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all 5,402 files is likely porn?
(plus the ones it already did?)
@tombull89 I'm not going to lie to you - there is, uh, more than I expected within that.
@JourneymanGeek I've had some screws in some tight places too.
Definitely made me choke on my orange ^
Oh.. I'm gonna straw-poll you on this..

So, there's a guy.. I've known him since I was 18 (and he was 17), and we had a bit of a thing whilst I was at university, but we broke up because we had so little in common.. Then when i moved back up to the midlands, we kinda started hanging out again (or hooking up?). We still haven't got that much in common, but at least he's more mature now.
Was chatting to him t'other night, and he mentioned he'd been on a date with another guy, but doesn't see it going anywhere.
Just do it.
I suck at dating. There's like totally unwritten rules that I've never actually learned.
Everyone else figures this out in 8th grade.
@TomO'Connor I think you have to define "In common" - you don't need to share hobbies to enjoy being with someone
Anyway, yes, you should definitely go out withhim
@TomO'Connor Just save yourself for me. :P
@Dan My last proper boyfriend was also a sysad.
@TomO'Connor nope I didn't either
8th grade? that's an american thing...
@TomO'Connor Turn it around - as a straight guy, what's the chances of being able to meet a female sysadmin?
@Dan Well, I've never met one.
But seriously, just go with it @TomO'Connor - maybe just tell him you'd like to keep it fairly casual but monogamous
@cole Isn't that the epitome of greedy?
I met at female SysAdmin once - then I turned into a man.
@TomO'Connor eh then I'm greedy :) If both parties are onboard it doesn't matter.
@TomO'Connor So there you go - stop overthinking it and see where it goes. It may not go anyway, but at least you'll know
@Dan I was thinking about asking r/gaybros but they're all so bitchy!
Oh god - MSN chatlogs. I can't bring myself to delete them, but I don't think I want to know what 20 year old dan was saying
So bitchy
There's a /r/gaybros?
@tombull89 oh yes
Just call him already
wonder what their consensus on Daly is.
Idk who this Daly guy is and why it's such a big deal. I see it all over Tumblr.
Bronze medal winning olympic swimmer
ah ok
well I mean good on him for being open about it. That takes a lot of balls.
I'm not open about my situation to anyone really in IRL. Maybe about 5% of the people I deal with daily know - that's including you guys.
phew just got off the phone with one of our PMs. I had to explain to her how a Service Manager project shouldn't have any tasks with "SCCM" in the name
She's nice, but man. We've been a "Cisco first" shop for so long, it's hard getting them to transition to Microsoft and learn the products enough to make my calendar coherent.
@MDMarra well that sounds painful.
@TomO'Connor Have you called him yet?
@cole The PMs can run through the Bill of Materials list for a UCS install with their eyes closed. But when it comes to MS stuff, they're at end-user level
@MDMarra oh man, that's gotta be a little....difficult.
They're making an effort, at least
Just little things like "Please put a 2-3 day break for the customer to provision resources between me delivering this plan & design doc and the actual implementation start"
@MDMarra your job sounds so interesting/fun.
Right now, they plan for implementation to happen the day after P&D wraps up
@MDMarra MSFT doesn't make it easier themselves, they love long product and feature names with many generic words that overlap
So I deliver a doc to a customer that calls for 10 service accounts in AD, 2 database clusters, and 5 management servers and the customer is supposed to provision it between the end of business on a Wednesday and start of business on a Thursday
@cole I love it
@Dan No..
@MDMarra definitely need to get into something like that myself. Need to get more depth in a few areas first.
@TomO'Connor You suck
@cole He's hawt.
@TomO'Connor he is pretty attractive.
@Dan We usually just chat on fb/skype etc.. later on .
@cole His (rumoured) boyfriend is hawt too.
@MDMarra Not sure if you noticed, but you should really start looking for a hotel if you're serious about tech ed
@TomO'Connor I'll let you off, then. Seriously though, dude - just go for it
hey @TomO'Connor - I found your resume on my desk yesterday :)
@TomO'Connor Dude, "things in common" is overrated. Things like "do you value the same life goals" is WAY more important. As in - do you both prefer professional success or personal accomplishments outside of work? My wife and I have completely different careers and interests, but we both value professional success. When dating people that valued personal accomplishments over professional success, I couldn't relate to them
@MDMarra ........well fuck.
