If I'm going to do colo, I'm doing it within driving distance. So that limits my options to half a dozen DCs. So lease is probably the way to go. Lease or Cloud, which are mostly two ways of selling the same thing.
@MichaelHampton Phoenix NAP is my local colo of choice. Interesting to talk to someone who uses their stuff remotely, though. They do great pricing on small cabinets.
@MichaelHampton They're the original NAP for the phoenix area (hence the name), so they've got bandwidth from literally everyone. I'm pretty sure their blended bandwidth has IPv6. HE is one of the providers, and HE is pretty gung-ho about IPv6.
A sales rep from one of the other DCs in town (IO) was pretty grumpy about PhoenixNAP. They thought it was a "low-rent" sort of place filled with porn sites.
@tylerl so that salesdude being snotty is prepared to give you a written guarantee that none of their customers have hacked servers in their racks that might, you know, cause the FBI to come busting in and take out a whole cage? I'd actually ask them to guarantee that in writing and see how many backpedals per second they can manage
'cuz we all know that shit happens despite your best intentions even if they don't...
oh yeah. Still, I just love messing with with stupid salesdroids.
To be fair, good sales people, who understand their own products and have at least some idea of the needs of the customers, are worth their weight in gold however.
Can you please provide the powershell script to automate restore with access like
--the creator should have full access on his database
--other users also should have read access only
Kind Regards,
G Indla
Aw, it had gone by the time I clicked Submit on No, sorry. If I did, I'd have to kill you.
Just realised I've been spelling someones name wrong for weeks, though in my defence his company have spelt it wrong in the Display Name portion of his e-mail config
@JennyD My old job was much more customer relationship focussed and I always stressed over names - some of my customers would change their e-mail sign off on a daily basis (Cath / Catherine / Cathy for example) and I'd always use whatever they used last!
@Dan Yeah, I'm a great fan of calling people whatever they themselves prefer to be called. And I do get irritated that some people can't even copy my name correctly off of a list.
Last name is Dybedahl. Swedes generally want it to be Dyberdahl instead. My actual name is quite uncommon in Sweden, and the misspelled version doesn't exist here at all.
@Dan It's Norwegian and means "deep valley". My husband's grandfather came from a family that had the farm furthest down in the valley, thence the name. He was in the resistance in WW2 and ended up having to flee across the border because apparently the Germans got really fed up with him.
So he married a Swedish woman and everyone by the name Dybedahl in Sweden is related to my husband's family.
apart from my family, there's only three other people I know have my surname. Darryl Bullock, the first gay guy to have a civil partnership in Bristol, Sandra Bullock, the Actress, and Anna-Mae Bullock, better known as Tina Turner.
My last name is very simply (Herman) but a) Everyone thinks it's German* b) M & N's are confusing over the phone c) Everyone wants to add an extra N to the end
*Apart from the obvious rhyme, I guess it could have been German in history, but my grandfather wouldn't be too happy about it being considered German
It's certainly interesting (That was in response to @JennyD)
@TomO'Connor Ooh, you may be able to help me before I start googling
We have a bog stock stainless steel sink in the kitchen. The the cap where the tap would go if the sink were the other way round has lost its seal. What should I use to seal it up? Will silicone work? I'm not convinced - but I guess it may
@FalconMomot To be fair (Kind of) there are a lot of people who think making a big drama is the only way to motivate people to get things in on time. It's stupid and it needs correcting, but he may not be upsetting people deliberately as such
That was meant to be agreement with you, by the way :D And same - I commented to a girl here that I'd annoyed myself by getting stressed out last week. She said that I always appeared calm and under control, which I did take as a compliment
either a problem has a solution, so you solve it (hard as it may be), or it doesn't and you're going to fail, but either way, there isn't any need to get worked up about it.
It doesn't help that our society pushes manager and people in control of projects to consistently "excel". Simply delivering what has been asked for, at an agreed price somehow isn't good enough
@Dan yup. and because I worked really hard before (and also this work isn't the kind of work that adrenaline even helps in the slightest), I don't actually have much left to complete. This concept seems lost on a lot of people - I don't tend to have a "crunch" because I did the crunch workload earlier, when it was convenient.
@FalconMomot what @Dan said about the people who think we need drama to solve stuff. My boss is like that, he accepts on an intellectual level that when we have a big deadline or problem the fact that me and my PFY just get on with working on it without screaming and shouting but once someone or something puts him under pressure he forgets all that and gets agitated that the rest of us are not running around screaming like he is.
@RobM There's a PM I work with - he's actually very good at it, but after the first week (of 8) I didn't think I'd make it through. It's not so bad now that I know how to deal with him and what he's like - but man, those first few days / weeks
@FalconMomot that's the complaint I get. Because I work hard at not getting stressed out about stuff and try not to panic about anything, the perception from the boss who does like to panic and those who listen to him is that I don't take things seriously.
