts :(
@RyanRies Throwing good money after bad?
@MichaelHampton Yeah that might work
Someone tell me about simple
@MDMarra It's the first bank I've ever seen with a mobile app that doesn't suck, and xkcd-style passwords are mandatory.
@pauska Something's not right with that site
I can't understand a word on it
Also, dat mobile app.
But why would I move from TD Bank to simple. Besides the website/mobile app, which isn't important to me
@MDMarra no ATM fees
@RyanRies sunk cost
@MDMarra only proud vikings can read it
No monthly fees, no ATM fees
@cole Interesting, but I only take out money once per month from the ATM near my apartment and I dont pay monthly fees now
Does it have better interest rates like Orange?
@MDMarra well then...there ya go.
@MDMarra Data visualization tools is the real reason to use Simple
Is the differentiator the slick interface?
The app classifies all your spending and lets you see where your money is going
@MDMarra - got the wife a Surface RT with touch cover from TigerDirect on Black Friday for $225. Got it today. Decent little device...more than enough for her needs.
The interface is super nice, holy hell.
it's good for people like @Cole's GF who can't budget
@voretaq7 I think she said she applied for an account and got denied.
@TheCleaner nice. My productivity with mine went through the roof when I upgraded to a touch cover. They're on ebay for like $60
It looks like I could get away with no using Mint at all and just Simple.
@cole you can use one of your invites :)
@voretaq7 Sounds like it would be good for me.
@voretaq7 why would she be denied?
Though for some reason it classifies 7-11 as "Gas" even when I just bought a coffee inside.
Her credit really sucks too
@MichaelHampton I have that with mint now, with the added bonus that it does my CCs, investment accounts, and loans as well.
@cole I don't think they're "denying" people actively, it's more "we're not taking anyone right now"
hah hah hah... My company just posted a job opening for a systems administrator... $16-$20 an hour... I wonder if that will get any applicants
@MichaelHampton It's based on one of the codes in the merchant id.
If I don't use my debit card ever, is there an advantage to simple?
@RyanRies It's more formally called the Sunk Cost Fallacy
@MDMarra Probably not
I've been considering moving banks but because of the saving account interest rates - so that's probably my #1 concern
@MattBear That's only slightly lower than OSU.
@voretaq7 ah ok
@MichaelHampton Damn :(
@MDMarra not really because your expenses will just be big chunks rather than discrete items you can track and analyze :-/
@MDMarra Ally
@ScottPack OSU... Ohio State?
I'm thinking of moving my ING (now Crapital One) stuff to Ally
@voretaq7 Do you have to be in the US?
@David I think so
@MattBear Affirmative. The postings they put up say 45k-55k/year.
@MichaelHampton I put purchases on my CC and pay it off each month. I get bonus points and I don't get screwed if someone makes a fraudulent charge (again)
@voretaq7 I'll check it out
@voretaq7 :(
• Must have Associate’s Degree in Computer Science or related subject
o Preferred: Bachelor’s degree in in Computer Science or related subject
• Must have Minimum 3 years’ experience in customer service and performing computer hardware/software technical systems troubleshooting
• Minimum 2 years’ experience in server maintenance, configuration, and support
• Minimum 2 years of experience in administering Office365
• Minimum 2 years’ experience with VMWare
• Minimum 1 year of Active Directory experience
I need to get one @MDMarra and @voretaq7's level with my $$CASH MONEY$$
At TD's rates, a CD ladder literally isn't worth the time it takes to set it up
@David check with their support team
I rolled my 401K over to a Roth IRA
@cole It ain't about the money coming in. It's about the money going out
'bout $10K in thurr
@MDMarra Same at ING. If I can't get at least 3% interest a CD isn't worth it to me
bank.simple.com/friends/f4ed92fd-0a5c-25f2-9db1-e628554765e4 Here, now you can all sign up for Simple and skip the wait.
@MDMarra oh yeah, that's what I mean - need to smash my debt
Practice Director just called. I might be doing a 7 forest FIM deployment for O365. God help me.
@MDMarra "practice director"?
So, in consulting there are some weird jobs
You know, I only got paid for 3 days last week because of the holiday (they don't pay me holidays as a contractor) - and for the first time in years I wasn't stressing the fact that my check was a little more than half of what it normally is.
like practice director
is that the guy who coordinates fire drills and shit? He's waiting for the day they let him be a real director? :-)
@voretaq7 isnt < 3% below inflation?
@MattBear yes.
