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brb, gotta make a call
@MDMarra It's not paranoia when they really are out to get you.
@MDMarra You are aware that tinfoil hats act as an amplifier for external signals? To block signals you need a Faraday cage. Which is why I line my baseball hats with small gauge chicken wire.
makes sense
And yes, MIT students really did test tinfoil hats to prove it. =P
Did you miss that story about the LG Smart TV phoning home with lists of all your files?
I actually submitted it to HN about 3 days ago
the files, hilariously enough, don't actually go anywhere
So, yeah, I think I'm going to keep isolating the "smart" devices.
they get submitted to a non-existent server
Sure, in this case. What about next time?
@MDMarra The NSA can still read them though.
And probably did.
@MDMarra The response was 404, but that doesn't mean it wasn't submitted. Just that a 404 response was sent back.
I recall seeing some opsec dudes talking about that the other day. I wish I could remember where though. =/
Sure, I can easily capture POST data and return a 404 in any language.
22 mins ago, by 84104
Well that's creepy... http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/11/smart-tv-from-lg-phones-home-with-users-‌​viewing-habits-usb-file-names/
@84104 Did they mention that possibility of a fake 404 in that? It doesn't seem farfetched to bake a simple plausible deniability backdoor into your scheme.
@Wesley They did.
However, if they really wanted to be clever they should have done the same thing over HTTPS. Would have been much harder to figure out what was going on.
I'll also note that the IP address involved in the LG TV thing is (1) in the Netherlands, not the UK; (2) owned by Verizon Business, who as we have seen are somewhat friendly with the various intelligence agencies.
I'd be quite surprised if either GCHQ or NSA did not pick up all that traffic.
Yeah, none of my home electronic devices are on a network... ew, except the Wii. I should knock that off the wifi.
Computers and printers only, and I still want to port mirror the printer and see what its doing.
Set up another SSID, it's on its own subnet, firewall the shit out of it.
Would one of you care to improve the tag wiki for ?
@84104 Comcast is switching to 100% encrypted TV channels to prevent people from stealing cable.... Like they've cared about people stealing cable for the last 50 years. You can only decrypt the channels using their cable box or their cablecard, both of which phone home with your viewing habits. Apparently that data is now worth it.
I'm thinking about ditching cable completely before the new year.
Ahh, yet another reason not to have TV.
@cole I got rid of cable years ago (still have a cable modem, though)
I have Internet from Comcrap because there's no other choice here, but no TV or anything else. This seems to annoy them.
@RyJones Not sure what I need to tell Verizon when I call. "Yo I don't want your TV service anymore"
Girlfriend got official clearance to start her new job at BU :)
That works as well as anything.
@MichaelHampton should save me another ~$50/month
Hm I didn't know AT&T would unlock your phone for free if your account is in good standing, contract is paid off or you pay your early term. fee.
Time Warner charges non-tv customers (Internet only) a $4.99/mo here.
@cole They have a web form even.
My girlfriend pays $75/month to her mom for the their family plan. Told her she should switch to T-Mobile (She lives in Boston, service is great there) for their $30/month plan
@cole Yes. I've even heard they will unlock it if you are still in contract, but tell them you're taking a vacation out of the country.
@MichaelHampton ah that's a good idea.
She's meeting my parents for the first time on Thursday.
is this bad?
Depends. Who's using up your CPU?
Some new process that's running every 15 minutes...
@ewwhite Looks like a cron job firing up every 15 minutes or so. It's probably a new job, since it wasn't doing this before.
but taking 10 minutes per run.
Now would be a good time to take a look and see what it is.
@MichaelHampton Not a produce company... but a logistics firm... still proprietary software.
it seems to be scanning an e-commerce site looking for recent orders.
Was it something they were running before?
@ewwhite sounds like something is missing an index
In that case, it's on them.
the vendor says, "oh, um... nothing new on the system... except for that change you requested a few weeks ago."
@ewwhite bite
/usr/pxp8/pxplus p/wmsproc.aql.poly is running HOT, baby!
I have to bite one person a day so you were it @ewwhite. Be proud.
@Wesley go back to your interview preparation!
Is @Wesley finally getting a real job??
@JoelESalas mehhhby
The new house has enough room for me to finally get an Eames chair!!
@ewwhite put a gyro spit on either side for warmth
@RyJones You mean, easy access to meat.
@ewwhite call it what you will, sir
@ewwhite That looks amazing
@JoelESalas I'm tempted to Just do It™
@ewwhite At least call them to get a hookup
@JoelESalas they're on sale
Hm, buy a chair... or buy a new server and sleep on the datacenter floor... Decisions decisions
That's either a really nice chair or a really shitty server...
