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You can never have enough Tom's :)
morning @cole
Well, we do have TomTom...
@RobM how goes it?
he's enough for anyone. But he probably could run this entire site on his phone.
@cole not bad thanks, and you?
@RobM it's Monday, but a short week so I can't really complain.
got something nice planned for next weekend then?
@RobM sleep :D
Internet Explorer maintenance can go fuck itself
Actually that's not a bad plan as it goes.
Hello to you too :D
Having fun @dan?
@RobM It'll be nice to relax - not that I've been working much though. Probably study for my VCP5 - since I really need to get that done.
still sounds like a plan to me. A bit of relaxing and a bit of studying...
@RobM None whatsoever
A few days relaxing is good. I had a week off earlier this month and feel so much better for it. Didn't realise how mentally and physically tired I was until I wasn't any more
@RobM instead of whining about how much I hate this job - decided to actually do something about it :)
@cole good plan.
@cole You hate every job, @cole - you need to learn to relax and enjoy life for what it is sometime :)
Or see if Stack Overflow will take us all on good wages as DBAs to help with the trouble they're having right now...
Nah I'd prefer being a hardware monkey
Being a DBA sounds even worse than what I'm doing now
@Dan well this job, I'm doing absolutely nothing for 1+ month now.
@cole I appreciate it can be dull, but you've just got be self motivated in those circumstances. Or at the very least treat it as a paid vacation
@Dan I'm treating it as a paid study-cation
uh huh.
To gtfo - since well, they lied about the whole contract to perm thing
@cole Ideal then!
studying is good. There's nothing wrong with being paid to become a better employee
@cole Is that a major problem, so long as they keep you on for a bit?
@Dan for me, yes.
This was my bad - I should have been more cautious when accepting a new position
for any kind of senior role you need to self-start and find something to do, though, I'd say. The job I'm doing now is one I pretty much wrote for myself
@RobM well come to find out - it's not a senior role
@cole I take the view that you simply shouldn't believe anything that isn't given to you on the day you start
ah. now if they flat out lied to you then that's another thing
I found out what the real deal was with it like last week. They had this position open in Jan. because they had a big project in the summer. Which the guy before me lasted from Feb - May because he fucked a ton of shit up. Then didn't hire me till October. So they just hired someone to fill the role since they had the headcount.
So whens the end date?
@Dan May
@cole that sounds like you would be able to start basically any project you like to play with and get paid while doing it
also, hi
@cole Oh c'mon man, that's over 6 months. Relax!
@JennyD here? Completely locked down
@cole That's less fun, then
@Dan I can't sit idle for 6 months - I'll go crazy. It's seriously making me depressed.
Yeah if I could like play with a lab or whatever I would be like "well ok cool."
But I can't even fart without putting in a change request.
@cole Can you take your own kit in?
@Dan no BYOD
Completely locked down.
@RobM yeah that's the thing - I would be fine with it if I could.
crazy. OK I can see why you'd be fed up
@RobM I've asked for work. I've spoken to my recruiter, my manager (twice) and other people on my team.
I know I'm not going to get to do the fun stuff or whatever, and that's ok. I'll do whatever as long as I'm working.
Also, I don't fit in either - no one talks to me and it's really depressing coming in every day.
yeah, I get you. Sitting there not doing anything is much less fun than it sounds
bring in an xbox and small TV? they'd find stuff fo you to do then...
@tombull89 haha
Plus, when I first started here my doctor has put me on a new medication - which made me super depressed. The past week since I've been off of it for 2 weeks now I feel much better.
Yeah, my very first IT job got a bit like this (I kind of made myself a bit redundant and was able to do a whole days work in an hour) and yeah it's pretty dull. When even browsing the Internet doesn't kill time you know you gotta move on
yup yup
@Dan yeah that's exactly it.
I'm pleased to announce I'm finally coming out of a year long "funk" though.
But still, I wouldn't rush into the next job - try and use your time productively
@Dan I'm certainly holding out for something that feels right - not just "oh this will do for now"
Because I could end up in the same situation, again.
I finally feel like I have motivation though, which is good.
I think I've been chasing $$ instead of doing things I really like it.
Now that I've trimmed my budget down/better with my money/paying off debt - I can do something I actually want
Any more updates about the impending crashing and burning of the SE network?