FIM! I work with FIM
No he's the director of our Microsoft consulting practice
ok, magnet tool, jeebus
@cole I may be picking your brain then
Next week I start a FIM project O_O
@MDMarra "Director of Microsoft Services"
@voretaq7 not exactly
@voretaq7 yeah... that would be stupid, invest it in strip clubs and booze
fucking practice director - what a lame weak-ass title!
@MDMarra It's a beast.
Do you do also with ADFS too?
I don't yet
In that case, you're (1) on your own, and (2) apparently outside the bounds of what I'd expect in a professional environment. — Michael Hampton 8 secs ago
@MattBear I haven't set up CDs since rates on them fell below 3% on the 90 day tier
urgh - I wish someone ported iperf to C# or something..
@voretaq7 A practice director in our case works with Microsoft to determine their roadmap, new initiatives, etc. They keep that relationship good so that Microsoft kicks us projects when customers ask MS who they should use. He doesn't have anything to do with the delivery of said services. He also works with the sales teams to do pre-sales work and make sure that sales are actually..you know...selling the right shit
it's not worth it to me -
Term	APYAnnual Percentage Yield
6 Month	 0.40%
9 Month	 0.40%
12 Month	 0.40%
18 Month	 0.40%
24 Month	 0.40%
30 Month	 0.70%
36 Month	 0.70%
48 Month	 0.70%
60 Month	 0.90%
Then, we have a delivery manager who is ultimately responsible for making sure that the work that gets sold gets done, and done properly
I use Mint...but I have the same issue as @MichaelHampton in that it doesn't always classify stuff correctly either. I've heard good things about Yodlee as well. I can't really switch to Simple since I'm with my credit union.
Then we have team leads for each group who are technical leads and don't deal with that sales BS. I'm one of them now
I mean seriously -- that's pathetic. 5 years and all I'm going to get is 0.9% annual yield
Then we have engineers that do the work
@MDMarra "EVP of Microsoft Services"
@TheCleaner Well I understand the Gas thing, and that's the only problem I've found. But that's easy enough to fix.
I think that was Tracy's title at $job[-1]
@voretaq7 heh, I dont think that we have any VPs actually
@voretaq7 Real Estate... stocks may rise and fall, utilities and transportation systems may collapse. People are no damn good, but they will always need land and they'll pay through the nose to get it!
@MattBear I don't have the liquid assets to invest in real estate :-/
I want to use Mint, but I can't quite get over the idea of handing my bank account password to someone
@voretaq7 invest in stocks in a real estate company...
@MichaelHampton Mint sometimes will classify things like charitable giving as shopping. It also tends to frustrate me that the "weekly status" email is never accurate.
oh and +500 internet points if you can tell me (without googling it) where that quote came from
boiler room? :)
probably not, but it sounds pyramid-schemey enough
I'm on the train to New Jersey. I think there's mold growing on the seats.
@ewwhite I told you not to go to Jerzee silly man.
@ewwhite That's not mold....
There's a REASON nobody uses sEWeR.
      Total sent
[SUM] 0.00-60.02 sec  2.02 GBytes   288 Mbits/sec
      Total received
[SUM] 0.00-60.02 sec  2.02 GBytes   288 Mbits/sec
between 10gig routed interfaces.. OK...
now set it up right
@MattBear Wall Street? I don't know...sounds like something from that. Or maybe Other People's Money?
heh...googled it...never would have guessed that...but makes sense now...I even remember the scene
28 minutes!
@TheCleaner thats who I get all my investment advice from
after all, he's a billionaire, and look who he's competing against!
My train is broken.
Writing this out just makes me realize how bad the situation is: reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/1s3ert/…
@MattBear I believe in trickle down economics. That's why I spend everything I make. I'm trying to help out the people "below" me...
@ewwhite NJTranshit.
The doors stopped working. MaintenAnce needed to close door #6 at the front of the train.
one step below Spamtrack.
@ewwhite only one pair of doors failed? You're doin' good!
hello internet
I have to say - The Comms Room has really changed my view on money.
@cole daaamn... She's gonna have to, A. Move, B. Get a much better job (housing should be no more then 33% of your income, not 75%), C. Invest in a good pair of knee pads
I took the Acela Express here @vore
@MattBear I agree
@MDMarra lol at your comment
@MDMarra My sister, friend and therapist told me to be "have patience"
@ewwhite Crashela?
@cole No, patience == doing nothing == deeper in the hole
I'm surprised about the seats then
That I can't just "give up like I always do" when something difficult like this happens
Does everything in NY and NJ suck?