@pauska Yeah. Our PMs schedule it. So they'll shell out $600/night :D
@MDMarra I guess we already know where the afterparty is
I'll make sure I tell the practice director though
Girlfriend and I have a shit ton in common - professional success is one of my top priorities - and it's not even on her radar (her work ethic kinda sucks)
see if you can make it there on saturday so that we can get wasted one night
(conference starts monday)
and after I saw her money situation last night and her attitude towards it...I think I'm fucked.
@cole don't get me wrong, it's not the only thing that matters. It was just an example
I could care less that she listens to Miley and reads youth fiction all day and that I don't give a single shit about either of those things
@MDMarra agree - but if she had an attitude of "I'm not being ridiculous here, I just pay things when I can."
and every time you ask her when bills are due to help her with a budget she says "I don't know."
@cole Yikes.
But the fact that she's smart(er than me) and cares about her career is important to me, much more important than us liking the same sports or music or other things that people usually mean when they say "things in common"
@NathanC yeah, she's two months behind on rent = $1885
She makes $1200 a month.
I went through my budget yesterday...updated my spreadsheet and everything like that. I have less than $600/m to live off of after all bills...excluding putting higher-than-minimum payments on credit cards :(
No way she can catch up.
$600 is plenty
I spent (now) $150/groceries a month and that's me buying "special" things.
I cut my bills from $3600 to $2500/month.
nice dude
@MDMarra yeah I actually have savings now.
It's a nice feeling - I'm just a little put off by my girlfriend.
yeah, i'm trying to pay down the ~$7k in credit card debt slowly...
@NathanC have you looked at ReadyForZero?
@cole Careful, those kind of people can destroy you if you're trying to pull yourself out of debt
I found it really helped me budget the most effective way to pay off bills
@MDMarra that's what I'm nervous about.
Just don't start loaning her $$ of co-signing shit
Oh hellz no
word up
She asked her mom if she can move home (I fucking hate her mom) and she's like "Can you move in with Cole?" UH NO
@cole yeah, i have an account on there
really love the new SE interface tbh
I don't really think that's entirely true - may be a ruse to let her move in.
@LucasKauffman I like it too except for the extra click to get to meta and chat
@cole My girlfriend basically lives with me now...and that's not helping
@NathanC then you need to have that conversation.
It sucks - because I had to do it, and it cost my relationship with my ex. But seriously, she was toxic so it was for the best.
@cole You can't force your girlfriend to change. All you can do is be clear about your own boundaries, which may include not living together as long as the two of you don't have the same ideas of how to handle money matter
She's trying to find a job (she has work study but the pay is shit) but having little luck
@JennyD Yeah I said flat out "I will not even entertain the thought of moving in together until you get a better handle on your money situation."
@NathanC "Listen, beautiful. I love that you spend to much time here. It's awesome that I get to see you every day. There's just one little thing that I'm going to ask of you, and please don't take this the wrong way, BUT PAY SOME RENT YOU FREELOADER"
@MDMarra I guess it's more that.. I've tried dating guys with no ambition in the past, and it pretty much does't work.
@MDMarra where is that option located anyway?
@cole Don't tell her she's wrong (even if she is), tell her that your issue is that you need to feel economically secure or you won't be happy. Then it's up to her to choose how to handle it.
@LucasKauffman Click the "stack exchange" icon. Your current site will be at the top of the list with chat and blog links to the right and meta link below
@TomO'Connor Oh def agree with that. No ambition == deal breaker for me
@MDMarra I keep meta and chat open in separate tabs anyway. So no biggie
@MDMarra Heh. We've talked about it somewhat...hopefully she'll nab a part-time so she can help with rent
@TomO'Connor I mean, I'm married now, so I guess there's no "deal" to "break" but you know what I mean :D
heat especially is a killer
@MDMarra Plus you don't even leave the house or bath so that's gobs of cash right there you're saving. Soap is expensive!
