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We were also unwilling to buy until the work had been done.
@ScottPack The plan is to not even hand over the downpayment until after the inspection.
interesting. Here down-payments are handed over to the bank at closing.
The papers we are signing now are to make sure that neither party will pull out of the deal provided inspection goes well. After that there is downpayment. Then on moving day we do the actual transfer of the rest of the purchase price and sign the final papers.
@ScottPack where are you based?
@plasmid87 Ohio, US.
I'm in the UK, buying a house is ridiculously convoluted
I'm in Sweden
Thinking about buying a house scares the shit out of me.
@JennyD Ah, yeah, that agreement is part of our original offer contracts. It contains language saying that the buyer can pull out if the inspections turn out badly or financing falls through. There's also standard language that can be added saying that it's also dependent on selling your current home. There is no option for the seller can pull out.
@cole Me too. I am finding it very hard to focus on work righ tnow.
@JennyD I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it.
@JennyD So when we moved over the summer we freaked out. We signed the listing paperwork on a Wednesday, we had two offers by Friday, and had accepted one by Sunday. We hadn't even started looking for a new house yet.
@ScottPack whoa.
@ScottPack We've got the financing sorted, and we will be able to handle two homes financially if we don't sell the flat in time, but I don't think that will be a problem. We're meeting the realtor for selling the flat tonight.
@ScottPack Now that does sound legitimately scary.
@cole Yeah, it was scary. Friday at 1pm was when we opened it up for showings and had both offers by 5pm.
@JennyD It was awesome that it didn't sit on the market, but it also meant that, as the seller, we were boned if we didn't find something to buy.
Being able to handle both is nice, though. Certainly not ideal but definitely more relaxing.
@JennyD I'm the AIX sysadmin's user! It's rare that AIX has actual users, people who use it and don't know how to manage it, but that's just how we roll
@DennisKaarsemaker I would totally follow you back but most of your tweets are in non-English and that won't work out too well for me. :)
@ScottPack We will want to have at least a couple of weeks with both places to make the moving easier.
Former coworker sold his house and bought a new one, but the owners of the new house still hadn't found a place. Had to move in with his mom (along with his wife and two kids, and put all their stuff in storage for 2 months - not sure if he's moved yet either!)
@JennyD How far between them?
@ScottPack About ten minute's drive.
@cole If they've closed he had better be charging them rent. That's totally a big no-no.
@JennyD That's really nice. Makes moving way easier.
@ScottPack I sure hope so, I don't know the details.
But yeah, I think if anything - I'd buy a condo.
@ScottPack We'll still probably pay someone to do the packing and moving and carrying and putting the furniture back together. But it's nice to not have to stress over it.
I can get a nice sized 2br condo for about ~$120K
Once I'm out of debt, I could pay a condo of that amount off in 3ish years (being moderately aggressive with no debt)
@JennyD For this one we closed on our sale at 11am on one day and closed on the purchase the following day at 9am, about 90 miles away. So we delayed possession 24 hours so we could spend that whole day packing the truck(s).
@ScottPack You USians are really not that much into advance planning, are you?
@JennyD probably because the market has been so slow - I'm assuming @ScottPack didn't think it'd go that fast :P
We're planning for the actual move to be late March/early April...
@JennyD wow that's a good few months to prepare.
@cole Three months is normal, because if you're renting that's the usual notice time.
@JennyD Offer to closing tends to be 30-45 days here.
@JennyD For our timing we pushed that out to 60 days.
@JennyD We were also in a real messy financing situation because my wife had transitioned from a full employee to a contractor. So while our income was higher, and just as stable, the lenders have pretty strict rules with contractor salary.
@JennyD So we had to close on the sale before we were allowed to close on the purchase.
Um ok that was a weird phone call.
@cole Did they ask what you were wearing?
Recruiter just called me, he's like "Hey Cole, I'm going to be there on Wednesday it'll be good to finally meet you!" I'm like "uh yeah, definitely." he's like "OH! We got you a present! and we want to take you out to lunch! We've heard nothing but great things about you from the team!!!" I'm like, in my head, who the fuck have you been talking to!?
Winner - could be just recuiter BS though. I had one call me and tell me they'd had a recommendation - I'm less than convinced
"we wanted to take you out for lunch"
So awkward.
Had to have made that up
although my boss said that he's heard nothing but great things about me too...I'm like "NO ONE TALK TO ME!"
Well I didn't say that to him, I was like "oh thanks, that's nice to hear."
That copy is from a HARD DRIVE
@cole Hey, it's all good if the word on the street is good
@Dan yeah just going with it for now -ya know?
Oh for fuck's sake.
Dual PSU critical server.
as long as you don't rock up and say "all abord the Cole train, baby"
@TomO'Connor ?
Both PSUs plugged into the same power bar.
that's plugged into a power bar
@TomO'Connor Oh :D
Oh hayyy @TomO'Connor
which is plugged into a power bar.
which is plugged into a power bar
At the very least one into the mains and one inot a UPS
which is plugged into a 13A socket.
@Dan I wish management did.
achievement unlocked, I guess.
@TomO'Connor :D Indeed
Racked a server, knocked out a C13, took out a critical server.
@TomO'Connor I don't see the problem.
Only 2 support tickets, which i suppose is awesome.
