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so when an auditor starts poking around, most of what they get to look at is a shiny HIPPA/ISO27001 logo from microsoft, and we dont have to worry about anything
@mfinni LEG DAYYYYYY!!
@Wesley Got any definition in those quads yet?
Christ in a handbasket. I think I prefer Nagios to Zabbix.
@freiheit I've got a teardrop coming in. My hams are bulking good. Legs can't fit in my slacks anymore.
@freiheit Was that a subtle request for a sext?
I hate tools that try to do monitoring and metrics. They inevitably end up too complicated and a royal PITA.
@Magellan So, then, no suggesting trying zenoss as an alternative... ;)
@freiheit I think I'll go back to Nagios. I also don't like monitoring solutions whose configuration can't be stored in Git.
@Wesley Not tonight, I have a database server
@Magellan "mysqldump > monsyscfg.dump ; git commit -a" just not good enough? ;)
@freiheit Not really. =)
@Wesley oh yeah, I gotta update fitacracy
@Wesley I had to google "teardrop quads", but... you've been lifting for quite a while and just now have that? weird... Maybe you should try bicycling...
@Wesley im doing legs today too =/
@freiheit I'm not a low enough BF percentage to see a ton of definition, so I'm only just now getting big enough to see through the fat. I look like this pretty much: i.imgur.com/71ahe.jpg
wed was leg day... but the run on thursday was NOT fun, so im switch legs to today so I have a day to rest :p
@Wesley scary!
@MattBear Yeah, I have to keep legs and back day far apart for similar reasons. The squats and whatnot hit lower back, and if I follow up with a day of deadlift and good morning raises, I'm screwed.
@markhenderson lync is so good. Total replacement for WebEx and Jabber (or whatever IM you use now)
@MDMarra You guys have non-Windows clients for that thing yet?
Plus it integrate with the rest of the MS stack for presence (SharePoint, Exchange, etc) if you deploy it all.
@magellan there's been an OS X client for a while
@MDMarra Interesting. Will have to keep an eye on that.
I doubt that there's a Linux client but you can federate Lync with Jabber or anything XMPP internally
@Wesley If I turn my legs I can definitely see 3 distinct muscles in the quads. teardrop that's about kneecap size. Pretty much just from bike riding (including sprints and/or climbs now and then).
@Wesley im gonna start doing my deadlift to overhead press on back days again
We federate our Lync with our Jabber because our Cisco team drinks the Cisco Jabber kool aid
@ewwhite Will make you happy. New job uses Puppet. Going to have to relearn it all.
that ones brutal
im a fan of the full body exercises
@freiheit Very nice - yeah, there's a huge difference between gym muscle and heavily used athletic muscle like bicyclers have. Your legs would destroy mine in a cage match.
@MattBear Ohhh, King of Exercises! Deadlifts are awesome alone, but overhead press? That's intense.
@MattBear I told you I basically have to clean and jerk before I can squat because I have no rack.
That is the most unintentionally perverted thing I think I've ever said.
@Wesley That's just crying out for an out of context star
@Wesley hahahahah and it was awesome
Where's @voretaq7 when you need him.
@MattBear How much do you weigh?
Oh, I could check fitocracy...
@Wesley im 215 :(
trying to get back down to 190
@MattBear That's not bad at all. Guy at my church is 6'2 and 220. Freakin' ripped. But lean ripped, doesn't look like a refrigerator.
having a kid really puts on the pounds, no joke
@MattBear Really? I would think you'd have no time to eat because of the offspring.
mostly cause wife will be hungry, cook, then is sick from being pregnant and shoves her plate at me cause she cant eat
and my time for working out is kind of nil
god damn, Felicia Day is so hot
@MattBear amen to that. when's your little one due.
@MattBear Yeah, especially working for the slave drivers.
@MattBear I also hate to eat, so if someone put their plate in front of me I'd glare at them and scrape it into a Tupperware container for later. =P
@MattBear So you put a note on your desk that you're going to go down to the gym. Problem solved?
@cole Who's better, Alison Brie or Felicia Day?
@Wesley Felicia
@Wesley I love food :p
@cole =(
@MattBear =(
I love the weird, quirky redheads
@NathanC =(
ex: my girlfriend
I give myself 30 min for cardio, 45 for lifting
I'm uh...160 and 6'0
as my cardio improves, my miles run/calories burned increases
I've actually gained weight which hasn't happened since I was a teenager lol
Who is naturally a blonde, but currently red hair and very quirky: fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/…
I need to design a speed workout around supersets and full body exercises, get the most out of my 45 minutes a day
this "Do a set, rest 90 seconds, do another set, repeat" takes too long
Did anyone else get a Careers 2.0 email from Microsoft about a Cloud Something-or-other position?
I figured out where my best buy card went...it went to citibank
@NathanC lol here's the best one I can find: scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/…
I look 12, all the time Q_Q
@Cole heh, your gf actually reminds me of my roommate's gf...similar face
@NathanC maybe they're related...she doesn't know who her dad is
@cole bewbs
@Wesley Nope
@MarkHenderson you want bewbs?
hmm no cleavage shots on her fb
but they're triple D's
@cole Holy shit
Triple D wat
I had a girlfriend with double-d's once
That was sweet. She was a bitch though.
Before I decommission this old Windows server, I think I'm going to install Adobe Reader and WebShots. Just... just because I want to feel dirty.
@MarkHenderson my ex Abby was an E
@cole Now that's not right :p
Those things were huge
My friend was a Double-H but she lost weight and went down to an F
@Wesley now there's something I haven't heard in many moons
Gf's boobs are actually incredibly perky
like, she could get away with no bra even w/ triple D's
I love boobs.
She used to do nude modelling, but she had all her work removed from the internet after she started getting fucked up stalkers. She's also now a school teacher, so not the kind of thing you want your students finding :P
(otherwise I would totally link you)
heh, my gf is a 36D :p
Boobs are awesome.
@NathanC You must measure things differently; my ex was a 16-DD, but she was overweight, so a 36-DD would be massively, massively obese by our measurements here. Tabloid news obese :p
For comparison my wife is a Size 12 and she's a skinny bitch
@Magellan Cool story. Couple brothers made it, sold it for like 80 million in the dotcom era, new owners tanked it, brothers bought it back for a few million, then sold it for like 40 million recently. That's the gist of the story, anyway.
yeah, i never understood boob sizing. I just know that they're comfy :3
@MarkHenderson 36D isn't super skinny.
but not obese
Jenna's a 36DDD
She's not obese by any means, but she's a curvy lady.
that's how I like my women.
yeah, my gf's curvy but i don't care.
@NathanC I prefer it, tbh
on that note, time to go kill shit in GTA5
I was so tempted to buy it since my roommate has a PS3
but...I don't really have a lot of time :(
@cole Damn straight

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