@ScottPack True. And I get to write off a portion of rent and utilities when I do taxes
I'm getting a tax accountant this year for the first time
@MDMarra When Katie moved to 1099 we pulled one in. Quarterly filing is a bitch.
@MDMarra I am too, but then this is the year we arranged a convention for ~110 people, so there's a lot of paperwork for taxes...
@JennyD damn
@JennyD Yeah I pretty much said it's a hot button for me, and we'll work through it and I'm not blaming her.
@MDMarra You know, I hadn't considered that part. I've been working from home since August 1st.
@ScottPack Just got married, her loan interest, my work from home and work expenses (hotspot, etc)
I don't know if it's enough to be worth itemizing
@MDMarra ty
@ScottPack Do you itemize already or take the standard deduction?
I'm having an issue finding someone with any motivation.
My dating pool is very tiny.
Weddings not sure. This year we moved for a job, sold a house, purchased a house, she's doing a full year 1099, and I'll have been working from home for a while.
To help with consolidation I applied for a CC that offers a bonus for paying on time (I'm never late), but...I'm 99.9% sure I got declined. :(
@cole Yeah that's gotta be tough with a limited subset of choices you've got out there :(
@MDMarra We started itemizing many years ago.
@MDMarra yeah - it's kinda tough. I try not to get sad about it.
@cole I think that's the key if you want to stay with her. I mean, she has the perfect right to ruin herself (and believe me, BTDT when I was young!). She has the right to not want to adjust to you. But you have the same rights to not adjust to her.
BoA has kept me at a $700 limit on the first card I've ever had (got it in 2008) and always denied increases, so I shouldn't have bothered >_>
@ScottPack It's not the wedding that I'm worried about writing things off for. It's the fact that I don't know how to naviagate the two-earners tax table with our situation. I make SO MUCH more than her (more than double) that the tax table starts to not make sense
So I doubt we're even filed right
@JennyD and I've definitely adjusted how I say things, do things, etc to be...well...not such a dick. I don't feel like I'm getting the same in return.
@MDMarra Are you married filing jointly? If so then it shouldn't really matter. You add the two together and look at the table, jes?
@cole I kind of want to point you to captainawkward.com
@ScottPack Nope
because there are so many good thoughts and compassion and helpfulness on that site
@JennyD what is it? (Probably blocked at work :P)
@MDMarra I mean, honestly, I've typically been earning nearly double her, but not quite, and we've just always plugged it into the software.
@ScottPack When you do the table and there's a large gap in income between spouses, that table starts to not make sense
Wait. You're doing this by hand using the paper forms?
Yeah bro. W-4 + two-earners worksheet
@ChrisS tried to explain it to me, bless his heart.
@cole It's basically an advice blog, but it's so very much better than any other I've seen.
@JennyD I understand relationships take work and for once, I really am trying so as hard as this is I'm giving it my best shot
I ended up just telling them to withhold a bunch of extra money from me this year to make sure we didn't under-pay and I'm gonna sort it on for 2014
@MDMarra Who what?
Our tax code is so fucking ridiculous that unless you're a CPA, and hate yourself, just use TurboTax or some shit.
Oh - Taxes... Your HR lady is an idiot =]
Nuff said
the two-earners tax sheet shit right after I got married
haha yeah
But I will not allow it to destroy all the work I've done. She's been kinda bitchy the past two weeks now that my "funk" has seem to have moved on (for the first time in 15 years!!)
@ScottPack Yeah, that's why I'm just going to pay my mother-in-law's neighbor to do it all for me
But at your income you're probably better off hiring an accountant anyway. Rates are cheap enough that you'll almost definitely break even, and probably still get more back.
She's done her parents taxes for years, and they've owned s-corps, llcs, etc
@cole maybe she has been trying to be extra nice because you've been having a hard time and now she's letting some of the bottled-up out?
So she should have no prob doing my taxes
I just use turbotax every year...e-filing = no paperwork to lose =P
@JennyD perhaps - I'm just kinda going with it to see what happens.
@NathanC I've always used H&R block online
Also easy
@MDMarra When we were both W2 we always used TurboTax or HR Block's software and let it figure it all out. When she went 1099 we talked to an actual accountant. So every 3 months we get in the mail a packet of envelopes and bills.