@MichaelHampton I can't get a server for $4k that I'd want to use... so chair it is!
@RyanRies PKI fun fact
That validity is a registry key that can be changed
Changing it to 26 weeks and running certutil -crl spits out a CRL with a 26 week validity
@MDMarra Yeah I was just researching that after you brought it up. I've never had to use it, but it's good to know :)
We he must have had a syntax error in CAPolicy.inf which caused the initial value to be ignored
Blehhh my eyes are bleeding
@cole Stigmata of the eye?
Starting at the Data Grid in VCM's master change log and marking stuff as autonoise in SQL for almost 7 hours now.
<KICK> ONEBOX you stupid....
Thank you stupid javascript.
stupid sexy Flanders
@cole sounds awesome
@MichaelHampton my bad.
@MDMarra I mean it's something to do, my eyes are just kinda fuzzy now
@voretaq7 Sorry, I wasn't paying attention in my indoctrination classes.
@MichaelHampton Well then we'll just have to reprogram you. Go sit with the developers.
@voretaq7 That won't have any effect on me, but the developers will certainly suffer. Painfully and slowly.
you'll be infected by developer. It's spread by sound waves.
I'm current on my stupidity immunizations.
@MichaelHampton that's a bold claim
(I also didn't realize she aged even less gracefully than Hillary Clinton. That face will cause nightmares!)
Fuck her, let's have some real news. latimes.com/nation/shareitnow/…
@voretaq7 Yahoo must be paying her some serious $$$$$$$$$
@MichaelHampton We'll it's Vermont so I'm not sure what you expected. Didn't they just get a two room school house up there?
Wasn't math only recently decriminalized in Vermont?
@Wesley Actually math was recently criminalized there, bringing it in line with the rest of the country.
@Wesley They just passed single-payer.
@MDMarra yahoo has money?
So, of course there's going to be a breach
@MichaelHampton As opposed to Arizona where it's criminal to be non-white and liberal.
Single Payer is bad! Look, your data isn't even safe!
@MDMarra You watched the healthcare.gov hearings didn't you?
But I'm white and liberal-ish... so I'm not sure what they'd do to me at a traffic stop.
@ScottPack Nope
@MichaelHampton hush. I haven't watched the kill-the-dog episode yet!
What did I miss?
Maybe they'll let me off if I just mumble mumble Sean Hannity Rush Limbaugh mumble mumble
@Wesley How do you dress/speak?
@Wesley So is that (non-white and liberal) or (non-white or liberal)?
Yeah, if I came up to your window and heard NPR on your radio...
@ScottPack jesus kitten-culling christ are they having "hearings" about that?
Waste my fucking tax dollars some more why don't they.
@MDMarra There was some garbage like that from the peanut gallery (i.e. Congress people).
@Wesley You'll probably be fine you hick.
@voretaq7 Last week
@ScottPack are they done, or is this going to be a thing for the rest of this Congress?
because there aren't like - ya know - ACTUAL LEGISLATIVE ISSUES to address or anything...
@voretaq7 It's hard to say.
@Wesley I worry about getting stopped all the time - especially if they see my previous name
Our elected representatives can't possibly tackle real problems. That would require them to take an actual stance on something and risk pissing someone off.
@ScottPack that's congresspeak for "We're going to verbally jack each other off in 'hearings' for at least another 3-4 weeks to maximize wastage of taxpayer dollars."
It's way better to nitpick issues that are by definition non-political.
@ScottPack I'm ALREADY pissed off!
But you're a gay minority from New York. You don't count!
@voretaq7 Yeah, I'm pretty sure there are still some rights somewhere that are mostly intact.
@84104 the right to bloviate at taxpayer expense seems unhindered
clearly I have to transition to a political career
@voretaq7 Can you move to the Midwest?
@ScottPack FUCK NO. Those freaks don't even have beaches.
@voretaq7 We have a beach.
@ScottPack yeah? Where?
Looks like a beach to me.
for your viewing pleasure.
@voretaq7 Sig Heel?
@voretaq7 When you can't see across it and there used to be major marine freighter traffic aren't you just being a bit pedantic?
Jesus Fuck, I'm in an awesome mood today.
I expect such levels of pedantry from developers or @MichaelHampton but not you.
In Seattle if it doesn't erupt or you can't ski on it it isn't a mountain.
however, they call the most ridiculous little streams "rivers" out here, which is insane
Hey wait a minute!
Green River is properly a creek
Hate when people call a creek a "crick"
@cole that is a proper term, though.
When you're that far up north you take what you can get in terms of rivers I guess...
As they say, a crick is a shallow creek, one you could probably jump across or at worse, walk across without getting your shins wet
hillock, hill, bluff, and escarpment are all distinct features, too, but people usually say "hill"
@ScottPack No. It's a fucking lake.