55 mins ago, by TomOnTime
We're projecting availability issues today. See our new blog post: http://stackstatus.net/post/68056965958/projected-outages-today-november-25-2013
@tombull89 Thanks, had just read that. I wondered if they were going to provide live graphs from their monitoring of the CPU tidal wave, or something...
Anyone used the Content Rating bit of IE Maintenance
@Dan We actively avoid it. Years ago they used it (we're a K-12 school district) but users found it annoying/confusing. They already have some strict web filtering via a LightSpeed box, so it would be additional management overhead for us.
@jscott Something peculiar is beign caused by a GPo with it configured- namely they can't do a "Right Click - Save Target As"
If I disable that GPO, it works but the ONLY thing I can see set there is the Content Rating
@MDMarra Yep, me and my boss
@Dan Sorry, wish I could help. You could build a new GPO, and step through adding Content Rating settings one-at-a-time via import.... But that doesn't sound like much fun.
@jscott Oh, the other annoying thing is that from what I see - what IS configured is just the standard defaults. Can't see anything in there that looks like it should cause this.
Fuck it, lunch - let replication sort itself out (Another problem here, huge domain) and go from there
whoever at Stonesoft thought it would be a great idea that you need to drag and drop services from a huge list instead of letting users type "tcp 1433" should be fired.
@Dan IE maintenance is (sadly) deprecated - are you sure that you're only using compatible templates?
I have to log in to a 2008 R2 box and keep our domain templates at 2008 R2 until we find a better solution..
@faker It could be worse. It could be a dropdown where the contents are sorted by the order in which they were added to the list.
@pauska It's all 2008 R2 and IE8/9 here
@ScottPack true, at least I can sort it by port (default is by name...)
@faker We had a product that contained a number of dropdowns, each of which contained hundreds of options. Whenever they added a new set of options they would sort them asciibetically, then tack them to the bottom of the existing list. So you would be scrolling through and every now and then see a run of sorted input.
@faker That right there's something approaching murderous rage.
I think the new IE GPPs are rather horrible
@ScottPack I always wonder, don't they use their own product? Working 20 minutes with such stuff is enough to spot how annoying it is
@faker It's hard to say.
@RobM yeah we couldn't get them to work properly
can't remember the details, but it had something about setting certain domains into the intranet zone list
IIRC it wouldn't merge settings, one GPP would just overwrite the other
Ahh, remember when gpo's were just reg writes
SF seems to be grinding along for me today.
Still snappy on this end. SO seems normal as well.
@pauska that sounds about right. Well you know what I mean. Not good at all.
We've been trying to simplify what was quite an elaborate set of IE settings at one point because the only thing that seems to work now is making one or two minor changes in just one GPO/GPP
@pauska same
@MDMarra we shall meet
we're probably going to arrive on thursday evening, gotta reset that internal clock plus get some time off since we're already flying there
@pauska that sounds ominous
@pauska not sure of our plans yet, just that it's in the budget
sup @Basil
How do you not know that you're installing Ubuntu and not CentOS?
2008 is old and launched well before EL 6 was released. Why aren't you using a more modern host OS? You're also installing Ubuntu, not CentOS according to that screenshot. — MDMarra 1 min ago
So, apparently enabling Content Advisor DOES disable Save Target As...
Talk about niche
Tried growing out my beard for a little over a week now. Oh god I need to shave, I look homeless.
@Dan Good to know, could be quite handy info when troubleshooting.
Friend of mine made me maple bacon cupcakes for my birthday yesterday
Anyone here comfortable with ipspaces on Netapp?
@Basil been awhile for me.
about a year now O_O
@jscott It also appears to be a reg key in HKLM. Even though it's configured using the IE Maintenance tool under User Config
@cole When you were working with them, did you do a lot of ipspace and vfiler work?
Maybe I'll just make this a question
@Basil yeah, I did a lot more with C-Mode than 7-Mode
The cluster for all the home directories and what not was upgraded from GX.
@Basil pretty sure we just setup ipspaces via the GUI
Hours of work and the moment of truth is upon me. Your bets, please - will it work...?
@cole I'd be willing to do whichever is safest, but I am not using cluster mode, and as far as I know, half the complexity of what I'm doing is making sure that the /etc/rc for the filers is accurate.