But getting married, having loan interest, 401Ks, 403Bs, expensible rent and work expenses, etc
it gets tricky for mere mortals
Apparently I can claim my surgery this year.
Need to look into that.
Cause that was $6500 out of pocket.
Any mods about ? serverfault.com/users/67547/lzap is spamming us by dragging questions and mentioning foreman in all his answers
@MDMarra Within the one calendar year I became a full blown benefits eligible employee, with a big honkin pay raise, and bought a house. Then the next calendar we had a kid. Our taxes went from easy to complicated all at once.
@cole nice dude
@cole I hope you can deduct it!
@Iain I tried to peek at the avatar collection up over the star wall to see if I could spot a mod.. but...
@JennyD right?
bit hard to identify people
Also I can apparently claim my testosterone too. $60/3 months of supply out of pocket.
@pauska Oh, that's easy, the Mod is the only one who's too uppity to put on a hat.
Oh yeah, medical expenses can often be deducted.
@ScottPack coughtomcough
@ScottPack I didn't know that, hope it'll be worth it.
$240/year in just testosterone
@cole I have a ReadyForZero account but for some reason I didn't use it...probably because the account linking is a PITA
@NathanC ahhh. Yeah it kinda is.
Also I like Personal Capital over Mint now.
It refuses to link to my checking account (where all my shit goes into), or my credit union where I have a CC and a loan, or BoA
@ScottPack glad to hear she's ok - but I'll definitely have to look into it.
Home time. Cya.
@JennyD laters! thanks for the advice :)
@cole hope it works out for you both hugs wave
Q: What is the most complete way to clone a production Exchange 2010 CAS server with the same configuration?

Beaming Mel-BinWe have a CAS + Hub server in our organization right now. We want to create a second one with the exact same settings and features. What would be the best approach to do this? We have been looking into SCCM but it would take us some time before we could purchase the license for it and deploy it.

someone wants to clone exchange. uh oh
@NathanC Isn't two better than one?
@ScottPack my wife is going to get that done pre-emptively at some point
Basically every female on her mom's side has had cancer in it and had it removed either entirely or partially
@ChrisS I'm willing to edit out the drunken monkey bit - I'll allow as to how I was maybe too mean to the poor noob. If he still wants it zotted after that I'm OK with that too
@MDMarra That sucks. With a partial the other lobe can still keep producing enough, but a total means a lifetime of replacement pills. Ugh.
Her mom has it partially removed
She's resigned to the fact that that fucker is coming out
@ScottPack my worst nightmare is in full swing right now
Done well, and young, there's not much of a scar either.
My remote control's batteries have died and Rachael Ray is stuck on TV
And I don't have any more AAA batteries
@MDMarra Oh, I thought you were going to say that she's also late.
nah that wouldnt be bad
We're not trying, but we could swing it
@MDMarra maybe you could put some fucking clothes on and walk to the store
I dont want to have kids now but it wouldn't be a nightmare
@pauska :(
@pauska Amazon Prime. He'll have them by Saturday.
I did just renew my prime subscription
Or tomorrow morning if he pays an extra $4
who knows about how you can put "from=" header in ssh pub key?
@DanilaLadner the internet.
it is not in RFC for pub key format
which is 4716
@ScottPack Amazon FREEDOM Delivery. Shot through your window at 1600mph from a Predator-fired Hellfire.
@ChrisS Edit done went and made - I'll let you handle the communication/disposition because of my funky ethical code about handling flags on my own stuff :)
I really like flagging mod generated content as Offensive. It feels good.
@ScottPack I really wish I could flag myself.
@tombull89 nah, I'll admit I was a little mean to the guy (I get pissed off when I see people doing Bad Things like changing configuration and reinstalling software to different versions during troubleshooting)
@Wesley you can in chat.
@Wesley Get married. Then that'll be the only way you'll get flagged.
@ScottPack Wow. Marriage sounds awesome.
Good number of hats this year. gg all
@Wesley Maybe we can find a nice Russian Mailorder Bike for you to marry
I have a hard drisk drive caddy here that does SATA. My laptop has an eSATA port - can anyone confirm if a simple eSATA -> SATA lead will do the trick here?