It's not a beach if there's no surf. :P
You mean unless there exist waves big enough to surf on it is not a beach?
@ScottPack basically, yup.
and yes, by my standards the bay and sound here aren't beaches. Especially the sound which is basically just a bunch of rocks that abut salt water.
^ Not a beach. Punishment for the feet of the evil.
I got in a big heated argument with an ex-girlfriend similar about "trucks"
she refused to admit that anything smaller than a 350 was a truck
so i took the inverse position and told her anything with fewer than 18 wheels was not a truck
mostly to demonstrate how retarded her argument was.
@SpacemanSpiff Not retarded at all. Of course there are trucks smaller than an 18 wheeler, but an F150 is not one of them
Also, an 18 wheeler is pussy small
Much the same way people say stupid shit like "a calorie is a calorie" but then backtrack when I ask them why we can't drink gasoline if content is so irrelevant.
@SpacemanSpiff if you ask drivers of said vehicles, those are called "big trucks", which implies there are other classes of trucks that are smaller.
@RyJones As far as I'm concerned anything that doesn't need to have its GMV rating printed on the side of it, is not a truck
@SpacemanSpiff try people that classify anything with 4wd as a "jeep"
@MarkHenderson that actually captures all commercial vehicles in Washington, down to little bitty pickups used to haul lawnmowers.
I'd never seen such insanity back east as a Tacoma with a data sheet painted on the door
@MichaelHampton don't make me cry... you heard it here first...
Now some people stretch it a bit far. I have one friend that refers to her Chevy Equinox as a "Truck"
I think of all the trucks I've owned my current one, a 2009 Honda Fit, is the best.
@ScottPack Of all the trucks I've owned, the current bike I don't own has been the best.
@MichaelHampton "A backup system that could go live if it did crash was not created" #YOLO
My skateboard had trucks
@SpacemanSpiff nice dolly
Me: Hi customer. Please provide a list of servers that are in scope for this Active Directory migration.
Customer: OK, here you go.
Me: You know that your 20 standalone Oracle machines running RHEL 4 are not candidates for migration with ADMT, correct?
Customer: Why not?
@MDMarra because I hate you
No one there understands that short of samba/pam/winbind there's no AD integration with Linux servers
Happy Holidays:
They're 100% windows and dont have any linux so everyone there's like "It's a server. It's joined to AD" sigh no it's not...
@MDMarra - Nonsense! To the cloud!!
"A day in the life of a stackoverflow moderator..." HN entry
The real fun starts at revision 18.
@RyanRies The title on that is also good.
@MDMarra If you filled in the unix attributes that AD's schema provides you might be able to do a far amount with sssd without dealing with winbind.
Oh, there's no directory service at all in the picture for the oracle boxes
The sysadmins there just assume "It's a server it must be joined to AD"
@MDMarra So local accounts only?
They don't understand the concept that a server wouldn't be joined to AD
And that Linux doesn't behave like Windows
So they're just talking rather than trying and failing to articulate a particular need?
Aw yiss. Scored an interview with CloudFlare.
tracking an interesting issue, storage latency spikes across four fully populated UCS domains
Yes. Go get hired at CloudFlare. Then I can blame you for their inability to deploy IPv6 properly.
against three fairly large EMC frames
@Wesley heh, I know someone there
@Wesley i'm happy for ya
if you managed to get hired in this quarter, it'd be awesome
@Wesley ButtFlare?
@voretaq7 I'll petition to have the name changed if I get hired.
@RyJones Is his name James?
@Wesley no it is not.
@RyJones kk. That's my contact there.
Hi! has anybody experience with chef-server? (hosted on AWS)
I'm sure somebody on Server Fault does.
@hek2mgl if they did, this wouldn't be the place to ask for live support
@ewwhite Because it's the main server!
@ewwhite Dude you need to upgrade that to CloudServer.exe right away!
@ewwhite swapping?
@ewwhite java?
@ewwhite lol pwned
that looks awful
@PatoSáinz So stop looking at @ScottPack's face.
@RyJones Maybe someone had the same problem than me before...
Sad Scott is Sad.
it's a video DVR system...security at one of my produce places.
@hek2mgl this still isn't the place to ask for live support.
@ewwhite The Internet sez that that's the 7-11 Trojan.
@ewwhite Maybe it needs to get the BuddyServer involved.
@MichaelHampton for realz?
That looks totally legit. That box is so not a porn server.
sometimes I wonder how many Data Protection policies have been broken in SF ever
@RyJones Is it it the place to drop a link to question which didn't get much attention today? (In the hope someone helps?) Just know the rules on SO chat, and there it is ok
@hek2mgl You can drop a question here, but we reserve the right to make fun of it :)
@hek2mgl that is probably reasonable, yes
@hek2mgl <3
And if you're very very lucky someone might look at it.