@ewwhite The subways are nice
@ewwhite Yes.
@voretaq7 The new subway cars are kind of nice, I'll grant you that...
@MikeyB <-- @cole what he said
@MichaelHampton none of the remaining (revenue service) cars are over 30 years old
Ok so I'm not being completely irrational here, yes?
(with the possible exception of the museum train, which may be running in revenue service right now)
(Figures, the three people who told me to have patience are women -_-)
I was just on an old subway car. And some guy spilled the contents of his JC Penney shopping bags.
@cole I may be a heartless, calculating machine of a human being here, but I consider financial stability to be a key factor in dating someone
@voretaq7 It has become one for me.
I don't want to have to be buying dinner all the time
@ewwhite How old? :)
I'm one of those who pays 80% of the expenses, but then again my girlfriend is a student
but I do understand your frustration
@cole ask them how much their net worth is. Then ask them what their debt to income ratio is. Then you can determine if theyre giving good advice here :)
My wife and I have this issue.
@MDMarra I have no idea to the answer of either of those questions for me
She pays for food and some monthy subscriptions.
I handle mortgages.
@MDMarra good point - all carry debt
we apparently have dragged it out of mothballs again :)
@pauska I pay almost 100% expenses but theres a difference betweeen not making a lot and being a financial mess
@MDMarra true
My sister owns her own business - but their net worth is extremely low, my friend - recently got fired and my therapist - well, not the most financial savvy person.
My wife and I just throw everything into a single large pool and pay everything out of that. There's no "I pay" and "she pays" any more
My wife chose a career as a public librarian. She doesnt make a lot. But she also doesn't have any outstanding debt except her student loans and she lives within her means with her spending
To me, at least, that's fine. I make a lot more, I pay for a lot more
@MDMarra she doesn't have say...5+ accounts in collections
But this girl sounds like she's a fucking mess and doesnt even really want to figure out how to fix it
@Cole women have some weird issues when it comes to money... I guarantee you, if it was a 'boyfriend' instead of a 'girlfriend', they would be telling you to dump em
There's a difference there
@MDMarra She grew up super poor - and her mom's a bit of a nutcase.
My girlfriend spent 3 years of her childhood in a homeless shelter
@MDMarra Which debt-to-income ratio - the ones banks use or the one I use?
doesnt matter
Her mom was so negligent that she spent all of 7th grade with lice.
      Total sent
[SUM] 0.00-60.02 sec  3.87 GBytes   554 Mbits/sec
      Total received
[SUM] 0.00-60.02 sec  3.87 GBytes   554 Mbits/sec
two VM's connected to the same 10gig switch, no routing involved
what the hell
@voretaq7 I was just making the point that when debating whether or not to continue a committed relationship with someone that's a financial wreck, you should discount advice from other financial wrecks
my therapist keeps saying "Remember, no one taught her these things."
@cole Can she learn them fast?
My response to that would be "And if we get married, I'll be teaching her them at the expense of my future"
Fricking glitter on Hallmark cards.
@84104 I don't know - she gave me an attitude last night when I was trying to help her.
Gets on my hands
But of course, no one can make the decision but you
@MDMarra absolutely
@MDMarra that's pretty much what i said.
Then my face
And of course - women tell me I'm a dick for that
It looks like I just made out with a rave girl.
My personal rule about debt is I should not have more outstanding debt (loans) than what I make in 1 year
Glitter - The herpes of the craft world.
@voretaq7 I can for one say, that's true for me!
@voretaq7 One meeelion dollars!
I have a strict no-glitter rule. If glitter gets into the apartment, there's a strict decon process.

1. Throw out the thing that has glitter on it.

2. Kill everyone involved from delivery to opening of the glittered object

3. Burn the bodies
I'm trying to build a more solid emergency fund before going all cray cray with throwing my money at debt
I fucking hate glitter.
@cole I hope you're not thinking of paying off her debts?
@MDMarra If you ever have someone you hate beyond words: Glitter on the top of a stationary ceiling fan.
@MarkHenderson Oh fuck NO
@Wesley D:
@cole there's a little more to it than that, but I've found if I'm getting good interest rates and reasonable loan terms that's a good ground rule
I think that's what she wants me to do, and no way.
@cole you really don't want to go there
@voretaq7 tough with a mortgage, sir
@cole Yeah; no
I refuse
@MDMarra not really, depends on how much house you want
All the house
my mortgage is about 2/3 of what I make in a year
12 bathroom, minimum. A guy's gotta poop.