All you can do is keep plugging away, and point out that you've got the problem sorted quickly or met the deadline easily and you get through to the smart people in the end.
@JennyD exactly. I don't care how the people who work for me organise their day as long as they meet their goals.
@dan yeah, I know what you mean. Sadly people like that might be good in some ways but they can cause a lot of organisational damage by burning out other people.
@JennyD see, yes, since I wrote a gargantuan amount of very solid output, and justified it all on short notice when some of it was questioned, and then invented 2 novel techniques we are going to patent, I started hearing that one less often :)
@FalconMomot that's the thing. You can explain something to people and they understand on an intellectual basis, but when they get stressed themselves their lizard brain takes over and they revert to type.
@DennisKaarsemaker isn't his main problem that the machine he wants to run dnsmasq on is also a dhcp client so when it's IP address changes he has no easy way of detecting this and updating all the rest of the clients - whichever way you look at it, it is a crock though
And if you don't have a cartridge gun yet, get one. It'll be the most useful and versatile thing you ever get.. Especially if you get the larger size one, so it'll take "industrial size" 310 ml carts.
@DennisKaarsemaker It's not a skill I've spent nearly enough time on - I can weld easy stuff like chassis rails, but I've never had the guts to try body work or anything
one other option, would be to drill a hole through the plug, make a washer for it (old bike innertube etc), then put a block of wood with a hole in on the other side, and tighten it up onto the sink
@RobM At the previous job there was one guy that would keep telling me to calm down and not stress - when I was perfectly calm and non-stressed. He did manage to make me non-calm by that, though...
This is mine - can't complain for the price. It was great for some of the bigger VW work I've done (Welding suspension beams and the like), I just need to do some more gentle stuff :D
@DennisKaarsemaker "Now, one of us needs to calm down. Fortunately, I know a good place to hide bodies, so I'm afraid it has to be you. On the bright side this means less cleanup for me, blood is a pain in the ass to get off my shirt"
@JennyD if I didn't know better I'd swear you used to work for my boss. He winds us all up with his panicking, then complains that we're all stressed out, then gets offended when people point out that its down to him.
@JennyD Exactly. I find the expectation that I be stressed, stressed people, and people who smirk while explaining actual problems with no solutions all very stressful things. The things themselves though are just fine.
@RobM Heh. I don't even work at that place any longer, and the boss I did have had some other faults. Like not being good at handling conflicts and wanting everyone to like him all the time.
it's the "I want to stress you out, so I'm going to argue with you until you believe that this is a serious problem and we're all doomed, and then smirk at you" behaviour I don't get.
I might book in a few days vacation myself just to put my feet up. I'm still supposed to be avoiding stress after the summer I had, with a close aunt dying on top of everything else, and my stomach is still messed up from it.
Now its starting to turn colder around here a week or so in bed under the covers until later on in the morning sounds very tempting
thanks @JennyD - mostly I'm worried about my cousins, her children, and their kids. It was a stroke and they all have taken it pretty badly as well you might.
@RobM My grandmother went from a stroke, too. Very sudden. But at least she was very old, and it did help to know that she had no time to suffer. I see how it's a lot harder with a younger person
Yeah :-( . Some ways of going are harder than others but there aren't any easy or good ways to lose people you love. I guess its part of getting older, losing people I mean, but still.
if your people are watching porn at their desk and it's inappropriate, you need to sanction them for it. preventing it doesn't address that you are staffed with the kinds of people who would, if left to their own devices, do that.
@Chopper3 I still haven't got round to watching Senna, either. It's one of those films I want to watch at the "rigth" time, rather than making do in a hotel
I'm counting down the hours until I get to tell @ewwhite to meet me for dinner in a nice Rittenhouse restaurant and then don't show up while telling him "10 more minutes" every time he asks where I am.
Meta uses what you have, since the clitoris grows to 2-3" on testosterone. (Sometimes larger) they will shape the penis with that, and route all the required plumbing so you can stand to pee - and you get silicone implants for testicles. The phallo takes a huge skin graph from your thigh or forearm, and creates a larger (5-7") penis. However, you have to use a pump to get erect and not much feeling.
Obviously, a 2-3" penis isn't ideal - but the way I look at it, I have that already - so I'd rather be able to stand to pee/feel comfortable with my body.
@LucasKauffman that's probably what I'm going to do. I didn't want bottom surgery for awhile - but after almost 3 years on testosterone, and post-op chest....it's starting to be something I need more than want.
you can always get a phallo after a meta, but not vice versa.