@Dan time for a new hard drive ;p
@TomO'Connor Ack, that would be annoying. Still, I don't think many people are going to beat the day I pulled the wrong blade from a chassis. A blade with no OS vs an entire ESXi blade
@Dan doh
"whirrrrrruhmmmm" OHSHI-.
The worst bit was that I did it in front of someone else - so there was NO getting away with it. He's a nice guy and we just did that looking at each other for 10 seconds while I stood with this blade half out the chassis.

"Did you...."
"Shall I put it back?"
The "shall I put it back" made me LOL
@Dan In ... theory.. ESXi with FT / HA should automagically reboot the VMs on a remaining blade.
The other bad mistake was pushing an image to the wrong box which was, of course, the box my boss was working on at the time. That was gutting
@TomO'Connor It did and all was well - he actually commented it was a decent enough failover test. Just a very silly moment
The server we knocked out earlier was an ESXi box
except it's running the free version, and without a SAN, so it actually all just went offline.
Powershell script pulling 6 months worth of event logs...this'll take a while.
@NathanC SplunketySplunkety Splunk.
@TomO'Connor Custom print auditing script...it hasn't been working for that long since the database instance decided it didn't want to accept remote connections anymore
it's a script I forgot about lol
Ruh-roh...and another VM just went splat
288,000 entires into the secuirty logs of our primary DC...in the past hour and a bit.
@tombull89 DEFCON 1!
@tombull89 That's just an hour? I get 500K an hour
@MathiasR.Jessen Do you guys have firewalls between your DCs and the internet?...
@MathiasR.Jessen I just thought that was high...
What's the default redeption time for the logs? I wanted to see if someone had logged on Monday morning.
@tombull89 depends ... If you have a handful of sites, <10 DC's and a few thousand users - it's a lot ... if you have a 100 DC's and 50.000 users, it's not that sensational
So that was odd
I got woken up by a consulting company in Texas wanting to know how to name a customer's AD
@MathiasR.Jessen 2 DCS, less than 1000 users.
@tombull89 Then it sounds like you might want to revisit your audit policy
@TomO'Connor Yes
@MDMarra go.to.sleep.customername.name.tld
I said "$175/h is my standard rate"
@MDMarra get.a.bike.wesley.local
Thought that would be the end of it
Their response: "Sure, how do you accept payment"
Random question before I freecycle - would any UK people have a requirement for an outdoor cat house
@MDMarra At that point, I usually wish i'd doubled my rate for being woken up
@MDMarra previous school the setup wizard told them to name it domain.local. So they did.
@tombull89 It's not an entirely terrible idea.
like Default-First-Site-Name.
@MDMarra holy shit lol - did they just find you on the internets?
hell school.local would have been better
but domain.local screams of I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING HERE
@cole ya
on my blog
Then the guy tried to negotiate my rate down for future calls
@tombull89 Naah, It screams: Next! Next! Next
@MDMarra how did that work out?
Next > Next > Next > Configuring! OSHI-.
@MathiasR.Jessen I told him that we'd take it on a case-by-case basis, but that was my base rate
@NathanC daymn
Fastest way to destroy a dozen hard drives - I'm thinking Angle Grinder
@MDMarra wow that's pretty cool
@Dan Destroy to what level of data assurance?
@TomO'Connor Just my own personal shit - no way I can be arsed to 0 them all
@tombull89 That doesn't feel clever, Tom!
@Dan Also, disks are made of aluminium, and will clog the disc of a grinder in seconds.
@Dan You got an open fire in your house?
strip them down, salvage the magnets, and bake the platters.
@Dan I didn't say it was agood idea.
We send them to a grinder
@TomO'Connor Ideally I'd just drill through them with a Bench Drill. Perhaps chop saw
big fucking thing that would kill you in a second
@TomO'Connor No fire - I was tempted to strip them, but I'm not sure how faffy thats going to be
@Dan Hammer and lots of pent-up rage.
@Dan be careful some platters are glass
@Iain Thought that was only laptop HDD's?
@Dan nope
@Iain Ah - I did not know that! In which case, I'll be sensible and strip them down
@MDMarra Nice ... I want to make money off easy questions like that as well :D
@Dan Worth it for the magnets.
@Iain From experience, only the 15kRPM velociraptors
@TomO'Connor The magnets that will inevitably find themselves stuck to the microwave....forever.
@Dan or each other
@tombull89 That too - sometimes with a bit of skin in the middle
@MathiasR.Jessen for real
@Dan I have some huge copper heatsinks from an old IA64 server, and some disk drive magnets which are great for the Lenz's law demonstration.
@TomO'Connor Is that the thing where they slow down?
@TomO'Connor I've had much crappier drives than that with glass platters
@TomO'Connor Also frequently even shitty laptop drives.
@Dan: may need special bits to strip them down
@Dan Yeah. :)
generally good fun tho
@JourneymanGeek I have a tool fetish :)
@Dan It's one of my favourite party tricks.
@TomO'Connor I don't want to heat about your others
@Dan: I tend to end up with wierd jobs
Oh, for Fuck's Sake, Websense Enterprise.
Just because reddit's ServerPorn contains the substring Porn, does not make it so.
@JourneymanGeek That looks.. like I could break it.
Well fuck me - just found some photos that I thought were lost forever. And some are dirty.

Today, people, is a good day!
@TomO'Connor: I have some screws in tight spaces. That looks like the only way to get at it
39 mins ago, by Dan
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