@Basil I just confirmed with my manager from NTAP - we did indeed use the GUI on both C and 7 -mode
Windows Firewall
Is that per-NIC
or...how does that work with different profiles?
@cole I'm trying to take a system that's on the wrong side of a firewall and move it to the core. In the same outage window, I need to create an IPSpace and vfiler on the side it currently lives in, and set up cifs so that all the applications over there have to do is update the name they use to access their shares
holy crapstick.. hotels in downtown houston are not exactly cheap
or am I looking at prices too soon? no idea how that market regulates in US
Hotels in downtown anywhere aren't cheap.
I've lived in downtown atlanta and midtown new york, and it wasn't even close to these prices..
More than NYC? That's a bit strange.
@Basil Wish I could recall more from when I worked there. Sorry dude :(
@pauska how much is it per night
@MDMarra I'm getting stuff like $599 night
the cheaper rooms must have been booked already.. I dont get this
That sounds completely wrong.
or live 20 miles away from the conference center.. not going to happen
yeah, several hotels are sold out
Yeah, if you're booking for a conference, or it's a US holiday...
booking.com (thanks @dennis) gives me $139 at the Hilton for checking in tonight. So it's almost certainly your dates.
@pauska put it on hospitality expences? :P
@MichaelHampton not tonight..
may 8 - 16
@pauska Yeah, you have to book very early for some conferences if you want a decent rate, or you even want to be staying in the same city...
@MichaelHampton yeah but come on, it's still in early bird registering
fucking MS, why did they shut down MMS
Really, the URL is too long to post.
bit.ly/1dvRVfT is what I'm seeing
> **Houston is a top choice with fellow travelers on your selected dates (39% reserved).**

Tip: Prices might be higher than normal, so try searching with different dates if possible.
And...if you're going to a conference, shouldn't they have some deal for discounted room rates?
Looks like they don't have them this year
You're, um, kind of screwed then?
Best pack a tent.
I'll just have convince my boss to shell out extra $$ for hotels this year.. I didn't travel this year, so I should have some goodwill..
You're staying over a weekend, too, which also jacks up the rates
Yeah.. no choice there really, I have to stay a few days to adjust to the heat and timezone
those conferences requires a happy brain..
Q: When should one add another answer instead of editing one's already posted?

brandizziWhen is it reasonable/recommended to add another answer when I have already added one? My doubt comes from this question that I answered although I find later that the question was not complete. I found a way to solve the problem and was going to post it when I got the "add another answer" questi...

I see no real point with the "Add another answer" button on SF...
@TheCleaner I think I've legitimately done it once. But the ones I've been seeing recently, I'm not so sure about.
A: Can't copy text from a pdf file

Michael HamptonI was able to create a DRM-free version of your PDF file using Ghostscript (which is available for Windows). gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=stripped.pdf VassilakisP2001Dissertation.pdf The resulting file stripped.pdf can be loaded in Adobe Reader, and Reader will happil...

Compare that answer to my second answer on the same question.
@MichaelHampton DaFUQ you doing on superuser.com? SF questions not dumb enough for ya?
@voretaq7 Sometimes, when I'm really bored, or I need an alibi...
So I am writing up a question about Netapp, but I'm worried that I'll get in trouble if it's too much detail to post publicly...
@Basil redact passwords and site names
then if NetApp doesn't like it tell them our official policy on software/equipment that sucks is that they can suck it.
(this isn't our "official" policy, but it damn well should be)
Anyone in here running RHEL6.4 that they could check a file version for me?
Or, I suppose SL or CentOS would be just as good.
Depends on whether you can name the file.
df --version
I'm fair positive coreutils will be installed.
df (GNU coreutils) 8.4
@MichaelHampton I have a C6.4 system the same
The default output fields changed with the upgrade to 6.5
They updated it to coreutils-8.4-31.el6.x86_64 but df is still listed at version 8.4.
That would indeed be 8.4
That's what happens when I hit enter before swallowing my coffee.
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                      48933704   7802500  38622404  17% /
tmpfs                   510128         0    510128   0% /dev/shm
/dev/vda1               487652    128204    329752  28% /boot
@Basil try to include a megashare DL link to the latest Data OnTap in your question. :)
How odd. That's what I get now as well, however until yesterday Use% was the 4th field.
it's the 5th on my C6.4 system
Is 6.5 out now? My CentOS box isn't seeing any updates.