She hasn't asked but I think she's hoping I'll offer
@cole Honestly, I suspect she's so defensive because she knows she's dug herself into a hole and doesn't want to admit to the mistakes she's made
but the mortgage is an exception - the rule my parents taught me about mortgages is "about twice what you make in a year"
@voretaq7 Your whole mortgage, or the repayments?
@MarkHenderson She kept calling herself an idiot. I told her if she continues to do so, I will not help her at all with budgeting.
@MarkHenderson my whole mortgage
@voretaq7 what the fuck?!
Remember I live in a studio apartment in the suburbs
it's just me
You have a lizard
@voretaq7 how big is your studio?
@voretaq7 I used to live in a 2br in the suburbs and it still cost us $300,000
I pay... Well, I think mortgage is about 5% of what I make.
@cole about 500 sq. ft.
But I always kept housing low.
@ewwhite in terms of payments my mortgage is.... hmmmm
@voretaq7 yeah my one bedroom is similar. $725/month
@ewwhite need dat cash for your gyro spit.
yeah around what @ewwhite is paying - 5-6%
@voretaq7 I'm happy to admit that my mortgage is $2550/month
10% if you include my maintenance
I'd like to buy a condo for about $80K if possible
@cole Geezus
Think I'm gonna be paying more around $120K though
The cheapest property on the market in Sydney last week was $280,000 and it got passed in
@MarkHenderson My mortgage is $503 and co-op maintenance (which includes taxes that would normally be rolled into the mortgage) is about $457 - so all together about 900/month
(and thats all of Sydney; not just the bit thats actually called sydney)
@voretaq7 Wow your maintenance is quite high
You have to remember @MarkHenderson that since trees don't grow in Australia it's much more expensive since wood has to be imported.
(I assume anyway; when I had an apartment our maintenance was $1500/year)
You can't build a home out of kangaroos, after all.
@MarkHenderson not really - it's about average for nassau county.
@MDMarra you could, but it wouldn't last very long.
and it would smell.
@MarkHenderson 1BR is about $900, 2BR is $1200 in my building
@voretaq7 where the fack do you live? That's similar to where I live.
Since I'm in the 'burbs of Boston and a college town city.
Lawn Guy-land right?
3BR condo $775, condo fees $150
@MichaelHampton NH living, yo.
My 1BR apartment is $875 + utils in the philly burbs
Any house worth living in is 300k+
@cole I dare say I have a shorter commute to Boston than many people in Massachusetts!
@RyJones Saw it a while ago. Skillset way over my head. =/
@MichaelHampton you probably do! lol
I've debated moving to NH for that reason, tbh.
> Nginx, MySQL, Ubuntu, Redis very well.
@Wesley apply anyway and work on hacking
@cole In moderate traffic it's 60 minutes to Downtown Crossing
MySQL and Ubunto okay, not very well. Nginx and Redis no.
@RyJones I like your style.
@MDMarra ...around here yeah.
ubuntu and mysql are trivial, nginx is a little harder, and redis is about as hard as sendmail
you can get very nice houses in the midwest/southwest for $175-250
@RyJones I assume these place want "WOW. SO DEVOPS." and want you to "hit the ground running" as the cool HR people say
@MichaelHampton Damn that's not bad at all.
but there's no work there
@voretaq7 then you live in the midwest
anyone have a solid alternative for iperf? It seems to be running rubbish on windows, and I really need something to test actual network performance
@voretaq7 Yeah I meant around philly
@MichaelHampton takes me a bit longer - I usually go down Rt 1 to the VFW to get into Boston.
I can get a palatial spread in Idaho for about $250 - that's on a couple hundred acres
Past Gillette Stadium and what not
@voretaq7 And we're about halfway through getting the T to extend a commuter rail line all the way up here
@RyJones Idaho is pretty country.
my buddy Joe has an AWESOME place outside Vegas that he got for like $280 (4BR/2.5bath)
@cole oh you must be a huge Patriots fan then
@RyJones I am, because you'd be beaten in my household if you were not :)
going by the stadium twice a day
here you couldn't touch a house like that for less than about $400k
@RyJones right now I don't :P
probably closer to 5
I'm working in RI
@pauska Copy a really big file and watch the windows file copy dialog
Ok time to go home, bbiab.
On a fucking monorail!
the little shit box houses down the street from me are $850k
it's insane

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