@Dan Yes it will.
@MikeyB Cheers - excluding powered eSATA, the two are electrically identical yes?
@Dan Yep. Some shoddy motherboards may not like you hotplugging into SATA ports, but everything should let you hotplug into eSATA. Should be the same.
@Wesley 'sup?
@PauskaSock Nice sock on your sock.
@Skyhawk I'm going to need to. No one wants to see a mangy cat on a resume.
@Wesley Nah. He's in London, drinking tea and eating scones.
@pauska Yes. Very.
@Dan Yes.
@tombull89 What the poo poo, @PeterGrace is DIRECTOR OF IT FOR ALL OF SE?!
What did we do?!
(Please don't shoot me @PeterGrace)
He is is he?
@Wesley We probably didn't feed him enough cookies
@pauska Sam and the other coders are boss, yeah. They know their shit.
so it is not really that ssh pub key format, it is just this guy put stanza "from=hostname" for him so it adds to auth_keys.
@MikeyB I really like his attitude aswell
where i always tend to keep ssh pub keys raw, and add auth_keys sshd options in auth_keys file as needed.
@TomO'Connor Getcher hat on! meta.serverfault.com/a/5994/9770
@PeterGrace Fine, here's your mask so you don't have to be seen in public with us. meta.serverfault.com/a/5995/9770
@DanilaLadner eh?
just loud thoughts sorry
@DanilaLadner Ah. Talking out loud.
Do-be-doo... I think I'll browse reddit. Oohhh boobies!
some guy has id_dsa.pub which begins with from="hostname.example.com"
@DanilaLadner Yeah there's a bunch of cool things you can do to specify how the key should be used. One of the coolest is cert-authority
and I thought it was somehow some approved header for pub key, but he did it so it is easy for him to add it to auth_keys on servers
@84104 I put a hat on a bike! meta.serverfault.com/a/5996/9770
@DanilaLadner Or force commands:
A: Can't get rsync to work in daemon-over-ssh mode

MikeyBrsync in daemon mode isn't what I would suggest if you want to lock it down tight as possible. You want to restrict the command that an SSH key is allowed to run and invoke the copy command using that key. To find out what command to restrict the key to, run the appropriate rsync command line wi...

@MikeyB Boobies as in /r/sysadmin or boobies as in ladyparts?
Because one is way better than the other.
@DanilaLadner from="host" modifies the key so that it is only valid coming from certain hosts.
@Wesley Yes.
@MikeyB Oh, I was going to ask you last night but forgot, how's your girl in the hospital?
@MikeyB yeah, i know that. but i never put it in my pub key directly
it is from sshd.
New-VirtualPortGroup : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or
the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
PowerCLI - the retarded brother of PowerShell
I only put it manually to authorized_keys before pasting actual pub key text body.
@Wesley I'd tip my hat to you, but that would defeat the point.
@Wesley Oh, she's fine, thanks. Nothing too serious (compared to some of the things that COULD go wrong) but she had a really bad bout of asthma when she had a cold the other week. i.e. she could barely catch her breath.
@MikeyB :(
@cole Compared to the other month when she was sick and vomited in her sleep without waking up, this wasn't so scary.
The two primary emotions in parenthood: Guilt & Terror
@MikeyB oh god :(
@MikeyB shit man.. happy to hear that she's better
@MikeyB Oh my.
@MikeyB OH MY. What was the cause of that? Just regular sickness?
I've puked in my sleep once.
But I woke up.
@Wesley me too
@Wesley Yeah it was a stomach bug or something, but she sleeps like I do. Like a rock.
In case anyone is wondering, projectile vomiting a gallon of spaghetti in your sleep doesn't really have any upsides.
@Skyhawk Y U NO HAT?!
@Wesley What's with all this early holiday nonsense? Can't we at least wait until Halloween is over?
@Basil Seriously dude, you're not giving me much to work with here.
@Skyhawk Gimme all your candy!
@Wesley huh?