I thought CentOS lagged behind RHEL by a fair bit?
Usually only as long as it takes to rebuild all the packages.
@pauska C6.5 isn't out yet
Sometimes that takes months, sometimes days.
I think they have a target of <2weeks for stuff like this
@Iain That raises other issues to my mind then. I had a script that was looking at the Use% field, by awking the hell out of $4 that was running correctly until last night's update.
There was a regression and they fixed it, perhaps?
@ScottPack that would need to be $5 on my C6.4
@Iain That's why I'm slightly confused. It is field 5 now, so your guys evidence is demonstrating that it shouldn't have worked at all since at least May, possibly earlier.
Hells bells, even coreutils 5.97, from el5, has Use% as the 5th field. wtf is this
df does have command line options to rearrange the fields. Did someone perhaps alias it on you?
Oh wait, it doesn't in 8.4
@TheCleaner @Chopper3 OK, I had to read that one a few times, but I'm convinced those are two entirely separate answers and should stand separately.
@ScottPack I can cause it to happen on a newer version of coreutils, but 8.4 doesn't have this option:
df --output=source,size,used,pcent,avail,target
Filesystem              1K-blocks    Used Use%   Avail Mounted on
/dev/mapper/fedora-root   3554840 1108468  33% 2262464 /
devtmpfs                   502124       0   0%  502124 /dev
tmpfs                      509840       0   0%  509840 /dev/shm
tmpfs                      509840     364   1%  509476 /run
tmpfs                      509840       0   0%  509840 /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                      509840       0   0%  509840 /tmp
/dev/vda1                  487652   62988  14%  399064 /boot
@MichaelHampton Granted, in the script I was just calling df so the aliasing is a possibility, but I can't find any evidence of it being in place.
Try that on your RHEL box. I bet you get an error.
Quite right.
So, I'm going to have to go with regression bug that got fixed.
Oi, I can't wait until I finally get salaried...
Work from home on friday wasn't recorded so I'll be short on the week's check ...it'll be added back next week but it throws a wrench in my budget heh
@NathanC doh
Most Unintentionally Hilarious Poster Of The Week. http://t.co/dJCQQ3ERgv
@voretaq7 - so, now that I have a fully functional espresso machine a few things have happened
1) addiction level is going up, but so is my standards
2) i've ordered rattleware for measuring shots
3) I'm already pricing out a full blown machine
Q: MR_MONITOR Event ID 113

JezBI'm getting 100's of MR_MONITOR events (Event ID 113) in the events log of a Windows 2008 R2 Server. Does anyone know what these events mean? A quick Google suggests they're RAID failure, but I can't find a definitive list... (For information, the server has 1 logical disk, 6 physical disks) T...

@voretaq7 I think I understand, however, my phone gives me the URL and the option to go to the page, rather than just heading there.
Yeah, I don't get it. I scanned the QR code and got a completely normal looking URL.
@MichaelHampton You just go around scanning any ol' QR code! You dirty, dirty man!
@84104 doesn't matter -- you're sucking in untrusted data via the camera :)
Ok. The house is now 62F. Probably time to bump the thermostat so my fingers are at least as nimble as a frozen sausage.
one buffer overflow in your QR processing routine and your phone is pwn3d
Dude, it's a phone not a computer. Shaa.
Also, fixed my firewall woes from last friday. In case anyone is wondering, IPSEC was horribly broken because I can't fucking type.
@voretaq7 It's obvious to the human eye there's not enough info for a butter overflow?
@voretaq7 O RLY?
All the people who sit around me like to whistle
and every fucking one of them is tone deaf
the former musician in me cringes
@84104 parser vulnerability then. (And no, it's not obvious to me how much data is contained in your typical QR code. I assume the ones that fit under my thumb are 1k or less though)
I do get a bit worried when I see a very dense QR code.
@MichaelHampton As do I, but that wasn't nearly dense enough.
@SpacemanSpiff That sounds like a very special kind of hell. Did you kill kittens in a past/current life?
@MichaelHampton I get a bit worried when I see ANY QR code. Seriously, who uses those?!
@voretaq7 They're big in Japan.
@MichaelHampton Everything is big in Japan.
Using the FreeBSD 9.x installer for the second time ever.
I dislike it intensely.