This makes me sad
We might not even delete it outright.
@Michael understood :)
@hek2mgl Bounties are generally a better way to attract attention.
@84104 Will do, but have to wait 2 days!!! (Otherwise had done already) :)
Q: chef-server-webui session not working when access from external IP address

hek2mglI have installed chef-server on an Ubuntu 12.10 system using the official .deb package for that release. After the installation had finished I run chef-server-ctl test Which reported success, 0 failures. The server - an Amazon EC2 instance - has 1 network interface, which has an internal add...

@Wesley Please don't take the job, they support zone apex CNAMEs = they are evil!
@MathiasR.Jessen I know that's in the RFC, but I never did figure out why.
I had to do that at my job.. I think I have to dig more into ruby and then it will not being such a problem anymore..
@MichaelHampton are you for or against these new domains ICANN are pulling out of their magic hats?
Looks legit, @MichaelHampton
@PatoSáinz I'm against TLDs
I'm against ICANN pulling out.
Everything should just point to .local and we'll pass around hosts files over uucp
I'm against those, but I'd like to hear someone who is for them.
@PatoSáinz .luxury seems kind of silly
@ewwhite Ha, they gave their program the same name as a trojan.
3Ware RAID controllers.
anywho, they're saying we need a fourth DVR system... I have 9 cameras streaming to this group of four servers.
@84104 Because CNAME can point to any other RRtype, a CNAME match takes precedence over any other valid response
why, just why would you add hundreds of TLDs?
Apparently Youtube thinks I need to be a more compassionate IT manager since this was on my front page just now: youtube.com/watch?v=CpQt8YYGkVs&list=PL585447DFBEB0706D
@MathiasR.Jessen Any? I though it was only A (and AAAA).
@TheCleaner yea, you probably need, google knows everything about you
You're right, any.
@PatoSáinz I keep multiple personal sites with made up crap for that purpose. Google thinks I am also a cliff diver, Navy Seal, accomplished cellist, and female mud wrestler.
@TheCleaner what for?
why such a hassle?
it was a joke
@84104 The RFC only stipulates that the data field must contain another domain name
@MathiasR.Jessen ...but if you CNAME to an SRV record god will frown at you.
@voretaq7 Won't somebody think of the child zones!!
@Wesley It's all just one big fucked up master/slave relationship in the BDSM Internet Naming Daemon....
@84104 If you don't favor CNAME over any other type (except for DNSSEC types) you break recursion, as specified in RFC 1034 section 4.3.1 - how am I going to get my sweet SOA and NS records from the zone apex if you keep following that CNAME!?
Oh god, I'm starting to sound like the grumpy old UNIX guys at work who quote internet standards and rage at users :-S
<raises hand> I has a kwestion....
does anyone actually use a RR class other than IN in DNS? And if so, can we just kill those people?
I ask because @MathiasR.Jessen's obscure RFC reference is one of the few cases where an obscure class other than IN is referenced.
Yeah, who uses CH?
@Wesley If you ignore all the moaning here, CloudFlare does make some interesting stuff.. If we were all to throw away all products who violate RFC then we can all throw our apple products
@voretaq7 Oh yeah, I totally use HS all the time... It's an awesome distributed LDAP/NIS type thing. Why wouldn't you use it?
(ok, ok, I heard of it once and may have briefly played with some bit of it in 1993)
@freiheit . . . I'm going to stab you with a AAAA record. (It hurts 4x as much as an A record)
I'm aware of the existence of HS and CS as "academically valid DNS classes", but I've never encountered one in the wild. If I did I would take an example from my raccoon encounter for handling such an occurrence (Stare at each other in a moment of mutual "WHAT the FUCK are YOU?!?", then back away in fear)
(I don't know if there are any other academically valid classes. I just know about those two because they're mentioned somewhere in the cricket book)
my company's sysadmin just quit
anyone in seattle wanting to shoot me a resume?
or people who should move to seattle and buy a bike, like @Wesley?
@FalconMomot why did they quit?
@FalconMomot hIRE ME!!!!
I expect it had something to do with a bad review?
@Wesley Would you move for Cloudflare?
so, the employee not the employer... always good to check
@ewwhite No.
@Wesley I'm going to apply everywhere you do :)
anyway, if you want, email a resume down to me at [email protected] and I'll hand it to the right people
@ewwhite They don't need people to move. Their workforce is distributed.
@Wesley Didn't know.
@Wesley and elastically scalable ;)
@FalconMomot And #BUTTSCALE

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