so when an auditor starts poking around, most of what they get to look at is a shiny HIPPA/ISO27001 logo from microsoft, and we dont have to worry about anything
@Wesley I had to google "teardrop quads", but... you've been lifting for quite a while and just now have that? weird... Maybe you should try bicycling...
@freiheit I'm not a low enough BF percentage to see a ton of definition, so I'm only just now getting big enough to see through the fat. I look like this pretty much:
@MattBear Yeah, I have to keep legs and back day far apart for similar reasons. The squats and whatnot hit lower back, and if I follow up with a day of deadlift and good morning raises, I'm screwed.
@Wesley If I turn my legs I can definitely see 3 distinct muscles in the quads. teardrop that's about kneecap size. Pretty much just from bike riding (including sprints and/or climbs now and then).
@freiheit Very nice - yeah, there's a huge difference between gym muscle and heavily used athletic muscle like bicyclers have. Your legs would destroy mine in a cage match.
@MattBear Ohhh, King of Exercises! Deadlifts are awesome alone, but overhead press? That's intense.
@MattBear I told you I basically have to clean and jerk before I can squat because I have no rack.
That is the most unintentionally perverted thing I think I've ever said.
She used to do nude modelling, but she had all her work removed from the internet after she started getting fucked up stalkers. She's also now a school teacher, so not the kind of thing you want your students finding :P
@NathanC You must measure things differently; my ex was a 16-DD, but she was overweight, so a 36-DD would be massively, massively obese by our measurements here. Tabloid news obese :p
For comparison my wife is a Size 12 and she's a skinny bitch
@Magellan Cool story. Couple brothers made it, sold it for like 80 million in the dotcom era, new owners tanked it, brothers bought it back for a few million, then sold it for like 40 million recently. That's the gist of the story, anyway.