I think I'm going to install 8.x and do deployment upgrades from now on.
@voretaq7 Awkward moment when I confess I'm in the offer stage for this place: http://www.scanlife.com/
@Wesley hah
They do have some interesting problems with their Windows/Linux cloud presences that handle all this.
Nothing a little config and lifecycle management can't solve.
@Wesley awkward moment where I stab you in the throat with a sharpie marker.
nobody is ever going to invest time in making the keyboard and mouse not rape the system, are they?
@voretaq7 You could always strip them out of the kernel.
@84104 it doesn't really matter - my new machines are legacy-free so the driver never activates
I see them on VMWare machines though because apparently the keyboard and mouse are "legacy" devices.
@voretaq7 PS/2 for compatibility. @_@ Like USB/HID hasn't been around long enough.
@Wesley so you're telling me you're getting into an industry sinking so fast even MS is abandoning it? :-)
@voretaq7 As long as the checks clear....
For a year or two....
@voretaq7 And the uber-optimistic line of thinking is that the void that Microsoft leaves behind could be filled by another service!
any of you fockers know how to get firefox NOT to disable java when its out of date?
@Wesley Left. :P
<shakes fist> DAMN YOU .sujournal
note to self: Make deployment scripts aware that soft-updates journaling may be a thing
Nice video on hardening OS X: usenix.org/conference/lisa13/…
@SpacemanSpiff update java
Can't, busts Cisco UCS
i found it
I love almost everything about Cisco UCS except the Java interface... and the price.
@RyanRies! Just the man I was hoping to get more free PKI advice from!
How are you, buddy? :D
But if I'm on a budget, I go with HP c7000s and BL465cs...
@MDMarra Most excellent
An engineer is telling me that the CRL for an offline root that he stood up was only valid for 7 days despite setting CRLValidityPeriod to 26 and CRLValidityPeriodUnits to Weeks in CAPolicy.inf before role installation. Thoughts? Comments?
@RyanRies - this is my first job working with it, I really like it.
We're working on combining it with our automation stuff
we have 63 chassis
powershell is my friend :)
@MDMarra Yeah my first thought is that the PKI MMC lies sometimes. Let me log in to mine and I'll try to give you a better example of what I'm talking about - it might be the same thing that got him
Followup Question: If there was a problem with that, can you just publish the next CRL with a 26 week validity and not have to reissue certs from the root?
You know what I really need? that shit from the Matrix where they can just upload knowledge straight into your brain
Yeah me too
I know PKI /Keanu
leans in "Show me"
bro moment coming?
@SpacemanSpiff A little
@RyanRies AMD ;)
Am I the only one who put the damn Xbox on its own VLAN?
@MichaelHampton Yes, you are.
@MDMarra OK for instance, I have a CRL that lasts 90 days - it is valid until December 12. However, if you look at the snapin AD CS > Enterprise PKI > Root-CA > Issuing CA, and look at for example CDP Location #1, it'll say Next Update = December 02, and Next CRL Publish = December 02, not December 12, so it might confuse you
Oh no this is a case where the subordinate wouldn't start because the CRL for the offline root was invalid
It was definitely issued for only 7 days
And multiple SSIDs for all the wireless crap like my girlfriend's Roku.
Ok that is weird, I have not run in to that problem
Do you need to do anything else besides set those values in CAPolicy.inf?
@MichaelHampton SSID: WeCanHearYouHavingSex
Anything other than run certutil -crl and just copy it to where it needs to go?
@MichaelHampton I have guest wifi and internal wifi at my apartment. Anything else and I'm pretty sure you're a tinfoil hat wearer
Nope that should be it
@ewwhite Or WereFilmingYouHavingSex
Sometimes I don't even use certutil, I just copy the CRL into the proper directory and restart ADCS.
well certutil -crl publishes the CRL
@MichaelHampton - I used to run a Juniper SRX as a home router, not having UPnP is a pain in the ass
so I switched back to a simple motorola home gateway
one device, fewer power cords, etc, sufficient.
Yeah I do it with the GUI... don't make fun of me plz
ok but
as long as thats all you need to do, im cool
I just dont know how a CRL gets issued for only 7 days like that though
Can you change that post-config if he screwed up and didn't actually set it to 26 weeks?
Not without reissuing certs I don't think :(

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