Well fuck me. Now Googling: "How to get vomit out of the exposed grain of chipboard"
@Basil Your avatar. How can I put a hat on that?! =P
November 11th #neverforget
@Wesley Challenge Accepted.
@MikeyB Better phraseology: "chipboard vomit stain remove"
@Wesley haha
I dont change my avatar
bah humbug (and you can quote me)
@Bob Nice hat job on the fox!
@Wesley You aim for the snowflake in the center. That's what I did back when I was using a gravitar.
That'll work too.
Jun 11 '12 at 14:39, by Basil
I was born a brown snowflake and I'll die a brown snowflake.
@MikeyB Oh that's not bad.
Oh, oh wow. Just went to the meta site and saw a Christmas sock.
@MikeyB If he changes it to that, he'll look like I blocked him.
Also, did anyone hear about the heist of Cobalt-60? washingtonpost.com/world/…
Bandits will likely die.
"curious thieves likely doomed" - another addition to the annual Darwin Award Nominee roster
@Wesley Wow. Had seen of the heist, not the recovery
@Wesley If all you need to steal a truckload of cobalt-60 is a handgun and an ounce of bravado, that's... I mean, this news must be getting a lot of traction on the Al Qaeda forums.
@Skyhawk Yeah, that's pretty scary, but what's scarier is the governmental measures that will be put in place as a result of this.
@Wesley In Mexico?
I'm okay with some stolen cobalt-60 if it means no one watches me poop.
@Skyhawk lemme check... hmm... discourse.alqaeda.org...
@Skyhawk Good point. Although I was thinking more about what the international community will do.
@Wesley Right, well, you're a cat. Some people like attention.
@Wesley Dogs, for instance.
@Skyhawk Dude, have you ever gone into the bathroom five minutes after I was in there? RADIATION. POISONNG.
@Skyhawk Dogs eat cat poop. Seriously WTF.
@Wesley kitty crunchies!
@Wesley I'm pretty sure that we already have sensors set up to ensure that no Cobalt-60 is ever imported from Mexico via land at an official border crossing.
@MikeyB I just gagged.
@Wesley So, we've got that part covered, right?
@Wesley Don't act like dogs are picky, they'll eat pretty much any animal poop.
@jscott Except dog poop.
@jscott Well, most of the time.
@Skyhawk Right, I mean, look, nothing else of an illegal nature comes over the border, so we're good.
@Skyhawk Please tell this to my wife's dog.
@jscott D=
@Wesley At the very least, they ought to get some radiation sensors installed in those Tijuana tunnels.
Or better:
@Wesley See, this is the problem with countries that are insufficiently corrupt. If the immigration service isn't in collusion with the smugglers, how can they coöperate on the really important stuff? In most countries, the customs service would be motivated to go and find every single one of those tunnels... and collect protection money from their operators.
What does cobalt-60 prepared for use in a radio-therapy machine even look like
@Skyhawk Pretty much there can be no middle ground. You should either be North Korea or Denmark. None of this "Oh we like freedom and transparency... and some hookers and coke on the weekends."
@Skyhawk Nice use of umlaut. I'm a fan of bringing it back.
@Wesley So... Toronto?
@MikeyB He seems like an upgrade from many American politicians.
American politicians hide their dirty dealings until they dick-pic themselves on Twitter by accident.
@Wesley Too bad the guy with the tongs is all low-res. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samut_Prakan_radiation_accident
I'm okay with politicians doing hookers and meth as long as they don't lie about it.
@Skyhawk What the frickity frick.
Gonna handle some Cobalt-60. Better get my protective gear on! puts on collared shirt
@Wesley Dude, Thailand is hot. Do you realize how sweaty it would be in a radiation suit?
This might be Co-60
and this
Ah, that's potentially consistent with the description of the container in the Thailand incident.
So I wonder what they were thinking as they were getting deeper and deeper in the protective cases.
Which I'm surprised weren't locked very impressively?
I've read about people picking those up, not knowing what they are and dying of radiation days later
@Skyhawk Wow... that's balls. "It's OK! I have tongs!"
And then they open it up to see some dull metal
@MikeyB I've actually said something similar, although it wasn't Co-60 that was involved. I think it was underwear.
But it might as well have been radiation poisoning.

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